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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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we saw a different picture, universities, which then in 2014 remained on the territory controlled by ukraine, already during...
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it’s just, well, such a layer of culture, just basic knowledge about it, it’s just lost, well, we’re trying really hard, we’re very big the number of hours has also been set aside for journalists, well, for all specialties with maximum literature and language . the ministry of science and the university are helping the mariupol university, as well as other universities in the new regions, to adapt to russian educational programs. well, of course, a new life, new standards, difficult, difficult, but thanks to our such a team, yes, colleagues, very much , of course, we are integrated into the ministry of science, higher education of the russian federation, thanks to partner universities, this is the university, our first curator, the russian state, humanitarian rggu university and ... at
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the kuindzhi university full-time , only the first and second year students have the opportunity to study, senior courses are still on distance learning, but soon they will return to the classroom, we are trying to, well , you know, young people already feel these are real students , but they lost a lot, so, due to the lack of classroom resources, of course, it’s only the first second year, well, we already have the second... the building next to it is also nearing completion of renovation, and i think in in the near future, we will even increase full-time education. now, including the correspondence department, there are 4,500 students studying at the university, for comparison in ukraine there were 3,00 people,
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most of the students come from mariupol and other cities of the dpr. maxim studies at the faculty of physical education, comes from teresa, his father and uncle. members of the svo, and i study at kuindzh moscow state university, and i entered here on the initiative of my parents, let’s say, that is , my uncle fought, he said that we liberated, you can calmly go here to study, since in donetsk it was well i was restless, i didn’t want to sit at a distance, and i decided to enroll here, given the circumstances, it seems surprising, but approximately 40% of students at kuindzh moscow state university are from outside the city. moreover, this is not only donbass and novorosiya; the geography from which students came is quite wide. we were surprised when applicants from all over russia actually submitted documents to you, were you surprised? yes, there was surprise, because you know, well,
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firstly, lately we have been invited, our students have been invited, we have them in kazan, sochi, moscow, st. petersburg, that is, the guys talk about themselves. al first question, you are from the bryansk region, how did you get here, how did you enter here and why here? my sister studied here at one time, she sent me a website, i decided to go see how everything works here,
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what faculties there are, what opportunities it offers university, look at the reviews, accordingly, and in principle i did not find any negative comments, i liked everything. i decided to try here, i was basically only considering moscow and mariupol, in moscow i wanted to enter a military school to become a military psychologist, but i didn’t pass the entrance exam, uh-huh, uh -huh, uh-huh, here’s mariupol, everyone will know where i’m from i arrived, just a quick question: what did you forget here, how did you get here, well, although our classmates are from rostov, here are two boys, they are from rostov, most of them teaching staff, like... most of the local mariupol students were in the city during the fighting. the ukrainian armed forces not only did not carry out the evacuation of civilians, but also actively interfered with it. this cannibalistic tactic is called a human shield. it was much easier for the ukrainian armed forces to fight in a populated city than in an empty one. in the spring of twenty-two,
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the rector of the university, larisa sevalap, was also in the city. i was in mariupol, i did not have the opportunity to leave because i had parents. well, first of all, they are already elderly, dad is 85 years old, my mother is 75, my mother suffered three strokes in a row since march 23, yes, thank you, we, of course, have a doctor who, a cardiologist, well, let’s say , at least, you know, raised her today, well , she moves more or less, father, he has a hearing problem, he didn’t understand at all what happened, military events took place.
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people really wanted to return to their home university after may 20. we met several colleagues because we were on the metro. there was a point where people came for humanitarian aid, there was a connection, that is , somewhere you could call someone, there were already cards there were some local values, phones could be purchased, you know, it was such a place, such a location, where we really met with colleagues, with employees, those who stayed here, somehow you know, a group of people organized themselves, and the ministry of education of the dpr came to our city, so people like... they reported who saw whom where, who met whom where, well, from a small
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group it all grew into our big friendly team . from the stories of mariupol teachers, students without pre-hobbies give me goosebumps, freshman liza shekma, almost 2 years ago , her mother died before her eyes, she was still a sixteen-year-old girl at the time, she was wounded, it turns out, and we went out into the corridor, well, where everyone lives and... it turns out the walls are here so they formed, there was a lot of dust, well, our neighbor said, like, let’s go outside to the basement, but our basement is not that great, and we decided to cross the road, there was a five-story building, like five entrances, and we also had relatives there, and we got there, and we didn’t have time to get there, it turns out a rocket landed on the corner, well... i still didn’t understand whether it was in front or behind, but in one word i stunned, turned over,
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so, well, when i woke up, well, at that moment i was already wounded, well, i realized that i was wounded, because somehow it was hard to get up, but i turned around, my mother was lying there, well, i realized that it was all over, my mother was dead, yes, then there was a girl with us, 5 years old, her mother was seriously wounded. well, my neighbor told me that come out, go somewhere, run somewhere, because they decided to somehow drag this mother out with one guy, but i took a girl, i took her out to the house with five entrances, i went to her third entrance, it turns out there were people there, i was there with them the whole time for 2 weeks, they helped me. the wounds were treated and we decided to leave because
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, well, one chechen came to us and said that there would be a corridor, it would be better if you came out, because there were ten-story buildings, there were snipers there, well, we decided to leave, after some time lisa managed to contact relatives who took the girl to the village where her grandparents live, where she ended up eleventh grade, before admission. to the university, liza was very worried, because she received almost all her school education in ukrainian, well, so, that is, you had to brush up on russian, you didn’t have much time there, well, yes, somehow on the internet these are the rules i somehow wrote everything at home, well, we were supposed to have an essay, in my opinion, yes, so i once tried with my sister, with my grandfather, well, i passed well, i passed, there was no such thing... everything turned out to be good, much better , now lisa lives in a
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university dormitory, in which most of the floors they have also already been renovated, the conditions are quite good, three people live in the rooms , there is a shower in each block, well, they just changed it, they made this toilet, that is , everything is new... yes, yes, well, the renovation is still ongoing, on the ninth floor, they are doing wiring, in my opinion, or electricity , something, uh-huh, uh-huh, at the university lisa is studying to become a psychologist, and the choice of such a specialty, of course, is connected with what happened in her life, probably after i well, i finished eleventh grade, so i was looking at what professions i could go into and what i would like more. i thought so, well, this is all that happened to me, i can help myself if
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i help psychologists, and help other people, especially at such a time, and there are many people who need it, with irina vyalkova, dean of the faculty , in which she teaches... shekmar, we are standing on the ruins that were once her home. tell me what happened? oh, this was sometime within 20 years. was our house in which we lived, raised our son, then at one moment none of this happened, but because there is the ilicha plant, where also they were based, well, ukrainian equipment, military, just from the factory, yes, even if it doesn’t even
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require any special efforts to trace this trajectory. that is, a direct hit on the house, here is the tail from the rocket , it flew straight into your house, yes, it flew straight to us, we were in the house at the moment when it arrived, and this tail, it’s just over the sofa on which the son, let’s call it conventionally, slept, yes, because it was hard to sleep, but somehow we tried to warm up, right there, right above the sofa, what date was it, it was 9 march 5 in the morning, it’s hard to forget, the time and hour, it really looks like a miracle, after a direct hit by a shell on a small private house,
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everyone remained alive, fortunately they avoided serious injuries, temporarily irina’s family lives in the house next door. threats come regularly to the telegram channel, well, via telegram , they come to corporate email, that is, well, it’s in any format, insults, threats, live and look back, moreover, not so long ago irina vyalkova was informed that in ukraine she was convicted in absentia, you
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said that you were convicted in absentia in ukraine, yes, for what, for the fact that you... unlike mariupol, classes at universities in donetsk are held remotely, the reason is clear, the city is shelled every day,
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and don ntu, better known as the donetsk polytechnic university, is also remote, when donbass officially became part. in russia , many students who were mobilized in the dpr in february twenty- two returned here from the front to finish their studies. donetsk national technical university is a university with a century-old history. and in soviet times, and now, despite the fact that hostilities are ongoing, donetsk polytechnic, one of the most prestigious universities in donbass. well, our university was founded on may 30 , 1921, founded for a specific purpose. industrialization of donbass, that is, well, the young soviet state at that time realized that it was necessary to develop industry, this cannot be done without personnel, they took such an unprecedented move when in the province, because the city at that time yuzovka was a deep province, a university was founded, which was largely created as a kind of
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prototype of the leading universities of the russian empire, and then, which moved to the soviet union, in a sense, we asked ourselves as a kind of replica of the st. petersburg mining, and during this time more than 250 thousand engineers were trained, these engineers were trained for the soviet union, well then ukraine, russia, more than 70 foreign countries , that is, we carried out an analysis, there are our graduates on all continents, here is the brand. but given the shelling of the city, it’s impossible to do this right now, it’s unusual that the corridors are empty or have already gotten used to it, but no, it’s hard to get used to this, the question to which
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you asked, it’s very , very beautifully displayed here on the stand, so i would like to draw your attention, the family tree, this is the development of...
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shelling, which means they recommended it to you, explained what to do, so do it, as a matter of fact, that's it - remember the first shelling that we came under, the first shelling,
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well, actually, the first shelling - it was in motion, when we were from one settlement to another, in general, we didn’t immediately understand then, but then we saw , that due to the landing, the series of ruptures, in general, went beyond the landing, and we stopped.
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it was very difficult. really remember basic things, because 15 years have passed since school, and the first year is still basically a school base, well, plus some subjects already there, well, like the best mathematics, it was hard, well, some subjects were easy for me, of course, drawing, descriptive geometry, because i am friends with this, mathematics, like algebra, geometry and so on, well, everything else i had to master. at the beginning of the northern military district, pavel went to the front as a fourth -year student, he had combat experience behind him , he fought in slavyansk in 2014, served in an anti-tank platoon, he had combat experience, yes , this is an event of the fourteenth year, the city of slavyansk, semenovsky battalion, so i arrived to slavyansk on april 13, as soon as, well, that’s it it started, here it is.


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