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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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we always do everything together, support each other, believe in the best, care and give warmth. and overcome difficulties together. together - we are force. let's vote for russia. well, we continue our broadcast. vladimir putin discussed the problem of floods and fires with permanent members of the security council. the president held a meeting via video link. no one canceled it, no one can cancel it. we are different in this composition
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we are discussing topics, but unfortunately, no one has canceled floods and natural fires , they cannot cancel them, but you and i must think about this in advance and do everything to minimize the consequences, let’s talk about this today, the word is to alexander vyacheslavovich kurenkov, in zone of a special military operation, sergei shaigu inspected the control center of one of the associations. west. the minister thanked the command for the competent management of the units, which allows us to improve the position of our troops on the front line. shaigu drew special attention to the importance of continuous provision of fighters with weapons, equipment and ammunition, as well as everything necessary for the successful completion of assigned tasks. a separate head of the ministry of defense emphasized that reconnaissance throughout the entire depth of the defense of the armed forces of ukraine needs to be carried out more actively. the minister also held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group. troops
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received reports from commanders on the current situation, thanked them for their skillful leadership of the troops, and thanked the soldiers for the successful offensive in most directions of capture advantageous frontiers. well, on to other topics, today sbu officers again conducted searches in the kiev pechersk lavra. the siloviki came to archdeacon paul. local publications report that he was allegedly among the organizers of the action against the seizure of the holy monastery. regime. lavra's lawyer said that after the search , security officers took the priest away for interrogation. the archdeacon more than once called what was happening to the monastery illegal. at the beginning of last year , the canonical ukrainian orthodox church was banned from holding services in the main churches of the lavra; since the spring of 2023, the kiev authorities have been trying evict monarchs, monks and the uoc from the lavra. and the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, alexander sirsky.
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in his first public address since his appointment, he said he plans to review logistics and personnel training. syrsky added that the ukrainian army needs to improve methods (of combat operations , introduce new technologies, and also promised to take care of soldiers. meanwhile, some western media believe that the change of commander-in-chief from valery zaluzhny to alexander syrsky carries political risks for kiev. in particular, the newspaper politiku published material stating that the new commander is extremely unpopular in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. he is called the butcher for his penchant for abandoning soldiers to certain death. alyon , let me help, thank you, but you have a whole package of cashback here, i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, legal, alyon, free vtb debit card, 10% cashback on everything, help, it’s better
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the diplomatic worker’s day. andrey vladimirovich, good afternoon, thank you for finding time for us, relations between the uk and russia are now very difficult, from your point of view. as a professional diplomat at what point are we where we are now? relations are in a deep crisis, with the exception of all of them virtually terminated by the british side. speaks on the letter from the new british ambassador and expressed the hope that the situation will change for the better, since
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this is in the interests of our countries and peoples. to what extent do these bad relations harm moscow and to what extent do they harm london, in your opinion? well, i think that here they are harming london first of all, since a lot on the part of great britain was tied to russia in the economic field from the point of view investments, culture and so on, well... we also benefit from this very well, since the relations here are really between peoples over these, probably 30 years after the collapse of the soviet union, they are quite intense in humanitarian terms, i would say , cultural and human contacts were everything else, now there is nothing more of this , how will they get out of this situation in the future, is there an understanding or not, i think that there is no understanding in britain,
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even, in my opinion, being the minister of foreign affairs cases 10 times, and it was just the moment
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the special military operation began and she simply walked away from the conversation with you, without, in fact, listening to your arguments, now british officials, political figures, are they still continuing to run away or is it they listen more attentively to what the russian representatives, the vigilantes, are saying . indeed, we are now with officials and politicians, we are discussing some things, there is the middle east. and the ukraine column appears on the front pages of the newspaper, this is obvious, even
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here and there there are some comments and reflections on the topic of a peaceful settlement, which did not exist before, do you pay attention to this, what is this connected with, if so? we really notice these small changes, but they only indicate that some, i would say, not the main commentators, observers began to listen to delve into the real state of affairs, and do not announce deliberate ... propaganda, which was the case in the past , but nevertheless, all this is swept away by an absolutely official, and foreign minister cameron recently said that russia cannot win, since the economy, the total economy of the west is 25 times larger, and here the economy is not entirely clear, but nevertheless he is firmly convinced to follow the course and support ukraine until it finally, apparently, fails economically plan. things in the british economy are also not going well, as far as we know.
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all this is illegal, it was obvious from the very beginning, and the parliament and the government are not even trying to put this on a legal basis, so the prospect of a judicial permission to lift sanctions, i would say it still exists. andrei vladimirovich, this year or maybe early next year, britain should hold general parliamentary elections. according to forecasts , opposition liborists will most likely come to power , but that’s not even the point, remember that there was an episode when you were summoned to the british foreign office and...
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that we do not interfere, as i have told british journalists more than once, in british affairs , firstly, we do not have such opportunities, and secondly, this makes no sense, since the political programs of the main parties, conservatives and librists , they are identical, on whose side to intervene , so here, that’s why i say that there is absolutely no point in this, and as for attempts by britain to influence the internal political processes in russia, is it there or not, yes indeed the uk is doing this. has been systemic for a long time, and it is nurturing our opposition, which is located both on the territory of our country, and here it is great, we know everything about it, there is a separate group of oppositionists, to whom in every possible way - in every possible way, which are supported in every possible way by the authorities, some points of contact
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remain and where they are not in political terms, i don’t find them, in trade terms they are also not there, here from trade. we still have about 4% of our previous trade, these are mainly medicines, medical equipment, some chemistry and so on, in cultural terms, we do not have a joint cultural program, but i think that we will probably have a certain dialogue on more serious such major world problems as soon as a short-haul flight in the east, here we can’t do without it, the climate, the arctic, these are the things where... without, of course, without russia it is now impossible to solve a single problem as serious as at least the three that i mentioned, that’s what as for now, we are ready, for our part, for a new look at these relations, but dialogue can only take place when london is ready for it. thank you very much and happy professional holiday, thank you very much.
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poland has joined the pan-european farmers' protests. farmers are not blocking only highways, but border crossings with ukraine, and they intend to do this until spring. farmers oppose the import of cheap ukrainian products. new strikes have started in belgium. our own correspondent will tell you what workers in the agricultural sector are seeking from european officials. on friday , hundreds of tractors were once again on belgian roads, this time in convoys from all over the country, heading to ghent. the farmers set out
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to talk to the ministers responsible for agriculture in the eu countries, internal market, innovation and economy. they met for an informal summit, where, as belgium chairing the alliance explained, the functioning of the eu market in the next 5 years will be discussed. the domestic market came under increasing pressure. in recent years, in response to this, the eu has taken a number of steps for the sake of sustainability and competitiveness, but today we must find a balance between the measures that have already been taken to regulate the internal market industry with what needs to be done in the future. two main farmers' unions in belgium, who called for the strike, are convinced that the ministerial meeting is the ideal moment to discuss the problems they face, in particular on the agenda are issues of competitiveness and the adaptation of the eu's green goals to geopolitical ones. europe is absolutely obliged to find a bureaucratic way out of the current situation that does not compromise important social and environmental standards. we need to build a compromise proposal for
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the domestic market, which... would involve further fragmentation, which would also would meet our green aspirations and meet the needs of 500 million people. belgian farmers are acting on behalf of the whole of europe this time. more than half of the eu countries have already joined the wave of protests, which, according to the un food and agriculture organization, produce more than half of the meat and grain in europe. the demands of farmers from germany, france, belgium, the netherlands, greece, italy and other countries are stated by similar farmers. that their work in the current conditions has become unbearable due to the eu's environmental agenda, they face bureaucratic and regulatory obstacles. the spaniards, like the french, with whom they block border crossings, demand compliance with the rules of fair competition, control of standards, and quality imports are sought by farmers from romania, bulgaria, the czech republic, hungary, poland, and slovakia. the governments of eastern european countries support the demands. hungary, bulgaria, poland, romania and slovakia again appealed to
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the european commission demanding restoration. russia, power engineers have gathered today, svo participants and their families are close. in the energy of life pavilion they met with the management of rosseti center. details, hello , son, how are you ? , i didn’t want to upset you, i only found out about this on september 29, and on september 15, nikolay
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of distribution networks in the belgorod branch was blown up worked as an electrician for the operation of energo, in april last year he decided to volunteer for the front, his son’s parents supported him, but they were worried, but they did not interfere. during the special operation , 228 people went to the front line from the rosseti center company, 134 of them
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were almost their relatives. from the first days of the special operation, employees of the rosseti center company have been on the front line, some exchanged their usual tools for military weapons and stood up to defend their homeland, others steadfastly fulfill their professional duty. alexander repich, an electrician of the operational mobile brigade, worked in the front-line zone in one of the districts of the bryansk region, and was seriously wounded. it means i had a mine explosion injury, amputation. it means that the goline is somewhere in the chiklodka area, but somehow i can’t see any further, anyway, i want to go back. such actions are a clear example of courage, heroism and dedication, noted igor makovsky, general director of rosseti center, during a meeting with energy workers and their relatives. the company knows and remembers all its heroes, none of them, as well as their relatives without there will be no help and support left. we understand,
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we see. what surrounds these families, we see their needs, we see how the kids grow up, and no one is left without our attention, every power engineer who went to serve, he showed heroism and showed courage in performing his military duty, for the families of the heroes of the power engineers, after tea, they organized a tour of pavilion energy of life, as well as at the exhibition sites of the russia forum. rosseti center does not abandon its people to provide assistance to participants in a special military operation. families and residents injured during the fighting action, a fund was created called the energy of the russian spirit. maria valieva, mikhail artyukhin, mikhail emelin and eva fedotova, lead. an interview with vladimir putin and american journalist tucker carloson has already received over 100 million views on social network x. i like the post; more than 700,000 users have liked the post.


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