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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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powerful explosions occurred in ukraine; three series of explosions have already occurred in nikolaev in 2 hours; local authorities report a fire at one of the facilities. also, information about the explosions came from odessa, and the odessa region, the suburbs of dnepropetrovsk and the kiev region. in the latter case , authorities say it is a work in progress. air defense and air raid sirens rang out in nine regions of ukraine at night. hungary is trying to convince brussels to abandon attempts at a military solution to the conflict and finally use diplomatic leverage. this was reported by advisor to the hungarian prime minister, he emphasized: the current path leads either to a collapse in the osu, or to an escalation that will provoke a third world war. alka komarova will tell you how they reacted to such statements in brussels. eu authorities.
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to cope with the threat of russian aggression, the eu countries need to resolve a lot of issues and improve interaction between the militaries of different countries. in parallel, the paris, berlin-warsaw coalition proposes to more actively combat russian disinformation. this team is meeting already on monday announce a new plan to save its citizens from alternative opinions. they protest against funding for ukraine only in the american congress. there, the senator talked for 4 hours straight about the 60 billion that biden demands for kiev.
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journalists note that russian defensive structures in the south and east of ukraine have become the longest and most fortified structures in europe since the second world war; now the ukrainian armed forces, in the absence of western subsidies, have no chance of a successful assault. alek komarov, lead. a large fire in a hotel building is being extinguished in tolyat. as a result of the fire , two people were injured, one of them was hospitalized, his condition is stable, the staff and visitors managed to evacuate on their own.
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working at the scene of the explosion in the center for psychological assistance, it was located on the list of criminologists of the investigative committee on the first floor of an apartment building, a criminal case has been opened, the tragedy occurred late the night before, in the assistance center. the visitor, as it turned out, brought explosives with him; after a quarrel, he brought the it was put into action, he himself died, two people were wounded. according to investigators, the man, who, according to preliminary data, was registered at a psychoneurological dispensary, came as a client for an appointment at the center for providing psychological assistance. during a conflict with a center employee, the man detonated an unidentified explosive device, as a result of which he died. an employee of the center and his relative were taken to the republican... hospital with serious injuries.
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the israeli army shelled residential buildings in the central area of ​​the gaza strip. four people were killed and eight more were injured. this was reported by the palestinian red crescent. according to the department, more than 28 thousand people have died in anglave since the beginning of the conflict. meanwhile , a large-scale rally was held in telyaviv; demonstrators demanded that the government immediately return israeli prisoners to a ceasefire in gaza. according to the organizers, before the start of the procession, the families of the hostages sent a letter to the military cabinet.
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slogans: russians and serbs are brothers forever. the broadcast will continue to release the program made in russia development energy, how russian enterprises ensure production growth under sanctions and whether there is enough energy capacity, look right now: industrial production volumes are growing in russia, and, logically, electricity generation is also growing, and at a record level. according to the ministry of energy, over 3 years , more than 7,000 megawatts of generating capacity have been commissioned, but what about the technology, after all, many things were foreign before, about this... now we will tell our first story from tomsk
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, look at what a huge crane, one might say, a king - crane, lifting capacity more than... 400 tons, it is needed in order to install the foundations of the fence of the unique brest-300 reactor. here, in the city of seversk, tomsk region, despite any weather, large-scale construction is underway. according to the project, proryv is building an energy complex, which, without unnecessary pathos, is important for the entire world energy sector. it feels like something out of a story about a perpetual motion machine; in order to operate nuclear power plants , uranium needs to be mined and enriched, but
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uranium 238 is mainly found in nature, which was previously little used before the advent of nuclear reactors. fast neutrons. uranium 238, which is not involved. in the processes of fission and energy generation, they are converted into plutonium, which in turn is divided, that is, in fast neutron reactors it is possible to involve approximately 100 times more uranium in the fuel cycle than in conventional thermal reactors, increasing the resource base in 100 times is still half the battle, the task is to close the nuclear fuel cycle so that after reprocessing it can be used again, for this purpose the city of seversk is building an experiment for a demonstration power plant. it's on now commissioning of fuel production equipment, after which this fuel enters the reactor, which the stage of completion, you also see, is in the first half, but closer to the middle, and then the processing module, which is now in
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the design stage, which will close the whole chain is here on the site, just a few stages, this year the fuel production module will begin to operate, the reactor will be launched in the twenty-sixth... brest, by the end of the twenty-ninth the fuel reprocessing module will come into operation, and more literally two words about the reactor itself , they don’t exist, but really, they don’t exist, yes, this is a new type of reactor, it has a metal-concrete body, it has a lot of features, that is, the layout is unique, the approach is unique, everything is for the first time, everything unique russian technologies, we believe that this is the nuclear energy of tomorrow, now that i... tomorrow, i already doubt it, because in fact this is already today, what we are doing is what we will work with today , tomorrow, the day after tomorrow in the distant future, this is for a long time, that is, having worked out everything here, the technology can be replicated, until the fiftieth year, about a dozen blocks of fast
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neutron reactors, before we talked about little things, now, and it will appear not just as separate blocks, but as industrial energy complexes, and these projects can then be ... he leads smart guys, but there is cooperation with universities, tomsk has a strong educational base. indeed, tomsk has always historically been a forge of personnel, especially senior personnel in higher education, a decision was made us, to increase budget places and
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places in general for students in vocational technical education. we have, in addition to the fact that there are six large universities, which annually order. 7 thousand personnel are trained for various industries, mainly engineering, technical , we have more than thirty colleges and technical schools, and... russian enterprises, if not all, then certainly the majority for peaceful atom are mastering the production of new products, which is also typical for of the entire energy sector in russia, for example, a story from penza. this plant in over its more than seventy-year
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history, penzi has, of course, experienced more than one crisis; now, in times of aggressive sanctions, they are increasing production. what kind of products? without it, it is impossible to develop the country's energy sector; for example, oil and petroleum products flow through this mega-valve. how complex this product is, this product is currently produced in russia by only three companies, that is , what is characterized here is not the complexity of the product itself, but rather the level of requirements for the quality of this product, the product works 24x7 in very difficult conditions, we shipped two products for experimental operation, on a slow coking installation, that is, this is a process. and the temperature of oil refining reaches 530° and, accordingly
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, coking of the internal cavities occurs, the valves are very specific , no one produces in russia, only you, only us, by the way, equipment resistant to all adversities was actively sold to us by competitors, americans, europeans, but the non-valves business , could not withstand the pressure of his own politicians and left russia, well, demand increased. in russian, distance jump years, well, approximately by 30 percent, if not more, the volume of production has gone bare. the company sent developers to all refineries and key facilities to learn all the nuances of operation and make their product as quickly as possible, that is , in fact, a year of preparation, a year for development already, this is a record time, probably this is a short time, let’s say, because the minimum time we have to master the product is... around 8 months, there is a shortage of personnel, it is satisfied jointly with educational institutions, for example, we launched
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the step into the future program, when children of workers study profession since school , equipment is being modernized for new products, because on average, valves in difficult conditions last up to 5 years, then they need to be changed, the same sector of liquefied natural gas, in technological installations the share of imports is 80%, this is a fact, therefore... for russian enterprises this is the greatest opportunity to replace this 80%, there is support from the state in the form of grants for neo-development, plus the company participates in large-scale energy projects, including the construction of nuclear power plants abroad, turkey, india, there are more and more projects in hungary, since rosatom is actively carrying out construction projects abroad and continues, and let’s just say that there are no indications that this will decrease, in general, companies, non-essential, that work in the energy sector are vigorously exporting. in the twenty-first year there were 64,000 russian
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suppliers abroad, in the past there were already about eighty. the exact figure has yet to be calculated, but it is already clear that despite any sanctions, trade is going on. at the end of last year, the number of companies that supported by us, the russian export center group, exceeded 26,000, this is an absolute record for all the years of existence of the russian group. export center, despite the fact that the year was not the most typical for exports. 17 billion dollars is the volume of supported exports that entered foreign markets thanks to our support, and this is also more than for the same period in 2020. of course, in difficult times, exporters would not be so confident in entering new markets, and many had to change their usual supply chains. without support measures, all this would be difficult. we'll tell you more about them below. and now just a story from chelyabinsk, a company in the energy sector that managed to maintain
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competencies and occupy new niches in its own and foreign markets. how to ensure efficient production in a metal plant or, for example, a drilling rig. modern technologies, automation. for obvious reasons, they, of course, must be russian, and in chelyabinsk they are working hard on this. this is such a big paubank yes big big charger very big, well, the capacity of this drive is 450 kilowatt-hours, the power is megawatts, that is
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, such an uninterruptible power supply is needed not to recharge a dead phone, but to ensure life. this is interesting, this is for solar wind farms, this is interesting, this is generally interesting for oil and gas workers, this is today, but in general the history of the company began 24 years ago, with three people and a small office, then they made products for metallurgical industries, this is also switchboard and automation, and we were the very first to install frequency switches on taps, very we made a lot of cranes for simash
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, and new ones, for example, the system that controls the equipment of the burovaya, we were the first to do and convert the drilling installations to alternating current, we used, yes, we can say that the equipment used was imported, today, our main equipment, in particular the converters, are purely of our own production. in general, we rely on russian components, where possible, in particular, capacitors. russian dc bus russian winding all we make the products ourselves, russian transistors, these are not russian, with the development of industry, there are also sanctions to help, demand has grown significantly, especially since we have experience, in particular, the company made a control system for a hybrid diesel locomotive, there are
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projects in the automotive industry, the first the gazelle is completely electric, there are our engines, our converters, our onboard...
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you know, this is an additional opportunity, we are such a powerful industrial region, so of course we are taking advantage of this opportunity, we have increased production volumes, more than 11% growth compared to last year, this is a very good growth, 11%, in manufacturing industries almost 13, these are metallurgy , mechanical engineering, instrument making, we are actively cooperating with our traditional partners, and well, first of all, china, india, and the cis countries, we are breaking through new transport corridors, for example, north-south. at the end of last year, exports from russia to the asian region grew by more than 10%. as for china in particular, the growth in trade turnover set a record - $240 billion, which is not the limit.
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in order for business to continue to grow, the first festival fair of goods made in russia opened in china, precisely in the cities of shinyang and italian. more than 130 russian companies from all over the country brought about one and a half thousand various goods, from bashkir honey and rostov pickles to altai cosmetics. demand exceeded expectations, but that's it. not only sales and an extensive cultural program. festival fair is new.
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on the part of both chinese consumers and the leadership of chinese provinces to continue such cooperation. already a delegation from another province came to see how it was going, we are already being offered to enter into negotiations on organizing the next festival this year in another province, in principle we have a request to hold four festivals this year, that is, four seasons, the russians seasons in china. on... the asian region in terms of business development is actively looking at examples of the next company that will be discussed. using the equipment of this plant
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, over 10 million cubic meters of fuel are transported annually in the penza region. these are all kinds fuel trucks, gas stations, including for... more than 250 models, let's see what technologies are used. the history of the plant begins in the forty-first year, then they produced, for example, components for mortars, spare parts for tankers , the fuel topic is alive all day, the company makes more than 250 models, has its own design department, our tank design has its own safety margin , which allows operate it without any complaints, for a long time, even taking into account difficult road conditions
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conditions, the internal layout of the tank too, it followed its own path of development, that is, we made mistakes somewhere, made changes, modernized, that is, this is a very complex, long process that began in 1941, in fact, volumes are growing. .. at a very high pace, that is, today the plant produces 70 units of equipment monthly, the order portfolio grew during the pandemic, even more so during the sanctions, that is, imported analogues are not only twice as expensive there, they are several times more expensive, plus usually european tanks, they are designed for european roads, for european conditions, so often they simply physically cannot withstand our more brutal ones, and ours are more brutal, ours even take into account the elementary. of course, there were a lot of foreign parts, even
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as for components, before, aluminum was taken from germany, now there is russian, of the required quality. there are two spare parts, only imported ones remain, and there are russian analogues, they are visible, we just have to wait a little, now they are certifying, firstly, it, and secondly, they are setting up production, well, then i think, we’ll replace it with... the plant is considering new directions, equipment that will no longer transport fuel, the plant is starting its next modernization of development, is now acquiring a number of new machines, giving us new ones, the staff is increasing, as often as not there is a shortage of personnel , we take almost from school to practice all kinds of advantages, such as the profession of a molarist, prepare an argon welder. at home, because such professions are very rare and, well, training for them is simply not provided for, people are needed, especially in demand is growing abroad, in particular in belarus and
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kazakhstan, and further abroad, more distantly, well, we collaborated with vietnam, that is, well, now it’s more like our own market, our africa is there, we’re just planning africa, yes, there is there are also some small ideas for africa. regarding measures to support exports, in addition to participating in various events abroad, such as the festival fair in china, there are many different instruments, they change in order to remain relevant depending on the realities. for example, that year the my export platform introduced digital services for obtaining subsidies for certification of agricultural products, industrial transportation and reimbursement of expenses. this year we also plan to adapt support measures for new markets; an application campaign for compensation for the costs of
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transporting agricultural products will soon begin. in which the volume of support for compensation of expenses will be significantly changed and increased, for example, for producers of dairy products , compensation of expenses will be up to 100%. and upon entry into the market of a number of new countries, compensation expenses can be up to 50%, that is, this is an increase in the volume of reimbursement of expenses, and we are also now, together with the ministry of brondorg , developing a new... subsidy for transportation, for reimbursement of logistics, tied to specific transport corridors. business responds to support with growth, supplies, jobs and, accordingly, tax payments. for example, there are stories when foreign partners of a particular company left, but the russian business did not collapse. precision is not
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only the operating principle of this enterprise in chelyabinsk, accuracy is a business plan, because measuring instruments are produced here, and many of them were not previously made in russia at all, but now they exist. our products are used in key industries of the russian federation, such as oil and gas production, transportation, processing, metallurgy, and chemistry. the first product, and this was more than 30 years ago, was a pressure sensor. currently, the installation base of this sensor is approaching 1 million devices in russia. the production where we are located capable of producing 100.00 such sensors per
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year, completely covers. tests , all metrological characteristics are checked, that is, temperature, basic error, variation, and so on. the plant even has a unique watering plant, where a test pipeline is built over a huge pool. the installation can reproduce flow rates up to 2,050 km/h and we can ensure the throughput of our production up to 450 flow meters per month, that is, we already saw there, these were measuring instruments, which measure, measure pressure, yes , and here is liquid, here yes, here is liquid, gas, oil, that is, everything that flows, everything that changes, we measure it, in fact, for this we make measuring instruments to
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measure expenses. before the sanctions hysteria of the west, the enterprise developed in partnership with a transnational corporation, this is in the past, that is, now the owners are russian, we continue to develop without the participation of any foreign capital and technology, we borrowed the best, into the best world experience. now the company is developing new devices, valves, regulators, designing complete systems, recruiting and training employees. the specificity is narrow and it is almost impossible to find personnel on the market. we have been working with south ural state university for many years; we have our laboratories there. we have a developed internship program, that is, we take on students starting in their second year and give them the opportunity to plunge into the production process. demand is growing, because foreign competitors have fled the market, customers are increasing capacity. the plant is ready to produce
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about 200,000 different ones. measuring instruments per year and we see the potential for probably an increase of 50 percent in the next 3 years, and according to our plans to expand products for the russian market to enter the foreign market, the cis countries already have exports, work is underway to enter markets of the middle east and southeast asia and, of course, for many enterprises great prospects are opening up in their market, speaking of energy development, then according to the ministry of energy, by the thirty-first year it is necessary to update outdated equipment in the amount of up to 46 gw, which is about 18% of the country’s generating capacity, is a good opportunity for russian manufacturers to supply their products.


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