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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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diplomacy is always mutually beneficial, mutually acceptable agreements, but the west is obviously no longer ready for equality, mutual benefit and acceptability for all parties; it perceives itself as some kind of god-chosen exclusive political, economic, military force that has nothing more to do with anyone should not negotiate, it’s enough to press, it’s enough to present ultimatums, it’s enough to set some... conditions, that’s what we see now from the west, and this is extremely regrettable, because as a result of the fact that the tools of diplomacy, conflicts, crises, some points of collision are used, it becomes much larger, because the side that is subjected to this blackmail, this pressure, these threats from the west is not only russia, but, of course, our country , well , he definitely won’t give in under this pressure. with their sovereignty,
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to sacrifice their national interests, if you want, to sacrifice their national dignity, yes, probably such countries exist, let’s take the example of ukraine, where there is no longer any trace of sovereignty, dignity, or equality in relations with the west, but god be with them, so to speak, there they choose their own destiny for themselves, this is definitely not about us, this is definitely not about many other countries , who now constitute the world majority and unite around such serious...
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in this country, what were the minsk agreements, here russia’s role was completely direct, immediately key, it was an attempt to prevent a civil war in ukraine, well, ultimately help ukraine to preserve its territorial integrity by non-military means. instead, ukraine relied on military means, no diplomacy, no negotiations with its opponents, but at that time inside the country, inside ukraine, and the same france and germany again.
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disappear into thin air, and as it turns out later, they are just playing on the theme of the minsk agreements, trying to give ukraine time, to gain time so that it prepares itself militarily for the military defeat of russia, well, we see where we are now we are, well, the third story in this series is the situation in the spring of twenty-two, when our side passed its part of the negotiation path, the so-called istanbul process.
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european taxpayers have heard that we are addressing them this way, well, first of all, why, in principle, we considered it necessary to accept this statement, because it is quite obvious that the armed forces of ukraine can no longer do anything on the contact line, they have neither their own weapons nor their own ammunition, not your own military personnel, it’s all over, all that remains for ukraine is to beg from its western... patrons for longer-range
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weapons, which the ukrainians either never had or have definitely completely run out, their reserves have obviously been exhausted a long time ago, in order to across the line in contact. defenseless people, ukraine , of course, begs all these supplies from abroad, and we see that there are volumes of military aid, they float there, some countries allocate more money from the budget and simply pay for these weapons, but we see by type, by type, by class of these weapons, that
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they were produced in very specific countries , which we name in our statement, this is the united states of america, this is great britain, this is germany, this is france, this is what. although it is clear that supplies also come from other nato countries, but indirectly, as they say, in our statement we do not just name these countries, but we call on the parliaments of the relevant states to understand that they are certifying by their decisions, they cannot do without parliaments, but how at a minimum, military budgets are adopted by parliaments, and by their decisions they certify the actions of their governments to kill. called, of course, to those structures in which these parliaments and these countries are represented, but
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as i said at the plenary meeting , it was to these parliaments of those countries that i , chairman of the federation council valentina ivanovna matvienko, we will ensure that this statement and that truth , which... is contained in this statement, was necessarily brought to the attention of our interlocutors in every contact we have with representatives of any country, so to speak, not in the mode of accusations and claims, but in the mode of informing the international community, if you want, that same world majority, since the world minority behaves the way it behaves, consolidation on the world the majority is in the position of denial, non-acceptance of condemnation of such actions.
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istic actions that are completely unacceptable in modern conditions, which are absolutely unworthy of those countries that call themselves civilized and that are trying teach the whole world democracy, intelligence and reason. the courage and pain of the inhabitants of the encircled leningrad, the road of life and the long-awaited breakthrough of the blockade. how do modern children see the events of those days? the federation council awarded the finalists of the all-russian children's drawing competition "life divided into grams. it is dedicated to the full eightieth anniversary." liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade. the exhibition in the upper house included 24 works of the winners. in total , more than 100,000 thematic drawings from all over the country were submitted to the competition. to get one like this response from a children's drawing competition , to be honest, this is the first time i've seen such a number
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of children, it means that they hit the heart, it means the topic struck a chord, it means they wanted to participate, and this, of course, is preserving the memory, the feat of the siege survivors. and the competition began in the leningrad region, it was proposed and organized by senator dmitry vasilenko. soon , not only schoolchildren from the leningrad region and st. petersburg, but also children from other regions began to contribute their work. with the support of the federation council , the competition became all-russian. creativity first vice-speaker andrei yatskin noted young artists for their depiction of besieged leningrad. the energy that our young talents brought through their hearts, through their souls into each one is amazing. she inspires that this should never be forgotten, and the federation council, on the initiative of valentina ivanovna matvienko, will always patronize this wonderful project, but it will also start and go throughout russia, all these works should be exhibited throughout the country, i think it will be
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organized, we will accompany it, and i would like to wish the winners and participants, mentors, and museum workers, and those who voice these works. alive, don’t stop there, continue this active work, because what happened 80 years ago should never be forgotten, the theme of the siege.
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only 900 such institutions applied for participation in the program, and
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less than 100 connections were completed. it is obvious that budget institutions must necessarily switch to gas, but this is also important from the point of view from an environmental perspective, cost savings, municipalities do not have sufficient funds to re-equip outdated boiler houses, this is the problem... the speaker of the federation council noted that the topic of prices for petroleum products within the country is very sensitive for both citizens and businesses.
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and measures have been taken to reduce the export of petroleum products, thereby we see that we have a stable situation at gas stations on the stock exchange. once again i want to emphasize that the needs of the domestic market are fully met on a constant basis, we, together with federal executive authorities, the ministry of energy, the federal antimonopoly service, monitor the current situation in the domestic market. valentina matvienko also noted that russia has managed to create a promising and friendly geography.
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among the most effective regions with high productivity is the ryazan region, which is represented in the federation council by senator nikolai lyubimov. he is a guest on our broadcast today. nikolay viktorovich, hello, the industry of the ryazan region is represented by large enterprises, and an industrial park is being built in the region. at what stage of this project? well , last year the industrial park actually completed the construction of its entire infrastructure, that is, electricity and gas.
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these are factories for the production of household chemicals , medical products, these are factories for the production of wall panels and much, much more, metalworking, that is , you can’t list everything, immediately there is a very great interest among investors in this park, recently the regional government represented - the advantage of the park of the chinese company slc, they are quite large, there is also hope that they will come there, so the industrial park
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is, well, such a new point of industrial growth for the ryazan region. and , by the way, what is important, it is actually being built with restructured federal money, well, that is, these are budget loans that the region had to repay into the federal budget, now it is with these funds that the infrastructure is actually being built, this is a very big help and support from the federal government, and in many the regions are very actively using this support, just like in the ryazan region, the regions also approved an application for 4 billion rubles for the construction of important facilities until 2025. these include six kindergartens, schools, and the reconstruction of the sewerage system, and which facilities have been commissioned? which construction is ongoing or is it just planned to begin? you are absolutely right, for 2022-2025 the region was approved for almost 4 billion infrastructure budget loans, federal funds, in fact a very convenient
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tool in addition to others such as national projects and so on and... six kindergartens have already been built, four have been completed, this is in the kolnoye, semchina microdistricts, now a school for 1,100 places is being built this year in the olympic housing complex and two more kindergartens, that is, this year year, the work will be carried out, well, until the twenty -fifth year, everything will definitely be completed on time, these are two kindergartens, well, in particular , a kindergarten in the city of rybnaya, next to ryazan in the metropark, the metropark housing complex, the school is also very much in demand, this is a school in the olympic housing complex , as i already said, for 1,100 places, but i think that, of course, more children will go there, because housing construction is actively developing in this microdistrict, and of course, as far as infrastructure is concerned, everything we also managed to do this, in particular, the western sewer was completely reconstructed, so
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many thanks, i must say, to the federal government, on the instructions of the president, this tool began to be implemented in our regions. and this is really a great help. nikolai viktorovich , i would also like to talk about tourism, in the village of konstantinov, ryazan region, there is a state museum called the sergei yesenin reserve, fans of creativity, the poet and more come there, that’s what else the region is attractive for tourists, you know, there are many very iconic, famous names of ours, historical names, this is tsolkovsky, of course yesenin, this is pavlov, academician pavlov, these are the brothers. people come, walk along this trail with pleasure, admire nature, admire these
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wonderful places, the most beautiful, ecotourism, event tourism, every area has something. very interesting and one of the major projects that may be of interest to all guests is the reconstruction of a trading town in the city of ryazan, you know, the ryazan exhibition of economic achievements of the fifties, now it is all being restored, and why this might be interesting, there is actually a pavilion in one place, is called the residence of tradition, all the main - traditional crafts of the ryazan region will be presented, that is, this is... mikhailovsky lace, this is shillovo vine, this is skopinsky ceramics, this is kadamsky venitsa and much, much more. you can come, see it all, touch it, take part in master classes. this is a very promising project, on behalf of governor pavel viktorovich molkov, such a pedestrian tourist trail is now being organized, virtually through the entire city of ryazan, through its
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historical center, its length is 13 km, it will connect all such iconic places for ryazan, such as... parks such as the kremlin, such as the trading town, which i already mentioned, and much more, and of course, you can come to play sports, in particular skiing, a wonderful, one of the best in the country biathlon track right next to the city of ryazan, a huge spa, a hotel right there, of course there are places where it’s good to relax, take a walk, just spend time with children, with families, this is such a storyteller in a certain kingdom. town, that is , you can’t list everything, you must definitely come, visit, relax, this is such a significant festival in the sky of russia, when there are a huge number of balloons...
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banks and microfinance organizations are obliged warn clients about high growth of debts, lenders must calculate the debt burden indicator for each borrower, and if the value exceeds 50%, inform them about the risks? the regulator in this case, the bank of russia , gave the opportunity to this initiative in order to even save citizens in some sense of the word, to constantly provide information. a citizen must understand that he is taking very serious actions regarding the fact that he is taking out a loan and he understands that he will still have to repay this loan. the value of the debt indicator loads above 50% are not a reason for refusal to
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receive a loan, but warning the client allows him to assess his ability to repay the loan. also, starting this year, the central bank has increased the requirements for issuing loans to russians with a high debt burden. if before the new year, for example, the bank could issue a loan of up to 30%. 50%, now this figure has been reduced to 25%. this means that if the debt burden is over 80%, then such loans can be only 5% for a bank, for microfinance citizens with a high debt burden more organizations 15%. how will this affect us as citizens? even you just open an account in a new bank, the bank tells you: you can buy a credit card or get it for free with a limit of 1000 rubles. this means most likely banks. will react in this way, that is, this credit limit of 10,000 rubles will be reduced while the bank does not know about your real income and your real expenses. the innovations concern credit
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holidays; starting from this year they are in effect on an ongoing basis. previously, this was a measure to support citizens during a pandemic, then this opportunity was extended. now this norm will protect the rights of citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations. borrowers whose taxable income has decreased by more than 30% can apply for a one-time credit holiday. compared to the average income for the previous year, as well as citizens living in residential premises located in an emergency zone. the citizen submits a request for holidays to the bank himself; he must attach supporting documents to this request. for consumer loans this is personal income tax certificate 2, which tells about the citizen’s income for the previous year, where the drop in his income will be visible, if so.
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the federal bailiff service has received powers; credit organizations will have to keep and store audio recordings of communications with debtors for 3 years, and inform the bailiffs before starting debt collection. next week, senators will consider issues of combating the leakage of personal data of citizens. the topic of compensation for damage from the economic activities of loggers will be touched upon. will discuss social issues within the framework of the year of the family in russia. see you in a week, see you on the senate program.
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she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special powers, who are you looking at anyway, well, the girl is standing scratched, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know, who is the killer, yes, just look without self-indulgence, walk in place, don’t move.
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for some reason i believe you, anna medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety begins. you, ministry of emergency situations of russia.
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5:00 am
these figures show how much interest vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlson generated. the conversation lasted a little more than two hours, approximately 60 questions were asked. first of all, they talked about the ukrainian conflict and a special military operation. speaking about the reasons for the svo, the president named one of them as the reluctance of kiev and its western partners to implement the minsk agreements. moscow, unlike its opponents , was ready to follow the agreements and repeatedly suggested looking for a solution.


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