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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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but now we won’t talk about who is afraid of whom, let’s not talk in such categories, let’s talk about the fact that after 1991, when russia expected to be taken into the fraternal family of civilized peoples, nothing like that happened, you deceived us, when i say, oh, not you personally, i mean , of course, the united states promised that
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there would be no expansion of nato to the east, but, but this happened five times, five waves of expansion, but we endured everything, persuaded, talked no need, we are our own now, as they say here, bourgeois, we have a market economy, no , no, the authorities of the communist party, let's come to an agreement, moreover, i also already spoke about this publicly, but now let's take the yeltsin era - there was coming - there was a moment when, as it were, when a gray cat ran , before that yeltsin went to the usa , remember, he spoke in congress and said wonderful words: good b america, yes, he said all this, these were signals, well , let us in, no, when the events began in yugoslavia, immediately before this yelitsin was praised, praised as soon as the events in yugoslavia began when he raised his voice for the serbs.
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the united states let this genie out of the bottle, moreover, when russia objected and expressed its indignation, what was said was that the charter and international law were outdated, now everyone refers to international law, but then they began to say that everything is outdated, everything needs to be changed, indeed, something needs to be changed, because the balance of power has changed, it’s true, but not in this way, but nevertheless, and by the way, they immediately started yeltsen. throw mud at, point at
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the fact that he is an alcoholic, he doesn’t understand anything, he doesn’t make sense, he understood everything, he understood everything, i assure you, that means, well, okay, i became president in 2000, i think, okay, all this yugoslav issue has passed, but we need to try to restore relations , after all , to open this door that russia was trying to get through, moreover, i spoke about this publicly, i can repeat, at a meeting here in the kremlin. with the beaten clinton leaving power, here it’s unlikely in the next room, i told him, asked a question: listen, bill, how do you think that if russia raised the question of joining nato, do you think this is possible, suddenly he said: “you know, this is interesting, i think so, and in the evening, when we met with him, it was already for dinner, he says, you know, i talked with my people, with my team, no, no
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, i’ll say, nevertheless, it means that then after that we tried to build relationships in different ways, well, for example, the events were in the middle east, in iraq, that means , we very gently and calmly built relations with the states, and i repeatedly raised the question of so that the united states does not support separatism, terrorism in... in the northern caucasus, but still continues to do so, political support, information support, financial support, even military support came from the united states of their satellites in relation to terrorist groups in in the caucasus, i was once with my
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colleague, also the president of the united states, i understood this question, he said, well, it can’t be, you have evidence, i said, yes, i was ready. in this conversation and gave him this proof, he looked, and you know what he said , but i apologize, yes, but that’s how it was, i’ll quote, he says, well, i’ll kick their ass, which means we waited, waited for an answer, there was no answer, i tell the director of the fsb, well you write to the cia, as a result of some kind there are conversations with the president, i wrote once, twice, and then received an answer, we have the answer in the archive, the answer came from the cia: we worked with the opposition in russia, we believe that this is correct, and we will continue to work with the opposition, funny, okay, we realized that there will be no conversation, opposition, opposition
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you, of course, meant in this case, the separatists, terrorists who fought with us in the caucasus, that’s what we were talking about. they called them, they called them, therefore, the opposition , this is the second moment, the third moment, very important, very important, this is the moment of creating a system about the usa, the beginning, and we tried for a long time not to do this in the united states, moreover, after how i was invited to be a father, bush jr. bush invited his elders to his place on the ocean, for a visit, and there a very serious conversation took place with president bush, with his team, and i proposed that - the united states, russia and europe jointly create
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a missile defense system, which, as we believe, created unilaterally, threatens our security, despite the fact that it was officially discussed with the united states that it was being created against missile threats from outside iran, this was also the basis for its creation, i suggested that the three of them work together, russia, the usa, europe. we will radically change the situation in the world, probably economically, even politically, but
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the world will change, we will probably have disputes, he says, yes, i asked, are you serious, i i say, of course, we need to think , they told me, i say, please, then here, in this office where we are talking, secretary of defense gates, the former director of the cia, and the secretary of state came.
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systems that will certainly overcome the pro system. he says, the answer was this: we are not doing it against you, but you are doing what you want, we proceed from the fact that it is not against us, not against the united states, i say, okay, let’s go, and we have created hypersonic systems, and intercontinental range , we continue to develop them, we are now ahead in creating hypersonic strike systems, we are ahead of everyone, both the united states and other countries, we have them. perfection every day , that’s it, but we didn’t do it, sorry
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, we proposed to go a different way, but we were pushed aside, now regarding the expansion of nato to the east, but they promised no nato to the east, there won’t be an inch to the east, as we were it was said, and then what can i say, well , they didn’t record it on paper, so we will make five decisions, we loaded it there and... the baltic states there and the whole of eastern europe and so on further, now i come to the main thing, we got to ukraine. at the 2008 summit in bucharest, they announced that the doors to nato were open for ukraine and georgia. now , regarding how decisions are made there, germany and france seemed to be against it, as well as some other european countries. but then, as it turned out later,...
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every second or third had some kind of connection with russia, always has, and during the elections already
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in independent, sovereign ukraine, which gained independence as a result of the declaration of independence, by the way there it is written that ukraine is a neutral state, in 2008 suddenly the doors or gates to nato were opened in front of it, here’s an interesting movie, we didn’t agree so, so that’s all uh. all the presidents who came to power in ukraine relied on an electorate that in one way or another had a good attitude towards russia, this is the southeast. ukraine, well, this is a large number of people, and it is more very difficult to kill this electorate, which had a positive attitude towards russia, uh, which means that viktor yanukovych came to power, and how, the first time he won after president kuchma, organized a third round, which is not provided for in the constitution
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of ukraine, this is a coup d'etat, imagine, you - someone didn’t like it in the usa. there was a dispute between in 2014 in the fourteenth year, no, before, no, no, this happened before, that means after president kuchima, that means yanukovych, viktor yanukovych won the elections, but his opponents did not recognize this victory, the united states supported the opposition they scheduled a third round, what is this, this is a coup d'etat, the united states supported it.
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but we have always taken this very seriously loyal, please, but when we read this association agreement, it turned out that this is a problem for us, because we have a free trade zone with ukraine, open customs borders, and ukraine, according to this association, had to open its borders to europe with a flow of everything to our market, we said no, well then it won’t work out like that, we will then close our
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borders with ukraine, customs borders, yanukovych began to count: more, it’s about the cooperative ties on which the entire ukrainian economy stood, there were cooperative ties between enterprises very close since the times of the soviet union, there one enterprise produced components for final assembly in russia and in ukraine , on the contrary, there were very close ties, so
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they carried out a coup d'etat, although we, because of the united states, i won’t talk in detail now, which they consider not. ..
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opened the doors to ukraine in nato, in 2014 they carried out a coup d'etat, while those who did not recognize the coup d'etat, and this is a coup d'etat, began to be persecuted from...
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still against the backdrop of the military development of this territory and the opening of the door to nato. well how can we not be concerned about what is happening? on our part, it would be criminal carelessness, that’s what it would be. it’s just that the political leadership of the states approached a line beyond which we could no longer cross, because it was destroying russia itself. then we could not throw our coreligionists and, in fact, part of the russian people under this military machine,
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that is, this was 8 years before the start of the conflict, and what provoked this conflict, when you decided that you still needed to take this step, provoked a conflict the conflict was initially provoked by a coup d'état in ukraine. by the way, representatives of three european countries, germany, poland and france, came and were guarantors of the signed agreement between the yanukovych government, between yanukovych and the opposition, they signed their own, they put their signatures as a guarantor. despite this, the opposition carried out a coup, all these countries pretended that they did not remember anything about the fact that they were the guarantors of a peaceful settlement, they immediately threw it into the oven, no one remembers, i don’t know.
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because after the collapse of the soviet union everything did not come, because we agreed that it should have been so, along the borders of the union republics, we agreed with this, but we never agreed with the expansion of nato.
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ago they directly told the whole world honestly that yes, they signed this minsk agreement, but they were never going to implement it, they just took us back, that’s it, don’t go on vacation, yes, i won in the ticker, it’s all for plus points. lisa, i bought a chicken example at a tasty point, scanned the code in the application and won a million yandexplus points, believe it or not, you want a million points and millions
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3:00 pm
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