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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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or on the website. russian troops carried out 31 group strikes over the past week. on objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, this was reported to the ministry of defense. the targets were enterprises that produce and repair aircraft, drones, missile systems and ammunition. the ministry of defense also spoke about how the situation developed in the main directions in the zone of the special military operation. during the period from february 4 to february 10 of this year, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 31 high-precision group strikes weapons, including long-range ones.
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enterprises engaged in the production and repair of aircraft, reconnaissance and attack uavs and unmanned boats, coastal operational-tactical missile systems, as well as rockets for multiple launch rocket systems. in addition, the locations of units of the ukrainian armed forces and the formation of foreign nationalists were hit.
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defeat of enemy personnel in the areas of the settlements of novoselovskaya, lugansk people's republic, kislovka and berestovoe , kharkov region. enemy losses for a week in this direction amounted to over 725 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, 24 vehicles and 10 field artillery guns. in the krasnolemansky direction , a subdivision of the center group of troops improved the position along the front line and in cooperation with aviation and artillery. repelled 14 enemy attacks in the areas of the settlements of chervonaya debrova, lugansk people's republic, yampolovka, torskaya, grigorovka, donetsk people's republic, as well as the serebryansky forestry, defeated by an accumulation of manpower and equipment of the third mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, the twelfth azov special forces brigade of the fifth brigade of the national guard of ukraine. over the course of a week in this direction , the enemy lost up to 1,500 killed and wounded
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, 11 armored combat vehicles, 31 vehicles, and three field artillery guns. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, and also repelled 26 enemy attacks in the areas of the settlements of krasnaya, leninskaya, kleshcheevka, shumy, a victory for the donetsk people's republic. air strikes artillery fire defeated units of the ukrainian national guard in the regions. settlements bogdanovka, novy, kurdyumovka, novgorodskaya, belogorovka, andreevka, georgievka, ekaterinivka of the donetsk people's republic. enemy losses in a week in this direction amounted to more than 2,190. two tanks, 13 armored combat vehicles, 38 vehicles, 19 field artillery guns and a combat vehicle, multiple rocket launcher system. in the yuzhdonets direction , units of the military group. behind
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last week, they improved the situation along the front line, coordinated actions repelled five attacks by the ukrainian armed forces , defeating units of the 72nd mechanized brigade, 105-128 terrestrial defense brigades and the first brigade of the national guard of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of ugledar, makarovka, urozhaynaya, staromayskaya of the donetsk people's republic and the shelter of zaporozhye areas. the losses of the armed forces of ukraine for the week in this direction amounted to: in the zaporozhye direction, units of russian troops defeated manpower and equipment 128 mountain assault 33 65 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine the third brigade of the national guard of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of rabotino, novodanilovka, nesteryanka, pyatikhadki and shcherbaki, zaporozhye. region over the past
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week in this direction, the enemy lost more than 210 military personnel, four armored combat vehicles, nine vehicles, four field artillery guns and a combat vehicle, multiple launch rocket systems. hail. in the kherson direction , russian troops used air strikes and fire artillery inflicted defeats on personnel and equipment of the thirty-fifth-thirty-seventh brigades of the marine corps, the 121-124th defense brigades, and the twenty-third brigade of the national guard of ukraine. in the areas of the settlements of tyaginka, mikhailovka, ivanovka, takarevka, zolotaya balka, antonovka and stanislav, kherson region. losses of the armed forces of ukraine in a week in this direction. amounted to more than 245 military personnel, 25 vehicles, seven boats, six field artillery guns and a combat vehicle, multiple launch rocket system high-mass, operational-tactical aviation , unmanned aerial vehicles , missile forces and artillery,
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troop groups over the past week, two launchers and a radar of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system were hit, as well as eight ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces, and 34 missiles from salvo systems ognars, vampire, hurricane and alha, as well as 488 unmanned aerial vehicles. within a week, 36 ukrainian servicemen surrendered. total since the beginning of the special military operation: 570 aircraft, 265 helicopters. 12,166 unmanned aerial vehicles, 464 anti-aircraft missile systems, 14,956 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,218 combat vehicles of salvo rocket systems, 8,008 field artillery guns and mortars,
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as well as 18,419 units of special military vehicles. on the evening of february 9 , 2024, the regime attempted a terrorist attack on russian civilian transport ships in the southwestern region of the black sea using semi-submerged unmanned boats. for to repulse this attack , patrol ships of the russian navy aviation were involved, carrying out tasks in this area. fire from artillery installations destroyed one unmanned boat, the rest were suppressed by electronic warfare. film indonesia with mikhail after advertising, continuation of the documentary
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split. split everything you want in different stores without overpayments. most of the people living here moved to the islands at least a couple of thousand years ago. among the later settlers , the most numerous group is the chinese , having the civilizational experience of a single millennium behind them, the chinese, with their characteristic efficiency, have been controlling a significant part of the economy for several centuries, but this did not give rise to good feelings for them among the indigenous inhabitants, who had a hard time competes with them, feeling, which the authorities used to intentionally fuel, because when it was necessary to find... some kind of scapegoat, yes, for certain political or economic failures, he
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was always at hand. the chinese came in handy, by the way, when, for example, general suharta explained the coup he staged in opposition to the machinations of communist beijing, with which the ousted president worked closely. the communists and yellow-skinned brothers were blamed for all the country's troubles. local. the chinese were presented here rather as junior partners, uh, china continental. the indonesian chinese were in a vulnerable position, a crowd turned against them and played along with the authorities. to please this mood , all these measures were taken to ban the use of the chinese language in printed publications, to celebrate some significant holidays for the chinese, such as the chinese new year, to maintain chinese schools, to provide education in chinese, the chinese were
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comfortable a target for letting off steam, while at the same time it was the authorities who provided the chinese with protection, when the situation heated up to brutal pogroms, protection and repression kept the chinese moneybags in obedience, however, the authorities did not go further than this, no one was going to kill the chicken carrying the golden poisons. on the contrary, the authorities had not only a stick for the chinese, but carrots in the form of trade tax privileges, therefore, even under the dictatorship of suhart, the chinese maintained their positions in the economy, however, in an atmosphere of restrictions of constant anxiety, many renounced their roots and changed their names to indonesian ones. i don't speak chinese because when i was born, there were such rules.
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worthwhile and not so, in my understanding, the chinese, the real chinese, are those who live in china, so i consider myself an indonesian, i cannot say that i am chinese.
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for indonesia
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on a scale, my father was also a professional indonesianist , so i had no problems choosing a career in life, then there was the institute of african studies, work for tas in the same region, a business trip to atria news, which dragged on and somehow smoothly turned into permanent residence in indonesia, to engage, which from within me much more interesting than outside. the most visible
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result of these activities was his internet blog, which can be... read popular encyclopedias indonesia, in the future we expect the appearance of a comprehensive work on this country. but bali is not only beaches and nightclubs, it is, first of all , fascinating landscapes, mountains, lakes, waterfalls, ancient temples, colorful sacred ceremonies and vibrant holidays, all this too. today is a birthday celebration.
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since no records are kept of the change of years, they are not numbered or named in any way, they they just pass by, unlike most of the inhabitants of many other islands where islam reigns, the balinese profess indo-buddhism, due to the geography of the island, it lay in the country from the great route of spices, it was there that they began to arise... which, for example, gave life quite a strange ritual, it probably originated as an offering to weapons, but nowadays
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on this day offerings are made to everything iron, from cars and bikes to cash registers, dozens, if not hundreds of different rituals and ceremonies are practiced here, there is a ceremony to expel evil spirits, she called mecharu, but... in fact, all evil is born in our hearts, the task is to cope with what is happening inside us. it’s not just religious to be sick, they are truly religious people, perhaps that’s why there are more temples here than houses, there are temples dedicated to hundreds of different gods, temples in honor of the founders of villages, temples of various clans, temples that protect the island from evil spirits flying from the ocean, and for...
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and comes out outside in thousands of fragmented springs, they are collected in canals, then distributed to the rice fields, gradually going down to the ocean itself, so lake batur supplies water to about 70% of the rice fields, and of course, picturesque rice terraces are included in the indispensable tourist menu, here it is worth developing an established world, the island of bali is not at all necessary. treatment and relaxation are only rich, there is a place for absolutely any budget, but the cost of flights is staggering, those who have been here, each remain with their own attitude towards the boleyan, some remember the mercantile stinginess, others the breadth of soul, kindness and goodwill, the first is usually tourists who happened to spend another week on the island, they also encountered those
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who feed at their expense, the second, who stayed on the island for a month, and even more so a year, they saw other people who were not spoiled by money in the island outback, busy with their a purely bolly affair. usually i go out into the field in the morning for about four hours, work until 11, until it gets too hot, then i go to rest, later, when the heat subsides, i go to mow the grass for my cow, i only have one cow, which is already old.
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one and a half hundred active volcanoes. others in other words, this is a paradise not only for nature lovers, but also for extreme tourism enthusiasts. you will not find such a variety of plants and fauna anywhere else . just look at the munchaks alone, the deer that can bark, and they themselves are the size of a dog. and monitor lizards, komoda, these last dinosaurs on earth reach a length of more than 4 m. by the way, the prehistoric ancestors of the monitor lizards were twice as large. however, indonesia for us is far from just exotic. this is a new frontier, challenging our abilities to enter little-known, adapt to new conditions and achieve your goals, or to put it another way: a land of wonderful discoveries and new opportunities.
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modern technology, confidence in sustainable operation. flexibility for use in any industry, reliability and efficiency, new quality for your success, tomzel electric drives, sashenka, turn on
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the morning playlist, turn it on.


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