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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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i hope that you will release him , thank you very much, mr. president, i would also like him to leave, i would also like him to go home in the end, i say this sincerely, well , i repeat, the dialogue continues the more we the more we make things like this public, the more difficult it is to solve them.
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financial support, how many 72 billion they gave, in second, in second place germany is other european countries, tens of billions of dollars go to ukraine, a huge flow of weapons comes, well, without, well, of course, therefore, therefore, well, well, tell today’s leadership of ukraine, listen, let’s sit down, come to an agreement, cancel your stupid decree or decree, don’t sit down, negotiate, we didn’t refuse.
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we created a compact large document in istanbul, which was initialed by the head of the ukrainian delegation, his signature is there, well, on an excerpt from this agreement, not on everything, on an excerpt, he put his signature, and then he said, we were ready to sign, the war would have ended long ago a year and a half ago, but mr. johnson came, talked us out of it, and we missed this chance. missed, made
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a mistake, let them return to this, that’s all, but why should we fuss, correct mistakes, i understand, you can say that it’s our mistake that we intensified actions with the help of weapons, we decided to stop this war, as i said, started in 2014 in the donbass, but i will bring you back even deeper, i have already talked about this, we are with you now. discussed this, then let's go back to 1991, when it means we were promised not to expand nato, let's go back to 2008, when the gates to nato opened, let's return to the declaration of independence of ukraine, when it declared itself a neutral state, let's return to the fact that nato bases, american bases, and british ones began to appear on the territory of ukraine, creating these threats to us, let's return to the fact that a coup d'etat was carried out in ukraine in 2014, well, without...
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it makes no sense, really, you can roll this ball back and forth endlessly, but they started negotiations, a mistake, yes, correct it, we are ready. until now they have been making noise and shouting, it is necessary to achieve the strategic defeat of russia, defeat on the battlefield, well, now apparently the consciousness is coming that this is not easy to do, if at all possible, in my opinion, this is impossible by definition, this will never happen, it seems to me that now the awareness of this
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has come to those who control power in the west , but if this is so, if this consciousness has come, well, now think about what...
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it sounds like relations between peoples will be restored anyway, it will take a lot of time, but it will be restored, i’ll give you some unusual examples, here on the battlefield there is
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a clash, a specific example, here now just a second, a concrete example, ukrainian soldiers were caught around. this is a concrete example from the life of combat operations. our soldiers shout to them: there is no chance, give up, get out, you will be alive, give up. and suddenly from there they shout in russian, good russian, the russians do not give up. and everyone died. until then i still feel like they are russian. in this sense, what is happening is, to a certain extent, an element of civil war. everyone thinks that in the west they think that the fighting has forever taken away one part of the russian people from another, no, reunification will happen, it has not gone away, why are the ukrainian authorities
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taking away the russian orthodox church, because it unites not territory, but soul. and no one will be able to share it, shall we finish it or something else? this was a repeat of vladimir putin’s interview with tucker carlson on another topic, how to minimize the consequences of floods and... wildfires were discussed today at a meeting of the security council. vladimir putin held it via videoconference and this is how the head of state formulated the agenda of the meeting. we're in it we are discussing various topics, but unfortunately, no one
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has canceled floods and wildfires, they cannot cancel them, but you and i must think about this in advance and do everything to minimize the consequences. let's talk about this today. and let’s return to the main topic of the day, which is being discussed today without exception all over the world: vladimir putin’s interview with the american journalist taku.
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the president’s conversation with an american journalist was watched online by more than 24 million people, and the number of views on the social network was x by at the moment, it has exceeded 85 million, while in the western press the american journalist is actually being threatened because of the publication of this conversation. report by dmitry melnikov. here is the folder that vladimir putin gave me. it was just another interview. the west has never seen such an interview with the russian president. i was afraid in advance, carloson himself explained why in a separate video, which he recorded immediately after
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the conversation in the kremlin. russia is not a force that strives for expansion, excuse me, the state department is lying. american tv channels this the information bomb was stubbornly ignored; the public in the united states was prepared in advance for the appearance of the interview at the highest level. don't look, you don't need it. i don't think it's the americans. will be convinced by one single interview, i think that anyone who watches this interview, again, i have not seen what is said there, should be convinced of this, remember, you are listening to vladimir putin, and you should not take at face value everything that he he will say that it is impossible not to react and the american media has exploded. putin's appearance emphasized it tactical confidence while his opponents face vulnerable circumstances. ukraine is struggling on the battlefield and further military aid has stalled. the united states, and on both sides of the atlantic , politicians friendly to the kremlin are gaining strength.
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what consequences this interview poses for an independent journalist at home remains to be seen. the persecution of carloson in the american mainstream media has been launched on a large scale. he is not a journalist, he is not someone who should be taken seriously. carlson is not even close to a journalist. trump agent russian spy is the softest. hillary clinton is especially furious with those who want to know. a view of the world different from internal propaganda works for putin, the former secretary of state is sure. it’s sad, and now i don’t even like carlsone, who is being fired from everywhere because he is unable to adhere to the truth in his work. it’s sad that there is a whole fifth column of vladimir putin operating in our country. where did these people come from? i don't know why many republicans fell in line with him, why other americans they believe putin, why did trump believe him more than all our intelligence agencies? when is the date? views of the interview on social networks alone exceeded 25 million, the white house announced
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an urgent statement from the president of the united states, but biden spoke about the investigation into the storage of secret documents in his garage, said that the employees were not to blame for anything, but the main thing was in the report of the special prosecutor published the day before , damning conclusion about biden's physical and mental state, a handsome, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory, so biden described in the document. it is obvious that in america, in the west as a whole, it will be seen by many times more viewers than any
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of biden’s speeches. a two-hour conversation is an impossible task for an american president. but in the white house, of course, they will also watch this interview and, of course, will look for signals. moscow has made its move, and how the united states will respond. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a full year of acquiring without commissions and free opening. opportunities to study well. alexey makrushin in russia, new
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just imagine, everything else from selecting a site to choosing a contractor, trust the section to build a house for a house, click who will take the trophies will rule in both real and digital worlds, games of the future, subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks. in moscow , the causes of a large fire in an apartment building are being investigated. the investigation names a short circuit on the roof as the priority version. anti-icing roof heating and gutters were installed in the attic several years ago. documents from the management company were confiscated and examinations were ordered. a residential building in the airport metro area caught fire at night. the fire quickly spread over an area of
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​​4,000 m2. the fire was extinguished using helicopters. they did 10 water releases. residents were evacuated, there were no injuries. the mayor's office plans to begin renovation work soon. i note that this is the largest fire in a residential building in the modern history of moscow. in the special operation zone, sergei shaigu inspected the control center of one of the unification of the west group. the minister thanked the command for the competent management of the units, which allows us to improve the position of our troops on the front line. shaigu drew special attention to the importance of continuously providing fighters with weapons and equipment. ammunition, as well as everything necessary for the successful completion of assigned tasks. separately, the head of the ministry of defense emphasized that reconnaissance throughout the entire depth of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense needs to be carried out more actively. the minister also held meetings at the headquarters of the joint group of forces, accepted reports from the commanders on the current situation thanked them for their skillful leadership of the troops and the fighters for the successful offensive in most directions for taking advantageous
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positions. russian soldiers released from captivity in the ssu returned to moscow. 100 people who were in mortal danger in the hands of militants were delivered by the ministry of defense. the plane landed at the chkalovsky airfield near moscow. now everyone. awaiting examination by doctors and rehabilitation. the united arab emirates again became intermediaries in the exchange. kievsky 100 captured militants were also handed over to the regime. today, sbu officers again conducted a search in the kiev pechersk lavra. the siloviki came to the archadian pavel. local publications report that he is suspected of being among the organizers of the action against the seizure of the holy monastery by the kiev regime. lavra's lawyer said. the archdeacon more than once called what was happening to the monastery illegal. at the beginning of last year, the canonical ukrainian
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orthodox church was banned from holding services in the main churches of the lavra; since the spring of 2023 , the kiev authorities have been trying to evict the monks of the uoc from the laurel. diplomats have always been one of the pillars of russia. and it is enough to recall their contribution to overcoming the country’s isolation after the revolution. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs, sergei lavrov, said this after laying flowers at the memorial plaques of the ministry’s veterans. the ceremony took place on the eve of the diplomatic worker's day. it is celebrated on february 10th. lavrov emphasized that the west is now trying to isolate moscow, but these attempts are even. this is part of our common history.
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russian and soviet lawyer, prosecutor and judge. he was known for his incorruptibility, he could not be intimidated or pressured. anatoly went down in history primarily as a judicial orator. meetings with
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his participation attracted full audiences. the highest award of the ministry of justice, the anatoly koni medal. he was buried at the volkovskoye cemetery in st. petersburg. a memorial ceremony took place there today. participants laid flowers at the tombstone of the statesman’s grave. he played an invaluable role in the development of the legal system, in the development of judicial ethics, and today, i think, we are recreating a tribute to those the services he has to the development of our state, to the development of russian thought. exports of russian agricultural products have grown 30 times since 2000, as announced by the head of the ministry of agriculture dmitry patrushev at the opening ceremony of the themed day of agriculture at the russian exhibition forum. my colleague alena loganova works at vdnkh, she
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is joining us. alena, greetings, well, we’ve sorted out exports, but what about agricultural production? what kind of growth can we talk about? colleagues, good afternoon, for example, with in 2000, the volume of agricultural production increased by 87%. in particular volumes. we are developing our own competitive seeds and developing breeding, while we are working to improve the quality of rural life in
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non-urban areas. our main four state programs, their funding is growing every year, well, just a few figures for example, the agricultural industry in 2000 received only 18 billion rubles as part of support. in the eighteenth year, the level of this support already amounted to 266 billion rubles. well, dear friends,
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than even...
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the twenty-fourth year is the year of the volunteer movement; according to our statistics , we have invested somewhere around 22 billion dollars in kazakhstan. are showing increasing interest in russian technologies, very...
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a promising direction is the expansion of tourist exchanges between our countries.
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who blew up the nord stream? you interview vladimir putin with tucker carlson, extremely honest departures that have already turned the west’s understanding of the conflict in ukraine upside down. key statements by the russian president to an american journalist and views number in the tens of millions, a two-hour conversation is an impossible task for an american president. while everyone was watching carlson's interview, the head of the white house made an urgent appeal to the nation, while putin was telling the nuances of politics and history, biden was making excuses for his age and... immediately called the leader of egypt the president of mexico. sergei shaigu checked the control center of one of the formations of the western group of troops in the special operation zone. what is known about this inspection and what orders did the minister of defense give? sergey on the eve of the diplomatic worker’s day, lavrov laid flowers at the memorial plaques of the ministry’s veterans and we will also talk about our foreign policy activities, we are waiting for konstantin gavrilov, the head
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of the russian delegation, live.


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