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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the russian military repelled an attack by uaf naval drones on our civilian ships in the black sea. according to the ministry of defense, patrol ships of the navy aviation destroyed one of the drones, the rest were disabled using electronic warfare equipment. there were no casualties, the russian ships were not damaged. in just a week, the aerospace forces and air defense shot down two ukrainian aircraft and about 500 drones. military-industrial enterprises were also struck. period from 4 to 10 february. the russian federation suffered
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31 group strikes with precision weapons, including including long-range air and sea- based operations, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles at the facilities of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. the production capacities of enterprises producing and repairing aircraft, reconnaissance and attack uavs and unmanned boats, coastal operational-tactical missile systems, as well as jets have been affected. and foreign mercenaries, the goals of the strikes were achieved. about how units of the southern group of troops work on the front line, how they push the enemy away from artyomovsk and with what weapons they hit nato artillery and german leopards. in the reports of our military correspondents mikhail andronik and stanislav nazarov.
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pushing the enemy away from artyomovsk, when the attacks , of course, we participate, they call not even one group, but several groups to support our guys, so that everything works out for them, the nazis are defeated, it now depends on the imagination of the sapper, what he comes up with, we try to inflict the maximum damage to the enemy, at this time the special purpose battalion operator phoenix prepares to hit the target from cover, this is a dugout. in which
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drone operators are also sitting, but they chose the wrong side, there are ukrainian militants outside the door, the approach to the target is defeated due to heavy snowfall , there is no picture from the reconnaissance drone, but you can be sure that the militants’ shelter has been destroyed. in the future, this industry will develop more and more, all the effective and already modernized new drones will be used, which will automatically select a target that has already been blown up by a mine, apparently a brand transporter. technology, many of these machines were hit by drone operators kamikaze, southern group of troops. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, conduct the donetsk people's republic. yes pre-flight. after aerial reconnaissance, lanceit operators prepare to launch a loitering mission. on the monitors, the crew
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clearly sees the firing position of ukrainian militants. from a height of 1500 m you can see a tank standing in a landing position, that is, visually determine that it is a tank. well, you can see the dugout, you can see what the person is doing. over the past month alone, this crew hit seven enemy targets, including nato artillery. how we'll be on target fly, there we are already starting to look at suspicious places, entrances, exits and the like, given the weather conditions now the snow gives everyone away that we are, that they are, naturally, we already look at the slopes, and there we can already see where they are hiding. the work of the calculation of the high-precision lancet system is covered by our artillery, the crew of the self-propelled artel gun 2s1 gvozdika, working from closed firing... positions in the fortified region of the armed forces of ukraine.
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accepted for battle, shot, shot, yes. from a distance of 30 km, according to the neo-nazi positions, the malka self-propelled gun is operating. weight the projectile weighs 110 kg, the gun can hit up to 50 km, it’s an active-missile projectile, and our huexplosive projectiles, on average, are 30-40 km. after a comprehensive targeted processing of ukrainian positions, aircraft-type drone operators observe how loitering munitions destroy enemy artillery. the lancet crew moves to a new firing position. stanislav nazarov, vitali kadanovich, andrey rudenko, news. donbass, meanwhile, in udmurtia, sergei shaigu checked the work of a defense industry enterprise for the production of drones. the minister was informed that from 2022 in 2018, the kalashnikov concern opened new workshops, which made it possible to increase the production volume of drones by 60%, and the prospects for increasing
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their production manifold. also, the head of the defense department was shown new composite materials that significantly increase the survivability of uavs. when landing, under any impacts, nothing breaks. survivability has increased greatly. following the inspection, sergei shaigu held a meeting with the heads of the enterprises. toward the meeting, he noted that most of the tasks that were assigned to them a year ago had already been solved and instructed them to carry out new ones on improving unmanned systems taking into account the experience of the northern military district. colleagues, a year has passed since we staged quite serious and energetic projects. extremely important, extremely necessary tasks, there were several of them, i must say that most of them have been solved, most of them have been solved, now we need to move on to the next stage, which is called solving the problems received in the course of our tasks, the tasks
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are complex, difficult, many of them you know, these are issues and relays, these are management issues, these are guidance issues, the fact that those capacities have been created today. which are created they allow us to solve most of the problems that we face today. i came to ask for money, but i had to make excuses. this is precisely the situation that chancellor scholz found himself in when he was visiting biden, just after the release of vladimir putin’s sensational interview with tucker carlson. the leaders of germany and the united states planned to bargain over who would give more to ukraine, but the german media. changed the agenda of the meeting, citing putin's interview, they focused on the incompetence of the scholz government, which allows kiev not to allow russian gas to flow into germany, despite the fact that berlin is the second most generous sponsor of the regime, alexander khristenko will talk about the leaders’ attempts to regain lost face.
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a little more than an hour was allotted for communication with biden, and scholz chose the topic for conversation at the kamin , which was obviously the most important, which could not be enough of vladimir putin’s burning interview with tucker karls. kissenger was right when he said that since the days of napoleon, europe has not looked over its shoulder or worried about russia until now . biden seems to have messed something up again. the patriarch of american diplomacy, kissinger, in his book world order, on the contrary, wrote
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that the people of russia surpassed napoleon's great army and after the victory, russia - quote, found itself in the position of perhaps the most powerful power on the continent. needless to say, a century when... the ussr became a superpower, well , kissinger has been warning all along about the dangers of the west’s attempts to isolate russia, but the white house seems to be living in its own reality. even hawk john bolton, in putin’s interview with carlson, saw just a constructive an approach. putin is taking the initiative to see if he can get negotiations started, in my opinion, this is a kind of threat to biden. putin seems to be saying: you can get peace in ukraine, you can convince the europeans to cooperate. and we can solve this in a matter of weeks, so that there will be no conflict in ukraine, which otherwise will create difficulties in the political arena until the end of this year, but here for the united states, for germany this is still a blow to the economy. scholz came to biden first of all to find out what was going on american money for kiev, while the united states
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has gracefully shifted everything to europe; if congress does not unblock the finances, washington, according to the new york times, is considering making the europeans pay for it as an option. american weapons for ukraine, and kiev and the break between germany and russia that occurred because of it are already as if the weight is dragging berlin to the economic bottom. bloomberg delivers verdict, germany days. how industrial superpowers are numbered. the foundations of germany's industrial machine fell like dominoes. the us is moving away from europe and seeking compete with its transatlantic allies on green investments. china is becoming a bigger competitor and is no longer a voracious buyer of german goods. the final blow for some heavy industries was the cessation of supplies of huge volumes of cheap russian gas. about where the current leadership has led germany by blindly following washington.
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as the topic raised in the interview about the ideology of nazism that has not been completely eradicated, be it in ukraine or in canada, which is actively helping it, the president recalled the moment how, during zelensky’s visit to ottawa, the entire parliament applauded the ukrainian nazi, the ss man gunko, who fled overseas, then prime minister trudeau clapped, but now, not knowing what to answer, he habitually blames everything on russia. in an interview with carlson, putin cited the shameful example of what it was like to realize that
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inviting a nazi, a former nazi, to your offices created difficulties for an ally. putin, of course, uses any propaganda available to him, but the canadians cannot be fooled; canada supports ukraine. unfortunately we we see how far russian propaganda is willing to go to influence public opinion to try to distort the situation.
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and this despite the fact that even in kiev it was admitted that johnson made every effort to upset the deal; in the uk, the former prime minister was firmly labeled as a serial liar. well, now that the opportunity has arisen to compare all the statements, the version that carlson came to moscow, not so much as a journalist, but in the role of political envoy. the interview is symbolic, because there are rumors in the american press that he is famous. could actually become trump's vice president, and this trip was almost diplomacy. and even the new york times is already speculating that tucker carlson took from moscow not only archival maps of the lands inherited in ukraine, but their future outlines. alexander khristenko, anna kolk and andrey netreba, host. environmental activists at the leon museum poured soup on a painting by french artist claude monet. spring, video representatives of the movement published on on their page on the social network x. in this way, the girls tried, quote, to prevent the coming climate and social crisis. after
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the perfect act of vandalism, the activists raised their right hands and uttered the slogan: this spring will be our only one if we do not react. according to authorities, the impressionist hall in the museum will soon be closed, and the painting will be submitted for examination to make sure that the masterpiece was not damaged. italian farmers held a protest in the center of rome and... drove tractors in front of the colosseum, a column agricultural machinery was accompanied by a police patrol to avoid unrest. farmers have been protesting for many days in rome and the surrounding area against rising fuel prices and the abolition of benefits amid the influx of cheap products from ukraine. they demand that the government disobey brussels and support its own producers. italian prime minister giorgia meloni, at a meeting with farmers, promised to return to them the income tax benefits that had been cancelled. for 2024, but no specific decisions have been made yet. your professional holiday
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russian diplomatic workers celebrated february 10th. foreign service officers day was established by the president in 2002 in the year of the bicentennial of the ministry of foreign affairs. in modern realities, the work of russian diplomats is invaluable. they are the ones who guard russia's interests in the international arena. about how the work of our diplomatic mission staff is going now. in italy in a report by asya emelyanova. not a single guest has ever left a reception at the russian embassy without a photo of the political allegory; the statue is 140 years old, everything about it is very accurate to the point, a blade and a pen, these are the main instruments of politics, politics is a serious and difficult thing, the statue was placed here at the beginning of the 19th century, when this new sunny
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extension with orange trees was decorated for the visit of emperor nicholas, who never came to rome, we tried... to move it a little so that it could be more visible from different sides, but it didn’t work, why? i don’t know, it’s like it’s grown into something, integrity, loyalty, action, not talk, the ideal idea of ​​politics has not changed, but diplomats have different means, it was in the 20th century that after the presentation of credentials they took ceremonial photographs, today the new russian ambassador to italy alexey went live with the italians. the pen is also the last century, times oblige us to be modern, the embassy has its own pages and telegram channel, and the ambassador has a personal block, the last post about the centenary of the establishment of diplomatic relations about their households , family members, like diplomats, do not choose a country,
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they go wherever my homeland sent me, meet bernardo, obrud shepherd, 4 months a year. he enjoys the cold and snow, white and pure, like him, fate decreed that bernie had to return to italy, leaving the snow-covered kingdom of moscow, we are used to, as we say, you get used to the good quickly, you also have to get used to the bad very quickly, as you understand, relations with italy, relations between russia and italy are now probably in...
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what method do you not read: first coffee, then newspapers or newspapers, then coffee? no, after all, coffee first, i read newspapers in the car when i go to work, to read this you need very strong coffee, and of course, a rich a fantasy, almost hollywood, when relationships are stagnant, you really want stories about russian spies, and newspapers hit russian diplomats with heavy artillery, she persecuted the ukrainians, and now works in palermo, the republic, author, abate, the country's main expert on the mafia, according to him version, this girl, who, as part of the diplomatic corps, lays flowers at the monument to russian sailors in sicily, is not diplomat anastasia shapovalova, a judge from crimea, anastasia shapoval, who was hidden here, changing everything, her date of birth, circumcising last name, shock, shock, well, yes, there was definitely shock,
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shock, to put it mildly, it’s unlikely that the author cared what happens after such articles, letters, threats to life, he didn’t even try. check the sources, get to palermo, like us, read the laws, anastasia is 25, her age does not allow her to be a judge, this is not very in our russian traditions, keep grudges aside, as they say, god will forgive us, he tells us, so i’m in in this sense , i don’t hold any grudges, there was a shock in crimea, in honor of diplomat’s day , we’ll finish the job for the italian journalist, his work, this is the office of judge anastasia shapoval, who was not going anywhere from feodosia, continues:
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it’s difficult to switch off here, i can tell you honestly, asya emelyanova, anton chigaev and yana shcherbataya, lead italy, crimea. you are the best,
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ice three. a solemn procession, the rhythmic beating of sacred drums, has been taking place in this takiya quarter every year in early february for almost a hundred years, a stately figure with a long nose and a fan of stylized birds. walks surrounded by retinues dressed in the outfits of mountain monks. the costume procession is dedicated to the traditional holiday of the end of winter, in japanese - setsubun. in japan, this
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has been celebrated since ancient times at the beginning of february, when chronology was carried out according to the lunar calendar. they switched to gregorian at the end of the 19th century , so now all their traditional holidays are slightly shifted in time. setsubun is celebrated everywhere, but each city block has its own characteristics. here , one of the most unusual representatives of the japanese demonic pantheon was chosen as a patron, this is tengu, the great terrible one. as befits a demon, he looks scary, and the main distinguishing feature is the huge elongated nose. there is another variety of karasu tengu, karasu in japanese, crow, which has a bird’s beak in the middle of its face.
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on the last day of winter in japan, it is customary to drive out devils and invite happiness to the house. bags of treats that symbolize him are thrown into the crowd. tengu doesn’t have to drive away any devils; they ran away in fear, so only the second part of the phrase is repeated. in japanese demonology, tengu is one of the most mysterious characters, as an incarnation elemental manifestations of nature, the japanese learned about it from the ancient chinese, who
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associated it with comets, calling them celestial dogs; according to the hieroglyph, the word tengu is translated this way: having migrated to the japanese islands along with buddhism, daasism and confucianism, this spirit was enriched by shintaist traditions and settled in the mountains and forest wilderness. severe... hermit monks erected a sanctuary among the age-old cryptomeria pines to please the rebellious deity. it was even believed that tengu were apostates from the faithful buddhist teachings, occult shamans, who, as punishment, were doomed to become eternally restless spirits, and their long noses grew from arrogance and pride, but it would be wrong to classify them as the forces of evil, they seemed to have accepted the burden of serving as an eternal warning to others, therefore tengu in japan are treated with great respect; mount fuji is considered their main home; the image of a long-nosed demon is found in almost every temple here. nowadays, the ascent
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to fuji begins from the middle of the mountain, where you can comfortably reach it by car or bus, and previously pilgrims were forced to start right from the foot. the path to the sacred mountain passed through a dense forest. therefore , it was considered an indispensable condition to first pay respects to all kinds of spirits, including the fierce demon tengu. another characteristic attribute of tengu is shoes, wooden sandals with cut-out planks, these are traditional japanese geetta shoes. tengu has a plank more like haduli. one, and not two, as it should be, and it is almost impossible for a mere mortal to maintain balance on them, while samurai, this demon symbolized masterly use of weapons, about the main hero of the war...
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i have a very rich catch today, they are called women of happiness, but just catching them is half the battle, now the main thing is to eat them one for each year lived, that is, than as you get older, happiness becomes more difficult for you. religious symbols and myths can tell a lot about the peculiarities of national character and perception of the outside world, take the long nose of tengu, the original applied version that it is just a similarity, in in the case of the karasu tengu, a real bird 's beak, like that of the red-nose swans , which live in large numbers on one of the five azures of fuji, acquired an unexpected development after
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the japanese: near tokyo, in the town of kamakura, where more than 800 years ago the first in history settled japan , the clan of military rulers shoguns, behind the ancient zen buddhist temple kentzi, a sacred path begins, it leads to a mountain, the slopes of which are lined with bronze statues of tengu, the mountain is called gatake. at the local
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shinta shrine we were told that these the statues appeared here after the war, in the late fifties and early sixties. it was then that yukio mishima, already famous throughout the world, having visited this mountain, wrote his story sea sunset about a strange monk named anri with blue eyes and a long nose, who found himself as a result of dramatic events in japan in the 13th century and nicknamed for his unusual appearance tengu. since then, these winged figures have been looking towards the pacific ocean from the same place.
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what happened on february 24, 25, social networks, calls, sending out fake news, went out. all western-linked pr agencies joined the rally to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically to bring confusion and confusion into their souls. this is the surest path to victory in the war. the content and the agenda itself are formed by hundreds of people, professional people from the state, who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally went through it.
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training in ipso courses, there are chats where you get assignments: today we are scaring belarusians, that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets, remember when they endlessly explained to us that ours is not the same country, that we should be infinitely ashamed already, because we are russians, this was the real hybrid war. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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