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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the masters of the unprintable word are still talking with smiles on their faces. everyone seems to have their own concept of relaxation. the footage shows the consequences of one of these parties: in an apartment, face down on the floor, in handcuffs, lies the probable instigator of a mass brawl at a local bar and part-time physical education teacher at the school. do you live here alone? yes. two videos spread across social networks within a week of each other, from a local bar and a hookah lounge. these footage clearly shows a crowd of young people. divided into groups and went wall to wall. police investigators quickly detained the druchuns. here is one of them telling the camera how it all began. the young man’s face was covered with computer retouching for the sake of the investigation. there was some kind of scuffle, a fight broke out. i defended myself when i was beaten, i didn’t hit anyone on the head, i hit them on the legs. inflicted two blows on two people somewhere. why did i do this, because it seemed to me that they wanted to fight with me.
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they were injured in the fight. two minors, they refused medical assistance, as one of the employees of the establishment told us, in on the day of the mass brawl, the bar premises were rented for a party of minors. according to eyewitnesses, no alcohol was sold at the event, but young men and women came here already having fun. we decided to find out who was the organizer of the party for teenagers, we called the director of the bar, a certain olga, curiously, in the phone of the establishment’s employee she was recorded as the director of the circus, but the conversation did not go well. lady. insistently demanded that we leave the territory. as far as my memory serves me, you must ask permission to film on the territory; if you had asked, you would not have had any questions. olga, i’m now asking if you and i can talk, my name is olga vladimirovna, just a minute, olga vladimirovna herself didn’t come for a minute or two, let us remind you especially for her that the bar premises belongs to the category of public places, according to according to the media law, no permission for video filming
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is required here. our questions remain. from the answer, the party organizers are now installing investigators. at the moment , parents of minors are being interrogated, the persons who rented out this institution are being identified, and the necessary documentation is being seized for further investigative actions. and this is footage of another mass brawl that took place a week earlier at a local hookah bar. this place in ulyanovsk is called a bar, which is not a typical establishment, all night-time, opening mostly at 5-6 pm. there are also saunas and... affordable prices for young visitors. about how you can become modern music, in a word, all-inclusive for an unwitting participant in a brawl, said barman from a nearby cafe , they said hello right away, in short, it starts to wave, there are five people fighting, then
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after 5 minutes there are 16 of them - i don’t understand where they come from. while our film crew was in kalyany, another batch of alcohol in tight barrels was brought to the establishment. are you getting ready for the weekend? how many of these barrels are there? yes, about eight, probably, but how many liters is that? 50. on the fact of two fights in ulyanovsk five young people were arrested, among them the same physical education teacher. three more people are wanted. after mass clashes in the city, there was talk of conflicts between youth gangs, but investigators denied it. version, the ulenovsky department of the investigative committee pays special attention to the prevention of juvenile crime and regularly monitors publications on the internet so that cruelty from the virtual world does not become reality. the fact that they consider themselves to be groups is not true, as i explained to you, this is simply living in the territory where this group may have previously been located, nothing more, these are mainly people who live in rather poor
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social conditions. fatherlessness, without control, which people remained, the ulyanovsk police also constantly conduct preventive raids, visit schools, colleges and universities, for communication with teenagers there is a special format, instead of lectures , modern videos about what is good and what is bad? the line between a joke, a prank and an offense, it is very thin, so this is what informs all the children that they can make some jokes. to the consequences today we showed videos for children, they are selected taking into account the audience, taking into account the class, age of teenagers. students admit that although scandalous videos with fights get a lot of likes on social networks, for the majority it is still a visual aid on what not to do. ulyanovsk police researchers are now identifying all the participants in the mass fights near city cafes. possible in the near future new arrests. galina hungureeva, maria
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bukata. nikolai purtov, lead the duty department. in suzdal, a wave of a striped staff stopped the movement of the carts. inspectors conducted a special raid, and private shooters were the center of attention. this activity has been observed since last week’s broadcast of a report on our program about numerous violations by cab drivers, primarily regarding proper parking, driving on central streets and the safe transportation of passengers. the police stopped kucherov on the road and checked these documents issued fines in case of violation. the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs stated that such raids will now take place regularly. for 2023, by employees of the russian department of internal affairs in suzzdolsky. one accident involving horse-drawn vehicles was registered in the district, and one in 2024. in 2023
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, 14 citizens were brought to administrative responsibility for violating traffic rules by a driver. in 2024 there will be 28 citizens. the year has just begun, and twice as many reports have already been issued as in 2023. apparently, the police have become more careful monitor the behavior of drivers on the roads. this happened after an emergency with our colleague, vesti correspondent, igor ogeenko. on january 4, in the center of suzdol, he was hit by kucher, who grossly violated traffic rules in his cart. the journalist suffered a broken arm and bruises. he has been on sick leave for more than a month and cannot perform his official duties. a week ago , the investigator, who was from the vladimir region, called me for the first time and started asking me what happened, we are still in contact with him. and now... he has already sent an order to the moscow investigative committee so that investigators would interview me here on the spot and then transfer all this to the vladimir region, since i am now on sick leave. investigators became interested in this accident after the report
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that we showed a week ago, it turned out that the coachman robert koshelev, who hit the journalist, served five days in a special detention center for running away from the scene of the accident. after his release, he, as if nothing had happened, continued to take tourists around suzdal. this. despite the fact that koshalev was repeatedly convicted in the past, in including for robbery and drug trafficking. it is possible that after the pre-investigation check, another case will appear against the criminal driver. investigators are interviewing officials , authorized authorities responsible for monitoring the provision of tourist services for the transportation of citizens by road transport, representatives of organizations providing these services, requesting and studying the necessary documents. the authorities have created and are now actively looking for a way to streamline the movement of horses in the ancient city , it is not easy to do this from a legal point of view, there are no special rules for horse-drawn transport, it is actually equivalent to cars, and existing norms do not allow separately regulating
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the movement of carts around the city, but at the same time, cab drivers have a lot of concessions, for example, they don’t have to have a driver’s license at all; for driving a carriage while drunk, the culprit only faces a fine (1,500 rubles), and in the role of coachman... sometimes fourteen-year-old teenagers act. surprisingly, this service does not tourist, not transport, and is not subject to any licensing or permitting regulation at all. as if there was a gap in the legislation, the suzdal administration hopes to finally fill it and solve the problem of uncontrolled movement of carts through the ancient city with the help of federal ministries and departments. by the way, such a document would be useful for many tourist cities in the country. from the airport to the pre-trial detention center, former director and chief physician of the private moscow clinic medicine 24x7 oleg serebryansky detained taken into custody more than 2 the doctor hid abroad for half a year. they linked the doctor with the death of the famous media manager, producer of the cult
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television program 50 to 50 in the nineties, vladimir artsebashev. maxim shevchenko will remind you of history. interpol has been looking for fugitive doctor oleg serebryansky for more than 2 years. it is not yet known what compelled the former chief physician. famous metropolitan clinic, forget about safety and fly from turkey to moscow. perhaps he believed that time heals, but investigators remember everything. serebryansky was detained immediately upon arrival at shirametyev airport. the necessary investigative actions are being carried out with serebryansky, and charges will be brought against him in the near future. according to the investigation, as a result of the provision of services at the medicine 24x7 clinic that did not meet safety requirements, a woman died. the story that served as the reason for... the initiation of the case took place in a private moscow clinic, journalists called it a death factory because of a series of strange deaths of patients, it was almost impossible to get there, the guards behaved arrogantly
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vulgarly, the wife of the famous scientist nurbey gulia was in serebryansky’s clinic, he paid 2 million rubles for her treatment. the woman came for the examination on her feet and later found herself in a coma. i rate this as... a scam, they promised a cure. serebryansky’s clinic became notorious 4 years ago after the death of russian media manager vladimir artsibashev, the tv producer ended up in a hospital bed. and then died under strange circumstances, artsebashev’s ex-wife and daughters, who flew in from the usa, security in i didn’t let the clinic in. they didn’t let us near our father, do you know why? because they said that he did not register the children voluntarily. someone transferred artsibashev’s property and real estate to strangers. according to some reports, one of the new owners was serebryansky’s deputy. relatives of many patients claimed that the clinic deliberately kept patients in order to extract money
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from them for as long as possible. he was sent to a pre-trial detention center, where he can remain until the investigation is completed immediately after the former doctor’s arrest. maxim shevchenko, dmitry kamsky, news. duty department. a scandal in the serdlovsk region, a high-ranking police officer fell into his own trap and lost his position. he is a so-called traffic cop
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, who resigned after a story with his subordinates, video from eyewitnesses: an intern came out, pressed a button, now a patrol is coming, pop, oops, city residents were filmed as the same person, the auto video calls him as an intern, standing at the zebra crossing waiting for cars, as soon as the cars approach the traffic light, he presses the traffic light button and suddenly changes the light signal, drivers also sharply press the brake, but not everyone has time to stop. the traffic police crew, which languishes nearby, is immediately dispatched for unwitting violators. inspectors draw up a protocol, issue a fine, and so on several times a day. the drivers at first thought it was a coincidence, but it turned out that it was a cleverly orchestrated scheme. employees from the internal security department of the ministry of internal affairs identified unscrupulous colleagues and punished them. based on the results of the inspection, quite
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strict response measures were taken, from three officials of the territorial police department were fired , including the head of the state traffic inspectorate. four more people were brought to strict disciplinary liability for lapses in preventive work with personnel. the head of the kamensko-uralsky traffic police department , alexey morozov, officially retired. the regional investigative department has not yet seen any reason to investigate. colonel. morozov sat in the chair of the city's chief traffic cop for almost 4 years. he began his service as an ordinary inspector in 2006 and was recognized as the best in professions. the accident detection rates were growing, and alexey morozov was moving up the career ladder with them. in an interview with local journalists, the colonel urged drivers to be more careful while driving. maybe he was hinting at something in this way? we must understand that we are carrying something. responsibility, and not simple, not administrative, including criminal.
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there are regularly reports in the media about road traps by inspectors, the forms are different, the content is the same. traffic cops, like hunters, set traps on road, and they themselves sit in ambush, as soon as the prey falls into the trap, they abruptly take off and fly to draw up protocols. among the common tricks, the already familiar tricks with traffic lights stopped you in your tracks, right? a trap, and also provocations to overtake in places where this is strictly prohibited. i wouldn’t be surprised if this tractor is at the same time with them; desperate drivers, who become violators against their will, are not shy in their comments. of course, legally in all cases the drivers are violators, but they were clearly provoked to these violations, and the worst thing is that such
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actions are from the outside. they considered taking advantage of the fact that the drivers did not have time, and accordingly , instead of safety, they were busy creating new sticks, that is, a plan according to the protocol, this was precisely the fault of specific employees, the bosses, who obviously gave the task for this plan according to the protocols, and not the plan on safety. tell us what road tricks unscrupulous traffic cops most often resort to in order to provoke
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drivers to a fine, which should alert you car owners? now the situation on the roads has calmed down somewhat, everyone is noticing it more. namely photo-video recording, that is , the emphasis is placed on an automatic tracking system for the human factor; less often traffic cops do not create new ones, they use those traps that have already appeared, well , for example, one of those that we have, what we have according to the rules of the road traffic on the bridge is prohibited from overtaking, but sometimes the bridge is simply indicated by a small sign with the name of the river, and the markings are intermittent; drivers overtake, it turns out, that this is a violation of four to 6 months of deprivation of rights,
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there was probably another trap that... record what happened, take it on the road, be sure to have a phone in any case, take a picture of the location of your car, how you stopped, be sure to clarify, what is the name of the traffic police inspector, last name and patronymic, usually in any case he already begins to understand that this is not a nameless violation, so you need to be a little more collected. yes, thank you, we talked about road traps and their consequences with an auto expert and a lawyer alexander shumsky. well. of course, all these stories are rather exceptions, there are certainly many more decent employees who honestly carry out their service, an example of this is footage from st. petersburg, morning rush hour, a traffic police crew with special signals accompanies a minibus, listen to how intelligently and
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culturally this happens, thank you, thank you, be careful, drivers, can you disturb me a little? take it a little more to the right , please, take it a little more to the right, great, great, thank you, please take the bus, thank you, thank you, what do you say, in cultural capital, cultural police officers, these inspectors rightfully claim to be the most polite in the country, please, excellent, in samara the investigation of... the alleged criminal is nearing completion, but all this time the detainee did not talk about the motives or circumstances of the attack, only for
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our film crew, he broke the silence, the first so far only confession of the probable killer of katya karas in andrei romanov’s report. a seemingly harmless and thin, if not a crappy boy, accompanied by a convoy, walks along the narrow corridor of samara pre-trial detention, this is a well-known businesswoman in the city, ekaterina karas, accused of a brutal murder. for the first time in the 7 months since that massacre, amir hamza, gay john zada ​​agreed to meet with journalists and talk about the events that occurred on july 3. was silent, the accused suddenly spoke when our film crew arrived at his detention center, the probable murderer said that he planned to buy a car from ekaterina karas for 3.5 million rubles. she
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asked, do you have money? no, that is, i don’t want to tell you about it yet, i just won't talk about it, you liked it. i found a common language with the spectacular owner of the suv, ekaterina allegedly even helped the potential buyer with accommodation for the night, that is, she just rented everything for me, tomorrow she came to see me. we went to a car service center with several people, then we went to what’s his name, to the traffic police, after the traffic police somehow we didn’t
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part, that is, on that day my grandmother died, they called me, they said that my grandmother had died, i took , went to kazan, that is, to my place, they received me on the way, amir hamza claims that he does not know who dealt with ekaterina, the criminal threw her out of the car in the center of samara and drove away in a black suv , the murdered woman, in these footage, taken by one of the passers-by, you can see how doctors are trying to pump her out. a little later, her car was found in a neighboring yard. the black suv, which belonged to ekaterina karas since the beginning of winter , has been buried in the snow at the impound lot in the center of samara. while investigators are sorting out the circumstances of this complicated case, the main evidence is already covered with a half-meter layer of sediment. investigator of the samara department nikita frolovichev sweeps snow from a premium foreign car, opens the car door and tells how the murder happened. the victim was in the front driver's seat behind the wheel, the accused was in the front right passenger seat, during which he struck at least two times with a rocket launcher, moved into
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the driver's seat and fled from the scene of the incident in this car. investigators had to reconstruct bit by bit the circumstances of the terrible story that shocked the whole country; it turned out that the probable killer corresponded immediately with several sellers of premium cars, ekaterina karas was the first to respond, so they are filming an off-road vehicle together at the traffic police department. from registration. a few hours later , the owner of the car was dead. eyewitnesses couldn’t see who was in the car with the young woman; the heavily tinted windows of the foreign car got in the way. investigators checked the correspondence of the murdered woman and announced it was from kamer hamza. the police detained him on the territory of tatarstan; the probable killer was on his way home by taxi. they didn’t give him any chance to escape; they handcuffed him and took him to the police station. after which they transferred us to the criminal investigation department of the samara region. the conversation with the detainee did not work out, the accused did not reveal to us his intentions, motives, refused to testify, and also used the help
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of an interpreter, assuming that he does not understand the russian language, being a citizen of the russian federation. in our film crew, amer hamza said that he moved to russia with his parents in 2017, almost immediately received citizenship, was a minor and did not pass exams on knowledge of the russian language, leading to criminal charges. was not held accountable; he lived with his parents in one of the villages. from there he began corresponding with ekaterina karas, she at that time worked as an accountant in a pharmacy chain, loved expensive cars and often changed them, according to samara journalist ktenia stefan, the businesswoman was in no hurry to sell, amir hamza simply managed to gain her trust, he called owners of expensive cars from advertisements and offered to meet and, therefore, drive outside the city, supposedly to see how the car behaves in such a non-urban area. crucian carp was a well-known personality in the city, a spectacular blonde, the former daughter-in-law of billionaire gold miner alexander karas. previously, she
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and her husband karas jr. lived in their family estate on the territory of a cottage community near samara. there is evidence that in his best years, alexander karas built an entire cottage community for himself and his relatives near samara. according to some reports, the gold miner and his family may own several houses on this dead-end street. here's the one. interesting structure among of these cottages, a high fence several meters high, because of which it is impossible to see the courtyard and the gate; it is guarded by three video cameras at once. the owner of the estate, alexander karas , has been under investigation for several years; judging by the materials of the criminal case, he illegally mined, refined and sold 26 kg of gold in moscow, and tried to legalize the money received through the tolyatinsky bank. after the murder of catherine , rumors spread throughout the city that certain influential people could have taken revenge on the elder crucian carp in such a cruel way. people from his criminal past, but the version was not confirmed, by that time ekaterina
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had already been divorced for several years and lived in another place with her little son, now the child, left without a mother, returned to the elite cottage community, local residents say that crucians live very closed, he has three houses there, he has set foot there, they have fences, dogs, with journalists... the inhabitants of luxury houses do not communicate, it is unclear how they feel about the main version of the murder of catherine, amir is accused of this brutal crime hamza, geis john zada ​​assures that he will talk to the investigators if he has such a desire, he feels very comfortable in the pre-trial detention cell, what do you do, how are your days going, generally good, i don’t do anything, that’s all, maybe i read books, i i don’t read a lot, i just write a lot of letters and communicate everything, amir hamza did not say what... and to whom he is writing, but even those revelations shared by the probable killer are enough for the investigators to have new questions for the accused, the investigation of this high-profile
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things are nearing completion, soon. the likely perpetrator will appear in court. andrey romanov, mikhail verdiev, dmitry timofeev, lead: duty unit. soon after us, watch the investigation of eduard petrov, the film “the jury verdict is not guilty”, talks about the high-profile case of the former head of the ramensky district of the moscow region, convicted of the murder of his mistress. that's all for us, follow the legal news, even on weekends in telegram channels in the vesti of the duty department, an honest detective, bright. fragments of our broadcasts and the best investigations on platform "we look". my colleagues and i thank you for your attention, see you soon , stay on the russia 24 tv channel. it’s purely a rollback and we pass on points, you remember everything
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, you know everything, we calm down, we gather and
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we win, russian ships repelled an attack by ukrainian drone boats on civilian ships in black sea, the ministry of defense reported. the military department clarified that unmanned boats tried to blow up transport ships.
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patrol ships and aircraft were used to repel the attack. by fire artillery. one unmanned boat was destroyed, the rest were suppressed by electronic warfare. the ministry of defense also spoke about attacks on military industrial facilities in ukraine. during the period from february 4 to february 10 of this year, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 31 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including long-range air and sea- based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, against objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. production capacity affected enterprises engaged in the production and repair of aircraft, reconnaissance and attack uavs and unmanned boats, coastal operational-tactical missile systems, as well as rockets for multiple launch rocket systems. in addition, the deployment points of units of the armed forces of ukraine and the formation of nationalist foreign


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