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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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powerful explosions occurred this night in ukraine, detonations were heard in nikolaev , nikolaev region, damage to infrastructure facilities was reported, a fire occurred, and information about explosions came from dnepropetrovsk, odessa, odessa and kiev region. two explosions occurred today in ilista, the first at a psychological assistance center; a registered man detonated a homemade bomb, injuring two people. century, the second
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thundered when the police came to search the house of the criminal, three were injured national guardsmen. the israeli army shelled residential buildings in the central gaza strip, killing four people and wounding eight others, the palestinian red crescent reported. meanwhile , a large rally took place in tel aviv; demonstrators demanded that the government immediately return israeli prisoners and cease fire. fans of the serbian football club supported russia at the match of the local super league, fans of the cervena stars team unfurled more than a hundred of our flags right in the stadium and chanted the slogan russian serbs pass forever. next, our broadcast will continue with the stopfake program. alexey kazakov will talk about information warfare technologies against russia and expose the lies of ukrainian
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propaganda. a murdered child, dozens of adult victims and many injured. a terrible picture of lisichansky’s terrorist attacks, which the propaganda of the kiev regime is trying to pass off as a strike on a legitimate target. we’ll tell you more about this and more right now in the stopfake program on russia-24. so, literally the orcs dined and got what they deserved. there were such formulations. used by ukrainian media and telegram channels in the very first minutes after the attack on the bakery in lesechansk. the cannibals from unian were ironic, saying that there was no evidence that there were civilians in the building. another information dump shared an exclusive, allegedly meetings of the russian command were held in the destroyed building. and you baked bread - a quote for the occupiers. true, the original source turned out to be dubious, to put it mildly. an anonymous representative of some kind of military-civil administration, that is, a character who escaped from the lugansk republic.
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although within a matter of hours it became obvious that the ill-fated khaymars did not hit a military target at all; clearly civilians, including women, were pulled out from under the rubble ; it was not army equipment that was dragged away from the scene of the tragedy, but the most ordinary cars crushed by the rubble; here is a record from those who recently rejoiced because of the successful arrival, changed as if by magic, they began to turn everything around as if the wounded and dead were reported exclusively by the russian side, which should not be trusted, or they hinted that responsibility for the shelling...
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they are not carried by the armed forces of ukraine, because otherwise there would have been a comment from the hijackers themselves, and indeed, they did not comment on the monstrous crimes, but such silence is akin to a purely heartfelt confession, they are silent because they are in a very disadvantageous position, because tectonic shifts are taking place inside there are replacements for the zaluzhny syrs, so i understand that this means nothing to us, but they are shaking for their own skin, in general, this is a terrible example of what kind of fate the fascists want.
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evpatoria. in the first case, the rate exceeds the highest income is promised for simferopol and 18%, in the second it exceeds 19.6 months, but at the same time, dreams of a new kokhovka of the kherson region are valued at a couple of percent more with a deadline of 10. and the cheapest securities with a rate of about 14% are sold at donetsk, mariupol and lugansk, probably because the deadline for their capture is constantly being postponed. according to the head of the ministry of digital development of ukraine, the scheme has already brought the budget no less than 700 million hryvnia, therefore 700
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people bought the notorious bonds at a thousand apiece, and none of them, apparently confusing, important nuance. if earlier war bonds were simply a form of hidden issue, then the national bank printed them. hryvnia bought these bonds from the government, well , thereby, as if carrying out an issue, now they decided to expand this practice, that under the guise of victory they decided to sell it in the form of essentially extortion from business, from individual officials for their immunity, uh, who are forced buy these bonds, well , as soon as major successes remain unattainable, the enemy has to savor local ones, which are also false through and through, a clear example enthusiastic headlines of ukrsmi against the backdrop of the alleged death of the call sign moses , a russian drane driver, who, together with his comrades , terrorized the enemy on the dnieper for several months in a row, sank dozens of boats, eliminated hundreds of manpower, but, as claimed, ended his glorious hunt, since his observation
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post failed scout and cover with well-aimed fire. the unit that was in the process of launching russian unmanned aerial vehicles was destroyed; they attacked mercilessly. our boat, there is no moses, there will be no outcome, there can only be one outcome - in addition to the footage of the hot sensor where the uav operators were supposedly hiding, the sofa troops also published a photo of the fighter himself, crossed out with bones, in general, they almost jumped for joy, assuring that in addition to moses , three more russians were killed, but then the nazis would have it’s time to remember the proverb, don’t say “gop” until you jump over, and then someone will remember, someone will look at this refutation, this is also the tenth thing. the main thing is that this black mess through the dust, it was served, in ukraine people received their dose of blood and hatred, there are real warriors who inspire only one call sign, horror and fear for those who are on
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the opposite side. this is the story about the gift-giver moses. and then the story developed absolutely naturally. moses wrote on his social networks that he was alive. but how alive his colleagues are, then he posted a sarcastic audio message: our ugly little hogliks are getting ready for inspection, and in order not to be unfounded, he backed up his words with a small but quite eloquent video from the hospital: the soldier is wounded, but his mood is it’s excellent, in turn, the subscribers of the yellow block publics were clearly despondent and until the very end refused to believe in the cancellation of the holiday, they realize that this is not true, that they previously stated and are also trying. again, to provoke the target audience , to say that this is all a lie, it’s not him , it’s not this person , they sent some new one, modern drane drivers, so to speak, and who are actively participating in hostilities during the northern military district, they turn into some kind of leaders of public opinion, these are a kind of bloggers dash
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journalists who broadcast from the scene, so to speak, of the conduct of hostilities and tell what is happening, and most importantly, attach quite impressive video frames, as they say, guys, what’s wrong with the face , no one has canceled the disposal of ukrainian watercraft, everything necessary for it is at hand russian soldiers. when the boat is moving slowly, the copter just needs to hover over it and drop ammunition, this can be either a standard f1 lemon, capable of scattering 300 fragments at 200 m, or a vvok-17 shot for automatic grenade launcher, the latter contains only 36 g of explosives, covers a radius of up to 7 meters with fragments, but even a civilian drone picks up two such projectiles at once, well, in situations where the target is moving towards...
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they lost, only in the video, what is visible, yes , they lost in these battles, which have no prospects, that is, this is the biggest problem of these battles for ukraine. namely the loss of equipment, primarily artillery, as for personnel, well , as you yourself understand, the military commissars will still catch it, however, zelensky is unlikely to have any it’s up to those who went to feed the dnieper fish, but they still imitate a certain interest in what is happening at the front, let’s say, content from the air of an endless telethon, they insisted that the leader of the sbank gang visited rabotin , zaporozhye region, wished good luck to the cannon fodder, carefully the line of contact, but if everything is real... then why is he posing for a video in some unidentified basement, going outside without a helmet, as if they were walking in
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the rear. despite the fact that rabotina, let me remind you, located in an extremely hot area where drones fly and artillery hits. in short, a strange sight, and that's not all. now look at the motorcade that is rushing at full speed, the flashing lights, and they clearly make it clear that some kind of european official or zelensky is traveling here.
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goes off scale, although it can be steeper. on february 8 , a record was set on the border with ukraine;
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40 people were caught at once; border guards boasted that this was the maximum single catch for the entire time of the northern military district. it comes to such cases when people just they go to the lengths of violating the laws of physics in order to somehow escape, yes, to pack in. in a space in which, in general, a person should not, in theory, fit. at the same time, the junta has already invented a way to literally force its citizens to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, as evidenced by the conference on mental health in berlin, where elena zelenskaya spoke. she boasted that ukrainians demonstrate a unique level of endurance, but kept silent about the methods that svidomo doctors are not shy about highlighting. one of them, vladislav matrinitsky, admitted to the economist magazine that he made it a rule to bet on militants. ketamine droppers, when injected into a vein, ketamine begins to act within 10 minutes, maintaining the effect for 2-3 hours.
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admittedly, the drug is ideal for meat assaults. having received a generous dose, the addict ceases to feel pain and at a certain moment can experience euphoria. however, it is replaced by severe hallucinations, and with regular use , addiction inevitably occurs. at this stage, strong kitamine preparations affect the organs digestion, bladder, liver. then the functioning of the brain is irreversibly disrupted, to the point that in it... how they hook the ukrainian military on drugs, in order to go into a meat assault when you have no cover, no armor next to you, they use pumped-up people, who are already on the verge of even an overdose, this was used by militants in syria, like... when they went out for assaults, they use it here too, when they send ukrainian fighters
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to death. one of the points of european integration is legalization of drugs, instead of a pension , keep cannabis, this is why euromaidan should have been carried out. by the way, it would be nice to understand what kind of relationship with drugs not only the drug addicts have, but she does? if someone suddenly doesn't know you, she's a kind of social heroine. a resident of the united states became famous for her amazing conviction that russian citizens are completely alien to civilization. what films are coming out this year?
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of course, the city crazy people who post this content sometimes don’t even realize what kind of coverage this blog will have. this content, what target audiences it will engage, and this is a kind of attempt to make noise on the information channel with their agenda, perhaps somewhere in their country they will find supporters, someone will really believe them, but of course in russia everyone understands that here in russia, life is much better in many respects, so some bloggers ridicule and present them. exactly as humorous content, americans, do you hear me, americans, do you know what this is? you know, kefir, it’s kefir, yeah, of course, such pseudo-bloggers don’t come to russia come, it’s much easier to talk nonsense without fact-checking, but on the other hand, it wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted with the impressions
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of your american compatriots who recovered from the terminal stage of propaganda as soon as they looked at life... russians with their own eyes, there are a lot of different fruits here , oranges, these are melons or maybe grapefruits, there is a large selection of apples, they sell caviar, there are different types of fish, red caviar, black caviar, and many come to buy all this, nothing like a shortage or low purchasing power, no matter how much the foreign media... lie about the collapse of our economy, however, someone, as it is not difficult to notice, still has more faith in the editorials of western tabloids than in objective reality, which means there is still a lot more to come ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel. good afternoon, my name is
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victor. and i am an entrepreneur, last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed me by business, this year everything is different, i joined the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us la-la-la-la. alyon , let me help, thank you, but you have a whole package of cashback here, i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, yur, alyon with a free vtb debit card, 10% cashback, for everything, help, it’s better
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join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, next on our air is a week in the city program. good morning, we have again the main stories that happened nearby, my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city, this is how our correspondents saw it, in a second everything began to burn, the roof was on fire, why the writer’s house in moscow almost disappeared, works on dismantling continue around the clock,
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rabinson, nicknamed sugar, as a family dog ​​wandered through the forest for a year and a half, i can’t imagine how sugar survived there. and what is canine rehabilitation? to make friends with him, you will have to show a lot of patience. moscow, this is the second year. sets standards for recruiting fighters for contract service throughout the country. there is a single selection point in the capital where candidates come from all over russia. and this place is in no way reminiscent of the old soviet
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military registration and enlistment offices, for too long, being in which you can easily change your mind about going to the service. in the capital’s center, just last year more than 20,000 people signed a contract with the armed forces, and none of them stood in line or ran around with documents in search of the right office. this week the work of the point was checked by the minister of defense. sergei shaigu and moscow mayor sergei sobyanin. we also looked at how everything works there. the situation is like in the centers, my documents. electronic queue, comfortable waiting rooms, polite consultants. the russian army for thousands of contract soldiers starts from here, after filling out the forms and waiting for the medical examination. i wanted reconnaissance, of course. and yours is elementary. urgent, urgent service, i was a mortar gunner, good special artillery, here now it’s different,
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you need to know a lot there. timofey has experience, call sign til, he returns to his fellow soldiers, rested a little and decided to go back, it’s hard for the guys there, but i can help, there’s a warehouse here, the soldiers will receive the most necessary things immediately after registration. everything you need, every day harm to the armed forces, dozens are recorded here strong-willed men, if a fighter has everything in order with his documents, then...
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one of the most famous train stations in moscow, from which the capital begins for millions of not only russian citizens, brought up in cinema, incredibly in demand by townspeople, has finally been freed from scaffolding , sign fencing, we apologize for the temporary inconvenience. the long-term reconstruction of the belarusian station has been completed, which is now the largest interchange hub, combining two metro lines, two central diameters,
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intercity and ... stations were completed last year. the main work on the platforms of the belarusian completely rebuilt the boarding waiting areas, installed new electronic displays, reconstructed the internal territory, even earlier transformed the area in front of the station, an area of ​​spontaneous trade, chaotic parking, and clunky stalls and semi-basement wine bars, only archive footage remains,
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i took it today. by the standards of moscow city stations, comfortable environment, vestibules, underground passages, so i i hope that the passengers who arrive here, tens and tens of thousands of them, will find it more comfortable here to transfer to other trains and the metro. belorussky station is also a station of victory, this is where trains with soldiers who defeated fascism arrived, which is why the station complex simply must be ideal in all respects, harmoniously combining great... history and the most modern technologies, well, it’s freezing again in moscow from almost spring, which was at the beginning of the week right at night -20, and before that there were strong snowstorms, tons of snow, again overwhelmed the city. the storm was such that massive accidents on the highways happened one after another. the capital's public utilities have been working in a special mode for several days now, thousands of pieces of equipment are cleaning roads, courtyards, sidewalks, all of this is olga, the so-called cyclone
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that brought down all these weather disasters on moscow, but similar things happened in the capital 100 years ago, and there was no powerful technology then, as they dug out, the snowiest story of the program was irina baranova. the ocean of air is great, it is boundless, the thickness it is hundreds of kilometers long, and although we are at its very bottom, it often storms here. in just one week, everything that can happen in winter happened: thaw, snowfall, blizzard, in the end there was no severe frost , we were dressed warmly, we know how to dress, nothing foreshadowed any special conversations about the weather at the beginning of the week, until olga appeared, i apologize, but cyclone olga can somehow calm down her ardor or what’s going on, she burst into the capital region like a boss at a speed of 40 km/h, besides the girl turned out to be windy, providing us with a february snowstorm, oh, but in general


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