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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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i suggest you watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them. after a short commercial, watch the senate program. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. one friend of mine can do everything: fix a car with her bare hands, deal with enemies with her bare feet. well,
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it's easy to imagine your ideal home. it ’s not always possible to build, so just imagine, trust everything else, from selecting a site to choosing a contractor section build a house on a house click, hello, the senate program is with you, my colleague.
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this is not only about convenience and safety, it is also about the development of new technologies, for example, the development of unmanned vehicles. strict control of drinking glasses within walking distance, we will tell you about the law that will help regulate the activities of catering outlets selling alcohol. a law that allows us to restore order in each region from the point of view of preserving the health and lives of our citizens. region of russia new points of industrial growth, like in the ryazan region an industrial park is being developed that will generate thousands. work places. these are factories for the production of auto components, these are factories for the production of household chemicals, medical products, and much, much more. the war crimes of the kiev regime against the civilian population of our country and civilian infrastructure are the direct responsibility of western countries that supply weapons to kiev. the federation council
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sent a statement to the parliaments of great britain, the united states and the countries of the european union, expressing strong protest and calls realize their responsibility and take measures to stop arms supplies. military equipment to the criminal kiev regime. vice speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachev recalled the shelling of belgorod, donetsk, lesechanskaya, which killed dozens of people. as valentina matvienko noted, in addition to the parliamentary line, it is also necessary to involve our diplomats. the speaker of the upper house emphasized the need to widely inform the public in western countries that weapons are being used against civilians. it is very important that citizens of germany, france, and great britain. from the united states and the czech republic heard this information that for their money, for the money of taxpayers, deadly weapons are purchased, they are supplied to ukraine with their tacit consent, they are used exclusively against
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the civilian population, civilian infrastructure, hospitals, schools, buses, and the places are chosen , where there is a ... accumulation of peaceful citizens, i am sure that the absolute majority of citizens in these states, they they will condemn this, they will condemn the actions of their governments, and of course , the parliaments are to blame, they make decisions and approve funding for this type of weapon that they allow to be used against civilians, this happens all the time , all the time, well, as far as the terrorist nature is concerned.. the federation council unanimously approved the law on
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confiscation of property for the public dissemination of false information about the armed forces and calls against state security. also subject to confiscation will be money and valuables that were used or intended for... today we have a presumption of innocence, so if the accused does not agree, he can appeal this verdict in the future; today we have expanded the list of crimes that we have imposed as a criminal measure,
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such as confiscation, this is a crime against the security of the russian federation; the issue of confiscation in relation to crimes of fakes against the armed forces has been discussed quite often in our media. there must be cash. we will closely monitor law enforcement practice and i want to say that confiscation in this case will be a measure to prevent and prevent crimes against the security of the russian federation. a number of important socially significant initiatives that were approved by senators, now employers will not be able to fire single parents with children under 16 years of age, as well as other citizens who raise children of this age without mothers. until march 1, 2031, the dacha amnesty for buildings and structures related to common use property in gardening
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partnerships, we are talking about simplified registration of property rights. earlier, let me remind you, the dacha amnesty for residential and garden houses was extended for the same period; 15 million russians have been able to take advantage of the simplified procedure for registering dacha house plots since 2006. another long-awaited law that regulates the operation of public catering establishments selling alcohol, including the so -called pour-overs. located in apartment buildings, one of the authors of the document, senator sergey rebukhin. the topic in this law is not new; it has already been discussed at the federation council for a very long time in the state duma. we are talking about the so -called leftovers in apartment buildings, which is what people call these hot spots that contribute to the disruption of public order, that is the essence of this law. lies in the fact that this law gives state authorities of the constituent entities of the russian federation
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additional powers to restore order in this part in the sphere of time organization, production, sale of products that contain alcohol, place and so on, a very large number of trade organizations or public catering establishments under the guise of organizing public catering services, in fact, organized a round-the-clock... product name, and, as it were, discretely discretely this brand of some kind either a product, then this also
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falls under the impact measure, that is, it is so comprehensive, that is, a law that allows you to restore order in each region from the point of view of preserving health and life our citizens, and public order. to ensure high-quality communications along highways, it is necessary to adjust the legislation, and the first step towards this has already been taken. council for the development of the digital economy. the federation council prepared the corresponding changes and sent them to the government. co-author of the bill irina rukavishnikova, today ’s guest on our broadcast. irina valerievna, hello. good communication on the highways is not only about convenience, it is also about safety. and as an initiative developed with your participation will help solve this problem of signal interruptions. this is not only about convenience and safety, it is also about the development of new technologies, for example, the development of unmanned transport, which actually needs uninterrupted communication, and it is about the development of tourism. industries, directions, because they travel on roads, travel
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on railways, where there is a line connecting roads and railways, very often , unfortunately, we find ourselves in such failures, when there is no connection, really simple an initiative that will clearly allow the installation of 24-hour communication towers in the right-of-way along highways, as well as in areas adjacent to highways. this will ensure uninterrupted communications and roads and railways, stations that are located in close proximity, as well as settlements that are also in close proximity will be covered by the work of these higher connections. but also thanks to the introduction of new technologies, the tourism sector, what legislative initiatives have simplified the digitalization of this entire industry and... technology, in your opinion , has currently had the greatest impact on the tourism industry? in
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the tourism industry, digitalization is in great demand , and we are driven by the needs of the population, domestic tourism is developing very actively and , accordingly, everyone wants to understand in a simple and accessible way where and how they can go on vacation, and do it all in one click from a mobile application, choosing not just some interesting place to travel, building a whole route, crossing, among other things, the territories of various constituent entities of the russian federation, choosing hotels and inns where you can stay, booking excursions and so on.
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or the sphere of the tourism industry in this digital format, now there is a unified register of tourist vouchers, and a unified register of tour operators, and a unified register of guides, translators, and so on, this of course creates convenience and cuts off the so-called unscrupulous participants in the tourism market who provide low-quality services, that is , by going to the register of this or that tour operator, we understand that whether this organization really has a license, really...
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a portal, it seems to me that this is a very good direction, within the framework of this interaction with existing information resources, we need to work more actively with the regions and connect them to such interaction. irina valerievna, in the federation council you represent the rostov region, a region that has great potential in the field of tourism, and which digital is technology giving impetus to the development of the tourism industry in this region? well, indeed, we are one of the most... hospitable regions, one of the leaders in digitalization, including in the tourism sector, and my colleagues in the rostov region have developed a unique mobile application called tourist, we can download it to a mobile phone and see the entire rostov region, moreover, this is such an interactive form, not just a user can connect to this mobile application, but a potential participant
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in the tourism industry, for example a guide who offers author's routes, author's. information integration, because when this happened as quickly as possible , we are putting together a tourist route, we understand that it can be made, well, from kaliningrad to vladivostok, and it’s interesting when all the points of your tourist
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route will be connected in one application, in one click , literally, yes, it will be convenient, accessible. very attractive for tourists. now there is a small advertisement, we will be back later, don’t switch. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for transfers payments. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs and lovers. the winners of their business will receive a whole year of acquisition without commission and free opening and maintenance of an account for 5 years, all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the favorite small business award, leave a request on the sber website. my daughter sang the best again. it's five. actions of oralcept in bacterial fungal infections. five action of oralsept for sore throat. oralcept
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this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and have already broken the monthly record sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it. join the megamarket. megamarket - just grow with us. alyon , let me help, thank you, but you have a whole package of cashback here , i’m not sure, the banks have so many conditions, yur, hello, free with a vtb debit card, cashback, 10% on everything, help, it’s better for me, there ’s enough cashback for everyone, vtb. everything will work out together. this is me, maxim nikitin, the creator of nanocomputers capable of more accurately delivering drugs to diseased cells. and this is the moment when i decided
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become a scientist. we experimented in a real laboratory. then i wanted to make an important discovery. develop an interest in science from childhood. enroll in science majors. rf. how are you, i have a cold and a report is coming. we can handle it together, but first we’ll get the book. the two components reinforce each other by...
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what happened on february 24-25? social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies joined in to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to take captivity of the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring embarrassment and confusion into their soul, this is the surest path to victory in the rebellion war, the content and the agenda itself is formed by hundreds of people, professional from the states, who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally trained in ipso courses, there are chats where assignments are given, which scares belarusians today. that the russians will force them to fight tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets, remember when they endlessly explained to us that ours is not the country that we we should be infinitely ashamed, because
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we are russians, this was a real hybrid war.
7:26 pm
dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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salads, cucumbers, the legendary pita, this is big hit, big hit, only in a tasty way. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year, i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance has already broken the monthly sales record in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it. join the megamarket. megamarket - just grow with us. register your business for free at follow your dreams. just dare. tochka: a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. it is so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power. gas. ultra-pure rolf ultra motor oil base, synthesized
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from gas using two innovative. an important event for all russian medicine , a multidisciplinary center was opened near st. petersburg a high-tech complex that has no analogues in the country; valentina matvienko took part in the ceremony; in fact, it is
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a whole medical facility. a city built with private funds. the complex has created unique conditions for providing high-quality medical care based on advanced international standards for early diagnosis and treatment, including cancer. it is planned that the clinic will receive 100,000 patients per year. the emergence of such world-class medical centers is, in my opinion, such convincing confirmation that despite any sanctions, russia does not stop its...
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but whatever center we build, of course, the heart of any clinic, any medical center, this is a team, there is an amazing team of doctors, medical specialists, engineers assembled here, this these are unique people who, which is also very important, were at the origins of the creation of this center, so everything is thought out to the detail, routing, air disinfection, by the way, our space technology...


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