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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. the property of the treasury of the russian federation is managed by a special federal agency, which is part of the ministry of finance. and it often happens that, for example, some piece of land or building is no longer needed by the state, or money needs to be raised for property seized by the court, an apartment, a country house, and so on. in such cases, property, movable and immovable, is put up for sale, and anyone can buy it. drink there is some common opinion that food bidding is only for professional participants of legal entities, no, this is not so, individuals can also take part in such bidding completely calmly. in order to see what the state is ready to sell, you need to go to the website rosim.govru. latin. you can find a product to suit your taste even without registration. there is a special marketplace here, you can search through it. lots on the marketplace are divided into
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categories. specify the region you are interested in and an acceptable price range. not only real estate is up for auction, you can buy a ship, diesel generator and other interesting items. even the excess wood that remains after the construction of the federal highway is auctioned off. we sold a raw jade gemstone, weighing 16 tons. this was 3 years ago. this is probably ours. the leader of our rating of unusual sales, and of course there are a wide variety of objects at auction, this includes wood, which we also recently had our first experience in selling wood, these include river vessels, these are unfinished construction projects, and of course objects of cultural heritage, even now we have a large object of federal significance up for sale in barnaul, that is, there is a building in the city center with an area of ​​​​about 300 km, that is, this is
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a real monument of federal significance, you can buy not only something tangible , auctions are held for the sale of distances in companies from different industries, from small to very large. an important point is the obligation to transfer a deposit for such forms of sale as an auction or public offer. and the deposit is 20% of starting price, if the lot value is more than 100 million rubles.. and 10% of the starting price, if the lot value is less than 100 million rubles. it is very important that the deposit is refundable. the price of lots is determined at auction; there are three types: classic auction, so-called dutch auction and auction without determining the price. in a classic auction, participants place bids higher than the starting price. the most interesting thing is that the auction is considered successful if at least one person took part in it. if the lot
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remains unsold, then a dutch auction, or as it is also called a public offer. on it, participants place bets on a reduction from the initial one, and the final price cannot be lower than half of the declared one. if you can’t sell it anyway, then they conduct auctions without announcing the price. each participant offers how much they are willing to pay, and the one with the most generous offer wins. at such auctions, the selling price sometimes drops by 80-90% of the price. as for the biggest discounts, we, of course, see them in the category of sales of real estate, and this is due primarily another thing is that we sometimes sell unfinished construction projects in varying degrees of completion; these are objects that are located in hard-to-reach settlements and located far from federal centers. so, let’s repeat the main thing: the federal department for state property management constantly holds auctions, you can buy them. movable and immovable
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property, you can see what is on sale on the marketplace on the website of the federal property management agency, sometimes discounts to the market can be very significant. any questions left, would you like to find out more about how to participate in the auction, write to us in telegram, we will learn everything from the experts and will tell you in the next issues of our instructions. angionorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angion: keep blood vessels normal. and in the magnet you can win your own smart prize, for example, one that is seething with the desire to help. give time to your loved one, buy with a card from the magnet application. play and win smart technology. magnet. sometimes we think we should everything will happen at once. but great success comes to those who move towards it themselves. we will not make your child
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a special component for better penetration into the source of pain and inflammation. for headaches, there is askafen at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello! 2.5 million illegal migrants crossed the us-mexico border in 2023, a historic record. to
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make it clearer, the population of one more chicago, two more dallas, three san francisco or six miami, the main one, came to america without documents. texas took the hit, where they launched operation lone star with the involvement of the national guard to counter the chaos. now in an election year, the conflict between texas gov. greg abbott and joined by colleagues from twenty- five republican states and joe biden, went beyond a simple dispute over credentials. they started talking about a parade of sovereignties, and even about a civil war. the epicenter is.
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sitting on the ground, they were under the supervision of american border patrol officers, they did not have enough space to place them in shelters, they were sitting on the ground, this was the same shelby park, as the catastrophic migration increased, and one can say that last december alone , 3,000 illegal immigrants crossed the border united states, the flow has become uncontrollable. a couple of weeks ago, 600 people passed through this checkpoint.
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the feds who are supposed to be in charge of controlling the migrants, the surrounding area of ​​the border crossing and the border crossing itself, and glenpas was taken over by the texas national guardsmen, what did they do? they stretched barbed wire along the rio grande, installed booms, inflatable barriers on the water, installed containers , made the border completely impenetrable for migrants in this place, after that several... rounds of negotiations followed , which led to nothing,
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the white house administration appealed to the supreme court, the supreme court decided to allow federal border agents into shelby park, a small area about 4 km long, and after that greg abate refused it do and the situation reached a new level, another 25 governors of other republican states supported him. clearly, this is not just a texas war. because of biden's mistakes, the problem must be solved governor abbott. governors from all over the country must come together to do the work that the federal government cannot do. this is vital for our common security in the future. and another governor , ron desanez, who participated in the presidential race, recently withdrew from it, and so he actually sent the national guards there, that is, the republicans are not going to give up. texas is emphasizing that. it has its own constitution, the state according to american laws is such a mini-state, they have the right to protect
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their borders, this is the fact that in this case the border of texas coincides with the border of the united states, it means nothing to them, in general, talk about the creation of an independent nation of texas, they have been going on for several years, they intensified in the nineties as they became popular here in the united states the tea party movement, this was partly due to such a renaissance... within the conservative wing of the republican party, the process itself, the possible withdrawal of states from america is usually called secession, the leaders of the movement for the independence of texas had already undertaken several attempts to hold a referendum, but during the referendum only 8,300 signatures were recognized as valid, despite the fact that the total population of texas is 30 million people, even the local branch of the republican party did not recognize it. the results of this referendum are valid , although it is clear that now, especially on social
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networks in the pre-election year, this rhetoric has intensified, because, but this is a sign of modern america, any topic is controversial, it splits society, and sentiments are immediately heard about what is needed in general to dismantle the united states as a union as such, in fact, again, there is no constitutional... from the point of view of american case law, the case , which was called texas v. white and others, concerned whether it was necessary to pay on bonds that were issued in texas during the civil war war, when texas, as you know, was part of the confederacy, then the supreme court of the united states. decided two important things: he decided that texas, even while being part of
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the confederacy, did not leave the united states states of america, remained one of the us states, and secondly, and more importantly, it was decided that legal procedures for the withdrawal of an individual state from the union, that is, from the united states, do not exist in practice in the theory of american constitutional law, that is, the majority from these conversations. which are currently underway, they can be designated by the now fashionable word “hype”, which, however, does not in any way prevent us from continuing to theorize and fantasize on this topic. with a population of 28,305 thousand people, texas would rank fiftieth in the world, ahead of, for example, australia. texas is so big that poland fits entirely into it and there is still room left. if independent, texas would become the eleventh largest economy in the world. in addition, the headquarters of such giants as american airlines and del
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acxonmobil are located in texas. the situation with coronavirus at one time had a very strong impact. internal migration to the usa, the fact is that a lot of people from liberal states and not at all poor people, faced with very strict restrictive measures that introduced democrats, in california, in new york, left these states and moved to texas, probably the most important fugitive is elon musk, elon musk moved to texas 4 years ago, now texas is his main headquarters, he is already building there. built his new spaceport, a new huge tesla factory is being built there, a number of other companies have also moved their headquarters to texas, these are chevron, oracle and so on, that is , the tax base for texas is growing in the economy , everything is very good there, in addition to court decisions, which were accepted addressed the greek ebat and the texas republicans also have economic leverage and pressure, as in
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the old soviet comedy, they promised to turn off the gas. biden recently made a decision that reduces quotas for the export of liquefied natural gas this year, the situation may of course change in 2025, especially since there is reason to believe that the administration will change, but for now this is a blow directly to texas, because texas is an oil industry and the gas capital of america, but biden, of course, put all this in the form of support. green agenda, liquefied natural gas is perceived as a threat to climate change, so it was presented under this sauce that the solution is temporary, it should not greatly affect the balance of prices - in the world, should not affect the balance of the amount of hydrocarbons, but the republicans here blame biden and are already
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calling he is almost a traitor to national economic interests, believing that the decision he makes will primarily benefit russia, he has already been called a man who makes a gift to moscow, the kremlin, but that’s all, of course political rhetoric, biden will not curtail it, but there is little reason to believe that this is not a way to punish the obstinate texas republicans, yes, most likely this is the case, especially since the oil and gas industry of texas is one of the key sponsors. migration is frightening, firstly, the number of these people, and secondly, they increasingly began to pay attention to the fact that the flow of these migrants itself is very strange, that is, if earlier
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the arrival of people with families, with children was considered normal, now even bye... the video shows that a lot of young people are arriving, firstly, and they are coming from those regions where street gangs dominate, the drug trade is thriving on the part of the most powerful criminal cartels, and there is good reason for people to believe that many of those arriving , are members of these cartels and these criminal gangs. this is a disaster at all levels, it is a humanitarian disaster, a health disaster, a disaster. national security, all this is done deliberately. when joe biden became president, he inherited the lowest level of illegal immigration in 45 years. and he deliberately broke the system, opened the border, and the numbers immediately skyrocketed. 9.6 million immigrants entered this country illegally. in new york, local authorities are spending more and
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more money on maintaining migrants. the last tranche of 150 million will be paid from. telecom so that they continue to host migrants and place them there. 53 million dollars are allocated for the program to ensure that migrants are provided with bank cards, in general, this turns into a very serious financial burden. plus, and this is also probably a trend of the last six months, crime on the part of visitors has begun to noticeably increase. the most outrageous incident happened. here in new york a week ago, when a group of migrants beat up two new york city police department officers right at time store, in the center of the city. most of all, of course, new yorkers were even outraged. not the fact of what happened, but also the reaction of local liberal prosecutors; only one of these migrants ended up behind bars, the rest were released even without bail, and as it is now
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reported, some of them have already left new york, went to california, that is , dissolved in the spaces of america, in addition to the large migration from the countries of central america, more and more people from africa began to arrive here in the united states, from the middle east and from... migration exists and cannot be denied, but it’s all about how it is used, here, of course, the parallels with
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2020 and the blm movement come to mind again, then it hit trump directly, and trump in the end lost his place in the white house, lost his second term and lost the opportunity to implement the reforms that he had planned for himself, well, there is reason to believe that now... the republicans, in a certain sense , are taking revenge on the democrats and answer them in the same coin, it is clear that eagle pass in this one is an absolute symbol, caravans are traveling, governors are going there, there is a huge amount of press, but if you walk in both directions from this checkpoint or go somewhere into the outback of arizona, new mexico, california, you can see a space where it is quite free...
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than it is now, why was the system really effective under trump, at least more effective than now, he at one time very successfully took advantage of the amendment
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that was adopted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and these covid restrictions were cleverly used by his republican administration to control migration flows. moreover, after biden ended up in the white house, he was covid for some time. the essence of this plan is that democrats, if not today, then tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, want to make sure that supporters of their party, new citizens
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of the united states who receive... houston, the technological capital of this state, nasa headquarters is located there, there are many high-tech industries, houston has become democratic the city, they vote for democrats, houston is represented by a democrat in the house of representatives, in general, the republicans are quite reasonable - they see here a threat, well , to their future, a claim in the future to ever become a ruler.
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party in the white house , in the house of representatives, in the senate, but the irony parallel to this situation is that even if biden here is working for some bright future common to the democrats, then of course he makes his own immediate future very gloomy, because there is no longer any doubt that the topic of migration in this election cycle will be almost the number one topic for ordinary americans. this was america. all the best.
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is she really reading minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, he has special gifts. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own, like in place, don’t move, for some reason i believed you? anna is a medium, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website.
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the number of views of vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlson is approaching 150 million, and this is in less than 24 hours. it was the first special operation for the western media, so the main questions, of course, are about it, how they made the decision to start it, whether they achieved their goals, for some reason, viewers and even some journalists
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in the west asked several times whether moscow proposed negotiations, apparently on attempts to agree on russia’s peace initiatives. still haven't heard.


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