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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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they said that, why did they say that? new urengui is the richest district, this is an area where there is a very powerful, developed structure, the structure of gazprom, and what is important is that this elite gymnasium is also sponsored by gazprom, this is what the boss says about this boy and this phenomenon in general, this incident media relations services about gazprom dobycha yamburg sergey chernetsky. who resolutely called on the public to stop bullying the boy altogether, and so on and so forth, he writes: attention, pride, that we have such young people patriotic and caring, but what country are these patriots? and are partial to what? these are the youth that mr. is so proud of... chernetsky, but besides gazprom,
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there was another organization that took part in this, the german friedrich ebert foundation, which allocated a special grant for the novy urengoy gymnasium for research on the second world war. what kind of fund is this? let's get a look. is collecting information about pain points in the countries of its presence, and so in june last year the ebert foundation ordered and paid the institute sociology research that resulted in surprising results. it turns out that russia is a bloodthirsty, xenophobic country in which almost 40% of the population is ready to shoot everyone,
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70% of russians admitted that they have dislike for people of other nationalities, 40% of russians would approve of the forced eviction of representatives of other nationalities from their locality, this is how it is how to understand? this fund is not unknown. for example, in belarus the fund’s activities are prohibited. there was a trial in turkey 15 years ago, at which it turned out that the branches of the friedrich ebert foundation in this country were also representatives of the german intelligence service bnd. fine? fine? now look at another very interesting thing. there is one.
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formulates an absolute task: a generation has been raised in russia that has no historical memory, which is ready to forget and forgive, and this is the generation we can deal with. let's remember a little. what kind
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of generation is this when they do this to them? please look at one a piece from our past besagon. why is russia day celebrated today, june 12? i don’t know, honestly i don’t know at all, i have no thoughts. did you take part in the battle of ulikovskoe? who attacked the chelubey, right, who was it, who knew the chelubey on the kulyakovo field? god, remember this in what class? vladimir krasno? this is the sun, what happened , they fell under, under the ice, under the ice, they fell through, fell through the ice, that’s all, they drowned because they were wearing armor, what role did kutuzov play in this battle, if you remember, he gave the order set moscow on fire so that the french don’t get it, so that if they were french, where did they go, they stood on the river and under the water, that’s right, that’s right, girls, that’s exactly why june 12th was russia day, russia day, russia day, now remember, yes, can you repeat it? so russian day is june 12,
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because on this day bylakovskaya, in short, kutuzov burned moscow and napoleon’s troops went to... he was where the commander of the division that fought, there were only 300 people, well done, in a small gorge all this happened , it is important to know history, it is important to be patriot, it’s important, russia, russia, from these girls who were on red square, these are the aunts who grow up, with their ideas about what the war was like, who... fought and listen to this fool, please, i really appreciate you please, i can’t say another word, well , listen, it’s interesting that in 1945 it wasn’t russia that won either, it was the ukrainians who died the most, i remember from history, from
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school, then how many films there were , i remember the first ukrainian front, the second ukrainian front, the third ukrainian, fourth, belarusian fronts, russian fronts, you remember, russian front, don’t remember. but there was a far eastern one, that is, some regional ones, but in such a way that in the underground masses, one could say , there were no such people, look at the ambition, she says on television, and how it’s all, these are listening, really, the first ukrainian , the second ukrainian, yes, belarusian, but there was no russian front , oh, that’s what it’s all about, that’s not important, there’s no answer to that, here’s a product for harry mori, look who else... him, so say, in one trench. remember what historian nikita sokolov from the yeltsin center says. remember. for the most part, almost never, those people who actually fought against the soviet regime were rehabilitated. these are
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dissidents of the forties, dissidents of the thirties, who were really real militant groups, they have not been rehabilitated, although nothing. didn’t do it, and these are the vlasovites, this is a big social problem, here is another hero of almost all television debates, in which they shout, swear, mock, unfortunately, there is no result, or maybe fortunately there is no result, but we know this hero, this is gregory amman, listen to what he says about the boys from the wehrmacht, listen, we have them too.
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for what purpose did the germans , non-brothers, liberals, it doesn’t matter now, need these innocent victims in the person of wehrmacht soldiers in order to expose the stalinist ussr as the main culprit of the war and a worse evil than hitler ’s germany, because if there were innocent victims, then there was a villainous executioner. why, in order to carry out the long-awaited decommunization russia and the nuremberg tribunal? over the ussr by analogy with the denazification of defeated germany, so that we renounce our fathers in the literal sense, but why, in order to deprive the current non-soviet russia of its undeserved, in quotes, place in the un security council and its criminal, in quotes,
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nuclear missile potential, revise it unfair borders, in quotes, to force her to share her ill-gotten natural... wealth, because russia got it all from the damned ussr, in a nutshell, so that we pay and repent, us want. to hear from the lips of those people who
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have the right attitude towards what i just spoke about, or what, in my opinion, this is the text of andrei medvedev, andrei medvedev is a journalist from vgtrk, listen to what he writes, i will read this publication , not entirely, individual fragments of it, in my opinion, are the most important, if i had to... speak in the bundestag as the boy kolya, then i would probably say the following words: dear deputies, today i saw a miracle, and this is a miracle called germany. i walked to you and looked at the beautiful berlin streets with people, wonderful architectural monuments, and now i’m standing here looking at you. and i understand that this is all a miracle. that you were all born in the world and live in germany,
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why do i think so, but because considering what your soldiers did in our occupied territories, the soldiers of the red army had every moral right to destroy the entire german people, to leave a scorched field in place of germany, ruins, only paragraphs of textbooks, would remind us that such a country once existed. you probably don't remember all the details of the occupation, but this no need. i'll just remind you of what the wehrmacht and ss soldiers did to soviet children. they were shot, often in front of their parents, or vice versa, first they shot at dad and mom, and then at the children. your soldiers raped children, children were burned alive, sent to...
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“i bow to the steel will of my ancestors, who found some incredible strength in themselves so as not to become the same brutes that the wehrmacht soldiers were. on the buckles of german soldiers was written god is with us, but they were the offspring of hell and brought hell to our land. and you will have to accept that at least my generation, for whom
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the memory of the war is the grandfather’s awards, his scars, his front-line friends, will perceive you this way. we, of course, need to cooperate with the russians and germans, we need to solve problems together, fight isis and build gas pipelines, but you have to accept one fact: we will never repent for ours. this great war, and even more so for our great victory, and especially before you, in any case, i repeat, my generation will not, because we then saved not only ourselves, we saved you from yourself, and i don’t even know what’s more important, what’s more important, that we saved ourselves or that we saved you from you?
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russian actress inna churikova, please look where, where
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, quietly, silent, herself, herself, he’s not a german, he ’s just a soul, move on guys , there are a lot of germans there, you know how many, whole, but this one is not whole, god, i have but the war took everything, took everything away, the war took away his mind , it took everything from me too, it took away my four sons, fyodor took my baton, because they didn’t take it, he went to war, go, mother, go, so what?
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- their people left him, but nedumlen died, and i’m going, my fathers, they’re breathing, they’re breathing, i raised him, i subdued him, that dear, that you, and you, and you go, son, you go, you go , don’t stand here, i beg you, lord, go there to the house, guys, my dear ones, where he is the commander and the commander, go, go, and there’s not yet oh how long is there left to not be there, not a body, how long does he still have to live? - in this world like this , you’ll kill me, i don’t have anyone to talk to?
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that, no, you can’t, you can’t just like that to leave, yeah, well, yes , yes, it’s me, i understand, i understand, well, if that’s not possible, well, well, well, then, for god’s sake, i got it too you... i told you, sit at home by the stove, no, come out with a stick, smear your mother , we need to go there, we need to go there, we need to go there , we need to go there, i’m going to berlin, we’re going, read, we
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need to go there to berlin, here . this, this is the basis of the russian character, this is the basis of russia as a feminine noun, russia, she, this incredible comprehensive, and i would say, all-conquering,
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female love, mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, it doesn’t matter when... anger towards the enemy without a pause passes into great compassion for the fallen, for the faithful. by the way, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we become victims, we ourselves become victims of this compassion. years later, liberation is called occupation, saviors are called enemies, which is why... we must now, more than ever , think about why terrible cataclysms on a global scale arose with the participation
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of russia, when it allowed forces to be nurtured from within, ready to open the gates of a besieged fortress. well, that's all for today. and as our swordsman, the unforgettable crooked hand, said, we leave one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists, all the best, until the next meeting, hello to the neighbors, and... how much are you renting? i won an apartment using sticker money. do you hear? irina bought frieva’s delicious dot potatoes, scanned the code in the app and won
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in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhava zueva and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia by decision of the president and caring people.
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in the belgorod region the yellow code applies.
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investment rating, economics, through specific
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stories, we can reach hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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31 group strikes on objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the targets were enterprises that produce and repair aircraft, drones, missiles complexes and ammunition. the ministry of defense also spoke about repelling an attack by ukrainian drone boats on civilian ships in the black sea. on the evening of february 9, 2024, the kiev regime attempted a terrorist attack on the russians.
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civil transport ships in the southwestern region of the black sea, using semi-submersible unmanned boats. to repel this attack , patrol ships of the russian navy aircraft were used to carry out missions in the area. fire from artillery installations, one unmanned boat was destroyed, the rest were suppressed by electronic warfare. as a result of the attack, civilian transport ships and ships of the russian navy. received no damage. preparations for the presidential elections are underway throughout the country, voting sites are being checked in the regions, and members of election commissions are undergoing training. meanwhile, candidates meet with voters. margarita semenyuk has all the details. there are mountains on the horizon, like in khakassia. we recently returned from krasnoyarsk, bukurat, we are 300 km from them we left krasnoyarsk, just like the city.


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