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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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unexpected blow to russia, how did you come to this conclusion? yes, the point is not that america why do you think that america could have struck and was going to strike russia unexpectedly, i never said, are we just having a show or are we?
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look, how did our relations with ukraine begin, where did ukraine come from? the russian state began to gather as a centralized one, this is considered the year of the creation of the russian state, 862, when novgorodians, there is such a city, novgorod, in the north-west of the country, invited to the reign of prince rurik from scandinavia. from
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the varangians in 862, in 1800 - 62, russia celebrated the millennium of its statehood and in novgorod there is a monument dedicated to the country’s millennium, in 882 - rurik’s successor, prince oleg, who performed, essentially performed the functions. regent with rurik's young son, and rurik died at this time, by this time, he came to kiev, removed two brothers from power, who, apparently, were once members of rurik's squad, and thus russia began to develop, having two center, in kiev and in novgorod. the next very significant date in the history of russia, 988, is... the baptism
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of russia, when prince vladimir, the great-grandson of rurik, baptized russia and accepted orthodoxy, the eastern part of christianity, eastern christianity, from that time the centralized russian state began to strengthen, there well why is there a single territory, single economic ties, and one language, and after the baptism of russia is one. faith the power of the prince, a centralized russian state began to take shape, but for various reasons after the introduction of the throne ancient times also the middle ages by yaroslav the wise a little later after he passed away, the throne of inheritance was complex, passed not directly from... father
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to eldest son, but from the deceased prince, to his brother, then to his sons different lines, all this led to the fragmentation of russia, a single state, which began to take shape as a single one, led to fragmentation, there is nothing special about it, the same thing happened in europe, but the fragmented russian state became an easy prey for that empire that created once again... khan and his successors khanbaty came to russia, plundered almost all the cities, destroyed them, the southern part, where kiev was, by the way, some other cities, they simply lost their independence, but they retained the northern cities part of their sovereignty, they paid tribute to the horde, but they retained part of their sovereignty, and then, in the center in moscow, a single russian state began to take shape.
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the southern part of the russian lands, including kiev, it began to gradually reach out to another magnet, to the center that was emerging in europe. it was lithuanian, the grand duchy of lithuania, it was even called lithuanian-russian, because the russians made up a significant part of this state, they spoke the old russian language, were orthodox, but then there was a unification, the union of the grand duchy of the lithuanian polish kingdom, a few years later. .. another union was signed already in the spiritual sphere, and part of the orthodox priests submitted to the authority of the pope, and thus these lands ended up as part of the polish-lithuanian state, but for decades the poles were engaged in the polishization of this
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part of the population, they introduced their own language there, they began to introduce the idea that these were not really russians, that since they live on the edge... they belonged to this parts of russian lands quite harshly, if not cruelly. all this led to the fact that this part of the russian lands began to fight for their rights and wrote letters to warsaw, demanding respect for their
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rights so that they would send people here, including they sent people to kiev, when did i already lose it, when did it happen, in what years did it happen? in this part of the russian lands they turned to warsaw, i repeat, with the demand that people of russian origin and the orthodox faith be sent to them, when warsaw, in principle , did not answer them anything and practically rejected these demands, they began
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to turn to moscow, so that moscow takes them for itself, so that you don’t think that i came up with something, dima, let me do it.
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cathedral, it was a representative of the government ancient russian state , the decision was made, this part of the ancient russian lands became part of the moscow kingdom, and as expected, the war with poland began, it went on for 13 years, then a truce was concluded, just after the conclusion of this act in 1654 , 30 years later -i think peace was concluded for 2 years. with poland, eternal peace, as it was said then, these lands, everything, the left bank of the dnieper, including kiev, went to russia, the entire right bank of the dnieper remained with poland, then during the time of catherine ii, russia returned
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all historical lands are their own, including the south, the west, and this all lasted until the revolution, but... but before the first world war, taking advantage of these ideas of ukrainization, the austrian general staff very actively began to foreshadow the idea of ​​ukraine and ukrainization. independence of ukraine already in the 19th century, who spoke of the need for independence of ukraine,
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but it’s true, all these pillars, the pillars of ukrainian independence said that it should have very good relations with russia, they insisted on this, insisted, but that however, after the revolution of 1917, the bolsheviks tried to restore statehood, and a civil war broke out. including with poland , peace was signed with poland in 1921, according to which the western part on the right bank of the dnieper again went to poland. in 1939, after poland collaborated with hitler, and poland collaborated with hitler. and hitler proposed everything in the documents we have in the archives, he proposed to conclude a peace
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treaty with poland on friendship and alliance there, but demanded that poland give back to germany, the so-called corridor, which connected the main part of germany with könecksberg and east prussia, and after the first world war.
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with germany, refused to fulfill hitler’s demands, but nevertheless participated with hitler in the division of czechoslovakia, but since she did not give up the danz corridor, they still forced her, the poles forced her, they played too hard and forced hitler to start the second world war, precisely with them. why did the war begin on september 1, 1939 , precisely with poland? it turned out to be intractable, hitler had no choice when implementing his plans, start with poland. by the way, what about the soviet union? behaved, i read archival documents, behaved very honestly, and the soviet union asked for permission
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from poland to send its troops to help czechoslovakia, but through the mouth of the then minister of foreign affairs of poland it was said that even if soviet planes flew towards czechoslovakia through the territory of poland, they they will get lost on polish territory, but it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that the war... and now poland itself has become a victim of the policy that it pursued towards czechoslovakia, because according to the well-known protocols of molotov -ribbentrop, part of these territories went to russia, including western ukraine, russia, under the name of the soviet union, thus returned to its own and historical territories, after the victory in the great patriotic war, as we say. this is the second world war, all these territories were finally assigned to russia, to the soviet union, and poland
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, as compensation, it must be assumed, received the western original german territories, this is the western eastern part germany, part of the land, is the western, western regions of poland today, and of course. again they returned access to the baltic sea, again they returned dantsek , which again began to be called in polish, yes, this is how it turned out... this situation was also during the formation of the soviet union, it was already 1922 that the ussr began to be formed, they created soviet ukraine, which before until now in general, which until now did not exist at all, while stalin insisted that these
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republics that were being formed should be included as autonomous entities, but for some reason founder. soviet state lenin insisted that they have the right to secede from the soviet union. and also, for unknown reasons, he endowed the emerging soviet ukraine with lands, which were given to the people who lived in these territories, even if they had never been called ukraine before, for some reason during their formation, all this was merged into the ukrainian ussr, among other things.
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well, i don’t know about the borders of 1654, but if everyone thinks that the time of stalin’s reign is called the stalinist regime, everyone says that there were many violations of rights human rights, violations of the rights of other states, then in this sense, of course, it is quite possible, if not to say that they have the right to return these. these lands are yours, then - in any case, it’s clear, you told orban, you told orban about this, that he could regain part of the lands of ukraine, he never said, never, not once, we didn’t even have any conversations about this , but i know for sure that - that, that -
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of course, the hungarians who live there, they of course want to return to their historical homeland, and moreover... i’ll now tell you a very interesting story, i’ll digress, but this is a personal story, i mean, somewhere in the early eighties , i went by car from the then leningrad from st. petersburg just on a trip around the soviet union, through kiev, i went to kiev, and then went to western ukraine, went to the city called beregovoye, and there all the names of cities, towns on...
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i asked you at first, are we going to have a serious conversation or a show, you said it’s a serious conversation, so, so don't be offended by me, please, well, so, we came to the moment when soviet ukraine was created, then 1991, the collapse of the soviet union, everything that ukraine received as a gift from russia from the barsky shoulder, it took with it, in general, here i am now coming to a very important point today. after all, this collapse of the soviet union, the collapse of the soviet union was essentially initiated by the leadership of russia. i don’t know what
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the russian leadership was guided by then, but i suspect that out of several components, there were several reasons to think that everything will be fine, firstly, well, firstly, i think that the russian leadership proceeded from the fact that the fundamental foundations... of relations between russia and ukraine, in fact, a common language, 90% of them there spoke too much russian, which means , family ties, everyone , every third person has some kind of family ties, one way or another, friendly ties, a common common culture, a common history, finally a common religion, all these are such fundamental things, a common location within a single state for centuries, all this such fundamental things.
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but there is no need for nato to spread , that’s what he said, if nato spreads, everything will be the same as in the cold war, only closer to the borders of russia, that’s all, my grandfather was smart, no one listened to him, no one listened , moreover, he got angry somehow, well , the conversation is also in our archives, if he speaks , you won’t listen to me, i ’ll never come to moscow again, he got angry at the soviet leadership, well, he was right, that’s all happened as he said. and many in
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states also thought that relations between russia and the united states would be normal after the collapse of the soviet union, but the opposite happened, but you never explained why you think this happened, why did this happen, well, yes, maybe the west is afraid of a strong russia , however, the west is not afraid of a strong china, the west is afraid of a strong china more than a strong russia, because. there are 100 million people in russia, 1.5 billion in china. and the chinese economy is developing by leaps and bounds, more than 5 percent per year, it was still more, but this is enough for china, so potential bismar once said that the main thing is potential. china's potential is colossal. the first economy in the world today has surpassed purchasing power in terms of economic volume; it has already overtaken the united
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