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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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or on the website. a murdered child, dozens of victims, among adults and many victims are a terrible picture of the terrorist attack in lesichansky, which the propaganda of the kiev regime is trying to pass off as a strike on a legitimate target. we’ll tell you more about this and more right now in the stopfake program on russia-24. so, literally the orcs dined and got what they deserved. such formulations were used by ukrainian media and telegram channels in the very first minutes after the attack. to a bakery in lisichansk. the cannibals from
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unian ironically said that there are no evidence that there were civilians in the building. another info dump shared an exclusive. allegedly, meetings of the russian command were held in the destroyed building, and bread was baked. quote for the occupiers. true , the primary source turned out to be, to put it mildly, dubious, an anonymous representative of some kind of military-civil administration, that is, a character who fled from the lugansk republic at least a year and a half ago, and hardly adequately evaluates it. when we simply pin the enemy in a corner, then they use a fairly standard technique , they refer to some anonymous source, that the anonymous source reported to them that there were military men there, this is an attempt to shift responsibility onto an anonymous source, this is such a traditional cliché, but western journalists really like to refer to some anonymous sources, because in this case, you are responsible, after a few hours it became obvious that the ill-fated highmars did not hit at all...
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it was definitely civilians, including women, who were pulled out from under the rubble of a military facility, and dragged away from the place the tragedy was not army equipment, but the most ordinary cars , crushed by debris, here the record of those who had recently rejoiced due to a successful arrival changed as if by magic, they began to turn everything around as if it were about the wounded dead, reports exclusively the russian side, which should not be trusted, or they hinted that the ukrainian armed forces were not responsible for the shelling, since otherwise there would have been a comment from the attackers themselves, and indeed, they did not comment on the monstrous crime, but such silence akin to a purely heartfelt confession, they are silent because they are in a very disadvantageous position, because such tectonic shifts are taking place inside, like the replacements of the zaluzhny syrs, so i understand that this means nothing to us, but they are shaking for their own skins, in in general, this is a terrible example of what kind of fate the fascists wish for donbass and how they treat the local population, the more cynical they sound...
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it will be achieved. the greatest income is promised for simferopol and evpatoria. in the first case, the rate exceeds 18%. in the second exceeds 19. payment is guaranteed by mid-january of the twenty-fifth year. they suggest waiting for dzhankoy a little longer until july of the same year. they want to occupy kerch even later, by october, but for some reason the percentage of supplies is less, about 17.5. sevastopol is trading in area 18. the repayment is announced in exactly one year, moreover, the bonds for yalta are only 16%. that period is short - 6
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months, but at the same time, dreams of a new kokhovka in the kherson region are valued at a couple of percent more with a deadline of 10 months, and the cheapest securities with a rate of about 14% they are selling near donetsk, mariupol and lugansk, probably because the deadline for their capture is constantly being postponed. according to the head of the ministry of digital development of ukraine, the scheme has already brought the budget a little, not less than 700 million hryvnia, therefore 700,000 people bought the notorious bonds at a thousand apiece and none of them. apparently, the important nuance is not confusing, if earlier war bonds were just a form of hidden issue, then the national bank printed hryvnias and bought these bonds from the government, well, thereby , as if carrying out the issue, now they have decided to expand this practice, that under the guise of victory they decided to sell it in the form of essentially extorting business from individual officials for immunity - who are forced to buy these bonds. well, although
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soon major successes remain unattainable, the enemy has to savor local ones, which are also false through and through, a vivid example, the enthusiastic headlines of ukrsmi in the background. the supposed death of the call sign moses, a russian drane driver, who together with his comrades for several months terrorized the enemy on the dnieper, sinking boats in dozens, eliminated hundreds of manpower, but as stated, ended his glorious hunt, since his observation post was managed to be reconnoitred and covered with well-aimed fire, the unit that was in the process of launching russian uavs was destroyed, they mercilessly attacked our boats, there is no moses, there will be no outcome . there can only be one outcome - in addition to the footage of the hot sensor, where the uav operators and armchair troops were supposedly hiding, they also published a photo of the fighter himself, crossed out with bones, in general, almost they jumped for joy, assuring that in addition to moses , three more russians were killed, but then it would be time for the nazis to remember the proverb, don’t say anything until
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you jump, and then someone will remember, someone will look at this refutation, this is also the tenth thing , the main thing is that this black place through the dust, it was... served, in ukraine people received their dose of blood and hatred, there are real warriors who inspire horror and fear only with their call sign for those who are on the opposite side , this is the story about gift of moses. and then the story developed absolutely naturally. moses wrote on his social networks that he was alive, just like his colleagues were alive, then posted something sarcastic. audio message: hogliki , my dear ones, we are preparing for examination, and in order not to be unfounded, i backed up my words with a small but quite eloquent video from the hospital: the soldier was wounded, but he was in an excellent mood, in turn, the subscribers of the yellow block publics were clearly depressed and
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refused until the last believe in the abolition of the holiday. they create what it is it’s not true what they said before, and they are also trying to provoke the target audience again, to say that this is this. everything is a lie, it’s not him, it’s not this person , they sent someone new, modern drone pilots, so to speak, and who actively participate in hostilities during the northern military district, they turn into some kind of public opinion leaders, these are some kind of bloggers dash journalists who, from the place, so to speak, of hostilities, broadcast and tell what is happening, and most importantly, attach quite spectacular video footage, as they say, guys, what's wrong with the face , no one has canceled the mass disposal of ukrainian watercraft, everything is necessary... and for it, russian soldiers have at hand, when the boat is moving slowly, the copter just needs to hover over it to drop ammunition, it can be either a standard lemon f1, capable of scattering 300 fragments over 200 m, or a vok-17 shot for an automatic grenade launcher, the latter contains only 36 g of explosives,
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covers a radius of up to 7 m with fragments, but even a civilian drone picks up two at once such a projectile, well, in situations where the target is moving at high speed, grenades cannot hit it, so the task is completed. it easily penetrates up to half a meter of cast armored steel and will easily sink any boat to the bottom. the so-called bridgeheads on the dnieper are the tail end of the great counter-offensive. they lost 2 and a half divisions of artillery, they just...
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that the leader of the gang from the bank visited rabotino, zaporozhye region, wished good luck to the cannon fodder, neatly the line of contact, but if everything is real so, why is he posing for a video in some unidentified basement, going out into the street without a helmet, as if they were walking in the deep rear, despite the fact that the work, let me remind you, is located in an extremely hot area where drones fly and artillery strikes, in short , a strange sight, and that’s not all, but now look at the motorcade that is rushing at full speed, the flashing lights, and clearly they make it clear that some kind of european official or zelensky is traveling here, well , it’s clear that this was all filmed where - far away but here is the second option that i would like to consider, or maybe someone specifically draws attention to it, maybe
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someone wants a rocket or drone to fly into their car, now to an interesting photograph from the capital of square, which essentially advertises military conscription, a satisfied kiev resident received a summons from... the hands of a smiling employee of the shopping center will be happy to go somewhere under the ticker or to the same piggy bank. a viral video featuring female military personnel, they say that being on the front line is not scary, but fun. and we... our glory ukraine. in general, you look at this and you might think ukrainians, and at the same time ukrainian women are voluntarily lining up in line to make friends, but for comparison there is little real attitude towards mobilization. a resident of the ivano-frankivsk region was attacked by a crowd, simply because she was suspected of collaborating with the military commissar. i've already called. in uman , they don’t hesitate to shout at soul catchers.
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should in theory fit. at the same time, the junta has already invented a way to literally force
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its citizens to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, as evidenced by the conference on mental health in berlin, where elena zelenskaya performed. she boasted that ukrainians demonstrate a unique level of endurance, but kept silent about the methods that svidomo doctors are not shy about highlighting. one of them, vladislav matrinitsky , admitted to the economist magazine that he has made it a rule to give militants ketamine drips. when injected with uven, ketamine begins to work. within 10 minutes, maintaining the effect for 2-3 hours. it must be admitted that the drug is ideal for meat assaults. having received a generous dose, the addict ceases to feel pain and at a certain the moment can feel euphoric. however, it is replaced by severe hallucinations, and with regular use , addiction inevitably occurs. at this stage, strong kitamine preparations affect the digestive organs, the bladder, the liver, and then the functioning of the brain is irreversibly disrupted, to the point that the so-called lesia-olnii, that is, empty, are formed in it. well, a sudden refusal of kitamine is fraught with deep depression, or in the worst case, symptoms of schizophrenia,
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just as ukrainian military are hooked on drugs in order to go to the meat shop assault, when you have no cover , no armor next to you, they use over-inflated people who are already on the verge of even an overdose, this was used by militants in syria when they went out for assaults, this is also used here when... they send ukrainian fighters death, one of the points of european integration is the legalization of drugs, so instead of a pension, keep cannabis, this is why the euromaidan should have been carried out. by the way, it would be nice to understand what kind of relationship not only the vsu officers have with drugs, but also her. you know what it is, this is a coffee maker, if anyone is suddenly unfamiliar, a kind of heroine of social networks, a resident of the united states became famous for her amazing conviction in that. that russian citizens are completely alien to civilization, what films are coming out
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this year, look, this is a napkin, look how thin it is, your finger can even show through, but coffee makers, napkins and cinema are okay, he especially often likes to boast about the food range, it’s delicious, look, i eat grapes, russians, and you eat this kind of cheese, russians, look burger. which one of you refused? apparently, they don’t even know that the mentioned fast food brand is operating quietly, there is plenty of cheese and fruit and chocolate in the stores. of course, the city crazy people who post this content sometimes don’t realize what kind of coverage this content will have, what audience goals it will use, and this is a kind of attempt to make noise in the information channel with their agenda, perhaps somewhere they will find supporters in the country, someone will really believe them, but of course in russia... that’s all they understand that life in russia is much better in many respects, so some
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bloggers make fun of them and present it precisely as humorous content, americans, hear me, americans, you know that this is, you know, kefir, this is kefir, yeah, of course , such pseudo-bloggers will not come to russia, it is much easier to talk nonsense without fact-checking, but with ... oranges, these are melons or maybe grapefruits, there is a large selection of apples, they sell caviar, there are different types of fish, red caviar, black caviar, and many come to buy it all, nothing like a shortage or low
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purchasing power , no matter how much foreign media lies about the collapse of our economy, but someone... note that there is still more faith in the editorials of western tabloids than in objective reality, which means there are still a lot of ridiculous ones in the pipeline fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel . russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great. so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to international exhibition forum russia, dear friends, i invite you to watch
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replays of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at fest2024. the belgorod region has a yellow level of terrorist threat. attention, belgorod city, missile danger. this is what the city center looks like now. i raise my head, this is such an explosion.
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during flights, you need to look for a more reliable place. we are installing modular protective shelters in these stopping complexes , we are an outpost of russia, we will live here until the end, we will not leave here anywhere, this is our home, from time immemorial law has reigned in russia, the people, princes, and governors have chosen together. her approach is a democratic election of authorities publicly, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choosing traditionally only innovatively, progress that improves the process helps us. dec is truly a godsend, he votes quickly, clearly, from a smartphone laptop, millions across russia. for people who are without movement, there is a convenient solution to call the elections
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home by taking a portable box. there is a mobile voter; in a swinging way of life , the traveler freely votes where. anything so that we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, be calm at the site, video control is arranged, in addition to the cameras at the site, like heroes and fairy tales, observers stand, monitor the legality, in general, everything is technologically advanced, you can see for yourself at the site by looking at the cic rf website. we'll skate cleanly on points, we'll pass, you remember everything , you know everything, we calm down, we get together and win, nadyuh, kiss, dad, kiss, kiss already, well, it's beautiful to go out on the ice, this is
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skill, come on, sank, all the hope is in you, so what , old age is not a joy, right? “it’s a beautiful thing to leave, it’s a whole art, well , we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk loves you, you’re inflatable, the coach has become, we now my colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain to you, don’t look, don’t look, look good yourself, the whole world is illuminated.” what do you mean, what do i think, but if i were you, i would punch myself in the face , that's it, that's cool
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, the ice is 3. the first footage of the shelling of belgorod on february 24 , 2022, maysky microdistrict, i go out into the street, yes, i hear something from there, well, as soon as i see it, i thought it was helicopters, and exactly 20 minutes past six i heard explosion, i raise my head t...
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the city and region several times a week, correspondents, operators of state television and radio broadcasting company belgorod began experts on working in military conditions. during flights, you need to look for a more reliable place. you always work with caution , that is, there is a hole, there is a ditch, yeah, here is a strong house with an open door, in a residential building with apartment buildings, then here is a basement, like we worked in shibekino in the summer, that is, we are constantly along the houses. that is, if we suddenly hear exits there again, some kind of threat, that is, we dived into the basement, at least, well, at least some kind of protection, shelter,
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alexander korobov until the twenty-second year i was filming reports from the belgorod government house, now almost all the stories are only on the topic of the northern military district, when on december 30 , 23, belgorod was subjected to a missile attack, he was one of the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy, like this now.
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body armor, colleagues are equipped with belgorod state television and radio broadcasting equipment, viewers are now more often seen wearing protection and do not leave for filming without first aid kits. general director of vgtrk oleg borisovich dobrodeev deputy general director rifat abdulagapovich sabitov, twice in the last very short period of time came to our branch in order to support the employee. the live broadcast of local tv channels is interrupted by a message about a missile threat. attention, attention, the city of belgorod and the belgorod
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region. together with the state television and radio broadcasting company employees we move into the corridors of the tv channel away from the windows. now we do not yet know that at this moment, 100 km from us, the bsu is shooting down an il-76 military aircraft. as a result of the disaster , 74 people died, including 65 captured ukrainian military personnel who were brought to the belgorod region for exchange. alexander korobov went live on our tv channel an hour after the disaster.
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large-scale shelling, well, this is how we live, for the fourth time today with a siren, who the city comes to its senses a month after helps restore peaceful life, why , during daily shelling, belgorod residents do not leave, but continue to live and work in the front-line city. there is a yellow level of terrorist danger in the belgorod region; it was announced back in april of 1922 and
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has not yet been lifted by outsiders. to the sounds of ambulances and rocket sirens the dangers in the city are gradually getting used to: a video from the cathedral square, where people died a month ago, a siren sounds. some residents run for cover, while others continue to walk at their normal pace. as a result of the rocket attack on belgorod on december 30, 23, 25 people were killed and more than 100 were injured.
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at the site of the tragedy, a memorial to those killed in the shelling appeared; people were carrying candles and flowers and toys. a memorial in the shape of a heart, a monument to the dead, rectangular concrete structures, a shelter for... the living january 14 twenty in the fourth year, modules with double reinforcement appeared in belgorod; a shelter was written on the outside in bright red paint, inside a reminder on how to behave under fire. based on the technical feasibility, if possible, we install a foundation block, which means that if there is a narrow path and we understand that we cannot equip the block with sandbags, that is, there is not
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enough space for this. that is , we select a minimum, so to speak, distance there of about 10 m, select a site with a hard surface, install the structure, capsules are not from direct missile strikes, salvation from fragments. on december 30, most people were injured from flying glass combat elements. modular structures and concrete blocks were tested at the test site; explosive objects were detonated near them, including those that did not explode. we are installing protective shelters in these stopping complexes, and it is also planned to install these modules in the second stage in places where people are in large numbers, these are our parks and alleys.


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