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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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7:33 am
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to me, there is enough cashback for everyone, vtb, together everything will work out. state prosecutors stood firmly in their position , according to them, the former head of the ramensky district was involved in the murder of his mistress, he does not admit his guilt, citing his
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non-involvement in the commission of this crime, but according to the investigation, this crime was committed by a kulak, the motives can be completely various, there was a motive for a particular kulakov, i cannot say in this case, we believe that the accusation against kulakov was justified, based on the evidence collected during the preliminary investigation. however, then the investigation formed its own opinion about andrei kulakov’s guilt. kulakov himself and his wife were prohibited from lying during the polygraph test. kulakov is involved and known to him. circumstances of the incident, his wife is not involved, but is also aware of what happened, this can explain her attempt to create aleg as her husband. moreover, isaenkov’s daughter and her husband, according to the polygraph conclusion, give truthful testimony. the first one reports that the mother
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while corresponding with the kulak, she went to meet him, but her husband had nothing to do with it. below we use as proof. act of early resignation by kulakov after he became actively interested in the investigation, he took over the powers of the head and had the intention of leaving the russian federation. however , kulakov himself claimed that he had no intention of fleeing abroad. tickets to belarus were purchased for his official wife and son; the official himself began to cooperate with law enforcement agencies, hide it to him. allegedly there was nothing, during the trial previously unknown details of the life and work of the deputy chairman of the public chamber of the ramensky district, evgenia saenkova, were revealed. some episodes surprised kulakov himself, namely
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dubious transactions related to real estate. have you learned a lot about eugenia at the moment? yes, i've learned enough. what surprised you? several things surprised me. well, taking into account the fact that, for example, she communicated, she, or rather, led some kind of activity related, say , to the acquisition of property , they talked about it there, which means witnesses, yes, or helped, more precisely, in the implementation of some issues related to property there, and i was completely unaware of this, that is behind your back, behind my back it turns out like this , which means she was negotiating with people who were connected in one way or another with some kind of execution...
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another strange object, a turtle. there are rumors, they are looking for you. zhilvak wrote the following. it wasn't worth getting into this. we will decide differently. advice from the ceiling. you better hide. carib hints that time is running out, the clock is ticking. evgenia saenkova’s friend, vasily lechkin, was privy to many affairs of the deputy chairman of the ramensky district public chamber. according to him , evgenia really communicated with reputable entrepreneurs in the moscow region. maybe it really had something to do with what she was deciding? i also have an assumption that she was with the kulak, as... a cardinal, that is, she occupied an insignificant official position, but
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at the same time she had quite a strong influence on politics in the ramensky district and on decision-making, i think that she had quite a lot of information, not only on kulakov, but i didn’t hear that he had enemies at all, there were a lot of ill-wishers, let’s say, but in order to kill, well... if only returning again to the issue of compromising evidence, could someone have framed kulakov in this way? well, that’s also a controversial question, because well, in 2019 there were quite a lot of questions for it, because there are quite a lot of cameras along the route to the site of the tragedy and no information was provided from any camera.
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so why did the government have difficulties with the evidence base and how did it happen that there were many inconsistencies in the case, for example, when going on what was supposed to be the last date, and... she left all three smartphones at home, and took her daughter’s mobile phone instead. the route was built, she did not call or write to anyone from it, and from applications she used only a navigator, in which she laid out the route to the address sent to her from an unknown number. when examining this phone, it was found a fingerprint that does not belong to kulakov. neither sainkova nor any of her family members.
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a boot print was found on the door of the victim's white mercedes. judging by the examination, it does not belong to the former head of the district. investigators were never able to find out who exactly slammed the door with their foot. for some reason, on the night of the murder, in a fairly large area of ​​the ramensky district , difficulties arose with video recording. many people have written about this. journalists, data from private and city surveillance cameras either completely disappeared or did not provide a clear picture about the routes of evgenia isaenkova and andrey kulakov. here in this area there are cameras of a safe city in a specific area where the crime was committed there , in principle, there is none because, well, that is , this is an area remote from all moments. a lot of controversy also arose around the apartment building where the ex-head of the ramensky district
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lived with his family. the investigation believed that on the night of evgenia’s murder there were kulaks. quietly left the entrance without being caught on a surveillance camera and reached the crime scene, however , the concierge who was on duty that night stated that it was quiet on the first floor, none of the members of the kulakov family entered or exited, as they say, maybe through this very emergency exit there is all that, this door there is also a magnet magnetic and then you can hear it, when there is silence you can hear it, and then it’s a door, i didn’t even hear it, it’s a door, but naturally, if he came with his family, he could go out somewhere, why, perform such an action, that’s out of the question 100 %, so for murder to be pinned on him, such a person cannot do this commit. iska employees checked
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the concierge’s testimony and came to the conclusion that the woman, being at her workplace, could not see the person who used the emergency exit. the second entrance door is located out of her field of vision. but despite the fact that... the investigation and government officials insisted on the absolute guilt of the ex-head of the ramensky district andrei kulakov, the arguments of the defense and the defendant turned out to be much more convincing. on october 27 , 2021, five jurors and six believed that kulakov did not personally kill
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his mistress evgenia isaenkova. on the same day, the defendant was released from custody in the courtroom.' yes, we showed these shots at the beginning , we knew, we knew, something, programs, quietly, quietly, quietly, andrey, here is the reaction of kulakov’s official wife. i always believed, hoped for the best, therefore , i cannot say that i am surprised, i knew that this would happen,
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there is simply no evidence of andrei nikolaevich kulakov’s guilt, i believe that he, of course, would never have taken this situation committed such a crime, no matter what was, it was not by chance that i called this case a tragic and mysterious incident, because there are no answers to this question, and
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maybe there never will be, because you can only ask isaenko herself and... somehow others factors, it’s hard to say, the principle there is very important, of course , the obviousness of the evidence, not from a professional point of view, from the point of view of even such emotional perception, we
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are now working on this, we are developing an appropriate training program for ourselves, i hope that it will bring corresponding results. after the high-profile trial ended, andrei kulakov was almost constantly with his family, spending a lot of time in nature, enjoying freedom. now i believe that the main thing, well, the main task is to generally understand what happened, who, in fact, committed this crime, this is the most important thing, that’s everything else, everything else is already. such a side thing that i have a very strong desire to find out who did it, why did it all happen, what served to commit such a wild
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crime, to be honest, the reason that was, this is important to me, because without understanding this, well, somehow it’s difficult to live peacefully and it’s really difficult, i most likely think that this coincidence of circumstances just happened that way, by the way, i have ... 2 and a half years have passed since the high-profile crime was committed, but the name of the killer is still unknown.
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on december 23, 2021, the moscow regional court
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upheld the complaint of the prosecutor's office and overturned the acquittal of andrei kulakov. during the examination of the case, the grossest violations. for example, one of the jurors had a previous conviction for fighting with a police officer. this fact was carefully hidden. and a relative of another judge from the people was convicted more than once, why do you usually always communicate with us calmly, that minor injustice that was done at the very beginning, it continues to this day, i don’t understand how it can be canceled, that means the court’s decision, that means based on the arguments presented.
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this is how we saw the trial of the former head of the ramensky district, andrei kulakov. this was our investigation from the moscow region. the conclusions of the case are only for you. see you on the russia 24 tv channel. the case of the former head of the ramensky district of the moscow region andrei kulakov was reviewed, but only
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the second one. the jury no longer believed the words of the ex-official; the judges from the people unanimously returned a guilty verdict against kulakov, although they considered that he deserved leniency. as a result, on march 18 , 2022, the podolsk city court sent kulakov to a colony for 9 years and 6 months. punishment correctional officer bolonia high regime , the only thing that can be said is that you can congratulate the real criminal, now he can sleep peacefully, that’s it, the former head of the ramensky district said that he would not appeal the court decision, it is understandable, when the verdict was passed, andrei kulakov still received discount from the jury, here is another
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new panel: it may not recognize him as deserving leniency, thus, kulakov’s guilty verdict can be considered final.
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is she really reading the mind or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya investigative committee, she has special gifts, someone you look at all the time, well, the girl is worth a scratch. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, look only without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look before everyone else, in the application or on the website.
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powerful explosions occurred in ukraine, in nikolaev three series of explosions have already occurred in 2 hours, local authorities report a fire at one of the facilities, and information about explosions has also arrived from odessa and odessa region, suburbs of dnepropetrovsk and kiev region. in the latter case, authorities say it is the work of air defense. air raid sirens sounded in nine regions of ukraine at night. hungary is trying to convince brussels to abandon attempts at a military solution to the conflict and finally use diplomatic leverage, an adviser to the hungarian prime minister said, he emphasized: the current path leads either to the collapse of the armed forces of ukraine or to an escalation that will provoke a third world war. how to such statements reacted in brussels, alka komarova will tell. eu authorities.


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