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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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i throw it on its side, well, i fell, how, how did i fall, fell like that, started crawling, i understand that well , i don’t understand where i’m crawling, i returned to the tank, started feeling along the caterpillar, found a star, in short, a tank star, got caught back, there already the boys picked me up at 4 o'clock, my left leg was wounded, well, it was shrapnel, i had a fractured ankle, we tried from you to yes, yes , they hung over me with a mavik, turned on the flashlight, and i just fell face down on the floor. and crawled and walked, no matter what i did, i actually thought from the beginning that i took off my ankle cap along with my leg and threw it away and crawled somehow, well, i vaguely remember, they told me later, then the bmp arrived, they took me to the hospital, well, zhukov, yes, the zhukov medal, they don’t give it for that, not for awards, they give it well, they don’t give it, well, of course, it’s you.. ... a completely
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different use of tanks, that is, it needs to be rethought, a completely different use, yes, well, by the way, now we were in a position covered by a firing position there to the enemy from that place, somewhere within 2.5, probably , up to 3 km, the firing position is closed, now the tank is so far using it successfully, it’s effective, and we’re using it successfully, wounds, concussion, i have one wound and...
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unfortunately, i don’t have a wife, already, my wife died, literally six months ago, she had a stroke, she fought, earned the rank of deputy battalion commander for work, well, political officer, then left, she was a deputy of the people's council and six months ago she had a stroke, as if i had a lot of this war. took away, i buried five in a year, the kingdom of heaven, now what is the combat mission, in what direction are we working, we are working directly on nevelskoye, hard, yes, hard, the prepared positions are very strongly fortified, that is, they have been flooded for 7 years, yes, yes, yes, there are some that are somewhere in our country.
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there is up to a meter, and all this needs to be knocked out, well, there is urban development, not all of it, there is not urban development there either, there is a village, plus the fact that these green patches seem to have been green patches, but they are no longer there , but there were stumps left there, yes, with boril, from the trees, especially this is pronad, as people say, fevishki, their komikazes, well, a lot, yes, have you learned to fight them or are we still getting used to it? so to say 100%, of course, yes, there are guns, there are suitcases , all sorts of things, there are, well, complexes that we include , well, trench air defense, sparks, well, there are shotguns, shotguns, shotguns, nothing works , they work, a shotgun is even to some extent maybe even better , than here he is an automatic machine.
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what kind of car do you have 64 volnovakhi once then two trophy ones in a row of pashas how many 72 we had five well that’s what we drove and the one we drove was an ashka bvshka but we didn’t last long and b3 b3 then bvshka eighty.
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well, yes, it turns out, yes, well, this is what i have pasha, this is the one who remained, this is the gunner, this is how old you are, i’m 23 years old, and how many years have you been fighting, since you were 19 years old. 4 years old, this is the person who stayed with me, at least he managed to get married, yes he is married, his neighbors are not far from each other on textiles, so yes, i made a decision, yes, a difficult one, it was a difficult decision, well, it’s necessary, where am i from, i’m from tyumen regions, how do you like these donetsk ones, and in general they did a great job, they worked right away, they are such dashing, tough guys, as if i had no fear at all with them.
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must be done differently, differently they have losses with us, but they have more losses , definitely more losses, even though they are there another time, you monitor them, what kind of things they put out there, that we have 200 people there, you begin to wonder how they could kill us 200 people, if there are only 100 of us in this direction, well, for example, there are only 100 people in this area. there is already a discrepancy, they are suffering losses, they are suffering colossal losses, but they are holding on, not running, they are resisting, resisting to the last, but i don’t understand their motivation, here was a prisoner, probably three or four months ago, just like that
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, there was a prisoner, i personally ask him a question, why don’t you surrender, he starts talking there, but before we started a company, we built a company, it’s wrong if the big brother didn’t come in, then a week before they started ironing, somewhere on february 17 a terrible change began, and what would have happened if they had rushed in first, i think if they had given here, yes - directly in
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donetsk , but this is somewhere around the airport, if they had been further than the airport they would not have gone, but but for the entire world community... it’s not the case that the shells scattered across the entire market for several kilometers, hitting basically one point, nikolaevich, and you understand them, that’s why they do this, they, of course, want to demoralize here, to create panic among people, this is understandable, but i don’t understand the motivation, you are hitting civilians, there is some commander there who gives orders, he understands perfectly well where he will fly. this is what i don’t understand, well, these are not people, this is not a person, it shouldn’t be like this, you need to know donetsk, this is not donetsk demoralizing, on the contrary, no, no , during a shelling of a textile worker, a classmate tore off her left leg above the knee and
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crushed her right heel, she was at her workplace during the entire shelling, so she wounded a 28-year-old girl and her husband, well, i don’t know about the husband ... now they have a daughter with her grandmother, that is, psychologically on this terrible stomach, of course, she is now in the rtc, there is still no time, not enough time, to at least come for a visit, yes, to support at least a little, when the time appears, i'll definitely go, oh well when we’re at war, yes, when it’s peaceful, that’s peaceful , the worst thing is, children, scary, they’re generally peaceful, a girl worked, here’s an example, she worked, didn’t bother anyone on...
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you continue to go into battle, or or the boss has already said everything: stop, no, well, i go to the front line all the time, as if by myself. of course i don’t shoot with a machine gun, but whose is this then? well, this is my machine gun, well, anything can happen in life, you’re walking along the front line, you never know, the same drone will fly drunk, you need to shoot it down with something, you have to have a weapon with you, when was the last time i shot, well, with this machine gun, probably about a month ago, and i shot with a machine gun a month ago, for what reason, and also at a drone. shot, but didn’t shoot at the germans at the enemy, but we are planning a battle, an offensive, we are planning, that
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is, your task is to prepare the guys and carry out combat operations, yes, you are preparing, but how now we are preparing the soldiers correctly, ours is one of the first brigades that these mobilized ones, who were, as they were called then, iron helmets, in principle now he calls them that, although the helmets have already been changed, yes, although the helmets have all been changed, yes, ours is one of...
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the moment when he gets physically tired, breaks down psychologically, this of course exists, again it depends - i think it depends on the person, first of all on the person, on age, type of psyche, yes, it even there are, uh, they find themselves in situations where it seems like one or two successful assaults, all the people are motivated, they already know, they know their job, how to behave during an assault, and then they find themselves in such a situation, well, more severe. let's put it this way, there are, of course, things that break down to some extent, we immediately try to identify them there,
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take them out, give them a rest, put themselves in order, morally, first of all, i threw a net on top, and a mask, as best we can, now the snow will go away, we’ll hang another one. you have the whole set, yes, now i’m overthrowing here , it’s snowing, they immediately changed it, well, what are you guys doing, we’re working as much as possible, there are opportunities, i understand there are opportunities, even like dirt, i’m local, no, mordovia, mordovia, yes, i’ve been serving here for fifteen years.
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everything is set up, everything is set up, set up, and just information is coming in along the perimeter up to a kilometer, the bird is correcting us, and so are we we are working, but i like that the games are closed , yes, immediately closed, they worked, they took them, they left immediately, they call the enemies germans, yes, they are germans, their politics are the same as in germany , at one time the germans had it, yes, for sure also , they fight stubbornly, but skillfully or not, no, i
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wouldn’t say that they fought skillfully there, just, probably, most likely stubbornly, yes, how well equipped, how well do they have something to shoot, how to shoot, well, small arms they still have rifles, yes, they have machine guns, that’s the kind of artillery. now i can say it has become less, absolutely less, well, maybe on the one hand they are taking care of it, because now there seems to be little supply. they seem to go and take care of it, but mostly on cassettes, yes, cassettes, and well, basically now there are a lot of video recordings lately, a lot, here it is, what we were talking about, woman, yes, it works directly with the satellite, they still jam it, they don’t jam,
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well, and in general it still seems to fly on its own , from what it shot down, that’s all? the country pays, because at first it was generally difficult with money, now that they have poured in into the red army, where at least the men were breathing deeply, the money has already arrived , that’s enough, salaries are paid on time, everything is fine, the money is good, here the men don’t complain, they don’t complain, uniforms,
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first aid kits, weapons, everything.
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for how many years 53 already local and definitely from donetsk, i only recently started, not on the twenty -second, on february 20, but before that what i was doing, well, at the mine , at the installation of mines, they worked on mining equipment, they serviced mines in donetsk in dnepropetrovsk, so the hands remember, well, what is evgeniy’s name, good? vladimir, that is first degree cross volnovakha, yes, well volnovakha and well, i was here on marinka, then our brigade broke through the front , entered marinka, we were the first, here i commanded a regiment, the west was one of those mobilized, so we
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broke through 500 meters of solid ground. minefield and the fact is that the minefield is anti-personnel , this is the very thing these weapons are, and also the weather is like this, you won’t find much, well, we cleared mines for 500 m, and at the same time we went to the outskirts of marinka, well, it got there, cleared mines on the belly with sappers, not with sappers, but i had a reconnaissance group... it was good 279 there was a battalion then, this one was here with me, and old-timers, those who had already served for more than 2 years, i had a reconnaissance platoon, this platoon, plus the 279th mobilized battalion, with this battalion we entered
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marinka on the outskirts of marinka, there dacha village, and from the dacha village we entered marinka. then the team came and then we developed about 40% of marinka , we took it, it was ours, but marinka was not easy, not easy, no, easy, hard, marinka, again this is the city itself, which 8 fortified for years, even now it was there for 150, it went further, dug from house to house. for so many years, even where it was covered, everything has become overgrown, that is, we are conducting reconnaissance , everything is removed from above, it would seem that there is nothing, and there are underground passages from house to house, from basement to basement. yes, the guys said, they seem to have walked forward, suddenly they jump out from behind, jump out from behind, yes,
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they are awarded by decree of the president of the russian federation. you’ve been fighting for a long time, since the fifteenth, you came as a volunteer, from mordovia, from where, that is, that’s why flozhby, local, local, with they have been howling since the fifteenth year, since the seventeenth year they have also been local, yes. second year from the urals from the urals, he himself went for mobilization , he signed the contract already, no, of course, but you think so
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, i don’t know, everyone is waiting at home, the family can’t , as they say, the children are asking to go home, as they say, everyone wants , my mother is also saving up, but what did you do at home, worked at the russian post office, what was the salary, 30,000, then another salary was higher, you were on vacation, you were there once, why only once? this is the second time we've gone to do you go on vacation? so, i'm already local, i'm already i got married here, yes you said, there’s a lot of concussion, i don’t remember, sometimes i can’t hear well, but it ’s normal, guys, drink tea for me, thank you very much, we’re very glad to see you.
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what happened to us on february 24:25, social networks, calls, sending out fake news, go to a rally, all pr agencies tied to the west joined in to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to take. captivity, the enemy people, not physically , but ideologically, bring embarrassment and confusion into their soul, this is the surest path to victory in the rebellion war, the content and itself... the agenda there
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is formed by hundreds of professional people from the states who spend their whole lives influencing minds. i personally trained in ipso courses. there are chats where we get tasks, today we are scaring belarusians that the russians will force them to fight tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets. remember when we have no end they explained that our country is not the same, that we should be infinitely ashamed because we are russian. this was the real one. we will take on this case, it will be an honest
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detective story.
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the russian military repelled an attack by uaf naval drones on our civilian ships in the black sea. according to naborona, patrol ships of the navy aviation destroyed one of the drones, the rest were disabled using electronic warfare equipment. there were no casualties, the russian ships were not damaged. in just a week, the aerospace forces and air defense were shot down two ukrainian aircraft and about 500
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drones. strikes were also made against... a military-industrial enterprise.


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