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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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french bosses after world war ii, he remained a forced atlanticist, with nowhere to go, but within the community he aggressively defended the economic interests of his country. in the first years of his presidency, in the early eighties, miteran was very vocal, especially at the meetings of the group of seven. he accused the united states of protectionist egoism and the europeans of weakness. the united states is making us pay for their unemployment.
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are we being extreme? military-political leadership of the united states, no one, under the instability in europe, raised the question: i don’t doubt it, but costs are rising. the population doesn’t like it, politicians are nervous, only metarans, somehow unnoticed. europe has recently been gripped by mass protests. hundreds of tractors blocked highways and streets in german cities. france, spain, ireland, belgium and the netherlands. farmers are dissatisfied with the agricultural policy of the european union and demand a revision of national legislation. amsterdam requires reducing hydrocarbon emissions, for example, by reducing livestock numbers. berlin ends tax subsidies for farmers. all farmers worried about the eu's new free trade agreement with. these are brazil,
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argentina, uruguay and paraguay. brussels, farmers say, does not require latin american suppliers to comply with the same standards as in the domestic market. the eu's green policy is presented as an attempt to create a healthy food system in the eu. with its help, brussels hopes to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 . for farmers, this means a sharp reduction in pesticide use. protesters believe that the tasks set will lead to the destruction of agriculture. the number of angry citizens is growing. in france, for example, in addition to farmers, school teachers are on strike, demanding higher wages and a review of working conditions. protests are taking place not only in the capital, but in other major cities. dockers at the ports of le havre, marseille and rouen went on strike this week. they demanded the cancellation of the new pension reform. at the airports of berlin and hamburg.
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on february 1 , aviation security employees went on strike to demand higher wages. all flights have been canceled and the strike was organized by germany's second largest trade union. earlier, german railway workers went on strike. residents of central and eastern europe have their own problems. farmers are dissatisfied with cheap supplies of agricultural products from ukraine. the eu canceled duties after the start of the svo, and carriers are angry that kiev... all this is taking a toll on the already not very rich eastern europeans, truckers from poland and romania even blocked the border with ukraine for some time, practically stopping cargo transportation . about the european economy let's talk with yakov sergienko, head of the company yakov and partners. she specializes in macroeconomic research. yakov, why is this happening?
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grains, if we take them as a base, their cost of fertilizers, which are quite energy-intensive to produce, has increased from two to five times over the past year, plus the cost of fuel itself, including diesel, which is quite significant for farmers, according to in total, this of course brought brought quite a lot of problems for them in an economic sense, both from the point of view costs, so from the point of view of limiting demand, we see from surveys in the european union of consumers, including quite...
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the wealthy are beginning to choose increasingly cheap products, moving away from choosing a healthy diet, healthy nutrition was a characteristic feature of agricultural products from... of the european union, in fact, at the same time, with everything, if we talk about the structure of the economy, on average in the european union the share of agriculture is about 2.5% of gdp, but for individual economies these are more significant figures, there they are up to 8% reach some. artist amarim from brazil, the forest is being cut down, chips are flying, in our case, the stars of the european union, a reaction to the protests of european farmers across the ocean. a sarcastic dutchman, eb bertrams with his own view of the situation, the drawing is called an allergy to tractors, the image of the european union is unmistakably read. another dutchman - maarten woltering, with alternative approaches.
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saving farmers is the business of the farmers themselves; it harms the fight to preserve the climate; we are only wasting time. swiss ramses, recognizable image of french president macron, drawing. called angry tractors, figurative presentation of information. let's continue the theme of france. slovakian marian kamensky does not reduce the intensity of the struggle. farmer protests against the backdrop of paris. on the tank it is written: macron. and the selfless woman who pushes the tractor is marine lepin. another work by the wicked dutchman ep bertrams. and the situation as a whole, so to speak, is titled. explosive atmosphere. we would say. in germany they started saying that the country was losing competitiveness, urgent measures were needed, what are the causes of the crisis in the most economically powerful country in europe? the most straightforward option is germany's high dependence on
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energy resources from the russian federation , including 55% for natural gas, there was 34% for oil, plus. therefore, of course, the economy was and is quite export-oriented against the backdrop of protecting the increase in the cost of key production factors for energy-intensive industries, such production, this is primarily chemical production, this is petrochemicals, the same fertilizers that we talked about, this the situation in certain sectors of the german economy could not but influence, on the one hand, on the other hand, there is a clear set of political steps that the german economy is implementing quite consistently, this includes moving away from nuclear energy, hence the factor of energy independence, which is now being decided by the european union e leads directly to expensive sufficient sources of energy, be it liquefied gas now or there is wind energy,
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solar energy, all this in terms of kilowatt-hour at the moment this turns out to be more expensive sources, non-commercial, such as corpse gas or from... in the energy sector, relations with china have always been critical for germany, it is still a fairly significant trading partner, both an exporter and an importer of germany acts here, and we see that now significant restrictions are beginning to appear from the point of view of possible interaction with pitham again politically first, then economic consequences, this also cannot but affect the german economy, which is quite significantly damaged in the international trade, this is probably the second factor, i would say this is the transition from... the policy of globalization to blocism, this is blocism, bloc discipline, if we take, say, not the west as a whole, but the european union, it has always been considered beneficial specifically for the largest economies, that germany itself, germany together with france occupy about 40% of the gdp of the european union, and the european union, to position it, is about
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21 trillion international dollars, if we look at purchasing power parity, that is, the third economy in the world is quite large with a population of 450 million, so the two countries are france and germany 40%. but if you look at the share in the budget transport of the european union, which is redistributed by these two economies, it receives only 10%. that is , in fact, these are two donor economies. and this had a fairly clear rationale, because through this the development of lagging economies was stimulated. the economy in terms of population in terms of poverty levels, infrastructure times, but a striking example is poland, which is, for example, the most striking.
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regional priorities between countries and digitalization, here are three priorities, it is clear that when the minister of economy of germany says that our abilities are falling, which means that maybe the time has come when we need to direct part of the funds to the development of the german economy, very an interesting development, because if the integration principles are not beneficial to the largest, serious consequences can follow from this, including political ones, well, at least economic consequences follow, we see, for example, that already...
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now we see attempts to increase the share of defense costs in the gdp of these countries, these negotiations are now underway at the level of the european union, in fact, now the time has come when it is necessary to pay for insurance, the consequences are clear, there is also an outflow of capital, there is also a need to purchase energy resources, including dear, lng, the same one that asians used to overpay for, but it’s a choice, and it’s such a big one. geostrategic choice, in this sense i think it is important that these events happened,
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it is indeed clear that the american the economy has been gaining relative to the european economy in recent years, but here again the question will be repeated about the political economic dialogue that should take place in europe, it is no coincidence that there were visits by both macron and scholz to washington, there were even attempts to discuss the fairness of the economic gain, but i won’t. details, but in essence, the americans are quite pragmatic in maximizing their own profitability, and we see this , including how american business operates more flexibly now in interaction with different countries, compare with european business, yes, therefore, well, yes, the americans turned out to be more skillful entrepreneurs, the american economy, it is developing in a completely different paradigm now, it actually says there by consensus, it was achieved within the framework of re-economics, so called, yes, that is , in fact, business obviously has a reduced
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tax burden, social burden, we see this now in the consequences of infrastructure in america, including yes in terms of living standards and so on, but this allows international expansion without implementation, in europe there was another conscious choice, we see in europe exactly the model of the development of civil society, the development of a consumer society, the equalization of countries in terms of level and income, if you look even at poland again, i’ll just take it as a base, there most of the things are not about... innovation, they are primarily about the affordability of housing, about the fact that there is a social support system, the fight against poverty, including, which has not been defeated in these countries, just these very poor ones countries of the european union, this agenda will definitely have to somehow interact with it , but something will have to be done, that is, either admit that in the european union we will then have consciously poor, unresolved issues, some social ones, then another social contract, this point will definitely have to be looked for and... the question is: will the rich or the richest countries agree, because they include not only germany, france, it also includes
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scandinavia, holland, the same one, yes , belgium in some part, flanders is the same there the most, yes, all these questions will clearly grow little by little. thank you, we talked with yakov sergienko. our guest used a metaphor: europeans paying for american insurance for a guarantee of safety. it explains well the almost hysterical state in which the political class finds itself. european union due to the possible return of donald trump. in this case, the fearful ones are worried that either the insurance payment will increase sharply, or the provision of services will simply not work. they will refuse, and then what, after all, is really the defense of the old world relies almost exclusively on american power. after world war ii, american troops remained in europe by decision of the yalta and podzdam conference. but already in august 1945 , us president harry truman said that he considered
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the us military presence in western europe as a means for global politics from a position of strength. after the landing in normandy in june 1944, numerous military bases passed into the hands of the americans; five deployed divisions were located on them, which were subordinate to exclusively to the american command, and four more divisions of the joint nato armed forces. they opposed the warsaw pact troops deployed at the forefront in the gdr and czechoslovakia.
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ground-based missile defense systems have become a new component of the american military presence in europe. the idea of ​​the bush administration. but tomahawk strike cruise missiles. the command center of the european segment of the american pro system is located at ramstein air base in germany. in the film, the president's plane, board number one, who is captured by terrorists, is trying to make an emergency landing here. this is the largest us military base, in fact, an entire city. there are american
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schools, a shopping center, a post office and its own police station. they don't pay in euros here. but in american dollars. ramstein is one of the bases where nuclear weapons are stored. after the start of the special military operation, it became the meeting place of the contact group to support ukraine. here it was decided how much and what kind of weapons the west was ready to supply to kiev. the new york times claimed this week that germany is seriously discussing whether nato will survive if trump decides to withdraw.
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usa, forcing allies to pay for american protection. later, in 2000, in the book the america we deserve, trump argued that european countries were using nato as a tool to place the burden of international responsibility on the united states when their conflicts were not worth american lives leaving europe. would us millions of dollars annually. in 2016, when it started presidential campaign, trump called the north atlantic alliance an outdated organization from the cold war, which...
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that expectations of war with russia in europe are increasingly stable. it is interesting, by the way, that it is in europe, and not in america, although it would seem. if we ignore the current exaltation, the very
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question of the military self-sufficiency of the old world is natural. and this is not the first time it has been staged, although attempts to create something common and defensive, but without the united states, led nowhere in the middle of the last century. the first collective security organization was created. 1948, and it was a purely european organization, it was created with the approval, but without the participation of the united states of america, it had a small number of participants, france, great britain and the benelux countries, at that time, in the forty-eighth year , these countries considered germany as the main threat , because all these and all five countries in the first and second world wars were objects of the german war.
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the composition was small in number, only five countries, it was clear that with a large number of soviet divisions this organization will not be able to cope, accordingly , literally a year later nato was created, however, yes, despite the creation of nato, this organization, the brussels treaty organization or the western union, its second name, it remained throughout the cold war and even after the cold war wars in the nineties, therefore... in europe there was some talk that suddenly the united states would reduce its military presence, suddenly it would be more interested in some other regions
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of the world, then there was such an organization, which could be further developed, because there were some governing bodies there, yes, there was a unifying agreement, there were obligations under this agreement, and such discussions could arise from time to time. it made itself felt again in the nineties and even expanded, new participants joined this organization, it defined its powers, its tasks, yes, that is, what we will do in the nineties - peacekeeping operations, humanitarian operations, anti-crisis operations, but by 2000 years, it disappeared completely, that is, it was already absorbed the european union and, accordingly, all sorts of structures...
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it is significant that now, just when the time has come to use all the tools, they do not remember it at all. europe has completely lost its fighting spirit. europe has built a welfare state and wants to spend resources on social needs, not on defense. of course, in almost every european country there is an interest in the military industry to develop, but none of them have the potential to play the role fully.
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defense arose not in the soviet or it is significant that the topic of a unified european russian context, but mainly in relation to germany, not as an ally, but as a hypothetical threat. as part of european integration, the creation of a european army was the answer, the french response to the task set by the americans. that the germans need to be put under arms again, given the wehrmach, the general staff , and so on, since first of all, and germany’s neighbors feared the appearance of german soldiers from all military structures, they decided to create a european army, where there would be multinational divisions, there would be no german divisions, but there would just be german soldiers, italian, french and so on, that is, this project was connected specifically with european integration, the author was
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jean mande, but this... is a political project, because the military immediately criticized it, that something would be unviable without control , an uncontrollable army, and so on, it was never created, that is, they discussed it, debated it, so the name remained, however, the fact is that modern politicians can use this very name the european army, it certainly pops up periodically, but it doesn’t point to a specific historical example, it just points to the character, yes, that they are purely europeans, but... without leadership from the united states, as is happening in our country. we are often surprised that europe so unquestioningly follows the american lead. sometimes, it seems to us, to the detriment of our own dignity as sovereign nations. but they just have a different logic, right? dignity is often synonymous with honor, and honor is a military virtue. the germans can't to truly revive the bundesphere, they
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cannot return to compulsory military. conscription service, none of these countries have conscription, they themselves have refused to consider themselves as warrior nations, so honor and dignity in the traditional sense do not apply. the french, with their idea of ​​the need for greatness, would, of course, argue here, but even the most militant of their presidents understood: the greatness that is available are bright symbols of caution, so as not to get involved in something overly risky. the biggest yes degole's military project is a nuclear project, because it was under degole that france became a nuclear power in 1960, so in this sense, yes, well, for degole it was meant that we would have, well, not now, but when we develop, we will have its nuclear deterrence, at the level of a united europe, and the goal was to promote the project of a political union, but there was no strong
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military there. component, that is, he had a project for political consultations, the development of a common foreign policy, within and within the european community for that period, military issues were not discussed and the project of this political union also failed, so degol rather has a way out of the nato military organization, the nuclear project is french, his own, but at the same time , yes, the policy of détente in relations with the soviet union. a reduction in international tension, that is, it is on a bilateral basis that detente is not multilateral, as it became in the seventies during the european conference, it is precisely this kind of bilateral detente, that is, these are all political events, this was previously thought about détente as a way to solve the crisis, now there are a lot of proposals, but completely different: from the rich idea of ​​​​providing poland with nuclear weapons, as the british spectator calls, to
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the rapid... walk and today, on saturday, the new year is coming there, the year of the dragon, big and green , from beijing, our absolutely wise alexander baletsky. any chinese holiday, and especially the new year, is always not even the sea, but an ocean of lights, especially if the new year is the year of the dragon.


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