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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

1:30 pm
1:31 pm
does the united states need this? for what? kilometers from national territory, you have nothing to do? you have a lot of problems on the border, problems with migration, problems with foreign affairs, with a national debt of over a trillion dollars, there is nothing to do, you need to fight in ukraine. isn't it better to come to an agreement with russia? already understanding.
1:32 pm
who blew up the nord stream? i didn't blow up the nord stream? you personally may have an alibi, you personally, but the cia does not have such an alibi, do you have evidence that nato or the cia did this? you know i don't i will go into details, but in such cases they always say: look for someone who is interested, but in this case you need to look not only for someone who is interested, but also for someone who can do it, because there may be many interested, but not everyone can carry out this explosion to the bottom of the baltic sea, these two components must be connected, who is interested in who... in the belgorod region
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there is a yellow level of terrorist danger. attention, city of belgorod, missile danger, missile danger. that's how it is now looks like the city center. i raise my head, this is such an explosion, these are the shots, during arrivals we need to look for a more reliable place, we install modular protective shelters in these stopping complexes. we are an outpost of russia, we will live here until the end, we will not leave here anywhere, this is our home. dad and i too.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project
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. free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. russia is the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 100 thousand polling stations. at home or online. every voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected. they help with this. about 1 million election organizers. observers, video surveillance at polling stations, electronic systems for processing ballots. mobile voter mechanism and
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1:37 pm
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1:38 pm
experimented in a real laboratory, then i wanted to make an important discovery, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialty at uka.rf, one of my friends has a difficult one. with the internet, cool video, how high is the speed, and what coverage is wide? where are we going to where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can even pick it up there. mobile number one operator in terms of speed coverage. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur, last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed by for my business, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and have already broken the monthly record. sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket - just grow with us, there’s a sportsmaster in the app, a drawing of cool gifts, the main prize is an apartment, download the app,
1:39 pm
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1:40 pm
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1:41 pm
it dealt a blow to the german economy, why then are the germans silent, this leads i'm
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confused, why didn't the germans say anything on this issue? well, it surprises me too, it surprises me too, but today the german leadership is not, is not guided by national interests, but is guided by the interests of the collective west, otherwise it is difficult to explain the logic of their actions or inaction, because it’s not only... money is received from common european funds, but the main donor to these pan-european funds
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is germany, germany feeds poland to a certain extent, they closed the route to germany, why i don’t understand, ukraine, to which the germans supply weapons and give money, is the second sponsor after the united states in terms of the volume of financial assistance to ukraine. germany, there are two routes through the territory of ukraine. passes, they took one route and simply closed it, ukrainians, open the second route, please, get it, get gas from russia, they don’t open it, why don’t you tell the germans, listen, guys, we ’re giving you money and weapons, valves, open the door, please , let gas pass from russia for us, we buy liquefied gas in europe at three times the price, this drops the level of our competitiveness of the economy as a whole to zero, you want us...
1:44 pm
you can describe alliances, blocs, who is on whose country, what do you think? listen, you said, the world is divided into two hemispheres , the head is divided into two hemispheres, one is responsible for one area of ​​​​activity, the other is more creative there and so on, but it’s still one head, the world needs to be united for security was common, they are designed for for for this. golden billion, then only in this case the world will be stable, sustainable and predictable, yes,
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while the head is divided into two parts, this is a disease, this is a serious illness, a serious illness, the world is going through this a period of serious illness, but it seems to me that thanks to, among other things, honest journalism, they work like doctors, maybe it will be possible to somehow connect all this. do you think whether the dollar will disappear as a reserve currency, how sanctions have changed the place of the dollar in the world. you know, this is the grossest, one of the grossest strategic mistakes of the political leadership of the united states, the use of the dollar as an instrument of foreign policy struggle. the dollar is
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the basis of the power of the united states. i think that's it this. they understand perfectly well that no matter how many dollars you print, they fly all over the world, and inflation in the usa is, well, minimal, what is it , in my opinion, 3%, about 3.4, or something, that’s absolutely acceptable for the usa, but they print -infinitely, of course, well, what does the debt mean, 33 trillion, this is emission.
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a huge mistake, look what is happening in the world, even among the us allies , dollar reserves are decreasing, now everyone is looking at what is happening, they are starting to look for an opportunity to protect themselves, but if the us uses such restrictive measures as limiting payments, freezing holdings and so on , this is a huge alarm for - a signal for the whole world, that’s what’s happening here, we have approximately 80% of settlements in russia’s foreign trade before the twenty-second year were in dollars in euros, while dollars accounted for approximately 50% of our settlements with third countries, which means now
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in my opinion. uh now we have - that means payments in uh yes payments in yuan were by the way 3% approximately now 34% uh we pay in rubles and approximately the same amount of 34% and a little in yuan, why did the united states do this? i can only
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explain it by arrogance, they probably thought that everything would collapse, but nothing would collapse.
1:50 pm
do you think this bothers you, these horror stories are well known to us, this is a horror story , we are neighbors with china, we don’t choose neighbors, as well as close relatives, we have a common border with them of thousands of kilometers, this is the first, second, we are used to to coexistence for centuries, thirdly, china’s foreign policy philosophy is not aggressive, it is...
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china russian federation. ask the europeans, are they not afraid? maybe they are afraid, i don’t know, but they are trying to get into the chinese market. gone, especially when they are now faced with problems in the economy and chinese enterprises are developing the european market, but what if there is little presence of chinese business in the usa? yes, the political decisions are such that they are trying to limit cooperation with china, sir , to your own detriment, you are doing this to your own detriment. by limiting cooperation with china, you are harming yourself. this is a subtle sphere, and there are no simple linear solutions here, just like with the dollar. therefore, before introducing
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any illegitimate sanctions, illegitimate from the point of view of the charter of the united nations, we need to think carefully; in my opinion, those who make the decision have problems with this. you said a minute ago that the world would be a much better place today.
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and it complements each other in the high-tech sector, in the energy sector, and in the field of scientific development, it is very balanced, well, as for brix as a whole, russia became the chairman of brix this year, then there is the brix country is developing at a very fast pace, look, god forbid , so as not to make a mistake, but in 1992, in my opinion, the share of the seven countries in the world economy was, well, 47%, so, this is in
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1992, in 2022 it fell to somewhere around, in my opinion, thirty-something, the share of the brics countries in 1992. only 16%, now it exceeds the level of seven, and this is not connected with several events in ukraine, the trends in the development of the world and the global economy are such, such are what i just said, and this is inevitable, this will happen further, as the sun rises, it is impossible to prevent it, we need to adapt to it, like the united states adapts with the help of force, sanctions, pressure?
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that in relation to russia he also carried out quite a lot and also made a lot of mistakes, i told you about 2008 and the decision in bucharest to
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open the doors to nato for ukraine there and so on. change, persist, then probably something can come from the realization that the world is changing due to objective circumstances, one must be able to adapt to them in time, using those
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advantages that the usa still has today and look, the chinese economy has become the first economy in the world in terms of purchasing power parity in terms of volume, it overtook the usa a long time ago, then the usa, so, and then india, one and a half billion people, then japan, in fifth place russia, russia over the past year has become the first economy in europe, despite all the sanctions and restrictions, this is normal, from your point of view. sanctions, restrictions, impossibility of paying in dollars, disconnection from swift, which means sanctions against our ships, transporting oil, sanctions on aircraft, sanctions on everything, everywhere, the largest number of sanctions in the world that are applied are applied against russia, and we have become the first economy in europe during this time, the tools that the united states uses do not work, but it is necessary so think about what to do?
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then look, that's why - in my opinion, russia's relations after the collapse of the soviet union were so erroneous, rude, completely unfounded, no policy was carried out under pressure, because this is a policy of pressure, nato expansion, so, support separatists in the caucasus, the creation of a missile defense system, these are all elements of pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, then ukraine being drawn into nato, this is all pressure, why i think.
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including because, relatively speaking , excess production capacity was created during the fight against the soviet union, many different centers were created and specialists in the soviet union who could not do anything else, it seemed to them that they convinced the political leadership that they must continue to hammer russia, trying to completely collapse it means creating several quasi- state entities on this territory, subordinating them in a divided form, and using them. their total potential for the fight, for the future fight with china, is a mistake, including, it is connected with the excess potential of those who worked in the confrontation with the soviet union, we need to get rid of this, there must be new fresh forces, people, who look to the future and understand what is happening in the world, here is indonesia, look how it is developing,
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600 million people, that’s where... where can we get away from this?


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