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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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never, not once, he and i even had any conversations about this hungarians who live there, of course, we didn’t have any conversations, but i know for sure that, of course, they want to return to their historical homeland, moreover, i now tell you i’ll tell you a very interesting story, i’ll digress, this is a personal story, i mean, somewhere in the early eighties by car. from the then leningrad from st. petersburg, i just went on a trip around the soviet union, through kiev, stopped in kiev, and then went to western ukraine, went to the city called beregovoe, and there are all the names of cities, villages in russian in a language that is incomprehensible to me in hungarian, in russian in hungarian, not in ukrainian, in russian in hungarian, i’m driving through some village near...
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nothing like this was announced earlier than last 2 years, and you said that you felt a physical threat from nato, in particular a nuclear threat, and this prompted you to act, i understand you correctly, i understand that since my long dialogues, dialogues, they probably do not belong to this genre, the interview genre.
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after all, this collapse of the soviet union, the collapse of the soviet union was essentially initiated by the russian leadership, i don’t know what the russian leadership was guided by then, but i suspect that from several components, there were several reasons, to think that everything would be fine, first, well, -firstly, i think that the russian leadership proceeded from the fact that the fundamental principles...
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voluntarily, voluntarily and proactively even went to the collapse of the soviet union. and it proceeds from the fact that this will be understood by the so-called, already in quotes, civilized the west, as an offer for cooperation and alliance. this is what russia expected, and from the united states, the so-called collective west as a whole. there were smart people, too.
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there are 100 million people in russia, 1.5 billion in china. and the chinese economy is developing by leaps and bounds, more than 5 percent per year, there was even more, but this is enough for china, so potential bismar once said,
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the main thing is potential, china's potential is colossal, the first economy in the world today has purchasing power in terms of volume economies have already overtaken the united states for quite some time and the pace is growing.
12:38 pm
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12:39 pm
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12:42 pm
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12:43 pm
they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance together. and everyone danced and sang in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zuevo and another 1,200 renovated and new cultural centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people.
12:44 pm
but now we won’t say who is afraid of whom, let’s not talk in such categories, let’s talk about the fact that after 1991, when russia expected to be taken into the fraternal family of civilized peoples, nothing like that happened, you deceived us, when i say, i don’t mean you personally, i mean in mind, of course, and the united states promised that there would be no expansion of nato to the east. but, but this happened five times, five waves of expansion, well , we endured everything, persuaded everything, said no need, we are our own now, as the bourgeoisie say, we have a market economy, no, no, the authorities of the communist party , let’s come to an agreement, moreover, i also already spoke about this publicly, well, now let’s take the yeltsin era, there came a moment when, as it were, when...
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the knees, well, it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that yeltsin expressed support for what the united states did, in violation of international law, the un charter, and began the bombing of belgrade. the united states has let the genie out of the bottle. moreover, when russia objected and expressed its indignation, what
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was said, the un charter and international law are outdated, now everyone refers to international law. but then they started saying that everything was outdated , everything needed to be changed, something really needed to be changed, because the balance of power had changed, that’s true, but not in that way, but nevertheless, yes, by the way, they immediately started throwing mud at yeltsen, pointing out to the fact that he is an alcoholic, he doesn’t understand anything, he doesn’t understand anything, he understood everything, he understood everything, i assure you, that means, well, okay, i became president in 2000, i think, okay, all this yugoslav issue has passed, but we have to try.. .but
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it didn’t end there, well no, no, okay, okay, let's be, what do you think, why, what are the motives for this? i feel that you feel bitter about this, i understand, but why do you think the west rejected you so much then, where did this hostility come from, why was it not possible to improve relations, what were the motives for this from your point of view, you said that i feel bitterness from the answer, no, this is not bitterness, it is...
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a big country, with its own opinion and so on, and the united states, well, i saw how issues are resolved in nato. i will now give one more example, concerning ukraine. the us leadership has given birth, all nato members obediently vote, even if they don’t like something. now i will tell you in this regard what happened to ukraine in 2008, although this is being discussed, i won’t tell you anything new here. however, it means that later... after that we tried to build relations in different ways, for example, events took place in the middle east, in iraq, which means that we very gently, calmly built relations with the states, and i repeatedly raised the question that the united states should not support
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separatism, not terrorism in the north caucasus, but they continued to do it anyway. and political support, information support, financial support, even military support, came from the united states of their satellites in relation to terrorist groups in the caucasus, i once with my colleague, also the president of the united states, i understood this question, he says, well, he can’t maybe you have proof, i say, yes, i was ready for this conversation, and i gave him this proof, he looked, you know what said? but i apologize, yes, but it happened, i’ll quote, he says: well, i’ll kick their ass, which means we waited, waited for an answer, an answer...
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we worked with the opposition in russia, we think that this is right, and we will it’s ridiculous to continue working with the opposition, but okay, we realized that there will be no conversation.
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created a joint defense system, which, as we believe, created unilaterally, threatens our security, despite the fact that it was officially discussed with the united states that it was being created against missile threats from iran, this was also the justification for the creation of the pro, i suggested that the three of them work, russia, the usa, europe, they said, very interesting, they asked me, are you serious, i say absolutely.
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downhill, exactly like that, exactly like that, in the end we were sent away, i won’t tell you the details, because i think it ’s incorrect, well, after all , it was a confidential conversation, but what it means is that our proposal was rejected is fact, it was then that i said, listen, well, then we will be forced to deal with responses measures, we will create such strike systems that will certainly overcome the pro system, was this: we are not doing it against you, but you are doing what you want, we proceed from the fact that this is not against us, not against the united states. i say, okay, let’s go, and we have created hypersonic systems, with
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intercontinental range. and we continue to develop them. we are now ahead in the creation of hypersonic systems, shock systems, we are ahead of everyone. both the united states and other countries are improving every day. here. but not us. sorry, we did, we proposed to go a different route, but we were pushed aside, now regarding the expansion of nato to the east, but they promised no nato to the east, there won’t be an inch to the east, as we were told, and then what can we say, well, on paper but they didn’t fix it, so we will expand five expansions , including the baltic states, all of eastern europe, and so on.
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what kind of kindergarten is this, what kind of people are they, who are they, you see them or clicked on them, they don’t agree, and then they say: well, ukraine it won’t be in nato, you know? i say: i don’t know, i know that you agreed in 2008, but why won’t you agree in the future? well then, they put pressure on us, i say, why don’t i put pressure on you tomorrow? and you will agree again, well, it’s some kind of nonsense , i just don’t understand who to talk to, we are ready to talk, well, with whom, where are the guarantees?
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and it was very difficult to kill this electorate who had a positive attitude towards russia, so viktor yanukovych came to power, and how? the first time he won after president kuchma, organized a third round, which is not provided for in the constitution of ukraine, this is a coup d'etat, imagine, someone didn’t like it in the usa, well, there was a dispute between them in 1414. no, before, no, no , this happened before, that means after president kuchuma, that means yanukovych, viktor yanukovych won the elections, but his opponents did not recognize this victory, the united states supported the opposition and appointed a third round, what is this, this is a coup d’etat , the usa supported him, came to power as a result of the third.
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imagine that in the usa someone doesn’t like something i liked it, they organized a third round , which is not included in the us book, but nevertheless , they did it there, okay, viktor yushchenko came to power, who was considered a pro-western politician, good, but we established relations with him, he went to moscow on visits , we went to kiev and i went, we met in an informal setting, well, westerners are westerners, let them, let people work. they believe that the situation should develop internally in ukraine itself, which is independent, which means that after he led the country, the situation worsened, to power after all, viktor yanukovych came, maybe he was not the best political president, i don’t know, i don’t want to make judgments, but the question of association with the european union arose, but we have always been very loyal to this,
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