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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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channel russia 24. already more than 130 million views, hundreds of thousands of reposts. these numbers show how much interest vladimir putin's interview generated. kiev and its western partners to implement the minsk agreements. moscow, unlike its opponents, was ready to follow the agreements and repeatedly offered to look for a solution to problems through peaceful means. you
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spoke with the secretary of state, with the president , someone, maybe they were afraid to talk to you, and you told them that if they continue to pump ukraine with weapons, then you will act, we are constantly talking about we talked about this, we constantly talked about it, we appealed to the leadership of the united states, the european parties, so that this process would stop immediately, so that the minsk agreements would be implemented, frankly speaking, i did not know how... we would do this, but i was ready to implement, they are difficult for ukraine, there are a lot of elements there - as if independence for donbass, for these territories was envisaged, well, it’s true , but i was absolutely sure, and i ’ll tell you now, i sincerely believed that if after all will be able to persuade those people who they live in donbass, they still had to be persuaded to return, as it were, to the framework of ukrainian statehood.
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before this situation, when in ukraine they announced, no, we won’t do anything, they also began preparing for military action, they started the war in 2014, our goal is to stop this war, and we didn’t start it in 2022, this is an attempt to stop it , another topic was sabotage on the nord stream gas pipelines. vladimir putin believes that the answer to the question, who is behind?
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there was no need to wait for laudatory reviews before publishing the conversation. however, today the authors many articles and reports noted that the interview should be read as the success of the russian leader and that the west failed to isolate not him... not russia as a whole. dmitry melnikov studied the comments. i'm sitting here with an old-style folder, i haven't even opened it yet, with documents that putin gave me. i will have evening reading. it was a real interview. it didn't start at all like i expected. i'm still thinking about the conversation that just ended, i don't know what to think yet. the west has never seen such an interview with the president of russia, but... i waited in advance and was afraid, it’s clear why, tucker carloson himself explained in this video, which he recorded in hot pursuit immediately after the conversation in the kremlin. russia is not an expansionist power, sorry, all these tories and stuff, all these liar ideologues who run
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the state department, want to turn it into this, well, hitler into imperial japan, but the truth is that this is just a lie, this is just nonsense, you have to be idiot. to think like that. the madness in the western press began even before the interview was published, and then the temperature only increased. the worst thing that could happen happen: the monopoly on information on which the western world rests, if not destroyed, was seriously damaged. vladimir putin addressed trump supporters, the washington post writes, meaning that the audience of this conversation was limited only to supporters of the former us president. the president of russia was cheerful during the conversation and enjoyed the interview, he was indignant. the times, and the wall street journal admits with horror that putin may be heard in the west, but they all agree on one thing: russia is confident in its abilities, and the president is proved. putin's appearance underscored his tactical confidence at a time when his opponents are facing a dangerous moment. ukraine is having difficulty
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receiving us assistance on the battlefield. at the same time , russia-friendly policies are gaining strength on both sides of the atlantic. vladimir's interview is called a propaganda victory. but most importantly, i can watch the unedited version of the interview and form my own opinion without being told what
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to do on the social network x, where immediately after publication #putin soared to the top, discussion it's still just gaining momentum. tucker proves that real journalism is not dead. thanks for this interview, tucker. you are america's last true journalist. putin and carlosson are burying the media stream. this is how former alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate sarah palin responded to the interview. about what real journalism is. after this interview, many people in the west began to think. for all 120 minutes, putin looked extremely focused and smart. here and there, he joked and recalled numerous figures and economic data, especially in relation to the usa. which are in decline and are therefore acting more and more aggressively, no matter how hard official washington tried to neutralize the conversation between putin and carloson even before publication, the expected effect was the opposite, when they urge you not to watch under any circumstances, everyone will definitely watch. i don't think americans
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will be convinced by a single interview. i think that anyone who watches this interview, again, i haven't seen what it says, should be convinced of this. remember, you are listening to vladimir putin, and you should not take at face value whatever he says. but right now, for the first time in the last 3 years, western audiences have the opportunity to learn the truth first-hand about what is happening in ukraine and how the collective west is actually governed. we were told that we just had to accept the fact that billions of dollars were going abroad. political commentators and journalists tell us this, they influence your views. but in reality, you do not have access to true information. european media quote in their headlines putin about the impossibility of russia’s defeats in ukraine and at the same time attack carlson, accusing him of giving a gift to putin, calling the journalist lenin’s term useful idiot. a particularly violent reaction is expected from the polish
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press, where they hung on every word of the russian president about the horror story popular in the west. russia dreams of conquering europe. polish media compete in alarmist headlines. although in essence it is impossible to scare. the vice-speaker of the slovak parliament also gave his diagnosis of the hysterical reaction of the west. western hysteria liberals about this interview only confirms how much. modern liberalism hates freedom and rational discussion, their brains are already completely darkened by their own propaganda. people on both sides of the atlantic are wondering what kind of punishment carlson now faces in the west for the interview in the kremlin. other journalists say that carlson needs to be punished for the very fact of talking with putin is simply insane. the national review reports that a member of the european parliament is calling for consideration of the possibility of applying sanctions against tucker. one against system, carlson did what the western establishment feared most: he tried
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to understand and convey to an audience of millions the true preconditions and causes of the conflict between the west and russia. the last thing i want to say, if you're wondering who these crazy people are, the american officials said it on the record, they told me, and i've told many people, part of the conditions include refusal. russia from crimea. crimea, as you know, is the home of the russian navy, there is a russian population there. they had a referendum. whether you like it or not, the fact is that putin i would go to a nuclear war for the sake of crimea. by the way, crimea was in russian hands at the beginning of this war. so if you really think the condition for peace is that putin is going to give up crimea, you're crazy. with every million views of this interview, the western audience's picture of the world will show a new crack. and it is already clear that... that this conversation will be seen by many times more viewers than any of
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biden’s past or future speeches. in the white house, of course, they also watched the interview, and of course, they are looking for signals, moscow made her move, how the united states will respond. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. preparations for the season of floods and wildfires were discussed today at a meeting of the security council, which vladimir putin held via video link. the main task, the president noted, is to minimize the consequences. but unfortunately , no one has canceled floods and natural fires, they cannot cancel them, but you and i must think about this in advance and do everything to minimize the consequences. let's talk about this today. russian troops continue. improve their positions in the donetsk krasnoliman direction, repelling enemy attacks. this is stated in today's
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report from the ministry of defense. in other directions , russian army units are striking enemy positions. igor pikhanov is monitoring the progress of the special military operation. it flew. for 2 days now , air raid warnings have been sounding in many regions of ukraine. russian strike missiles and drones are destroying military installations and militant locations. in the kharkov region a hotel and a restaurant where foreign mercenaries lived and ate. defense ministry specialists strike with high-precision projectiles only at verified targets. our military warns that ukrainian air defense poses a danger to the local population. populated areas often come under fire in isa. uncontrolled shooting in urban areas is especially dangerous. in the zaporozhye direction, russian soldiers
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are destroying enemy positions with the help of combat drones. an observation post near the village of novomikhailovka has been neutralized. air strikes are also carried out tactical aviation. the crews of the k-52 helicopters neutralized the assault unit of the ukrainian armed forces on the contact line. the enemy recently stopped dragging heavy equipment and armor to the line of combat contact. according to the report. and also destroyed. minister of defense sergei shaigu visited the special military operation zone in one of the control points of the western group of forces, listened to reports from officers, and paid special attention to the organization of continuous provision of the unit with weapons, military equipment, ammunition for the successful completion of combat missions. a working meeting was held at the headquarters of the united group howl. experts reported that the anti-aircraft gun had been destroyed over the past 24 hours. sergei shaigu thanked the officers
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for competent command and control of the troops, as a result of which the group continues to improve the situation on the front line, emphasizing the need to more actively conduct reconnaissance to the entire depth of the enemy’s defense and act proactively. in the kupinsky direction, units of the western group of troops repelled five attacks assault groups in the thirtieth and forty-fourth mechanized brigades. ukraine in the areas of settlements senkovka, kharkov region and terny, donetsk people's republic. in the krasnolimansky and donetsk directions , fighters occupied strategic positions. points, while repulsing several attacks in the ssu. offensive operations in other directions of the front also end in complete failure for the enemy; khaimars missiles and olikha hurricane are shot down in the sky. the nitroket complex detects the target, takes escort and then destroys it after identification. her. the militants also suffered heavy losses in the yuzhnodonetsk and kherson directions.
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there, military equipment and artillery were destroyed , which shelled civilian settlements during... units of the thirty-seventh marine brigade and the 121st territorial defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the tyagenka and mikhailovka areas were defeated, losses in the ssu amounted to up to 50 military personnel, five vehicles and a 122-millimeter howitzer d-30 . air defense systems destroyed 28 ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles. the russian military is increasing pressure along the entire line of combat contact. firing points in the ssu are suppressed, and the supply of reinforcements to the front line is stopped. shells, specialists from the electronic warfare and air defense units prevent enemy drones from taking to the skies. igor pikhanov, news. the kremlin stated that the change of command of the armed forces of ukraine will not change the course of the special military operation. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. let me remind you that the day before, ukrainian commander-in-chief valery was dismissed
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zaluzhny, he was replaced by alexander syrsky. the reshuffle caused a mixed reaction both in ukraine and in the west. a number of foreign ones. the media notes that such personnel decisions carry political risks for kiev. details from varvara nevskaya. despite zelensky’s wishes, who are convinced that the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, alexander syrsky, is the most experienced commander of ukraine, the personnel who now find themselves under his complete subordination, explains this epithet a little differently: there really is experience, but it is rather deplorable. syrsky is also known for that led the forces into the meat grinder in bakhmut, sending a wave of collapse. soldiers to meet the fire of the opposition. eventually, kremlin-backed wagner group mercenaries captured the city. for this and other reasons, syrsky is extremely unpopular among ordinary ukrainian citizens. ukrainian military officials, who willingly communicate with western journalists on condition of complete anonymity, call the appointment of syrsky a very bad decision. his orders demoralize the troops, and he himself undermines confidence
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in the entire ukrainian command. despite according to the raidters agency, the official call sign is snow leopard. according to politico and the new york times, in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine , the new head of the armed forces was nicknamed the butcher and general 200, the latter a reference to cargo 200, the designation of soldiers killed on the battlefield. when speaking about syrsky’s appointment off the record, ukrainian soldiers express themselves much more succinctly. these statements are not subject to literary translation, but the meaning is obviously clear. commanding ground forces during the bloody ten-month battle for bakhmud in... in 2022-23 years, syrsky made decisions that led to heavy casualties and the destruction of some of ukraine's most experienced brigades, frontline soldiers told the financial times at the time. they said syrsky must have ordered the tactical withdrawal of troops from the city months before russia captured it. these troops, as well as some analysts, argue that such a move
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could preserve battle-hardened forces for use in a counteroffensive in 2023. this. this was not the first time syrsky performed the number, on in ukraine, he is called a native of the soviet school, justifiably, he was born in russian vladimir, graduated from the moscow higher military command school, moved to ukraine in the eighties, and began his career take-off only after the collapse of the ussr, but for the first time the name of syrsky was widely heard in 2015 , under under his command, the tactical group of the armed forces of ukraine bars, from there the call sign, ended up in the debaltsovsky cauldron, heavy. syrsky’s losses did not bother him at the cost of the lives of hundreds of soldiers; he withdrew his troops under unabating fire from the militia. the new york times assures syrsky the figure is nominal, and the general will wage the war for the most part outside of his control, because it depends only on what western weapons and new labor force will be at his disposal.
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the experts invited by the knowledge give one more hint: under sirsky, ukraine, at the cost of the lives of its soldiers, is being thrown into a new meat grinder. called counter-offensive 2:0 or will be forced to enter into ceasefire negotiations on completely unfavorable conditions for itself, the opinion of the western press is unanimous, plus or minus, the appointment of syrsky will solve political issues zelensky, but is unlikely to improve ukraine’s position on the battlefield. more than anything else in the world , zelensky wants the generals to be more skillful, more aggressive, although zaluzhny was very competent. i think zelensky thought that zaluzhny was too conservative in his military judgments, whereas... most people thought that he did quite the right thing. so politically there may be a change in tone, but in a military sense it represents a kind of continuity that i don't think will have much impact on the hunt for war. what what is this for? zaluzhny, as politico states , he probably, if he leaves work for the government, can still pose a political challenge to the current president, unless, of course, he decides to devote time to his
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health or, say, teaching, and syrsky, apparently well aware of his reputation in as part of his first official statement in the role of commander-in-chief, he assured the life and health of military personnel, the main value of the ukrainian army. varvara nevskaya, evgenia zemtsova, news. opponent of the resignation of ukrainian commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny gathered today in the center of kiev at the traditional site of ukrainian maidans , independence square. participants in the action demanded that zaluzhny be returned to the post of commander-in-chief; judging by the footage from the action, there were no military personnel among the protesters, but overall the rally was relatively calm, and the police did not interfere. now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season,
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i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season , and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting. don't miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, yura and i decided on gifts, and you son wants a car with radio-controlled, and maxim smartisy hints, and you hint, i want a robot vacuum cleaner, i’ll give you a life hack, come on, buy a gift with a free vtb credit card, a whole 200 days interest-free. 20% cashback on everything, i register, buy, well, what a surprise, vtb, together everything will work out. the central election commission today approved
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the text of the ballot paper that will be used for voting in the presidential elections in russia, the names of the candidates will be in alphabetical order, a total of 113 million ballots will be printed, and the election campaign is now in full swing. in the midst of it, yegor grigoriev will tell you how it goes. elizaveta georgievna, hello, hello, how are you? thanks for inventing these devices, but god forbid anyone gets here. patients of the dialysis department of the mordovian central hospital, satisfied with the treatment and conditions of stay. they told about this to the co-chairman of the central election headquarters, russian presidential candidate vladimir putin. can they cope with the workload, is there a need for equipment? maryana lysenko, herself the head of the moscow 52nd hospitals, was interested in specifics: feedback from doctors, from voters,
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helps to quickly report problems. candidate and also quickly solve them, because at the hospital site there is an honest conversation about the regional healthcare system, about decisions at the state level, about the introduction of new technologies, financing, benefits for doctors. will federal projects continue? before that, we had a meeting at the headquarters of vladimovich, we talked about the fact that the medical community is certainly asking today to continue the project on healthcare , a new healthcare project is being put together and ... the industry needs to think about the person first, now there is no concept of a medical service, there is medical care, providing it at a high level, import substitution helps, we have replaced
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the dialysis line with a domestic manufacturer, drugs for the treatment of diabetes are made here , obesity, financing of health care, education, it was discussed at a meeting of the presidential candidate from the new people party and the growth party with experts. vladislav davankov forms the economic bloc of his electoral program, i have already calculated that 3 trillion rubles are needed for its implementation. the main question for... any candidate, of course, if he wins, is where to get the money to implement the program of promises. vladislav davankov proposes an operation to use the reports and conclusions of the accounts chamber, to use the budget money that was spent ineffectively, and this, of course, is hundreds of billions of rubles. to do this, the venomate must be given additional control powers. davankov will have 15 blocks in his program. and health and education will pay great attention, and would like 20% of budget funding. i was in tomsk, where
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the students were. college, it college proposed to cut a third of officials, replace them with artificial intelligence, a simple example, i met with mothers of many children who are forced to collect certificates throughout the city, asking where is the digitalization that we were promised, well, actually these people who issue these certificates for these benefits could definitely be sent to the real economy, the candidate accepts the application on the website at the headquarters, the program will present to... in it in alphabetical order, information about each is the same amount, the newsletter is also suitable for kaibs. february 25, the start of early voting is just around the corner, ballots need to be printed. they plan to send ballots to regional election commissions in the near future. the cycle reminded us about remote voting;
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1,500 people have already registered for it. this applies to both the domestic and foreign markets. minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev provided specific figures. he spoke at the national achievements forum in as part of a profile day at the russia exhibition. as the minister noted, positive changes were made possible thanks to the president’s attention to the industry. since the beginning of the century, our agro-industrial complex, with the enormous support of the president, has managed to transform, well, at the beginning,
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essentially, from imports. dependencies.


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