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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the russian military repelled an attack by uaf naval drones on our civilian ships in the black sea. according to defense data , navy patrol ships destroyed one of the drones. the rest were disabled using electronic warfare. there were no casualties, the russian ships were not damaged. in just a week, the aerospace forces and air defense shot down two ukrainian aircraft and about 500 drones. military-industrial enterprises were also struck. the period from february 4 to february 10 of this year, armed.
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forces of the russian federation inflicted 31 a group strike with high-precision weapons, including long-range air and sea- based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, against the objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. the production capacities of enterprises producing and repairing aircraft, reconnaissance and attack uavs and unmanned boats, coastal operational-tactical missile systems, as well as rockets for multiple launch rocket systems have been affected. in addition, the deployment points of units of the armed forces of ukraine were hit, formation of nationalists of foreign mercenaries. the targets of the strikes have been achieved. about how units of the southern group of troops work on the front line, how they push the enemy away from artyomovsk and with what weapons they use to defeat nato artillery and german leopards. in the reports of our military correspondents mikhail andronik and stanislav nazarov.
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moved to the positions of our troops with drone operators, the weather today, to put it mildly, is not good for flying, it’s snowing heavily, but the guys say if there’s a big target, they’ll work on it, and such a target is very close quickly, in an underground dugout, a sapper engineer with the call sign lynx, a former driver equips the drone, we are all going, the final preparation of the ammunition takes place at the launch pad to the sounds of enemy shells exploding in the neighboring forest belt. there is a heavy battle going on, the troops of the southern group of troops are pushing the enemy away from artyomovsk, when the attacks, of course, we participate , they call not even one group, but several groups to support our guys, so that everything works out for them, the nazis are defeated, it depends on your imagination sapper, what comes up with an idea, we try to inflict maximum damage on the enemy, at this time the operator of the special forces battalion phoenix is ​​preparing to hit the target from cover, this is the dugout in which they are also sitting. drones, but they chose
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the wrong side, there are ukrainian militants outside the door, approaching the target to defeat, due to heavy snowfall there is no picture from the reconnaissance drone, but you can be sure that the militants’ shelter has been destroyed. in the future, this industry will develop more and more, all efficient and already modernized new drones will be used, which will automatically select the target already. apparently, the maxpro brand transporter was blown up by a mine someday. it will become calmer here and our evacuation teams will pull him out. the fields around are strewn with burnt enemy equipment, many of these vehicles were hit by the operators of kamikaze drones, the southern group of troops. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, conduct the donetsk people's republic. let's pre-flight. after aerial reconnaissance, lanceit operators prepare to launch loitering munitions to kill. the calculations are clearly visible on the monitors
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sees the firing position of ukrainian militants. from a height of 1500 m you can see a tank standing in a landing position, that is, visually determine that it is a tank. well, you can see the dugout, you can see what the person is doing. over the past month alone, this crew hit seven enemy targets: nato artillery installations, hail systems. and a german leopard tank, as we fly at the target, we are already starting to look at suspicious places, entrances, exits and the like, given the weather conditions, now the snow gives everyone away, that we, that they, naturally, are already looking at the rolls, and there we can already see where they are hiding, the work of calculating the high-precision system is covered by our artillery, the crew of the self-propelled artillery mount 2s1 gvozdika works from closed firing positions at... from
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a distance of 30 km at the self-propelled gun malko works for the positions of the neo-nazis. the weight of the projectile is 110. the gun can hit up to 50 km, this is an active rocket, we have high-explosive projectiles, on average, well, 30-40 km. after a comprehensive targeted processing of ukrainian positions, the operators of an aircraft-type drone they observe how loitering ammunition destroys enemy artillery, and the lancet crew moves to a new firing position. stanislav, kadanovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. meanwhile, in udmurtia, sergei sheigu checked the work of a defense industry enterprise for the production of drones. the minister was informed that the kalashnikov concern has opened new workshops since 2022. this made it possible to increase drone production by 60%. and in the future, we will increase their production manifold. also,
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the head of the defense department was presented with new samples of vplas and composite materials, which multiply their survivability. details from evgeny rishetnev. there are dozens of types of drones, including attack drones, currently produced in russia; they are also produced by small private laboratories and large arms concerns such as kalashnikov. sergey shaigu arrived at the izhevsk plant to see new developments. in accordance with your instructions, guided ammunition will improve tactics, technical characteristics, in this case i am interested in guidance. developers must be in constant contact with those who drones are being flown with the military on the front lines to understand the challenges they face. we are currently working on the automatic guidance system. yes, it is already
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working according to coordinates. new samples of reconnaissance strike drones were shown to the minister at the enterprise where at one time they developed and introduced the very lancets that were counted. dozens of destroyed tanks, including german leopards. at some point, the lancets completely took over the initiative on the front line, who will now remember about the bayraktars, on which almost prayed to the ukrainian armed forces, they ultimately turned out to be useless in the conditions of russian air defense. meanwhile, the latest okhotnik drones, developed by the sukhoi company, appear in the special operation zone. earth, ready for takeoff in automatic mode. automatic takeoff.
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attack drones of any type have become one of the main factors in modern conflicts, and there is no way to be on the front line without them. starting from the svo, we have increased the production of our products 10 times; during landings, under any impacts, nothing breaks, that is, survivability has increased very much. it is clear that the enemy also uses drones, so our soldiers and civilian objects need effective counter-drones.
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production, this will speed up its pace, increase the quantity and improve the quality of products. evgeniyv and anastasia serikova, news. the right hand of prime minister victor. orban, hungarian president katalin nowak announced her resignation amid a pedophilia scandal at an orphanage. all opposition parties demanded her resignation. in a televised address to the nation, katalin nowak said, that she was wrong when she pardoned a man who tried to hush up cases of pedophilia in an orphanage. along with the president , the minister of justice, judit varga, resigns. thus, prime minister viktor orban is deprived of key associates in the fidesz party on the eve of the june elections to the european parliament. which, according to experts, will weaken his position, given that orban, along with italian prime minister meloni, may become a key figure
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in the new coalition of euroconservatives, the name given to those who intend to defend the interests of their countries in brussels. on at the all-russian spartakhiyad today , medals were awarded in several disciplines at once: in skiathlon, among women, veronica stepanova became the strongest; among men, alexander bolshunov continued his winning streak; medals were also awarded in biathlon and short track. and high in pipe. my colleague alexander abramov followed the extreme sports competitions. five regions of russia are hosting the winter spartakiad, but the biggest burden falls on the chelyabinsk region. ski resort solnechnaya dolina in the suburbs of myasa. hosted various competitions dozens of times level, including world cup stages. at the winter sports games, the venue for snowboarding and freestyle skiing tournaments. over the course of 9 days, 10 events will take place, 10 finals, and in addition to training, qualifications, 10 finals
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in four freestyle disciplines in six snowboard disciplines, well, that is, from an organizational point of view, this is a very complex thing, yes , so that it is still beautiful to present and show therefore, this is the specificity, including the preparation of tracks; all events of all disciplines have already been held here event, but it was always with some kind of gap. not simultaneously in time. the first medals in sunny valley were won in the half pipe discipline, literally half a pipe. the difficulty of passing the route is assessed by the level of tricks and technical elements. among the participants is freestyle skier valeria dimidova, a world cup winner in the half-pipe discipline and a participant in the 1818 olympic games in pyeongchang, south korea. valery dimidov’s new victory became the champion of the spartakiad. for her best final attempt in the suburb of mias, she received 82. dimidova returned to professional sports quite
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recently after the birth of her child. the girls have grown a lot in their skating level, and the boys too, compared to the time when i was still performing. i’m very delighted that we built such a wonderful track, because i haven’t competed for a long time, and i haven’t seen such beautiful tracks as they did here for a long time, huge thanks to the shapers, huge thanks to the organizers for the way they built everything .
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russia has achieved impressive results in development of agriculture over the past two
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decades, this applies to both the domestic and foreign markets. specific figures were given by the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev; he spoke at the forum of national achievements as part of a specialized day at the russia exhibition. as the minister noted, positive changes became possible thanks to the president’s attention to the industry. since the beginning of the century, our agro-industrial complex has been enormous. support from the president was able to transform, well, at the beginning, essentially, from import dependence, then we went through stage of self-sufficiency, but today...
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the role of russia has changed and in international markets, for understanding, export revenue amounted to 1.4 billion dollars, in the twenty- third year it already exceeded 45 billion dollars, colleagues, a 30-fold jump, that is, we increased export revenue for 20 there 4 years 30 times. last year, the country set, one might say, the second record for grain harvest; it fell slightly short of the highest harvest in history. 2022 then there were 158 million tons, now 147, but current figures are also very high, this enough to feed not only ourselves, but also other countries; by the way, this is no longer only the cis, as it was before, significant volumes are sent to africa, south america and southeast asia. as the minister said, russia became the first in exports of wheat and
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fish, second in grain and sunflower oil, and third in the world in supplies. me, such successes would have been impossible without the participation of the state; financing of industries under state programs increased from 18 billion to more than half a trillion planned in this year. significant results are not a reason to stop. according to dmitry patrushev, agroprom now faces a new challenge: it is necessary to increase the production of domestic seeds and develop its selection. there is a very large layer of tasks ahead, they are primarily... for us related to increasing the import of independence, which for us is inextricably linked with the development, first of all, of selection and genetics, this is the direction in which we are now very actively working. together with the ministry of science we are building an order system from farmers to domestic seed producers companies, public and private
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breeding institutions. the development of rural areas, without improvement, is also becoming an important task for the state. the quality of life of our farmers and peasants, it is impossible to attract new personnel to the industry, according to the minister, the infrastructure is now being updated, modern housing is being built, which means that the industry has a future, and judging by the figures presented today, this future is great. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you. russian emergency situations ministry. from here with 200 m mark. from a bird's eye view , the entire site of the largest nuclear construction site in the world is visible. akuyu is the first nuclear power plant in turkey, which
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is being built by the russian rosatom. four power units in the ascending rays. to the employees working on the project, they are not just building a power plant, they are creating with their own hands an entire nuclear energy industry. the tasks for this year are enormous; it is necessary to complete all processes to prepare the nuclear power plant for normal operation and obtain the first nuclear test electricity. and a lot can already be seen, as nuclear scientists say in iron. the holy of holies of any nuclear power plant, mark 26, the reactor compartment of the first power unit of the akyuyu npp. you can only be in a clean area wearing special equipment.
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general construction work here has been completed, all the main elements of the nuclear reactor are in place, and commissioning work is already underway on individual systems and components. this giant polar crane is distinguished for lifting all the equipment for moving them inside the dome. with its help, nuclear fuel will be delivered here through the transport gateway. the crane will pick it up the container will be directed into the well. reloading, after which the reloading machine comes into operation; it is this machine that will load fuel into the reactor. this is a unique opportunity for any correspondent to be close to the inspection shafts and the reactor core.
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very soon simulators of mock-ups of fuel cassettes will be lowered here, after which the cold hot run-in will begin, and then the most long-awaited stage, loading of fresh nuclear fuel, this marks the launch of the first power unit of asku, built in the province... this is the first in the history of the world nuclear energy project created according to the build, own, operate model. the main
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idea of ​​the model is that the supplier company provides the entire range of works, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of the nuclear power plant. turkey receives a turnkey project, providing itself with stable and clean electricity for... decades to come, while also receiving income from the project, using our project as an example, this is 20% of the net profit annually after the akuyu npp reaches payback, as well as tax and social payments. main feature construction - three other power units are being built in parallel with the first, no one in the world is doing this now. all buildings, structures and systems are being commissioned gradually as planned. in the second block we are preparing for the installation of the main technological equipment, a steam generator, circulation pumps and are preparing for the important event of the start of welding
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of the main circulation pipeline, in the third block we are constructing the reactor shaft, in the fourth power units we have completed concreting the foundation slabs, the first tier of the air intake has been installed, the first large-sized equipment of the reactor hall , a melt trap, in the reactor building the first power units are already... all the main equipment - pore generators, main circulation pumps and the main circulation pipeline, which like an artery connects the nuclear reactor with the main systems, almost everything is ready in the turbine room. the installation of turbine equipment is currently underway; it is necessary to assemble more than 3,000 tons of pipelines of different diameters; other equipment is being installed at different elevations, which will allow us to test the turbine. system safety is a priority, both during construction, during operation and
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after it. for example, the strength of the structures is such that it will ensure the integrity of the nuclear power plant even if an aircraft weighing up to 400 tons falls on it. in the reactor building, a device is installed to localize the melt in the common people's trap, fuel enters it, and falls into the sacrificial material in the trap. this is all sealed and the reaction stops; in aviation, in order to teach pilots to fly airplanes, they are sent to special trainers, simulators, and for nuclear scientists, block work control center of a nuclear power plant, imitates its exact copy, a full-scale complex, where everything... from computers to chairs, like in an operating power unit? here they can reproduce any
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situation in the operation of a future nuclear power plant, all scenarios from normal standard to earthquake are worked out. this training center and full-scale simulator are the first in the turkish republic; the full-scale simulator model simulates all operating modes of the power unit. to work for okuyu, was born in turkey in 2018, graduating from a branch of mythi university in ubnensk, in the design and operating principles of nuclear power plants, immediately came
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to work at the one under construction.
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what is necessary for a person who comes to an unfamiliar country for the first time. the girls already have their favorite subjects and their first dreams about their future profession. tomorrow i have geography, by the way, this is my favorite subject, because it ’s interesting for me to read about how the planets were formed, and it’s interesting to look at maps. i would like to become an archaeologist because i love history and geography, there are a lot of places in turkey. where could it be something rehysterical is buried. 5,000 russian specialists are employed in the construction of the nuclear power plant, and more than 1,500 children attend kindergarten and school. here, an educational project within the framework of the government program priority 2030, together with rosatom, is being implemented by mgmo. our children are trained according to russian educational standards in accordance with federal educational programs approved in
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may 2023. when on april 3, 2018, during a joint ceremony, the leaders of the two countries, vladimir putin and rajeb tayyip erdogan launched the construction of a nuclear power plant via video link. this was a continuation of the successful and long-term cooperation between russia and turkey, emphasizing the level of trust and the quality of russian technologies and the potential of the turkish people for many years to come. moscow and
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ankara. they are actively discussing the creation of a second nuclear power plant in sinop, where it will be possible not only to replicate the unique akuyu model, but to use money received from the sale of sales generated at the first nuclear power plant in turkey for its construction. electricity. what happened here on february 24-25, social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies were involved to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically to bring confusion
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and confusion into their souls. in this is the surest path to victory in this war, the content and the agenda itself are formed by hundreds of people, professional from the states, who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally went through preparation for the hipso course. there are chats where we get tasks: today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets. remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we... should be infinitely ashamed, because we are russian, this was a real hybrid war.


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