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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlson, posted on social network x, received almost 190 million views. its main topic was the situation in ukraine, its prerequisites and prospects for resolution. the conversation lasted just over two hours, during which time the russian president answered approximately 60 questions. watch the full recording of the interview right now.
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yes, okay, yeah, then i’ll allow myself, well, just, well, 30 seconds or one minute , a little historical background, yes, do you mind, please, yeah, look, why our relations with ukraine began, where ukraine came from, and the russian state began to gather as a centralized one, this is considered a year...
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thus, russia began to develop, having two centers, in kiev and novgorod. the next very significant date in the history of russia, 988 , is the baptism of russia, when prince vladimir, the great-grandson of rurik, baptized russia and accepted orthodoxy, the eastern part of christianity, eastern christianity. from that time on it began to strengthen. centralized russian state, why is there a single territory, common economic ties , and one language, and after the baptism of russia, one faith, the power of the prince, a centralized russian state began to take shape, but for various reasons after...
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it led to fragmentation, there is nothing special about it, the same thing happened in europe, but the fragmented russian state became an easy prey to the empire that genghis khan once created, and his successors, khanbaty, came to russia, plundered almost all the cities, ruined them - the southern part, where kiev was, by the way, some other cities, they simply lost their independence. and the northern cities, they
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retained part of their sovereignty, paid tribute to the horde, but retained part of their sovereignty, and then they began in the center in moscow. a single russian state began to take shape, the southern part of the russian lands, including kiev, it began to gradually reach out to another magnet, to the center that was taking shape in europe, it was lithuanian, the grand duchy of lithuania, and it was even called lithuanian-russian, because the russians made up a significant part of this states, they... spoke the ancient russian language, were orthodox, but then the union of the grand duchy of lithuania and the polish kingdom took place. a few years later, another union was signed in the spiritual sphere, and some
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orthodox priests submitted to the authority of the pope. and thus these lands became part of the polish-lithuanian state. uh border service, in fact, this did not mean any special ethnic group, well, the poles were polished in every possible way and in basically treated this part
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of the russian lands quite harshly, if not cruelly, all this led to the fact that this part of the russian lands began to fight for their rights and... dates, so that there is no confusion, in 1650, in 1600-54, and even a little earlier, and the people who controlled the power in this part of the russian lands turned to warsaw,
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i repeat, with the demand that people of russian origin and the orthodox faith be sent to them, when warsaw was in principle... .answered nothing and practically, as it were, rejected these demands , they began to contact moscow so that moscow would take them for itself, so that you don’t think that i came up with something, so i’ll give you these documents, i don’t think that you ’re inventing something , no, no, no, i still have these documents. from the archive of the copy where the letters are, here are the letters of bogdan khmelnitsky, then the man who controlled the power in this part of the russian lands, which we now call ukraine, he wrote to warsaw demanding respect for their rights, and after he received refusal, began to write, write letters to moscow
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with a request to take them under the strong hand of the moscow tsar, there are copies of these documents, i will leave them for you as a good memory, there is a translation there. into russian, well, you will translate it into english later, russia did not agree to accept them right away, because it proceeded from the fact that a war with poland would begin, after all, in 1064, the zemsky sobor was a representative body of power of the ancient russian state, the decision was made, this part of the ancient russian lands became part of the moscow kingdom and, as expected, the war
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began with... it continued until the revolution, yes, before the first world war, taking advantage of these ideas of ukrainization, the austrian general staff very actively began to promote the idea of ​​ukraine and ukrainization, everything is clear for what, because in the pre- eminence of the world war, of course, there was a desire to weaken a potential enemy, there was a desire to create favorable conditions for ourselves in the border zone.
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good relations with russia, they insisted on this, insisted, but nevertheless, after the revolution of 1917, the bolsheviks tried to restore statehood, a civil war broke out, including with poland, peace was signed with poland in 1921, according to which the western part was on the right bank. the dnieper again went to poland
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in 1939 after poland collaborated with hitler, and poland collaborated with hitler and hitler offered everything in documents we have in the archives, offered to conclude a peace treaty with poland on friendship and alliance there, but demanded that poland .
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through the mouth of the then minister of foreign affairs poland was told that even if soviet planes fly towards czechoslovakia through the territory of poland, they will be shot down on polish territory, but it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that the war began, and now poland itself has become a victim of the policy that it pursued towards czechoslovakia, because according to the well-known protocols of molotov-ribbentrop, part of these territories went to... russia, including western ukraine. russia, under
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the name of the soviet union, thus returned to its historical territory. after the victory in the great patriotic war, as we say, this is the second world war, all these territories were finally assigned to russia, to the soviet union. and poland, as compensation, so it must be assumed, received western ones. the original german territories are the western eastern part of germany, part of the lands, this is the west.
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which until now, which until now did not exist at all, while stalin insisted that these republics that were being formed should be included as autonomous entities, but for some reason the founder of the soviet state, lenin, insisted that so that they had the right to secede from the soviet union, and also, for unknown reasons, endowed the emerging soviet ukraine with lands in which people lived in these territories, even if they had never been called ukraine before, for some reason during the formation all this was merged into the ukrainian the ussr, including everything along the black sea coast, which was obtained during the time of catherine ii, actually never had any historical relation to ukraine,
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even if we think back, let’s go back to 1654, when these territories returned to... this means that soviet ukraine received a huge number of territories that never had anything to do with it, primarily during the black sea region. once upon a time, when russia received them as a result of the russian-turkish wars, they were called novorusiya, so, but this is not important, it is important the fact that lenin,
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the founder of the soviet state, created ukraine exactly this way, this means that this is all in progress. for many decades , the ukrainian ussr developed within the ussr; the bolsheviks , for some unknown reason, also engaged in ukrainization there, not only because there there were immigrants from ukraine in the leadership of the soviet union, but in general there was such a policy of karenization, indigenization, it was called, this concerned ukraine and other union republics, national languages ​​and national culture were introduced, which in general, in principle, of course, is not bad, but in this way it was created .
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not once, he and i even had any conversations on this subject, but i know for sure that, that, that, of course, the hungarians who live there, of course they want to return to their historical homeland, more moreover, i’ll now tell you a very interesting story, i’ll digress, this is a personal story, i mean somewhere in the early eighties by car from what was then leningrad from... the names of cities, towns in russian in a language that is incomprehensible to me, in hungarian , in russian in hungarian, not in ukrainian
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, in russian in hungarian, i’m driving through some village, men in three-pieces, in black, suits, three-pieces in top hats in black are sitting near the houses, i say, you are some kind of artists, he tells me, no, this is not some kind of art, this is hungarian i say, what are they doing here? like what? this is their land, they live here, all the names in soviet times, the eighties, they still have, they keep the hungarian language, the name, all the costumes are national, they are hungarians and feel like hungarians, and of course, when infringement is happening now,
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then 1991 year, the collapse of the soviet union, everything that ukraine received as a gift from russia from the barsky shoulder, it took with it, in general,
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now i am approaching a very important moment of today, because this collapse of the soviet union, the collapse of the soviet union was essentially initiated by the russian leadership, i don’t know what the russian leadership was guided by then, but i suspect... that of several components, there were several reasons to think that everything would be fine, first, well, first , i think that the russian leadership proceeded from the fact that the fundamental foundations of relations between russia and ukraine, in fact, a common language, 90% of them spoke russian too much, which means family ties, everyone there, everyone has some kind of third then family ties anyway.
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listeners and viewers also heard about it. the previous russian leadership proceeded from the fact that the soviet union had ceased to exist. there are no longer any ideological dividing lines. russia voluntarily, voluntarily and proactively even agreed to the collapse of the soviet union. and it proceeds from the fact that this will be understood by the so-called, already in quotes, civilized west as... an offer for cooperation and alliance, this is what russia expected from both the united states and the so-called collective west as a whole
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, there were smart people, including in germany, egan bar was such a major political figure of the social democratic party, who insisted personally in conversations with the soviet leadership before the collapse of the soviet union, said that it was necessary to create a new system . security in europe, we need help to unite germany, but create a new system that will include the united states, canada, russia, other central european countries, but there is no need for nato to expand, he said so, if nato will spread, everything will be the same as in the cold war, only closer to the borders of russia, that’s all, my grandfather was smart, no one listened to him. no one listened, moreover, he somehow got angry , well, the conversation is also in our archives, if he says, you won’t listen to me, i ’ll never come to moscow again, he got angry at the soviet leadership, and well... he was right,
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everything happened as he said, but nevertheless, yes, of course, his words came true, you talked about this many times, it seems to me, this is absolutely fair, and many in the states also thought that relations between russia and the united states would be normal after the collapse of the soviet union, but the opposite happened, but you never explained why you think this happened? well why did this happen? well, yes, maybe the west is afraid of a strong russia, but the west is not afraid of a strong china. the west fears a strong china more than a strong russia, because russia has 100 million people, china has one and a half billion. and china's economy is growing by leaps and bounds in steps of more than 5 percent per year, it was even more, but this is enough for china.
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therefore, bismar ’s potential once said, the main thing is the potential, china’s potential is colossal, the first economy in the world today in terms of purchasing power, in terms of economic volume, it has already overtaken the united states quite a long time ago and the pace is growing, alen, let me help, thank you, yes you... there’s a whole package of cashback, i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, yur, alen, free with a vtb debit card, 10% cashback on everything, help, better me, there is enough cashback for everyone, vtb, together everything will work out, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition? comfort, and smells like
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