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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order at the khudmurti enterprise, the minister studied the progress of the production of drones, both reconnaissance and attack, and the management of the plant. reported that since 2022, the production of drones has increased by almost 2/3 in accordance with your instructions, guided ammunition has been improved in terms of tactics and technical characteristics, in this case i am interested in targeting a target not manually, targeting a mission, a flight mission in advance, a flight mission created conditional points. so we load it onto autopilot, so
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further, starting with ours, we increased the production of our products 10 times and when landing with any impacts nothing breaks, that is, survivability has increased very much, we also added various functionality that helps the operator,
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colleagues, a year has passed since then, as we put it quite serious, energetic, extremely important, extremely necessary. problems, there were several of them, i must say that most of them have been solved, most of them have been solved, now we need to move on to the next stage, which is called the solution received in during the course of the northern military district, the tasks, the tasks are complex, difficult, many of them, you know , this is a question of relays, these are management issues , these are guidance issues, what has been created today, the capacities that have been created... they allow
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us to solve most of those - the tasks that we face today, i mean the fight against fpv drones, this is rap, the emergence of artificial intelligence, all of this is in the process of being solved, and now we just need to decide on the pace, timing, quantity, this is exactly what we are doing now let's do it. powerful explosions thundered that night in several regions of ukraine at once. in kharkov, after the detonation , a strong fire started. it is reported that the oil depot caught fire. the fire rose tens of meters in height and was visible from several kilometers away. explosions also occurred in odessa and izmail. similar messages came from ochakov, kharkov region. in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime , detonations occurred for the third time in the last 24 hours.
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american social media users are sincerely surprised by vladimir putin’s ability to speak without papers for a long time, compared with biden, and not in favor of the latter. the theory that carlson was bought by the kremlin was also demolished in the comments under tucker’s post. they dug up the journalist's biography, where it turned out that he was a hereditary millionaire, whose fortune last year was about $370 million, which is why tucker clearly did not come for money. however, the press continues to deny the obvious success of the interview. the guardian was the only major newspaper to put information about the conversation on the cover, the rest pretended that nothing happened. happened. but in canada, the prime minister.
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europe is also going, but with the hope that the main sponsor will still be the united states. this statement was made by olaf scholz during his tour of the states. all european countries are now gathering their strength to provide ukraine with even more support. the conflict could end at any moment, but
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certainly not with the capitulation of ukraine. however, without us help, the situation for kiev will be very , very difficult. we, of course, want to avoid this, and i really hope that congress will decide on the allocation.
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spot, scanned the code in the app and won a million yandex plus points. believe it or not, you want a million points and millions of other prizes. under the stickers in the application it’s delicious and point alyon, let me help, thank you, but you have a whole cashback package here, i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, yur, alyon with a free vtb debit card, vtp, 10% cashback, for everything, help, it’s better for me, there ’s enough cashback for everyone. vtb, together everything will work out, i can’t sleep again, drops of volimenia , valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and mint, a drop of volimidin, calm, only calm, one friend of mine can do everything, but what can you do, and i get gigabytes from the megaphone
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just like that, naked charisma, the megaphone takes care of to its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb every month, wake up and sing, i see someone needs energy, come from where? “i’ve been driving since childhood, everything’s fine, i ’ve always been supported, everything’s fine, now i ’m a magnet, i work as a driver, the car fleet is being renewed, my salary is the same day, everything’s fine ok, come 8 800 3677, good afternoon , my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur,
9:10 am
last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to it in advance. the sales season is starting, don't miss it, join the megamarket. megamarket, just grow with us! what are men silent about? painful urination and problems with erection are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. longitaza against prostatitis. the musyurs decided to give gifts. and you, your son wants a radio-controlled car, and maxim is hinting at a smart watch. and you give me a hint, i want a robot vacuum cleaner , i’ll give you a life hack, come on, buy a gift with a free
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vtb credit card, 200 days without interest, 20% cashback on everything, i’ll buy it, well, what a surprise, vtb, together everything will work out , buddhists around the world are celebrating one of the main holidays today: the new year according to the lunar calendar, as well as the onset of the white month. vladimir putin sent congratulations to the russian believers. in a telegram published on the kremlin website states that the holiday marks the renewal of nature and man, symbolizes good hopes and expectations, as well as the desire for purity of thoughts and harmony. the head of state emphasized that russian buddhists carefully preserve the priceless moral and spiritual heritage of their ancestors, their foundations and customs. jobs - decent wages and investment in production. in the kursk region , heavy
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and light industry enterprises are developed and supported. at the zheleznogorsk factory, which produces high-tech textiles, provides a full cycle of clothing production, has undergone large-scale modernization. modern equipment and highly qualified employees today allow us to continuously produce up to 30,000 finished products monthly. report by irina kozhukhova. the sewing factory was opened in 1984 to provide employment for those who worked at mikhailovsky mining. the enterprise developed dynamically, but in the nineties it began to sag. received a new impetus in 2014 from the moment it joined the domestic clothing manufacturing companies. btk group. he always supports a large holding and will help; in difficult times, of course, there is someone to rely on, especially financing. now we are reconstructing buildings, we are basically doing it right now. automation is also being connected, we are trying to improve working conditions, they promise to deliver beautiful furniture
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, redo it, replace the spacers , install new ones, now just work and work, well, they raised the salaries of my girls again, well, they will already receive january for january more, well more, the capacity of the btk company can ensure the production of up to 5 million garments and 17 million knitted 25. meters of synthetic blended fabrics, and also specializes in sewing workwear for knitted fabric. kursk factory of the largest companies, such as aeroflot, gazprom, russian railways and others. it’s very nice when you’re traveling on a train , an employee, a conductor, dressed exactly in our uniform, you look decent, you always look from the outside, what you want to improve, yes. investments in fixed capital are directed to improving working conditions increasing productivity. the organization occupies. a worthy place among light industry enterprises in the region and contributes to the growth of competitiveness, from
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the administration of the kursk region, the leadership of the city of zheleznogorsk will continue to provide support and development of enterprises, especially today we see investments in industrial equipment of the enterprise, in the renovation of premises, i am sure that this work will continue, today we are talking with the management of the enterprise about a possible increase. number by another 300 man, this indicates demand, so of course it’s great that such enterprises operate in the region. the kursk factory employs about 500 people; all employees are guaranteed a social package, transfers, compensation for travel and meals, and housing for nonresident foreign specialists. irina kozhukhova, alena puchnina, roman fedorkov and yuri tvorogov, vesti kursk. in russia today people are starting to ski in large numbers; residents of the far east were the first to start. in these moments. siberia and the urals are taking up the baton. in total , the russian ski track will take part in the open race:
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residents of seventy regions. this year the competition is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the blockade of nazi troops. the main start will take place in the leningrad region. anyone can participate. most often, the russian ski track is held at two distances. 5 km for those who are not yet 18 and 10 km for everyone else. now advertising. "one friend of mine can do everything, well, what can you do, and i get gigabytes from the megaphone just like that, naked charisma, the megaphone takes care of its subscribers and gives up to 20 gb each month, it’s easy to imagine the ideal house
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an entrepreneur. last year i didn’t have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season and... these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, no skip it, join the megamarket, megamarket - just grow with us, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool video, how high the speed is, and what coverage is wide? where are we going, where no one has seen your videos yet, although the megaphone can even pick it up there. mobile operator number one in terms of speed coverage. hello, we found out that i told you a thousand times about sbp, now i’ll get out and tell you about sbpa. download the sbpay app, link your bank account and you can pay for anything through an nfc sign with one touch or
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using the sbp qr code, thanks for being easy to find. but if you are too lazy to go somewhere, there is an sbp button for online shopping. well, and one more thing see you. a murdered child, dozens of casualties among adults and many injured, a terrible picture of the terrorist attack in lesichansky, which the propaganda of the kiev regime is trying to pass off as a strike on a legitimate target. we’ll tell you more about this and more right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, literally the orcs dined and got what they deserved. such formulations were used by ukrainian media and telegram channels in the very first minutes after the attack on the bakery in lesechansk. the cannibals from unian ironically said that there are no evidence that there were civilians in the building. another info dump shared
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an exclusive. allegedly, meetings of the russian command were held in the destroyed building. quote for the occupiers, however, the primary source turned out to be, to put it mildly, dubious, an anonymous representative of some kind of military-civil administration, that is , a character who fled from the lugansk republic at least a year and a half ago, and hardly adequately assesses what is happening in the lpr, if he exists at all , when we simply pin the enemy in a corner, then they they use quite standards of reception, they refer to some anonymous source, that the anonymous source reported to them that there were military men there and... this attempt to shift responsibility to an anonymous source, this is such a traditional cliché, but western journalists really like to refer to some anonymous sources , because in this case you are responsible after just a few minutes. it became obvious that the ill-fated hymers did not hit a military target at all; civilians, including women, were definitely pulled out from under the rubble and dragged away from the place the tragedy was not army equipment, but
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ordinary cars crushed by debris. here the record of those who had recently rejoiced because of a successful arrival changed as if by magic, they began to turn everything around as if the wounded dead were reported exclusively by the russian side, which should not be trusted, or they hinted that they were not responsible for the shelling. ..apu, because otherwise there would have been a comment from the hijackers themselves, and indeed, they did not comment on the monstrous crime, but such silence akin to a purely heartfelt confession. they are silent because they are in a very disadvantageous position, because such tectonic shifts are taking place inside, like the replacements of the syrish ones, so i understand that this does not mean anything to us, but they are shaking for their own skins. in general, this is a terrible example of what kind of fate the fastas wish for donbass and how... it does not apply to the local population, the more cynical the calls for the so-called liberation of new regions of russia sound, although the ukrainians themselves suffer from such hypocrisy, in particular a lot of noise
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kiev issued war bonds, which, according to professional liars, are state-backed securities that need to be purchased in order to invest in future successes. the first point is, of course, stability and reliability; in short, the state can guarantee one hundred percent payment of its obligations. if you invest in an attack on... zhelesischanskaya , you will receive a substantial profit when victory is achieved. the greatest income is promised for simferopol and evpatoria. in the first case, the rate exceeds 18%, in the second it exceeds 19. payment is guaranteed by mid-january of the twenty-fifth year. they propose to wait for dzhankoy a little longer until july of the same year, they want to occupy kerch even later by october, but for some reason the interest rate is lower, about 17, sevastopol is trading around 18, the repayment is announced in exactly a year, and the bond. for yalta they are only 16%, but the period is short, 6 months, but at the same time , dreams of a new kokhovka of the kherson region are valued at a couple of percent more with
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a deadline of 10 months, and the cheapest papers with a rate of about 14% they sell for donetsk, mariupol and lugansk, probably because the deadline for their capture is constantly being postponed. according to the head of the ministry of digital development of ukraine, the scheme has already brought the budget a little, not less than 700 million hryvnia, therefore they bought the notorious bonds for... the government these bonds, well, thus , as if carrying out an issue, now they decided the national bank printed hryvnias and bought them to expand this practice that, under the guise of victory, they decided to sell it in the form of essentially extortion from businesses, from individual officials for immunity. who are forced to buy these bonds, well, since major successes remain unattainable, the enemy has to savor local ones,
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which are also false through and through. a striking example of the enthusiastic headlines of ukrsmi against the backdrop of the alleged death of the call sign moses, a russian drone pilot, who, together with his comrades , terrorized the enemy on the dnieper for several months in a row , sank dozens of boats, eliminated hundreds of manpower, but allegedly ended his glorious hunt. because his observation point managed to reconnoitre, cover with well-aimed fire, the unit that was in the process of launching russian uavs was destroyed, they mercilessly attacked our boats, there is no moses, there will be no outcome, there can only be one outcome - in addition to footage of a hot dacha where the uav operators were supposedly hiding, sofa the troops also published a photo of the fighter himself, crossed out with bones in general, almost jumped for joy, assuring that in addition to moses... three more russians were killed, but then it would be time for the nazis to remember the proverb: don’t tell the gop until you jump over, and then someone will remember, someone will look , this is a refutation, this is also the tenth thing
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, the main thing is that this black mess through the dust, it was served, in ukraine people received their dose of blood and hatred, there are real warriors who - they inspire horror and fear with just their call sign. for those on the opposite side. this is the story about the doorman moses. and then the story developed absolutely naturally. moses wrote on his social networks that he was alive, as were his colleagues, then posted a sarcastic audio message. hogliki, my dear ones, we are preparing for examination. and in order not to be unfounded, he supported his words with a small but quite eloquent video from the hospital. the fighter is wounded, but he is in excellent spirits. in its turn. subscribers to soft-sided public pages were clearly despondent and, until the very end, refused to believe in the cancellation of the holiday. they create that it is not true that they previously stated, and they also try,
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again. provoke the target audience, say that it’s all a lie, it’s not him, this is not this person , they sent someone new, modern drone pilots, so to speak, and who actively participate in military operations during the north military district, they turn into some kind of public opinion leaders, these are a kind of bloggers and journalists who, from the spot, so to speak, they broadcast military operations and tell what is happening, and most importantly , they attach quite impressive video frames, as they say, guys, what’s wrong with the face, mass recycling... no one has canceled ukrainian watercraft, everything necessary for it is at hand for russian soldiers, when the boat is moving slowly, the copter just needs to hover over it to drop ammunition, this can be either a standard f1 lemon, capable of scattering 300 fragments over 200 m, or a vlog-17 shot for an automatic grenade launcher, the latter contains only 36 g of explosives, covers a radius of up to 7 m with fragments , however, even a civilian drone lifts two such projectiles at once, well, in situations where the target
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is moving at high speed, grenades cannot hit it, so the task is transferred to fpv aviation aces, well, for example, the ghoul uav accelerates to 100 km/h, uses a pg7v cumulative shot as its warhead, it can easily penetrate up to half a meter of cast armor steel and will easily sink any boat to the bottom. the so-called bridgeheads on the dnieper are the tail end of the great counterattack, 2 and a half artillery divisions. they lost, they are only on video, what is visible, yes, they lost in these battles, which have no prospects, that is, this is the biggest problem of these battles for ukraine, namely the loss of equipment in the first place artillery, as for the regular composition , well, as you yourself understand, the military commissars will still catch, however, zelensky hardly cares about those who went to feed the dnieper fish, but he still imitates a certain interest in what is happening at the front,
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let's say... content from the air of the endless telethon insisted that the leader of the gang from the bank visited rabotin, zaporozhye region , wished him good luck, the cannon fodder was careful about the line of contact, but if everything is really so, then why is he posing for video shooting in in some unidentified basement, going out into the street without a helmet, as if walking in the deep rear. considering that the work, let me remind you, is located in an extremely hot area, where drones fly and artillery strikes, in short, it’s a strange sight, and that’s not all. now look at the card. which is rushing at full speed, flashing lights, and clearly they make it clear that some european official or zelensky is driving here, well , it is clear that this was all filmed somewhere far away, but here is the second option that i would like consider, or maybe someone specifically draws attention to it, maybe someone wants a rocket or drone to fly into their car, now to an interesting photograph from the capital of square, which
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essentially advertises...
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svo reaches such cases when people simply go to violate the laws of physics in order to somehow escape, yes, to pack into a space in which, in general, a person should not, in theory, fit. at the same time, the junta has already invented a way to literally hook its citizens service in the armed forces of ukraine is evidence of this.


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