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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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putin, tucker carlson, extremely honest answers that have already changed the west’s understanding of the conflict in ukraine. key statements from the russian president to an american journalist. views number in the tens of millions. a two-hour conversation is an impossible task for an american president. while everyone was watching carlson’s interview, the head of the white house made an urgent address to the nation, while putin was telling the nuances of politics and history, biden was making excuses for his age, memory, right there named the leader of egypt. president of mexico. sergei shaigu checked the control center of one of the formations of the western group of troops in the special operation zone. what is known about this inspection and what orders did the minister of defense give? sergei lavroviya on the day of the diplomatic worker laid flowers at the memorial plaques of the ministry’s veterans and also talked about our foreign policy activities. we are waiting live for konstantin gavrilov, the head of the russian delegation in vienna. the situation in
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ukraine became one of the main topics of vladimir putin’s interview with the american journalist tucker carlson. over the course of just over two hours, the russian president answered approximately 60 questions. speaking about ukraine, vladimir putin elaborated on the reasons for the special military operation. one of them was the failure to implement the minsk agreements. vladimir putin noted that:
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independence for donbass was envisaged for these territories, this is true, but i was absolutely sure, and i will tell you now, i sincerely believed that...
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only with the help of military force can the issue be resolved, but we do not could afford it, it all came to pass before this situation, when in ukraine they announced: no, we will not do anything, they also began preparing for military action, they started the war in 2014, our goal is to stop this war, and we did not start it in 2022, this is an attempt to stop it. another topic of the interview was sabotage on the nord stream gas pipelines. vladimir putin believes that it is obvious to the whole world who exactly is behind it. who blew up the nord stream? i was busy this day. i didn't blow up the nord stream. you personally, perhaps, have an alibi, you personally. but...
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impossible, the american media has failed. all he says is don't react. putin's appearance underscored his tactical confidence as his opponents face a vulnerable circumstance. ukraine is struggling on the battlefield, further military aid is stalled in the us congress, and
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kremlin-friendly politicians are gaining power on both sides of the atlantic. what consequences this interview poses for an independent journalist at home remains to be seen. harassment of carloson. trump believed him more than all of us special services. when the number of views of the interview
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on social networks alone exceeded 25 million, the white house announced an urgent statement from the us president, but biden spoke about an investigation into the storage of secret documents in his garage. stated that he blamed the employees for nothing, but the main thing in the special prosecutor’s report published the day before was a damning conclusion about biden’s physical and mental state, a handsome, well-intentioned elderly man with a poor memory, that’s how biden was described in the document. it even mentions that i'm not i remember when my son died, how the hell did he dare to raise this issue. after leaving in anger, biden returns to finish. hostages in gas, immediately calls the president of egypt and sisi the president of mexico. the memory is really not very good, and biden leaves completely. the russian president’s interview continues to gain millions of views, and it is already obvious
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that in america, and in the west as a whole, it will be seen by many times more viewers than any of biden’s speeches. a two-hour conversation is an impossible task for an american president, but in the white house. this is an interview of course they will also look and of course they will look for signals, moscow has made its move, how will the united states respond. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. vladimir putin discussed the problem of floods and fires with permanent members of the russian security council. the president held a meeting via video link. floods and natural fires. we are discussing various topics in this composition, but unfortunately, no one has canceled floods and natural fires, they cannot cancel them, but you and i must think about this in advance and do everything to minimize the consequences. let's talk about this today, over to kurenkov. the soyuz rocket, launched today from
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the plesetsk cosmodrome, successfully launched a satellite of the russian ministry of defense into the target orbit, as stated in the department, the launch was carried out by the aerospace forces, and at the estimated time the device was accepted for control by ground-based aerospace forces. a stable telemetry connection has been established and maintained with the satellite, and the circulation systems are operating normally . in the special operation zone, sergei shaigu inspected the control center of one of the associations of the west group. the minister thanked the command for the competent management of the units, which allows us to improve the position of our troops on the front line of shaigu, and drew special attention to the importance of continuously providing the soldiers with weapons, equipment and ammunition, as well as everything necessary for the successful completion of their tasks. separately, the head of medical defense focused on reconnaissance throughout the entire depth of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense.
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kyiv regime. lavra's lawyer said that after the search, security officers took away priest for interrogation. the archdeacon more than once called what was happening to the monastery illegal. at the beginning of last year, the canonical ukrainian orthodox church was prohibited from holding services in the main churches of the lavra. and since the spring of 2023, the kiev authorities have been trying to evict the monks of the uoc from the lavra. volume of production. agricultural products in russia doubled, and export revenues increased 30 times. these are the results of the development of our agricultural industry over
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the past two decades. minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev spoke about this at the russian exhibition today. for him the performance was watched by konstantin churikov. konstantin, greetings, what tasks does the ministry now set for itself against the backdrop of such successes? georgy, hello, as the minister said, now we need to increase the production of domestic seeds so that we don’t get stuck in this matter. from imports. russia has achieved impressive results in the development of agriculture over the past two decades. this applies to both the domestic and foreign markets. minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev provided specific figures. he spoke at the forum of national achievements as part of a profile day at the russia exhibition. as the minister noted, positive changes became possible thanks to the president’s attention to the industry. since the beginning of the century ours. the agro-industrial complex, with the enormous support of the president, managed
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to transform, well, at the beginning, essentially from import dependence, then we went through the stage of self-sufficiency, but today we are already a net exporter of agro-industrial products. since the twenty-second year, our country has achieved complete self-sufficiency in meat, although at the beginning of 2000 we were very dependent on its import. in general, over two decades, the volume of agricultural production increased by 87%, that is, almost doubling, and exports increased 30 times. the growth of production allowed us not only to fully meet our own needs, but also the role of russia in international markets has radically changed. to understand, export revenues amounted to $1.4 billion in the twenty- third year. has already exceeded 45 billion dollars, colleagues, a 30-fold jump, that is, we
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have increased export revenue by 30 times over the past 20 years. last year the country established one might say, the second record for grain harvest, it fell slightly short of the most productive year in russian history, 2022, then there were 158 million tons, now 147, but the current figures are also very high, this is enough to feed not only yourself, but... .but also other countries, by the way, this is not only the cis, as it was before, significant volumes are sent to africa, south america and southeast asia. as the minister said, russia has become...
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and develop your selection. there is a very large layer of tasks ahead, we have them first of all are associated with an increase in the import of independence, which for us is inextricably linked with the development, primarily of selection and genetics. this is the direction in which we are now very actively working. together with the ministry of education and science, we are building an order system from farmers to domestic and state seed companies. and a private breeding institution. the development of rural areas is also becoming an important task for the state. without improving the quality of life of our farmers and peasants, it is impossible to attract new personnel to the industry. according to minister, the infrastructure is now being updated, modern housing is being built, which means that the industry has a future, and judging by the figures presented today, this future is great. thanks,
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apparently. well-known common sayings, what you sow, in our agriculture they add exactly how you sow. konstantin chyurikov was with us and spoke about the development of the russian agricultural industry. diplomats have always been one of the pillars of russia; it is enough to recall their contribution to overcoming the country’s isolation after the revolution. head of the ministry of foreign affairs sergei lavrov announced this after laying flowers at the memorial plaques, after all.
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there is a high chance that our relations through the embassies will end, maintaining the embassy is now extremely important, especially during a period of high tension, when the world is on the brink of a global war, the task of diplomats is to maintain peace and the ability to negotiate is the most important thing in their baggage. over the past year, russia and china have faced a whole range of challenges and strong pressure from the west, and at
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the same time were able to defend their independence in decision-making and maintain strong relations with each other. friend. if we take it, let's say. security sphere, we, together with our chinese friends, advocate for respecting the principle of indivisible security, which means that you cannot improve your security by deteriorating the security of the other side, we also actively advocate, together with china, for non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, against the formation of narrow bloc structures, both in the world as a whole and in the asia-pacific. over the past 2 years, russia has seriously expanded ties with the states of east asia, africa, latin america, despite all attempts at external interference, continues to strengthen relations with its neighbors in the cis. moscow and tashkent are preparing to expand cooperation on russian gas supplies. uzbekistan intends to join the eurasian economic union. now there is a restructuring of international relations,
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including international economic relations. and here there are external players who would not like such a step that uzbekistan is taking. this means that there are battles going on on the diplomatic fields and foreign policy workers face new challenges that are needed not just quickly, but... solve successfully. natalya solovyova, mikhail verdiev, yuri ermakov and valeria borovikova, news. the irish women's national basketball team refused to shake hands with representatives of the israeli national team before a qualifying match for the 2025 european championship in riga. however, the game, which was already moved from israel to a neutral site due to events in the gaza strip, ended in victory. let me remind you that previously 12 football associations groups of middle eastern countries appealed to the international football federation with a request
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to remove israel from world football because of the events in the enclave. according to media reports, the letter demanding sanctions against the jewish state was signed by the federations of palestine, saudi arabia, qatar and the united arab emirates. in moscow , they are finding out the reasons for the big one. installed in the attic several years ago in the management company, documents have now been confiscated and examinations have been ordered. a residential building in the airport metro area caught fire at night, the fire quickly spread over an area of ​​4.00 km, the fire was extinguished with the help of helicopters, they dropped more than 50 tons of water, there were no casualties, the residents were evacuated. the moscow city hall is planning.
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the calm, restrained color palette of the scene adds a cinematic feel to the whole event. in addition, there is a huge screen on which video recordings are broadcast. there are two screens at once. all the action takes place between them, here the main character as a little girl is brought to the imperial theater school against the backdrop of zodchiva rossi street, where the russian academy
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ballet is working now, we have a combination of chronicles of a real performance that give such a symbiosis of different impressions about ballet, we have it both in video art and on stage. the ballerina leaves her hometown , which lay at her feet, in order, as it seems to her, to be loved, the classic story of 170 years ago, here takes on a completely different sound, this is the famous role of violeta in the opera la traviata, here her name is margarita gautier, and this is a completely different story , but the music tasks for the singer are still the same, the main ones,
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complex and outstanding tasks, a completely reworked version of verdi's traviata - the director's artistic masterpiece. mikhailovsky's director , vladimir kekhman, 2 years of work to show the tragedy of a person who loses the most precious thing in order to gain freedom, this is the story of the young, and in general ballet, the art of the young, so there is a whole tragedy in this, when they finish dancing, for them - this is actually death, yes, for any ballerina or for any ballet dancer, so they want to stay as much as possible every time.
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the public can watch the new production here compare with the classical traviata from 1995, which remains in the repertoire of the mikhailovsky theater. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, news from st. petersburg. now it's time for economic news. aeroflot group increased by 20% in january. transporting passengers, its services were used by almost 4 million people, of which 75% on domestic routes and 25 on international routes. more than half of the flights were operated by the parent company aeroflot, the rest were shared by pobeda and russia. as transport minister vitaly savelyev previously stated, at the end of the year, russian airlines carried 105 million passengers. tire sales in russia in the twenty-third year increased by 15% to 55 million.
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vedomosti write about this. referring to the honest sign, the total supply volume exceeded 70 million, and more than half of them were russian- made tires. as for prices, over the year they decreased by an average of 5%, to 6,150 rubles. a piece. gp morgan predicts an increase in oil prices to $90 per barrel by may. the reason, according to analysts, is a reduction in global raw material reserves. they are currently being assessed almost 4.5 billion barrels. this is the lowest level. from 2017, while the forecast does not take into account geopolitical risks that could push prices even higher. and exchange prices for cocoa beans in the world again set a record: $5.874 per ton. since the beginning of last year, quotes have almost doubled. according to the international cocoa organization, the reason is a shortage, which has been observed for 2 years. however, traders expect a weak
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harvest due to hot and dry weather. west africa. it was economic news. short. the twenty-fourth year is the year of the volunteer movement. according to our statistics, we have invested about $22 billion in kazakhstan. they are showing more and more interest in russian technologies. very promising. direction of expanding tourist exchanges between our countries.
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what happened here on february 24-25: social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies got involved to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to take the captivity of the enemy people is not physical, but ideological. to bring confusion and confusion into his soul, this is the surest path to victory in the war. the content and the agenda itself are formed by hundreds of people, professional people from the state, who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally took training in ipso courses, there are chats where we get assignments: today we are scaring belarusians that the russians will force them to fight against the dagestanis tomorrow, which means that they will take to the
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streets. remember when they... endlessly explained that ours is not the same country as we we should be infinitely ashamed, because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war.


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