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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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universities in new regions were able to switch from ukrainian to russian educational programs in the shortest possible time. in areas where the combat situation allows, universities are now conducting classes in person. in cities where fighting took place, educational buildings are repaired first. about how universities operate in new regions, a special report by marat kremcheev, see after the advertisement. when you
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pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately discover all the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions: a high percentage on the balance, cashback on purchases of up to 3%. with map profit, no matter whether you spend or save, in any case, incredible benefits are with you. bank ural sib. in the auditorium of the kuindzh mariupol state university, life has returned since the beginning of this academic year, walking with the rector larisa sevala through the restored main building of the university, it is difficult to imagine that in the spring of twenty-two this building actually turned into ruins, everything was littered with uniforms of ukrainian military. and
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they tore off the chevrons, it was all littered there, they were apparently running away there changed clothes and threw away their military uniform. at the beginning of the mariupol operation, this building, like other buildings of the university, was occupied by the azov regiment, banned in russia. the azovites were driven out of here, but the corps naturally suffered greatly. considering the destruction, it is surprising that the university building.
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after all, many of them knew about our country from stories of ukrainian propaganda, even some events took place, the guys tried a little not to be photographed, because i understand, yes, as every parent said, well, somehow try to be careful, carefully, but i will note that this year the guys who have already entered, that is, well, you can pay attention to the stands and events, indeed they already go everywhere, they already see when they were in petigorsk in moscow. in st. petersburg, in kazan,
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they come and say: larisa antorevna, we are in shock, we were just told something else, but we saw a different picture, that is, you know, i’m very happy that i have something to compare this with, i was born in the seventies, i saw, yes, let’s say, a comparison, they didn’t they know, these 9 years, when you know, they said one thing, they saw a different picture. universities, which then in 2014 remained in the territory controlled by ukraine, already during the svo, actually changed the curriculum from the wheels . historically, mariupol is a russian-speaking city, as in general. all of novorossiya,
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but again, starting from the fourteenth year , all subjects in university schools were taught in ukrainian, that is , the situation turned out when students spoke russian during breaks, but received an education.
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there was something, but in fact, it is clear that absolutely not. irina vyalkova was born, raised and educated in mariupol. now she is the dean of the faculty of philology and mass communications. here he studies to become a philologist, journalist, advertiser , psychologist. she has been working at the university since 2007, and has been deputy dean since 2009. as they say now, the abolition of the russian language in schools and universities took place in her...
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we will have more full-time education, now, including the correspondence department, there are 45 students studying at the university, for comparison in ukraine there were 300 people, most of the students come from mariupol and other cities of the dpr. maxim studies at
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the faculty of physical education, comes from tarez, his father and uncle are members of his family, i study at kuindzh moscow state university, i entered. here on the initiative of my parents, let’s put it this way, that is, my uncle fought, he said that the navy field had been liberated, you can calmly go and enroll here, since it was restless in donetsk, i didn’t want to sit at a distance, and i decided to enroll here, considering the circumstances, this seems surprising, but approximately 40% of students at kuindzh moscow state university are from other cities, moreover, this is not only donbass and novorosiya; the geography from which students came is quite wide. were you surprised when applicants from all over russia actually submitted documents to you? were you surprised? yes, there was a surprise, because you know, well, firstly, recently we have been invited to our students, they are invited to us in
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kazan, sochi, moscow, st. petersburg, that is, the guys talk about themselves, about the university, and i understand that you know, as they say, rumors about me will spread throughout great russia, right? russian regions study by correspondence department, but there are other examples: first-year student alla kuzmenskaya came to mariupol from the bryansk region, studying full-time at the faculty of physical education. al, first question, you are from the pryansk region, how did you get here, how did you enter here and why here? my sister studied here at one time, she sent me a website, i decided to go see how everything works here, what faculties are there, what opportunities the university provides,
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look at the reviews, respectively, and i basically didn’t find any negative comments, that’s all for me i liked it, i decided to try here, i basically only considered moscow and mariupol, in moscow i wanted to enter a military school to become a military psychologist, but i didn’t pass the entrance exam, uh-huh, uh-huh, here’s mariupol, how will everyone know where i came from, just a quick question, what are you here for...
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my mother has suffered three strokes in a row since march 23rd , and of course we thank the doctor who , well, let’s say, at least you know, raised and... say, immediately after the end of the fighting in the spring of twenty-two started work they collected surviving documents in the buildings, and in
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general, taking into account the conditions, dealt with extremely complex organizational issues. people really wanted to return to their home university. after may 20, several of our colleagues met because we had a point on the metro where people came for humanitarian aid, there was a connection, that is, somewhere they could call each other. i've already joined our big friendly team. without exaggeration, the stories of mariupol teachers
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give students goosebumps. freshman lisa shekmar. almost 2 years ago, her mother died before her eyes ; the then sixteen-year-old girl herself was wounded. it turns out, and we went out into the corridor, well, where everyone lives, it turns out that the walls folded like that, there was a lot of dust. well, our neighbor said, like, let’s go outside to the basement, but our basement isn’t that great, and we decided to cross the road, there’s a five-story building, like five entrances, and we also had relatives there, and we went there, and we didn’t have time to get there , it turns out that a rocket landed on the corner, but i still didn’t understand whether it was in front or behind, well in one word i stunned, turned over like that, well, when... i woke up, but at that moment i was already wounded, well, i realized that i was wounded,
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because it was somehow hard to get up, and i turned around, my mother was lying, well, i understood the fact that that’s all, my mother died, yes, then there was a girl with us, 5 years old, her mother was seriously injured, well, my neighbor told me that come out, well... go somewhere, well, run somewhere , because then they decided to somehow take this mother out with one guy, well, i took the girl, took her out to the house that was in the driveway. i'm at her third entrance, it turns out there were people there, i was there with them the whole time for 2 weeks, they helped me with the wounds, treated me, and we decided to go out because, well, one chechen came to us, he said that there would be a corridor, it’s better if
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you go out , because there were ten-story buildings there, there were snipers there, so we decided to go out. after some time, lisa managed to contact her relatives, who took the girl to the village where her grandparents live, where she finished the eleventh grade. before entering the university, lisa was very worried, because almost everything in school she received her education in ukrainian, well, so, that is, you need to improve your russian, you didn’t have much time there, well, yes, somehow i wrote all these rules on the internet at home, well, we have to there was going to be an essay. yes, i once tried with my sister, with my grandfather, well, i passed well, i passed , i shouldn’t have been so worried, everything turned out to be good, much better, now lisa lives in
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a university dormitory, in which most of the floors have also already been renovated, the conditions are quite good , they live in rooms. three people there is a shower in each block, well, we just changed it, they made this toilet, that is , everything is new, yes, yes, but the renovation is still ongoing, on the ninth floor they are doing wiring or electricity, which, uh, uh, at the university lisa is studying psychologist, and the choice of such a specialty is, of course, connected with what happened in her life, probably after... i finished eleventh grade, so i was reviewing what professions i could go into, and what i would like best , i thought so, well, this is all that happened to me, i can help myself, if i’m going to be a psychologist, well , i’m going to help other people, especially since there’s such a time and there are a lot of
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people who need it. with irina vyalkova, the dean of the faculty where lisa shekmar studies, we are standing on the ruins that were once her home, tell me what happened, and this was once our house for 20 years, in which we lived, raised son , here...
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it came to you, it flew straight into your house, yes, it flew straight to us, we were in the house at the moment when it arrived, and this shank, it’s just above the sofa, on in which the son, well, let’s call it conventionally, was sleeping, yes, because it was hard to sleep, but somehow we tried to warm up. right right above the sofa , what date was that? it was march 9 , 5 am, it’s hard to forget the time and hour, it really looks like a miracle, after a direct hit by a shell on a small private house, everyone remained alive, fortunately they avoided serious injuries, temporarily irina’s family lives in the house
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next door, they gave it to us for living, that’s because, well... they come to corporate email, that is, well, it’s in any format, insult, threats, live, look back.
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that is, a diploma of basic higher education, which says that i am a teacher of russian language and literature. unlike mariupol. classes about universities in donetsk are being held remotely, the reason is clear, the city is under fire every day. don ntu, better known as donetsk polytechnic university, is also remote. when donbass officially
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became part of russia, many students who were mobilized in the dpr in february twenty- two returned here from the front to finish their studies. donetsk national technical university is a university with a century-old history. and in soviet times, and now, despite the fact that hostilities are ongoing, donetsk polytechnic is one of the most prestigious. universities of donbass, well, our university was founded on may 30 , 1921, founded for a specific purpose, the industrialization of donbass, that is, well, the young soviet state at that time realized that it was necessary to develop industry, this cannot be done without personnel, they took such an unprecedented move when province, because the city, at that time yuzovka was a deep province, a university was founded, which...
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ukraine, russia, more than 70 foreign states, that is, we carried out an analysis, there are our graduates on all continents, here is the dpintu brand, it is recognizable all over the world. since the pandemic, the university has been working remotely for objective reasons. of course, both teachers and students want to return to full-time form, but given the shelling of the city, this is impossible right now.
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displayed, so i would like to draw your attention to it here at the stand, very very beautiful attention, the family tree of don ntu, this is it, here is the development of our faculty, here below, you see, these fallen apples are those educational research institutions. which we founded, that is, a fairly serious basis in general for higher education and scientific research. valery poltovets came to the main building of the donetsk polytechnic university in the summer of eighty-one as an applicant. since 1986, he has been working at a university as a teacher, now a poltovo professor, doctor of technical sciences, head of the department of mechatronic systems of mechanical engineering equipment. from a mechatronics point of view. well practically any modern technical device in its essence is mechatronic, well , starting from a complex technical system such as a mining machine, a metal-working
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tank, in principle, modern household appliances are also a mechatronic system, since they have a control system. during the mobilization in the dpr in february twenty-second, senior lieutenant of the reserve poltovets was drafted into the people's militia. at that time he was 58 years old. everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands went to fight in the republic. run to hide the poltovets is not used to it. the university professor received a respectful patronymic call sign, vasilich. at first he was appointed deputy company commander, and a few days later he was transferred to the position of fire support platoon commander. well, then, in fact, he moved from one point to another. moved in one direction.
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oh, well, we didn’t understand right away, but then we saw that due to the landing, a series of ruptures, in general, crossed the landing, and we stopped and dispersed in the field. the combat path of professor poltovets ended in alnowakhe. at first he ended up in the hospital due to covid; at the end of april 22 , the university petitioned for the teacher to return to the university. my dismissal was due to the fact that... a petition was sent from the university due to the fact that i am a member of two dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral and master 's theses, the defense was supposed to take place in may, a petition was sent in this regard, well, in addition, at the unit headquarters, as they say, reviewed my case and decided to transfer me to the reserve. and so
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thus, at the beginning of may i already went to work and took part in a meeting of the council for defending doctoral dissertations. hello, i am your stress and this is your energy. i love it when you are exhausted, like a squeezed lemon. is stress leaving you exhausted or what? contains elkarnit, a source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elcar - you can fight stress. this is the same smartphone. top smartphone, top grill. and also top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. fenraventa 50% off for only 3.499. in mvidio and eldorado. so ready,
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