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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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already more than 100 million views, hundreds of thousands of reposts, these numbers show. what interest did vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlosson generate? the conversation lasted more than 2 hours, and approximately 60 questions were asked, including clarifying ones. first of all, they talked about the ukrainian conflict and a special military operation. speaking about the reasons for the svo, the president named one of them as the reluctance of kiev and its western partners to implement the minsk agreements. moscow, unlike its opponents, was ready to follow the agreements and repeatedly offered seek solutions to problems peacefully.
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frankly speaking, i didn’t know how we would do it, but i was ready to carry it out, they are difficult for ukraine, there are a lot of elements of independence for donbass, for these territories it was provided, well, it’s true, but i was absolutely sure, and i’ll tell you now, i sincerely believed that if we managed to persuade those people who live in donbass, they had to...
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it’s unknown, so it’s possible to get involved in this work, but this is what they call more expensive, we can, we can just light up our sources of information, but we won’t achieve results, it’s already clear to the whole world what happened, and even american analysts speak directly about it, right? the interview with the russian president became the main topic of both domestic and foreign media, and
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boris ivanin will tell the reaction of the western press. after a resonant interview, even tucker carlson’s opponents had to recognize vladimir putin as the winner, even from the time of his work on... television channel cnn, the propaganda arm of the us democratic party, whose candidate, despite everything efforts, is losing voter support, and the video from the kremlin threatens to completely collapse the ratings of the head of the white house. what did putin want and what did he achieve? first of all, it's open access to the american audience, and that's really important because he feels that the traditional media isn't covering what he 's talking about, and he needs this interview to reach the american public, and that will probably influence the upcoming elections this year in...
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the audience, this is the main value of this interview. full transparency. during the conversation there were two translators, both russian and hired by the american country, so that it would become clear to everyone, because in the usa, a more than two-hour conversation with the russian president had caused a stir in advance. they will
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study this interview very carefully, they will analyze it, it is clear that there is a tendency towards, well, there is such a, you know, professional, of course, reluctance to publish the interview, which. was given to carlson, because there is a split in political views, and a corporate split in the media, very serious, so, of course, such a certain professional jealousy is present, but over time a very deep analysis of this interview will certainly follow, we have no doubt about it. in his homeland , tucker is called almost an agent of the kremlin, criticizing him for asking too soft questions, but they were not agreed upon, noted in moscow. vladimir putin expressed his personal vision of the reasons and prospects. the current situation in the world, for example, that the dollar as an instrument of foreign policy struggle is the biggest mistake of the us administration, billionaire elon musk agreed, we overestimated our capabilities, turning the dollar into a weapon was a stupid move. and the president’s detailed excursion into the past, as if
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the history of russia itself was speaking like a stacker, came as a surprise and revelation to many. i think this is an outstanding interview, no topics were off limits. tucker asked questions directly. vladimir putin's body language lets us know that he was relaxed. most of the time he sat leaning back in his chair. this was a clear message. he very clearly stated the country’s position that russia had several times proposed an agreement with the united states and what exactly the west insisted on nato expansion to the east. carlson himself also felt relaxed and after the conversation showed a hefty folder of documents handed over by vladimir putin, a clear sign of trust. and the audience award is ready to be awarded to tucker by the american one. james woods, who himself was nominated for an oscar for his role as a journalist in one of oliver stone's films. the interview between tucker and putin exceeded all my expectations. carlson was prepared sincerely. putin is brilliantly evasive, especially on issues discussed by the intelligence services. watch for real journalism was very nice.
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millions of people around the world are watching this. views of vladimir putin's interviews on the internet have already surpassed any television ratings in the united states. tucker's former place of work is also inferior. fox news channel and business msnbc, and even more so cnn. the mainstream press in the west is dead. this is the main media effect of the kremlin’s conversations; there are also political consequences ahead - the new york times admits with a creaking heart. overall, putin's appearance underscored his tactical confidence as his rivals are now vulnerable. ukraine is struggling on the battlefield, further military aid is stalled in the us congress, and kremlin-friendly politicians are rising on both sides of the atlantic. conversation with vladimir putin. by an american reporter overshadowed any other news, this was even reflected in memes, one of the most popular about carlson , who flew away but promised to return, at least in the form of his followers, several dozen foreign media have already requested in an interview with the russian leader in recent days. boris ivanin and anna
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nikolaevich, news. now a short advertisement, we will continue further, stay with us. when speeding along the motorway, you will easily fly past this sign. and in the new children's clinic there is something to see besides him. this sign is modestly hidden behind the loud victories at the built stadium. and you certainly won’t have time for him against the backdrop of great talent in the updated cultural center. the sign of russia's national project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. a mortgage from sberbank with one button will make all your dreams come true, even the most. different, or maybe everything everywhere at once , find a property, submit just one
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smartphone, the same smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. narrow hysens washing machine for only 33.999 in emphibio and eldorado. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. preparation for the flood season and natural fires were discussed today at a meeting of the security council, which vladimir putin held via video link. the main task, as the president noted, is to minimize the consequences of possible emergencies. the head of state outlined the topic when opening the meeting. we are discussing various topics in this composition, but... but, unfortunately, no one has canceled floods and wildfires,
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they cannot cancel them, but you and i must think about this in advance and do everything to minimize the consequences. let's talk about this today, over to kurenkov aleksanovich. and about the progress of the special military operation, sergei shaigu inspected the control center of one of the formations of the western group of forces. there, the minister of defense heard reports from the group commander. plans for further actions in the kupinsky direction. sergei shaigu also held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. the main topic was the operational situation in the special military operation zone. in a meeting. chief of the russian general staff valery gerasimov took part. the minister of defense heard reports commanders of the factions, and then thanked them for their skillful leadership of the troops, and the soldiers for the successful conduct of hostilities. sergei shaigu noted that in most directions , russian troops are advancing and occupying new positions. the minister instructed to pay special attention to providing fighters with weapons,
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equipment and ammunition. a monument was opened in the kaluga region. wings in honor of the aviators of the russian guard. it consists of three six-meter wing steles, which are connected by a propeller. the opening of the monument to coincide with the eighty-fifth anniversary of the birth of the founder and first chief of aviation of internal affairs, vladimir panomariov. the formation's pilots participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the earthquake in spyatak and the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. after the solemn ceremony, flowers were laid in memory of the fallen aviators, and a solemn march took place at the memorial. a company of honor guard passed by. today, during a special military operation, our units. our troops show professionalism, courage and quality in carrying out all activities assigned to them. more than 850
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of our military personnel were awarded state awards for bravery and heroism in performing service and combat missions. we remember and are proud of our heroes; their names will forever remain in the annals of military aviation. it is important to preserve the memory of the fallen soldiers, to remember those who fought for their homeland, and who are doing so now. i wish all our soldiers, all of you , good health, and a speedy victory for all of us. today he accepts. congratulations from vladimir shevchenko, former head of service protocol of mikhail gorbachev and boris yeltsin. he celebrates his eighty-fifth anniversary. in fact, it was shevchenko who created the protocol service from scratch. he began his political career in 1962, in particular he was the head of the sector of the komsomol department and the head of the general department of the central committee in the lks.
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he worked as second secretary at the soviet embassy in cuba, and headed the affairs management sector of the cpsu central committee. in the protocol service of gorbachev and yeltsin in 2000, he became an adviser to the president. the electoral commission center today approved the texts of the ballot paper, which will be used for voting in the russian presidential elections. the candidates' names will be listed in alphabetical order. in total, 113 million ballots will be printed. well, the election campaign is now in full swing, as it is going. egor grigoriev will talk about this. georgievna, hello. hello. patients of the dialysis department of the mordovian central hospital, satisfied with the treatment and conditions of stay, told about this to the co-chairman of the central election headquarters, the candidate of russian president vladimir putin, whether they were coping with workload, is there a need for equipment? maryana losenko, the head
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of the 52nd moscow hospital herself , was interested in specifics: feedback from doctors, from voters helps... communicate problems to the candidate and also quickly solve them, because on the hospital site there is an honest conversation about the regional healthcare system, about decisions at the state level, on the introduction of new technologies, financing, benefits for doctors, the federal project will continue. before that we had a meeting at headquarters sladimovich, they said that the medical community today is certainly asking to continue the healthcare project, a new healthcare project. typesetting is being done, for which i asked vladimir vladimirovich for greater participation of the expert medical community in the layout of this project. to more actively discuss even the most pressing topics, maryana lysenko noted that simultaneously with the digitalization of the industry, we need to think about the person first. now there is no concept of medical services, there is medical care, it is provided at a high
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level, import substitution helps. we replaced the dialysis line with domestic manufacturers. here they make drugs for the treatment of diabetes and obesity. funding for healthcare and education was discussed at a meeting of the presidential candidate from the new people party and the growth party with experts. vladislav davankov is forming the economic block of his election program; he has already calculated that 3 trillion rubles are needed for its implementation. the main question for any candidate, of course, if he wins, is where to get the money to implement the program of promises? vladislav davankov proposes to rely on the report and conclusions of the accounts chamber, to use the budget money that is available.
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pays great attention to healthcare and education and would like 20% of budget funding? i was in tomsk, where students of a college, an it college , proposed to cut a third of officials, replace them with artificial intelligence, a simple example, i met with mothers of many children who are forced... to collect certificates throughout the city, asking: where is the digitalization that we need? promised? well , actually, these are the people who they issue these certificates for these benefits, it would definitely be possible to send them to the real economy. the candidate accepts the application on the website at the headquarters, and will submit the program by february 15. the election campaign is in full swing, the mock-up of the ballot was demonstrated today at the central election commission. the names of the candidates in it are in alphabetical order, information about each is the same
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... gas filling stations in the region, we live in this region, residents from all over our country come to this region to relax, according to the results of last year, 18,600,000 vacationers in the region, and of course, motor tourists, according to the results of last year , the transport standard on the roads of the region was 12 times exceeded, with such a number of people coming to the region for a permanent place, residents and vacationers, of course , everything must be done to ensure that the region remains environmentally friendly. and
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today in moscow at vdnkh, where the international exhibition forum russia is taking place , power engineers, participants in a special military operation, and their relatives and friends gathered. in the energy of life pavilion they met with the management of rosseti center. seven employees of this company died heroically in the special operation zone, posthumously awarded the order of courage. maria valieva will tell you more. hello son, how are you, how are you? video calls several times a day. galin's son nikolai is now in the hospital after being seriously wounded. on september 15 , the young man was blown up by an anti-personnel mine, but for a long time he did not tell his mother about it, he did not want to upset him. i only found out about this on september 29, and on september 15 i blew myself up because he didn’t confess. because he hid, because he took care of us nikolai’s father, probably, worked as an electrician operating distribution networks in a branch of belgorod energo, in april last year he decided
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to go to the front as a volunteer, his son’s parents supported him, yes, they were worried, but they did not interfere. during the special operation , 228 people from the rosseti center company went to the front line, of which 134 were volunteers, seven. posthumously received the order of courage, of course, they are great heroes, they are all heroes and our brother dimochka was posthumously awarded, well, sort of an order they gave them courage, they are all heroes there, and the fact that they are returning for this operation, and the fact that they are returning with wounds, this is a very big downfall, i just look at them, of course, they are very big, well done, and god bless them return back to the fortress. to their relatives. from the first days of the special operation , employees of the rosseti center company have been on the front line, some exchanged their usual tools for military weapons and stood up to
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defend their homeland, others stood their ground. fulfill their professional duty. alexander repich, electrician of the operational field team, worked in the front-line zone in one of the districts of the bryansk region, was seriously wounded. it means that i had a mine explosion injury, amputation, which means a goline, somewhere in the chiklotka area. and somehow i don’t see myself going cashless anymore; i want to go back anyway. such actions are a vivid example of courage, heroism and dedication, he noted during a meeting with...
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for the families of energy heroes, after the tea party , they organized a tour of the energy of life pavilion, as well as the exhibition grounds of the russia forum. the rosseti center company does not have its own abandoned to provide assistance to participants in a special military operation, their families and residents who suffered during the hostilities , a fund called energy of the russian spirit was created. maria valieva, mikhail artyukhin, mikhail emelin and eva fedotova, news! kirov, which will celebrate its 650th anniversary this year, will have an auditor from the legendary snuffbox, vladimir mashkov, artistic director of the moscow oleg tobakov theater, told about this. today he visited the local drama theater, and also met with cultural figures of the kirov region at the puppet theater. now short advertising, then watch the program to conduct the duty department.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna strovskaya, investigative committee. non-special givens. who are you all looking at? there you go, girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who to kill? yes. look, just no amateur performances.
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stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna medium, watch it before anyone else in the app or on the website. mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? now you'll see this a special mobile point that will come to places where there is no polling station and there is rarely transport, so that every resident can vote, but how does everything work here, as well as at a regular polling station: you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and vote, but how will they keep your ballot, are the boxes sealed?


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