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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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already more than 130 million views, hundreds of thousands of reposts. these figures show how much interest vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlson generated. the conversation lasted a little more than two hours, approximately 60 questions were asked. first of all , we were talking about the ukrainian conflict, a special military operation. speaking about the reasons for the svo, the president named one of them as the reluctance of kiev and its western partners to implement the minsk agreements. moscow, unlike its opponents , was ready to follow the agreements and repeatedly offered to look for a solution.
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stopped immediately so that the minsk agreements could be implemented, frankly speaking , i didn’t know how we would do this, but i was ready to implement them, they are difficult for ukraine, there are a lot of elements, as if independence for donbass was envisaged for these territories, this is true , but i was absolutely sure, i’ll tell you now, i sincerely believed that if after all. to persuade those
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gradually, gradually, when this part was still to be persuaded, to return, as it were, to the framework of ukrainian statehood, then gradually, gradually the wounds will heal, people who live in donbass, their territory will return to economic life, to the general social environment, when pensions will be paid, social benefits, everything will gradually grow together, no, no one wanted this, everyone wanted it only with the help... no , we will not do anything, we have also begun preparations for military action, they started the war in 2014, our goal is to stop this war, and we did not start it in 2022, this is an attempt to stop it. another
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topic was sabotage on the nord stream gas pipelines. vladimir putin believes that the answer to the question of who is behind the bombings is obvious to most. who blew up the nord stream? i was busy that day. i didn't blow up the nord stream. for you personally.
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the world's leading media immediately reacted to vladimir putin's interview, given the attitude that western journalists demonstrated even before the publication of the conversation, there was no need to expect laudatory reviews. however, today the car failed. dmitry melnikov studied the comments. i'm sitting here with an old style folder, i haven't even opened it yet, with documents that he gave me. putin. i will have evening reading. it was a real interview. it didn't start at all like i expected. i'm still processing the conversation that just. is over, i still don’t know what to think, the west has never seen such an interview with the president of russia, but i was waiting in advance, i was afraid, it’s clear why, tucker carloson himself explained in this video, which he recorded hot on the heels of the conversation in the kremlin. russia is not an expansionist
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power, sorry, all these tories and others, all these liars and ideologues who run the state department, want to turn it into such a thing, hitler... to imperial japan, but the truth is that it's just a lie, it's just nonsense, you'd have to be an idiot to think that. the madness in the western press began even before the interview was published, and then the temperature only increased. the worst thing that could happen is that the monopoly on information on which the western world rests, if not destroyed, was seriously damaged. vladimir putin addressed a trump supporter, the washington post writes, meaning that the audience of this conversation was limited to only the supporter. former us president, russian president during the conversation, he was cheerful and enjoyed the interview, the british the times is indignant, and the wall street journal admits with horror that putin can be heard in the west, but everyone agrees on one thing, russia is confident in its abilities, and the president has proven it. putin's appearance
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underscored his tactical confidence at a time when his opponents are facing a dangerous moment. ukraine is experiencing difficulties on the battlefield in receiving assistance from the united states, while on the atlantic side russian-friendly policies are gaining strength. vladimir putin's interview on cnn is called a propaganda victory. the american gave the floor to the russian leader without censorship or distortion. putin appeared to be teaching carloson about historical events, while the presenter looked on with bewilderment. the western media are afraid of the very statements of the russian president like fire. direct quotes from putin are almost never seen on local tv channels. restricted to free retelling. president putin insists that russia has no interest in attacking poland or other nato countries. he stated that such options absolutely out of the question. but in the comments, viewers who watched the interview themselves draw the right conclusions. whether i believe putin is not so important now, but
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the main thing is that i can watch the unedited version of the interview and form my own opinion, without being told what to do. on the social network x, where immediately after the publication #putin took off in... here and there he joked and brought to mind numerous numbers and economic data, especially in relation to the united states, which is in decline, so it acts more and more aggressively. no matter how hard official washington tried to neutralize the conversation between putin and carloson even before publication, the expected effect
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was the opposite: when they urge you not to watch under any circumstances, everyone will definitely watch. i don't think americans will be convinced by a single interview. i think that... russia is in ukraine and at the same time they are attacking carlson, accusing him of giving a gift to putin, calling
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the journalist with lenin’s term a useful idiot. a particularly violent reaction is expected from the polish press, where they hung on every word of the president russia about popular. russia dreams of conquering europe. the polish media compete in alarmist headlines, although in essence they fail to scare. the vice-president also gave his diagnosis of the hysterical reaction of the west.
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will give a new
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crack to the western audience, it is already clear that this conversation will be seen by many more viewers than any of the previous viewings of this interview or biden’s future speeches. the white house , of course, also watched the interview and, of course, is looking for signals, moscow has made its move, how the united states will respond. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. preparations for the season of floods and wildfires were discussed at a council meeting today. security, which vladimir putin conducted via video link. the main task, the president noted, is to minimize the consequences of possible emergencies. the head of state outlined the topic when opening the meeting. think about it in advance. we are discussing various topics in this composition, but unfortunately, no one has canceled floods and natural fires, they cannot cancel them, but you and i must think about this in advance and do everything to minimize the consequences. let's talk about this today. russian troops continue
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to improve their positions in the donetsk krasnoliman direction, repelling enemy attacks. this is stated in today's report from the ministry of defense. in other directions , units of the russian army are striking enemy positions. igor pikhanov is monitoring the progress of the special military operation. it flew. for 2 days now , air music has been sounding in many regions of ukraine. alert russian missiles strike drones destroy military facilities and militant locations. in the kharkov region, a hotel and restaurant where foreign mercenaries lived and ate burned out. defense ministry specialists strike with high-precision projectiles only at verified targets. our military warns that ukrainian air defense poses a danger to the local population. often under fire. populated areas are affected, and uncontrolled shooting in urban areas is especially dangerous. in the zaporozhye
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direction, russian soldiers are using combat drones to destroy enemy positions; an observation post near the village has been neutralized novomikhailovka. air strikes are also carried out by tactical aircraft. the crews of the k-52 helicopters neutralized the assault unit of the ukrainian armed forces on the contact line. the enemy is at the deadline. began to drag heavy equipment and armor to the line of combat contact, and according to the report of the aircraft gunner, all targets were suppressed and also destroyed. defense minister sergei shaigu visited the special military operation zone. at one of the control points of the western group of forces, i heard reports from officers and paid special attention to the organization of continuous providing units with weapons, military equipment, and ammunition for the successful completion of combat missions. a working meeting was held at the headquarters of the united... grouping voy, experts reported that over the past 24 hours
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the khaimars and yas-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, an m-3-7 artillery mount and an ammunition depot were destroyed. sergei shaigu thanked the officers for competent command and control of the troops, as a result of which the group continues to improve the situation on the front line, and emphasized that it is necessary to more actively conduct reconnaissance to the entire depth of the enemy’s defense and act proactively. in the kupinsky direction. units of the western group of troops repelled five attacks by assault groups, the thirtieth and forty-fourth mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces and the eighteenth brigade of the national guard of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of senkovka , kharkov region.
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combat contact, firing points in the ssu are suppressed, the supply of shells to the frontline is stopped, specialists from the electronic warfare and air defense unit prevent enemy drones from taking to the skies. igor pikhanov, news! is that it, or will we die on the asphalt? just lie down for now, we are
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now going to get the rescuer and back. russia has achieved impressive results in the development of agriculture over the past two decades, this applies to both the domestic and foreign markets. specific figures were given by the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev; he spoke at the forum of national achievements as part of a specialized day at the russia exhibition. as the minister noted, positive changes became possible thanks to the president’s attention to the industry. since the beginning of the century, our agro-industrial complex, with... the enormous support of the president, has managed to transform itself, well, at the beginning, in fact, from dependence on imports, then we went through the stage of self-sufficiency, but today we are already a net exporter of agro-industrial products. since 1922, our country has achieved complete self-sufficiency in meat, although at the beginning of the 2000s we were
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heavily dependent on its imports. in general, over two decades, the volume of agricultural production. increased by 87%, that is, almost doubled, and exports increased 30 times. the growth of production allowed us not only to fully meet our own needs. russia's role in international markets has also changed dramatically. to understand, export revenue was $1.4 billion; in 23 it already exceeded $45 billion. colleagues, a 30-fold jump, that is, we have increased export revenue by 30 times over the past 20 years. last year the country set, one might say, a second record for grain harvest. he fell a little short of the most productive year in history of russia in 2022, then there were 158 million tons. now there are 147, but the current figures are also very high, this is enough to feed not only ourselves, but also other
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countries. by the way, this is no longer only the cis, as it was before, significant volumes are being sent. to africa, south america and southeast asia. as the minister said, russia became the first in exports of wheat and fish, second in grain and sunflower oil, and third in the world in barley supplies. such successes would not have been possible without the participation of the state. industry financing according to government programs increased from 18 billion to more than half a trillion planned this year. significant results are not a reason to stop. according to.
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the development of rural areas is also becoming an important task for the state; without improving the quality of life of our farmers and peasants , it is impossible to attract new personnel to the industry. according to the minister, the infrastructure is now being updated, modern housing is being built, which means that the industry has a future and, judging by the figures presented today, this future is great. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, such. different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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the solemn procession of the rhythmic beating of sacred drums has been taking place in this takiya quarter every year at the beginning of february for almost a hundred years. a stately figure with a long nose and a fan of stylized bird feathers strides, surrounded by a retinue dressed in the attire of mountain monks. the costume procession is timed to coincide with the traditional one. the holiday of the end of winter, in japanese, setsubun. in japan since ancient times, this was celebrated precisely at the beginning of february, when chronology was carried out according to the lunar calendar; they
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switched to the gregorian calendar at the end of the 19th century, so now all their traditional holidays are slightly shifted in time. setsubun is celebrated everywhere, but each city block has its own characteristics. here , one of the most unusual representatives of the japanese demonic pantheon was chosen as a patron, this is tengu, the great terrible one. as befits a demon, he has a scary appearance, and his main distinguishing feature is his huge elongated nose. eat another variety, karasu tengu. karasu in japanese means crow. he has a bird's beak in the middle of his face.
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on the last day of winter in japan, it is customary to drive out devils and invite happiness to the house ; bags of treats that symbolize it are thrown into the crowd; the task is to catch as many as possible. usually in these cases in japan they shout oni losoto in kalauti, that is. celestial dogs, according to the hieroglyphs of the word tengu of elemental manifestations of nature, the japanese learned about it from the ancient chinese, who associated it with comets, calling them this is how it is translated: having migrated to the japanese
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islands along with buddhism, daasism and confucianism, this spirit was enriched by shinta traditions and settled in the mountains and wilderness. severe hermit monks erected a sanctuary among the age-old cryptomeria pines to please the rebellious deity. it was believed. these are occult shamans who deviated from the true buddhist teachings, who, as punishment , were doomed to become eternally restless spirits, and their long noses grew from arrogance and pride, but to classify them as it would be untrue to the forces of evil, they seem to have accepted the burden of serving as an eternal warning to others, which is why tengu in japan are treated with great respect. mount fuji is considered their main home; an image of a big-nosed demon can be found here in almost every temple. nowadays, the ascent to fuji
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begins from the middle of the mountain, where you can comfortably get there by car or bus, but earlier pilgrims were forced to start right from the foot; the path to the sacred mountain passed through a dense forest, so first confirm your respect for all kinds of spirits, including the fierce demon tengu, was considered... an indispensable condition. another characteristic attribute of tenbu is shoes. wooden sandals with attached planks are traditional japanese shoes. tengu's is more like haduli. there is one board, not two, as it should be. and it is almost impossible for a mere mortal to maintain balance on them. moreover, among the samurai. the demon symbolized masterly use of weapons; about the main hero of the war of the taira houses, the valiant commander yoshitsune, it was customary to say that
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he learned the art of the sword from himself. i have a very rich catch today, it’s called women of happiness, but just catching them is half the battle, now the main thing is to eat them one for each year that has passed, that is, the older you get, the more difficult happiness is for you, religious symbols and myths can do a lot talk about the peculiarities of the national character and perception of the outside world, take the long nose of the tengu. the original applied version is that this is just a similarity, in the case of korasu-tengu a real bird’s beak, like among the red-nosed swedes, who live in large numbers on one of the five azurzi, acquired an unexpected development after the japanese met foreigners of non-asian appearance.
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near tokyo, in the town of kamakura, where the first clan of military rulers in the history of japan, the shoguns, settled more than 800 years ago, a sacred path begins behind the ancient zen buddhist temple of kenji. it leads up a mountain, the slopes of which are lined with bronze statues of tengu. the mountain is called gatake. at the local shinta shrine we were told that these the statues appeared here after the war, in the late
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fifties and early sixties. it was then that yukio mishima, already famous throughout the world, having visited this mountain , wrote his story sea sunset about a strange monk named anri with blue eyes and a long nose, who found himself as a result of dramatic events in japan in the 12th century and was nicknamed tengu for his unusual appearance . since then, these winged figures have been looking towards the pacific ocean, from the same slope from which mishima’s hero peered through the roofs of the temple at sunset sea, telling the deaf-mute boy-monk about his distant homeland. sergey mengazhev, alexey pechko, east asian bureau from japan.
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what happened here on february 24-25, social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all the pr agencies tied to the west joined in to encourage regional local riots, the main one. the task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring confusion and confusion into their souls. this is the surest path to victory in the meta war. the content and the agenda itself are there are formed by hundreds of professional people from the staff who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally trained in ipso courses. there are chats where you get tasks, today we scare belarusians
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that the russians will force them. to fight against the dagestanis tomorrow means that they will take to the streets, remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be infinitely ashamed because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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