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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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camaraderie, and you can feel it, the roads are cleared, the houses are well-kept, all the documentation is in order. the chairman of the snt is not so much a boss as a business executive, everything must work, and accordingly, documentation is maintained in accordance with our legislation, that is, we monitor that the plots are registered, legally registered, and the buildings on the plots as well. larisa admits that all this would have been impossible without... the dacha amnesty introduced by the state duma with the introduction of the dacha amnesty, of course, my gardeners have now become much more it’s easier to formalize all this, and the number of registrations has also increased exponentially, because the exclusion from the process of obtaining a building permit, it certainly simplifies the registration process itself. in 2022, the dacha amnesty for residential building plots was extended until march 1, 2031. for general objects.
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such as water towers, booths, some technical structures, for non-compliance with the legal status of land plots. the state duma paid attention to this and in the third final reading adopted a law that will help partnerships not to lose common possessions. in this law, we are extending the period for this amnesty regarding the registration of public facilities in gardening and vegetable farming partnerships. let me remind you that
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more than 15 million people have already taken advantage of the dacha amnesty. we are talking about buildings that were erected on the common lands of partnerships before 2004. these are, for example, water towers, old buildings, the board building, and the entrance group. public roads can also be registered in a simplified manner. what is needed for this? for all you need is the missing documents for the land and a declaration from the chairman of this company. their other documents do not need a technical plan for operation; this greatly simplifies the registration of common property. deputies note that if the simplified registration is not extended, this will place a financial burden on gardening partnerships, which cannot be allowed. in addition, unregistered objects may be recognized as unauthorized buildings and may simply be demolished. this is a great benefit for our gardeners, not only for the chairmen of snt.
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but also for you and me, for rare gardeners, because we can be sure that our infrastructure will be easily legalized not through the court, because if this law had not been adopted by the state duma, then we would have to legalize our public property exclusively through the court. extends the deadline until march 1, 2031. thus, the simplified procedure for registering common property was, so to speak, synchronized with the expiration date of the dacha amnesty.
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the bill also proposes to formalize ownership rights to houses divided for residence of two families. now such objects can only be legalized in court, for which cadastral work must be carried out. deputies note that the initiative was developed at the request of the citizens themselves. maria burkova, maxim koul, anna melikyan, alexey chaburkov, sergey vergunov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. watch the second part of our program. small to remote. the state duma extends benefits for small bookstores. make steel stronger, vaccines more effective, advances in science for the benefit of the country, and changes in the conditions for transporting pets. america, but what do we know about america? this country simply cannot
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but be of interest to us. we in indonesia need to be enthusiastic to understand the russian market. a state for which such a word as independence is important. i always tell my students that we would never have won that war if russia had not supported us. the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens’ development initiatives countries. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450 thousand citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place
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for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20. the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on ideia. let's look first, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vasnyatsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four, subscribe, look, this is parliamentary hour, we continue, teach. this is all about the work of deputies during the regional week. alexander shavirin will continue. the chairman of the
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health protection committee, badma bashankaev, held a master class on tactical medicine for future doctors in ufa. the deputy told what should be in the first aid kit and how to use it. the same course of badma bashankaev. introduced for svo participants as well. students immediately consolidated the acquired knowledge in practice. unfortunately, disaster happens, including man-made disasters, this and, unfortunately, the arrival of some uavs and so on and so on. being able to stop the bleeding in time, position the patient correctly, and warm him up before he arrives soon, this saves lives. 85% of losses can be prevented if people knew how to use tourniquets and tourniquets correctly. it is doctors, including future ones, who should be the ones who teach their family and friends the skill.
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several operations, rehabilitation, depression, but found the strength to play sports within a year and entered the russian archery team among people with injuries musculoskeletal system. today yulia is a prize-winner of many competitions, the deputy helped in purchasing special equipment. faith,
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support, the fact that they don’t forget me, they come, it’s very nice, it’s very motivating. sport is everything for me now, because it helps a lot, firstly, physically, and secondly. morally fight your own fears there, in the samara region , the first deputy chairman of the committee for construction and housing and communal services vladimir koshelev met with defrauded shareholders, for 20 years people have been waiting for their apartments, changed project, the developers changed the deadlines, the only thing that did not change was the house, which has not yet been commissioned. i bought my apartment in 2008, bought it here when i was sixteen. tashki are unfinished, which are still currently unfinished. the issue moved forward after contacting the deputy. based on the results of joint work with the prosecutor general’s office and the territorial development fund, more than 200 people have already received compensation payments. in the process of this work, we see absolutely uncoordinated
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work specifically at the local, regional level when there is a complete absence of interdepartmental relationships. every person who... suffered will be provided with either housing or will receive compensation. chairman of the committee.
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the carrier, which will be in each car and transferred to the headquarters car, further decisions will be made by the train manager. to the nearest station, where large train stations are located, the animals travel on the train and are then handed over to workers or... and after that,
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the search for the owner will continue. last year , long-distance trains carried over 600 thousand animals, every tenth was ownerless. in addition, it is necessary to introduce a system for identifying four-legged passengers during transportation. we expect to come up with a number of decisions in the spring that relate to commuter trains, taking into account the fact that a large gardening project will begin. season is upon us, and many people will travel by train, the demand for such solutions is very high, again so that animals do not get lost, and if this happens, so that they can be efficiently return to the owner. children's and educational educational literature should be accessible. deputies proposed providing unlimited state support for small bookstores that perform a social function. maria burkova will talk about what kind of year it gives - who chooses such a path in business? now i have already grown up to summer, i have lived
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countless days, now i know that happiness is snuggling with my mother and reading. all her neighbors are well acquainted with this girl, they know: if you want to buy a high-quality children's book for your child, you need to go on a visit, you will find yourself in a bookstore. the girl herself says that her business is not at all about... money and the main goal of the business is to help, not to earn money, i am in order to make life in the area more pleasant, so that children from our area have something to do, so that they have quality leisure, quality time, so that families gradually increase this value of family reading, each book in this, albeit small, but... socially useful home store, is carefully, and most importantly with love, selected by the mother of two children, as
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renata herself says that in her store there are only books with traditional family values. the benefit that renata’s case brings to society was appreciated by the state. last year, the girl received the status of a social entrepreneur, which means additional benefits, for example, subsidies, grants or special educational programs. there are certain grants you can apply for. only having the status of a social social entrepreneur, but in general it’s like i’m even negotiating, for example, with someone from - from businesses, and i always make sure to say that i have the status of a social... entrepreneur, and this somehow raises me in the eyes of the commercial guys, it supports such a useful business, the law on the development of small medium-sized businesses. the document contains a list of companies that work not only for revenue, but also for social contribution. in the twenty-first year , the list was expanded, children's and
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youth book stores were added. in my opinion, it’s not even the efficiency that needs to be looked at to a greater extent. the support measures themselves as a business, but...
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urgently, then we will see if this is an effective measure, of course, we will meet halfway and support this proposal in the future. as a result, the deputies considered the bill in the first reading in its original version; questions about the timing will be clarified by the second reading. maria burkova, nikita kharaskin, yulia borodina, alekseevich burkov, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. measures to counter modern threats and challenges were discussed. on international relations, defense and security. special attention to the escalation of armed conflicts, international terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, noted the chairman of the duma committee on cis affairs leonid kalashnikov. and we agreed to continue working within the parliamentary assembly to build constructive
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cooperation with interested countries and international organizations. security. the experience of the csto today is of interest to many states from southeast asia to latin america, leonid kalashnikov emphasized. it's also about practice combating foreign interference in the internal affairs of states. attempts to influence the upcoming elections, which will be held in russia and belarus, have already been recorded. our pride. this week we celebrated russian science day. exactly 300 years ago. peter ii founded the first academy of sciences in history. and today it is an honor to be a scientist. proof of this is that more than half of russian parents would like their children to make a career in the scientific field. this is the data in the data center. further enhancing the status of the profession, including through various forms of promotion support salaries, among the recommendations of the state duma, the russian government. resolutions with
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complex proposals addressed to deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko following the government hour were unanimously... adopted by deputies at a plenary session. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin emphasized: the achievements of domestic science today are especially important for ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country. elena zhilmina met with those who are working for the benefit of russia today. russia is confidently following the path of scientific and technological development. today the country is in the top ten in terms of research volume and the number of scientific personnel. fifth in the world. our scientists make discoveries that don't just change lives, they save. the request for such developments is shaped by tragic events: a fire in the lame horse feather club, killing 156 people. the tragedy in the winter cherry shopping center in kemerovo claims sixty lives. the fire is engulfing thousands of square meters of hypermarkets and warehouses, distribution centers and
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residential buildings are blazing. minimize the number of victims these emergency situations are a task, including for science. it becomes obvious that a fire-resistant material is needed. a team of scientists from the misis university of science and technology has been improving the properties, chemical composition, and steel production technology for 3 years. in fact, in appearance there is no difference, but... under conditions of high temperatures, in fire conditions, the new grade of steel, due to a certain chemical composition, an innovative chemical composition, only becomes stronger. steel that saves lives, fire-resistant, experimentally it has been tested that building metal structures made from it can withstand temperatures of 600° celsius for almost 30 minutes. all this time, the supports do not fold like a house of cards; beams made of ordinary steel collapse after 14 minutes. the time gained slows down the collapse of buildings during a fire, precious seconds for it. resolution of the russian federation
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, the industrial partner also provided 100% co-financing for this project, this was a sufficient amount of funding for the development from an idea to really not exist then, that is, straight from scratch, until with practical testing and practical use, it would have been possible to implement all this in 3 years. science is the basis for the development of the entire state and this one. research and innovative developments, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of scientific and technological infrastructure, pay special attention to science cities, increase the status and prestige of the scientific profession, and improve the institute of scientific expertise. the project is presented by the head of the relevant committee. when developing recommendations to the government of the russian federation, we we proceeded from the fact that scientific and technological development is. simply one of the key tasks, but the necessary conditions and basis for the successful implementation of the entire set of strategic priorities of the state.
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the voiced recommendations, which are essentially complex proposals, are developed by deputies immediately after the government hour with dmitry chernoshenko. at the beginning of december, the deputy prime minister speaks in the plenary hall about the national project in this area, achievements and upcoming work. deputies emphasize: the country needs technological breakthrough. what our president vladimir vladimirovich putin set. and for this, politicians are sure, employees in the sector need to increase their salaries. if we want a scientific breakthrough, then
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we need to change the wage system in education and science. we need to radically change the funding of these areas; without this scientific breakthrough we will practically not have it. there are also not enough specialists themselves. the key issue is being raised in the state duma: the shortage of engineering personnel, without them the supply. ural, far east, these are studies that were conducted by the superjob portal. the exit is first of all, the search for future specialists, even at the stage of training, nurturing these specialists. deputies point out that science is not just theory, but also practice. and in the modern world this interaction works. what incentive programs have been launched to date? innovative development of small medium-sized enterprises in the regions of russia, you know that there is an effective federal project for take-off from startup to ipo, its goal is to increase
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the survival rate of startups to increase the number large technology companies will have special support measures made for it. they demonstrate their practical research in support. employees of the research institute of rospotrebnadzor give the child the opportunity to remember this pathogen and develop effective protection after it. young scientist alexander kudryavtsev talks about a development that will protect a baby, even if he has no immunity at all. antirespiratory social virus, rsv virus. our team has developed an antibody against this infection, which will protect newborns. especially premature babies, who have a fairly high mortality rate from this infection, about 5%, that is, for risk groups this would be a very good use, another development of these scientists
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will form the basis of the combination. tests , scientists from the country's leading research centers are working on the breakthrough that russia so needs , they clearly understand and are in solidarity that state policy in the field of science, innovation and technological development cannot be catching up, the course is only ahead and priorities in all sectors. elena, andrey tarasov, sergey gordeev, yulia borodina, elena bogdan. duma tv, parliamentary. and that ’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in a week. russia - traditional, modern,
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technological. original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, serious amounts, in russia is working on a clear, clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing
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foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, hello, i’m boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 headquarters project. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlson, posted on social network x, received almost 190 million views. its main topic was the situation in ukraine, its prerequisites and prospects for resolution. the conversation lasted just over 2 hours, during which time the russian president answered approximately 60 questions. watch the full recording of the interview right now. mr. president, thank you very much, on the 24th of the second year you addressed your country to the nation on february 24, when the conflict began in ukraine in the twenty-second year, you said that you you are acting because you have come to the conclusion that with the help of nato, the united states can launch a surprise attack on your country, for americans this is like paranoia, why do you think that...


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