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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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in the winter of the twenty -second, not only part of the teachers , but students were mobilized from the university, approximately 25-30 % of the total, among them was pavel drozdov, he has a very interesting story: pavel became a full-time student at the age of 30, majoring in chemical engineering , his profile. yes
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, it’s very difficult , i really had to remember basic things, because 15 years have passed after school, and the first year is still basically a school base, well, plus some subjects, like better mathematics, it was hard, well some subjects were easy for me, of course, drawing, descriptive geometry, because i am good with this, mathematics, like algebra, geometry, and so on, well... everything else i had to master. at the beginning of the northern military district, pavel went to the front as a fourth-year student. he had combat experience behind him. he fought in slavyansk in 2014, served in an anti-tank platoon. there was combat experience, yes, this event was in 1914, the city of slavyansk, semenovsky battalion. so i arrived in slavyansk on april 13, as soon as, well, everything began. here's the last one
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day, well, and then, again, due to family circumstances, when we came here to donetsk, i resigned, well, i left the militia, even then it was a militia, it so happened that during the northern military district, unlike in 1914, drazdov’s task was not to knock out tanks, on the contrary, to repair them, from the recruiting station he was sent to the rem-company, and the mobilization that now took place, i came to... on february 29, i ended up in novoazovsk - the repair company was repairing equipment all this time well, we moved , of course, in the same direction, where, well, where is she, there we are we restored damaged equipment, and it was just that it was going out of order, they fired at it, of course , and we worked on the road because the equipment broke down somewhere.
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they went to mariupol, they did repairs where pavel was mobilized after the presidential decree in the fall of '22, he, as a veteran of the northern military district , was transferred from contract education to budget education, now pavel is thirty-six years old, a fifth-year student, this year his diploma defense is, so to speak, small chaos with documentation, working directly on the computer, since the end of last year dmitry wheat graduate student of the donetsk polytechnic university, and part-time university employee. dima's professional job is as an it engineer. pshenichny was drafted into the people's militia of the dpr as a master's student. a difficult battle path lay ahead of him. i was an ordinary machine gunner, when i first saw this weapon, so to speak, i didn’t even know how to take it into my hands, so to speak, they helped me, so to speak.
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noises in the head after concussions, i was caught in hailstorms twice, a couple of times, so to speak, they tried to dismantle the tank when we were already under we were avdievka, just sitting in the house, so to speak. and we have minus the next room, the bathroom is zero, the it engineer was demobilized, like all his fellow students , on the twenties of november 2022 and was reinstated at the university, again, like other students, participants of the svo, he took tests and exams individually, it turns out , my classmates have already completely graduated, some entered graduate school, so to speak, some went on to work somewhere, to look for their purpose. olesya according to an individual plan, so to speak, they completed the closing, supplied us with what we lacked then, defended their diplomas with everything that had to be reproduced using the instruments, which were connected here one by one so that everything would fit together
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. after demobilization, another student, svo participant dmitry shcherbakov, also returned to his group. dima is studying to major in chemical engineering, or rather his specialty is chemical fuel technology.
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there we were already equipped with weapons, ammunition, we were fully familiarized with our positions, and from there we were taken to some village, verovka, i think it’s called, this more or less there was still the rear at that time, we spent two days there and from there we went to the front line, these are settlements in the high-field area, this is itself... the farthest point to krivoy rog that our army has reached, i am a driver, but we did everything, shot with what we could, with what we learned, stormed, defended, did everything. despite his regular position as a driver, the mobilized student shcherbakov, there in the southern direction,
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repeatedly participated in shooting battles. a civilian car drove up to the post, allegedly there were military men sitting there, our guys from the post. we understood that a shooting battle had begun, at that moment another group bypassed us on the other side of the village, a shooting battle had already begun on both sides, we had a command to defend as much as possible, dima shcherbakov spent 8 months in the troops, most of this time on the front line, was wounded and received several concussions, a shell landed one and a half meters away from us, we were sitting behind the wall, very hard. well, as a rule, this is a semi-encirclement, where those who were brought to their senses remained to fight further, after another it turns out that it took 5 days, we had already moved to another place, and this headquarters began to be treated with a mortar, a shell fell behind my back and
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pierced my shoulder; it turns out that a fragment was stuck between the ribs and the shoulder blade. after being wounded and hospitalized, dmitry returned to his unit and continued to serve there, in the kherson direction. where in november 22 he was caught by the news that the president had signed a decree on the demobilization of students from the dpr and lpr. sherbakov was reinstated at the polytechnic and is now working in his field at the same time. yes, i basically work in my specialty now process engineer. the specialty is generally quite good, oil, gas, and coal processing. there is enough of this in our region, especially coal processing. and russia is big, there is oil and gas. now 7.0 people study at donetsk technical university; until 2014, including all branches, 25 thousand students studied. there are
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clear reasons for this decline. in 2014, an outflow of population from the region began due to hostilities, and some branches remained in ukrainian-controlled territory. besides, because... if we stop people on the street now,
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who by age are visible as the parents of applicants, or if we go to school and ask what you want to be, then people will say: we want to be lawyers, economists, some kind of managers, it’s hard to fight with this, you need to understand that there is a very large inertia of thinking, that is even now, when industry begins to rise, and the change in consciousness occurs more slowly, but occurs with a delay. and we really hope for government support in this regard, in terms of increasing the prestige of engineering work. berdyansk, compared to donetsk, the city is relatively quiet. the only university located here is azov state pedagogical university. in part, he has the opportunity to work as usual, classes are held in person. nevertheless, berdyansk can be noisy; the sssu regularly tries to attack the city
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by launching uavs and missiles. i think we’ve gotten used to it, thanks for the fact that povo works well, as if berdyansk is, of course, under reliable protection, but the proximity to the port imposes certain issues, but in general, as they say, there is no panic, y. .. the only university in berdyansk has a long history. the pedagogical institute began working here in the early thirties of the last century, and during the time of the russian empire, in this building, today's students call it hogwarts, there was a men's gymnasium in which the rebellious lieutenant schmid, the leader of the uprising on the cruiser ochakov in 1905, studied. this building was erected in 1876 as a building for a boys' gymnasium. the very decision to create a men's gymnasium in the city. in berdyansk it was adopted in september 1872, it took 4 years to build this building according to the project
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architect konstantin elsky, already on august 19, 1876 it was illuminated , the educational process began, in the period from 1919 to 1932, there were teacher courses, a pedagogical technical school, a teacher’s institute, but a full-fledged one. to announce that university education, higher
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education will function in berdyansk, will be revived, and i was assigned to head the faculty, i was the dean of the faculty, the humanities faculty of melitopol state university, and on march 10 i was appointed acting rector azov state pedagogical university, when we entered the buildings, everything was immediately closed and of course, mm... our predecessors vandalized a little, so to speak, because some of the material and technical values ​​of everything else were taken away, so we had to start everything with the material the technical base was practically from scratch, well, accordingly , the buildings remained, and, most importantly , the teaching staff was also in order. now there are almost 3.00 people studying at the university, including correspondence students, in mostly students. local from berdyansk and the surrounding areas, this year we had several of these top, as we call,
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specialties, this is the faculty of secondary vocational education, the specialty is primary and preschool education, in higher education, this is the specialty of pedagogical education with two profiles, this is the russian language and english, these specialties were in the top, there was even a competition for about four people per place. ekaterina stepanyuk herself is a graduate of the azov pedagogical university, she graduated here during her postgraduate studies she remained to teach at her native university. after the fourteenth year of education.
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the students and teachers who left for ukrainian-controlled territory, their former classmates and colleagues, to put it mildly, have not forgotten, and stepanyuk and other university employees regularly receive threats on social networks and instant messengers. we have received these threats and continue to receive them, but i don’t pay attention, because i am confident in what i
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am doing, it resonates in my heart, my most important goal is
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i am completely soviet heritage, heritage, i broadcast it starting from the ninety -first year, for which, of course, some may not like me, some consider me a traitor, although i consider them traitors, first of all , to our common homeland, so i did not take the oath to the ukrainian state, and i think that this we are... now correcting the mistake and correcting it the way it should be. berdyansk has been a russian-speaking city since its founding. however, from the fourteenth year until the beginning of the secondary educational institution, it was simply impossible for schoolchildren and students here to receive an education at native language. by the beginning of twenty-two , there was not only a single school left in the city and region where they taught in russian, but
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not even a single class. and the imposition of the ukrainian language too much has already reached that point, yes. when the language law was already abolished, so they say , in 1414, the first thing they did was repeal the law on languages, well, from that moment it all started, i won’t say, of course, that it was all somehow extremist methods, but when in stores there are already two people are trying to speak broken ukrainian to each other buy one thing, another... sell something , this language law, well, we encountered it in many areas, of course, in schools,
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there was a mother, but they tell me, it doesn’t matter to your mother, just do what you’re told , in college it’s the same thing, at first we staged plays in russian, then we
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were forbidden to do them, from the fourteenth year, my family supported donetsk, always donbass, lugansk, for us it was a sore subject, since there are many relatives of everything else, that is, from the very beginning we took the side of russia, let’s say, part students have already come here, as if with the same attitude as me, we appeared on every video, we went to every event, we openly showed our position, probably the majority of the current students of the azov pedagogical university, whose school years passed after 2014 before returning zaporozhye region in russia knew about our country from stories of ukrainian propaganda, now this gap is beginning to be filled, for example, in the summer someone went to student detachments to work as conductors on trains, firstly, at first it caused them a little shock, it was really a cultural shock, how huge the country is, we were the first students
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who signed up for russian student groups, and well, we recommended to them that they should become guides, these are the ones who came, saw the country, talked to people, these are ours now so to speak gloshata. students of the azov pedagogical university, like students of other universities in new regions, travel around the country, of course, not only for summer part-time work, but for various events, and just on excursions. for those who have been to the mainland, of course is changing. we recently had a trip, more than a trip, it was called, we were invited there by the university, again with government funding, that is , nothing is ever required of us, we went, we went to moscow, they gave us a lot. it’s just great, in general we had a rest, saw a lot of new things, both moscow and crimea, that is, well , there are a lot of opportunities, and yes, you really
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do feel like you’re part of something big and dear. despite the hostilities, in the north military district zone, especially in the rear areas, students live an ordinary life. freshmen have just passed their first session and the most active ones are preparing for their first student spring, and i want to believe. for many university student teachers in new regions, the most difficult moments in life are already behind them.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary
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to mobilize all resources. hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought together with an expert. we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. is that it, or will we die on the asphalt? let's lie down! but
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simply, we are now behind the rescuers and back, ice three.
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the russian military repelled an attack by naval drones. navy aviation destroyed one of the drones, the rest were disabled using electronic warfare. there were no casualties, no russian ships damaged. in just a week, the aerospace forces and air defense shot down two ukrainian aircraft and about 500 drones. military-industrial enterprises were also struck. in the period from february 4 to february 10 of this year, armed.


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