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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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vladimir putin, american journalist tucker carlson is approaching 150 million, and this is in less than 24 hours. it was the first for the western media, first a special operation, so the main questions, of course, are about it , how they made the decision to start, whether they achieved their goals, for some reason several times the question of whether moscow offered negotiations, apparently about attempts to agree on russia's peace initiatives have still not been heard by viewers and even some journalists in the west.
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we will do it, but i was ready to do it, they are difficult for ukraine, there are a lot of elements of independence for donbass , an agreement, frankly speaking, i didn’t know how the territory was provided for these, well , it’s true, but i was absolutely sure, i’ll tell you now, i sincerely believed that if we managed to persuade those people who live in the donbass, they had to...
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let everything come to this situation, when in ukraine they announced, no, we will not do anything, they also began preparing for military action, they started the war in 2014, our goal is stop this war and we didn't start it it in 2022, this is an attempt to stop it, and another question that vladimir putin had to answer, to put it mildly, not for the first time, it’s about undermining.
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you personally may have an alibi, you personally, but the cia does not have such an alibi, do you have evidence that nato or the cia did this? you know, i won’t go into details, but in such cases they always say: look for someone who is interested, but in this case you need to look not only for someone who is interested.
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very many european final beneficiaries of the largest european media are american funds , you don’t know this, so you can get involved in this work, but this is what they call more expensive for yourself, we can just for a moment, we can just expose our sources of information, but we won’t achieve results, the whole world is already clear what happened , and even american analysts.
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they talk about it directly, right? in the comments to the interview, many began to compare vladimir putin and joe biden, well, for example, it’s interesting to see a leader who knows so much about the history of... his country or outlined it in 30 minutes of the thirty-year thousand-year history of russia with exact dates, and biden cannot even remember when he was vice president, he constantly confuses names. and, of course, the interview with the russian leader became one of the main topics in both our and foreign media. about the reaction of the western press, in the material of boris ivanin. even tucker carlson’s opponents from the days of his work on television had to recognize vladimir putin as the winner after a resonant interview. usa, whose candidate, despite all efforts, is losing support voters, and the video from the kremlin threatens to completely collapse the ratings of the head of the white house. what did putin want and what did he achieve? first of all, it 's open access to the american audience, and that's really important because he
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feels that the traditional media isn't covering what he's talking about, and he needs this interview to reach the american public, and that will probably influence upcoming us elections this year. question.
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the country’s position that russia is somewhat this was a clear message, it stated very clearly since the united states offered to agree and what exactly the west insisted on nato expansion to the east.
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carlson himself also felt relaxed and after the conversation showed a hefty folder of documents handed over by vladimir putin, a clear sign of trust, and american actor james woods was ready to present the audience award to tucker. who himself was nominated for an oscar for his role as a journalist in one of oliver stone's films. the interview between tucker and putin exceeded all my expectations. carlson was prepared sincerely. putin is brilliantly skillfully evasive, especially on issues discussed by the intelligence services. watch for real journalism, it was very pleasant. millions of people around the world are watching this. views of vladimir putin's interviews on the internet have already surpassed any television ratings in the united states. tucker 's former place of work, the fox news channel and the business msnbc , and even more so cnn, are giving way; the mainstream press in the west is dead. this is the main media effect of the conversation in the kremlin; there are also political results ahead, the new york times admits with a creaking heart. overall, putin's appearance underscored his tactical confidence as his rivals are now vulnerable.
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ukraine is struggling on the battlefield, further military aid is stalled in the us congress, and kremlin-friendly politicians are rising on both sides of the atlantic. vladimir putin's conversation with an american report. overshadowed any other news, it was even reflected in memes, one of the most popular about carlson, who flew away, but promised to return, at least in the form of his followers, in an interview with the russian leader... several dozen foreign media have already requested . boris ivanin and anna nikolaesh, lead. working proactively on how to reduce the consequences of floods and wildfires, and where these natural disasters can be prevented, was discussed by the security council. the start of spring is less than a month away. vladimir putin held an operational meeting via videoconference. in this group we discuss various topics. but, unfortunately, no one has canceled floods and natural fires,
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they cannot cancel them, but you and i must think about this in advance and do everything to minimize the consequences, let’s do it today let's talk about this, over to alexander vyacheslavovich korenkov. and to the latest reports from the ministry of defense, an unmanned ukrainian boat was destroyed in the black sea. he was heading in the direction of crimea. the drone was discovered at about 20:30 minutes moscow time , the military department clarified that the target was eliminated from the standard weapons of the black sea fleet patrol boat. meanwhile, reports appear online about attacks on targets in ukraine. a series of powerful explosions occurred in the kharkov and nikolaev regions. girani hit targets in near the port of odessa, a severe fire broke out in the kharkov industrial zone after drone strikes. according to preliminary data , an oil depot there was hit. held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of forces, the commanders told the head of the military
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department about the situation in the northern military district zone. in turn, the head of the ministry of defense thanked them for their skillful leadership, and the personnel for their successful offensive actions. according to shaigun, in most directions, russian troops are advancing and occupying more advantageous positions. the minister ordered special attention pay attention to the continuous supply of fighters with weapons and ammunition. the head of the kiev regime followed. with the change of commander in chief, he dismissed the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine sergei shaptala. anatoly bargelevich, the former commander of the territorial defense forces, was appointed instead. of course, the castling took place at the suggestion of the new commander-in-chief of the ukrainian army , alexander syrsky. by the way, ordinary citizens of ukraine have many questions about him; people protested at the traditional place for such events, independence square, they demanded that the president return the loser and leave on his own. syrsky, the most experienced
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commander of ukraine, the personnel who now find themselves under his complete subordination, explains this epithet a little differently, he really has experience, but it is rather deplorable. syrsky is also known for leading forces into the meat grinder at bakhmut, sending wave after wave of soldiers to meet opposition fire. in the end. the fsu nicknames for the new head of the armed forces were the butcher and general 200.
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the latter is a reference to cargo 200, the designation of dead soldiers on the battlefield. talking about syrsky’s appointment is not on the record, ukrainian soldiers express themselves much more succinctly. these statements are not subject to literary translation, but the meaning is obviously clear. commanding ground forces during the bloody ten-month battle of bakhmud in 2022-23 , cheese. made decisions that led to heavy casualties and the destruction of some of ukraine's most experienced brigades, soldiers on the front line told the financial times at the time, they said syrsky should have ordered the tactical withdrawal of troops from the city, months before russia took it over. these troops, as well as some analysts, argue that such a move could preserve battle-hardened forces for use in a counteroffensive in 2023. this is not the first time syrsky performed this number in ukraine, he is... called a native of the soviet school, justifiably, he was born in russian vladimir, graduated from the moscow
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higher military command school, moved to ukraine in the eighties and began his career take-off only after the collapse of the ussr, but sirsky’s name was widely heard for the first time in 2015 year, under his command, the tactical group of the armed forces of ukraine bars, from there the call sign, ended up in the debaltsevo cauldron. the heavy losses did not bother syrsky at the cost of his life. soldier, he withdrew his troops under relentless fire from the militia. the new york times assures that sirsky is a figurehead, and how the general will conduct the war is largely beyond his control, after all. depends only on what western weapons and new labor force will be at his disposal. experts invited by knowledge give another hint. under syrsky, ukraine at the cost of the lives of its soldiers, will be thrown into a new meat grinder called a 2:0 counteroffensive, or will be forced to enter into ceasefire negotiations on completely unfavorable terms. the opinion
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of the western press, plus or minus, is unanimous. syrsky’s appointment will resolve zelensky’s political issues. but it is unlikely to improve ukraine’s position on the battlefield. more than anything else in the world , zelensky wants the generals to be more skillful, more aggressive, although zaluzhny was very competent. i think zelensky believed that zaluzhny was too conservative in his military judgments, whereas most people thought he did pretty well. so politically there may be a change of tone, but militarily it represents a kind of continuity. i don't think this will have much impact on hunting wars. as for zaluzhny, as politico states, he probably, if... leaves work for the government, can still pose a political challenge to the current president, unless, of course, he decides to devote time to his health or, say, teaching, well, syrsky, apparently , knowing well about his reputation, as part of his first official statement in the role of commander-in-chief, he assured the life and health of military personnel, the main value of the ukrainian army. varvara nevskaya,
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evgenia zemtsova, news. berlin in the general assembly. the un is voting against the fight against the glorification of nazism, this is not surprising, this is how dmitry polyansky, first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un, commented on the news about the connection of anna lenna berbock’s grandfather with the nazis. earlier, german journalists found out that the grandfather of the head of the german foreign ministry most likely served as an officer in wehrmacht. artyom krosulin will tell you more. he fought during world war ii on the side of the third reich, was an ardent national socialist, and read. bilt journalists publish this excerpt from the wehrmacht dossier of the great-grandfather of the head of the german foreign ministry, annalena berbak, in 1944, waldemar berbak was even awarded the hitler cross for military merit for the current minister, the information is apparently extremely inconvenient to the requests of reporters, so far no specifics. in her
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speeches, berbeck often spoke about her grandfather's past and said that he was officer, but did she also know about the nazis? which her grandfather followed, responding to a corresponding request to the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry responded: the head of the department was not familiar with the documents, according to local media, the past of her grandfather, a painful topic for the berbak family, voldemar berbak answered the relevant questions of relatives reluctantly and only in the nineties , when he was already well over 80, he admitted that he served in the wehrmacht, but even after that he did not share his attitude towards national socialism; waldemar berbak died in 2016, he was 103 years old, the first. the generation of the bundeswehr was a huge number of former wehrmacht officers, and some even ss troops. the german political class, it was largely denazified, was mainly oriented towards the anglo-american occupation administration, but again there was nowhere to hire officials. therefore , there were cases that major political figures, for example, federal president
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richard von weidsäcker, in the eighties, early nineties, he was a wehrmacht captain during the second world war. scandal around the pedigree of annalena berbak, this is not an isolated case in germany. in 2022, a number of media outlets published data that det chancellor fritz von scholz was an austrian and then a german officer, participated in the first and second world wars and rose to the rank of lieutenant general of the ss troops. moreover, he allegedly personally participated in the executions of jews in poland and present-day ukraine. these data were not officially confirmed in berlin, and the state-controlled media quickly hushed up this story. there is also no clarity regarding several more chapters.
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departments in germany. there were reports in the press that the closest ancestor of the minister of finance, christian. was a wehrmacht general and took part in the operation to blockade leningrad. hartmann lauterbach, the grandfather of the german health minister, was an ober groupfuhrer of the ss, led the hitler jugend and sent children to war. and joseph grohe, the grandfather of the former minister of health, was listed as reich commissioner for the occupied regions of belgium and northern france. there are even more such stories in the baltic countries and poland. among those featured in scandalous media headlines, andrzej duda, donald tusk, gabrielus lansberges. and others and many in the baltic states, in poland, in germany and in many other eastern european countries, today we note that their number is even increasing, that is, the descendants of the former. information about the nazi past of relatives of the current establishment appears
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relatively regularly in north america. in their time, the united states did not hesitate to do business with the nazis and their accomplices. this is how the ronald reagan administration collaborated with yaroslav stetsk, the former right hand of stepan bandera. in the united states, he was seen as an authoritative leader of the anti-communist movement. and in 2006 , journalists. without a glorious relative on the consonant hiller. artyom krosulin, anna pogonina, vesti. in moscow, russian diplomats, together with their chinese colleagues, launched a festival dedicated to the new year according to the eastern calendar. the main thing at the festival was the green wooden dragon. about the symbolism of the chinese new year, anastasia ivanova. it would seem that the new year holidays have just ended; they begin again here in the center of moscow. russia together with the bride celebrates the year 4721 according to the eastern
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calendar. people line up at the booths at the fair, go for tea, dishes, souvenirs, souvenirs, toys, a beautiful chinese zone, here the goods are all from china. what's the most new year's thing? the most, i think, is the panda. of course, many here already know what to buy for themselves or as a gift , cash envelopes, because the chinese give money for the new year, and how do you know about traditions, i know from the internet and in general i like china, i’m going there this year. with the guests from china arrived with such friendly emotions, sharing their traditions and learning ours. helps compatriots get comfortable at holiday venues. where would we be without traditional chinese food? peking duck, dumplings, noodles, quite tasty food, well
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, a little unusual, but still delicious. friendly interaction between the two countries at all levels, this year marks not only 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between russia and china, but also the cross year of culture of the two countries, such a joint decision was made by vladimir putin and sidin pin. several reasons to celebrate the eastern new year on such a grand scale. 3, 2, 1, the city center flared with red lights, which means the chinese cultural festival has officially started. it was opened by representatives of the diplomatic departments of russia and china and the moscow city hall. this is an economic benefit, of course, as has already been said, but this, among other things, is the very antidote against hatred, against aggression, which really works, people come.
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culture it symbolizes a happy omen, brings prosperity and good luck. i sincerely wish you the power of a soaring dragon, bright horizons, success in all
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your endeavors. traditionally, the onset of the eastern new year is celebrated in khabarovsk. someone went to visit relatives in china. the day before the airport was full. dumplings were made in student dormitories in blagoveshchensk; many students from neighboring countries study here; restaurant kitchens are boiling. in moscow they will celebrate for 2 weeks until february 24th. the program is intense; at the moscow zoo we will be holding various master classes and lectures on chinese theme, and in addition to this, we will also hold events at the stankin tv tower, the tourist information center in zaryady, at vdnkh, where a vibrant program with dragon dances will also be presented, with various master classes, at the new arbat pavilion it will be presented, presented master classes on the game. go, this is the so-called chinese chess. all information about events, both for russians and for guests from china, is available on travel planning services, so that your trip to the culture of the celestial empire is definitely
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colorful and... full-fledged anastasia ivanova, igor belagurov, pavel varbuzov, news! we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website. russia has achieved impressive results in the development of agriculture over the past two decades. this applies to both the domestic and foreign markets. the minister provided specific figures.
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but today we are already a net exporter of agricultural products. since the twenty- second year, our country has reached full self-sufficiency in meat, although back in the early 2000s we were heavily dependent on its imports. in general, over two decades, the volume of agricultural production increased by 87%, that is, almost doubling, and exports increased 30 times. the growth of production allowed us not only to fully meet our own needs. russia’s role in international markets has also radically changed, for understanding, export revenue amounted to $1.4 billion, in the twenty-third year it already exceeded $45 billion, colleagues, a 30-fold jump, that is, we increased export revenue for 20 there 4 years 30 times, last year the country set, one might say, the second record for grain harvest, it
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fell slightly short of... the most productive year in the history of russia, 2022, then there were 158 million tons, now 147 , but the current figures are also very high, this is enough to feed not only ourselves, but also other countries, by the way, this is no longer only the cis, as it was before, significant volumes are sent to africa, south america and southeast asia. as the minister said, russia became the first in exports of wheat and fish, second in grain and sunflower oil, third in the world in barley supplies, such successes would not have been possible without the participation of the state, financing of industries under state programs increased from 18 billion to more than half a trillion planned this year. significant results are not a reason to stop. according to dmitry patrushev, agroprom now faces a new challenge: it is necessary to increase the production of domestic seeds and develop its selection. there is a very large layer
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of tasks ahead. territories, without improving the quality of life our farmers, peasants, it is impossible to attract new personnel to the industry, according to the minister, the infrastructure is now being updated , modern housing is being built, which means that the industry has a future, and judging by the figures given today, this is a great future, what
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happened here, february 25 social networks, calls , sending out fake news, go to a rally , all western-linked pr agencies have joined in to incite regional local riots, the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically to bring confusion into their souls confusion, this is the surest path to victory in the revolt, the content and the agenda itself are formed by hundreds of people professionally. from the states that spend their whole lives influencing minds, i personally trained in ipso courses, there are chats where we get tasks: today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets. remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be infinitely ashamed because we are russian, that was the real hybrid war.


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