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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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of course, but it’s not even about the volume of trade, although more, it’s about the cooperative ties on which the entire ukrainian economy stood. cooperation ties between enterprises have been very close since the times of the soviet union, where one enterprise produced components for final assembly in russia and ukraine, on the contrary, there were very close ties, and then they carried out a coup d’etat, although we are from behind the united states.
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how do you understand this, who are you anyway? i wanted to ask the then leadership of the united states? with the support of the cia, of course, the organization in which, as i understand, you once wanted to work , maybe, thank god, they didn’t take you, although this is a serious organization, i understand, my former colleagues, in the sense that i worked in the first main thing... the board is the intelligence of the soviet union, they have always been our opponents, well, work is work, but technically they did everything right, achieved what they wanted, changed power, but from a political point of view this is a colossal mistake, and here of course, the political leadership has not worked, they must the political leadership should have seen where this would lead. so, in 2008
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they opened the doors to ukraine in nato, in 2014 they carried out a coup d'etat, while those who did not recognize the coup d'etat, and this is a coup d'etat, began to be persecuted, created a threat to crimea, which we were forced to take under our protection, and started a war in donbass since 1914, using aviation and artillery against civilians, because that’s where it all started, after all. video recording of planes striking donetsk from above, they took one a large-scale military operation , another one, failed, they were still preparing, and everything, still against the backdrop of the development, military development of this territory, and the opening of doors to nato, well, how can we not show concern about what is happening with...
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we put our own as guarantors, despite this , the opposition carried out a coup d'etat, all these countries pretended that they do not remember anything about the fact that they are guarantors of a peaceful settlement, they immediately threw this one into the oven, no one... reminds, i don’t know if they know something in the usa about this agreement between the opposition and the authorities and about the guarantors, the three guarantors, who, instead of returning this entire process to the political field, no, supported the coup, although there would be no point in this, believe me, because president yanukovych completely agreed, was ready for early elections, in which he had no chance of convincing or speaking honestly. chances were everyone knew this, why the coup d'etat, why the victims, why the threats to crimea, why then the operation in donbass began, in general , i don’t understand this, this is where the cia will forgive completed its work during the implementation
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of the coup d'etat, and in my opinion one of the deputy secretaries of state said that they even spent almost 5 billion on this large amount, but it was a colossal political mistake.
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it’s difficult to execute, they are difficult for ukraine, there are a lot of elements, like independence for
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donbass, for these territories were provided for, well, it’s true, but i was sure absolutely, and i’ll tell you now, i sincerely believed that if it was possible to persuade those people who live in donbass, they still had to be persuaded to return, as it were, to the framework of ukrainian statehood, then gradually. they will heal early, gradually, gradually, when this part of the territory returns to economic life, to the general social environment, when pensions will be paid, social benefits, everything will gradually, gradually grow together, no, no one wanted this, everyone only wanted to solve it with the help of military force question, but we couldn't allow, everything came to this situation, when well...
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for the final signing of documents, my colleagues in france and germany said, well,
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how do you imagine how they would sign an agreement with a gun pointed to their head, to their temple, it is necessary withdraw the troops from minsk, okay, we withdrew the troops from minsk as soon as we, oh, excuse me, from kiev, as soon as we withdrew the troops from kiev , our ukrainian negotiators immediately... you threw all our agreements reached in istanbul into the trash heap and got ready for a long-term armed confrontation with the help of the united states and its satellites in europe. here. this is how the situation developed and how does it look now? yes, what is denocification, what does it mean? yes, well , i just want to say this now, this is a very important issue: densification, after gaining independence, ukraine began
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to search, as some analysts in the west say, for its identity. and i couldn’t think of anything better than to put a corner on this identity of such false heroes who collaborated with hitler, i have already said that in the early 19th century, when theorists of independence and sovereignty of ukraine appeared, they proceeded. from the fact that ukraine, independent , should have very kind and good relations with russia, but - due to historical development, due to the fact that when these territories were part of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, poland, ukrainians were quite brutally persecuted, confiscated, they tried to destroy this identity and behaved very
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cruelly, all this remained in the memory of the people.
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the speaker of parliament fought against the russians during the second world war, but who fought against the russians during the second world war, hitler and his henchmen? it turned out that this man served in the ss troops, he personally killed russians, poles, and jews, the ss troops formed from
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ukrainian nationalists, they were doing this dirty work, the president of ukraine stood up with , listen to me, your question is very subtle, and can i tell you what i think.
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we still agreed that - it’s all there in writing, that on ukraine will not cultivate neo-nazism, including it will be prohibited at the legislative level, mr. carson, we agreed on this, it turns out that this can be done during the negotiation process, and there is nothing humiliating for ukraine as a modern civilized state.
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almost completed, but after we withdrew the troops from kiev, as i already said, the other side, it was in ukraine, threw out all these agreements and took into account the instructions of western countries, european, united states, to fight with russia to a victorious end means, moreover, the president of ukraine legally prohibited negotiations with russia, he... wrote a decree prohibiting everyone from negotiating with russia, well, how will we negotiate if he is on his own forbade everyone, we know that
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he is putting forward some ideas, that is, regarding this settlement, but in order to agree on something, you need to have a dialogue, right, yes, but you will not talk with the ukrainian president, you will talk to american president, when... did you last talk to joe biden, well, i don’t remember when i talked to him, i don’t remember, can i look it up, no, but what should i remember, that i have a lot of things to do, we have internal politics, yes, but he is financing the war that you are waging, well, yes, he is financing, but when i talked to him, it was before the start of a special military operation, naturally, i... by the way, i told him then, i i won’t go into detail, i never do this, but i told him then i said, i think that you are making a huge mistake of historical proportions, supporting
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everything that is happening there in ukraine, pushing away russia, i told him about this, i said it more than once, by the way, here i think it will be correct, i will limit myself to this , and what did he say, can you ask him, please, it’s easy for you, you’re a citizen. clearly, yes, you can ask everyone , thank god they are all alive and well, and - that means the former presidents are alive and well,
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in my opinion, mr. gates, and... from the outside , it may seem to an outside observer that all this could degenerate into a situation where the whole world will be on the brink of war, maybe there will even be nuclear strikes, why don’t you call biden and say: let’s decide somehow, let’s decide this question? why decide? everything is very, everything is very simple: we, i repeat, have contacts through various
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departments there, and uh. i will tell you what we are saying about this, and what we are conveying to the us leadership, if you really want to stop hostilities, you need to stop arms supplies, everything will end within a few weeks, that’s all, and then we can agree on some conditions before stopping this, which is easier, why should i call him, what to talk about, or what to ask for ? do you think nato is concerned that this could escalate into a global war or even a nuclear conflict? in any case , they talk about it, they try to intimidate their population, the imaginary russian group.
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throughout the continent, you unequivocally say that such claims you don’t have territorial ones, absolutely, that ’s absolutely out of the question, you just don’t have to be any kind of analyst, it’s contrary to common sense to get drawn into some kind of global war, and a global war will put all of humanity on the brink of destruction, that’s obvious, and that’s of course the means of deterrence . we were always scared of everyone, so , here, tomorrow russia will use tactical nuclear weapons, tomorrow it will use this, no, the day after tomorrow, so what, these are just horror stories for ordinary people in order to get the us taxpayers out of european taxpayers receive additional money in the confrontation with russia in the ukrainian theater of operations. the goal is to weaken russia as much as possible.
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why should american soldiers fight in ukraine, there are mercenaries from the united states there, most of the mercenaries are from poland, in second place are mercenaries from the united states, in third place from georgia, well, if someone has a desire to send regular troops, it will deliver, it will certainly deliver humanity is on the brink of a very serious global conflict, this is obvious.


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