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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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there is a short advertisement ahead, and then watch the continuation of vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlson. i’ve been driving since childhood, everything is fine, i’ve always been supported, everything is fine. and now i’m in a magnet, i work as a driver, the fleet is being renewed, the salary is the same. everything is
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fine, come to 8 800 367. this is me, maxim nikitin, the creator of nanocomputers capable of more accurately delivering drugs to diseased cells. and this is the moment when i decided to become a scientist. we experimented in a real laboratory, then i wanted to make an important discovery. develop an interest in science from childhood. enroll in scientific specialties.rf. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i didn't make it in time. these months have passed my business by , this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, hello, found out that i told you a thousand times about sbp, now...
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i’ll get out and tell you about sbpay. download the sbpay app, link your bank account and you can pay for anything via a one-touch nfc sign or using the sbp qr code, thanks for being easy to find. well, if you are too lazy to go somewhere, there is an sbp button for online shopping. well, see you later. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let’s dance and dance together, everyone will sing in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zuyevo, and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia, according to the decision of the president and concerned people. have you talked to the secretary of state, the president, anyone? maybe they were afraid
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to talk to you and you told them that if they continue to pump ukraine with weapons, then you will act. we constantly talked about this, we constantly talked about this, we appealed to the leadership of the united states and european parties so that this process would stop immediately, so that the minsk agreements would be implemented. frankly, i didn't know how we would do it, but i was ready to perform.
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they have also begun preparations for military action , they started the war in 2014, our goal is to stop this war, and we did not start it in 2022, this is an attempt to stop it, do you think, do you think you managed to stop it now, have you achieved it? do you have your goals? no, we have not yet achieved our goals, because one of the goals is denazification,
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meaning the prohibition of all neo-nazi movements, this is one of the problems that we discussed and...
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thought about how to put this identity at the forefront of such false heroes who collaborated with hitler, i have already said that at
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the beginning of the 19th century, when theorists about the independence and sovereignty of ukraine appeared, they proceeded from the fact that ukraine was independent. should have very kind and good relations with russia, but due to historical development, due to the fact that when this territory was part of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, poland, ukrainians were quite brutally persecuted, confiscated, tried to destroy this identity, and behaved very cruelly , all this remains in the memory of the people and...
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they destroyed the polish population , the jewish population, they gave it to the collaborators who collaborated with hitler, this is where this brutal massacre of the polish, jewish population, and the russian population too, was led by well-known people, bandera, shushkevich, exactly these people were made national heroes, that’s the problem. and they tell us all the time, well , there is nationalism, nationalism and neo-nazism in other countries, yes, there are roskis, but we are crushing them and in other countries they are being crushed, in ukraine there is none, in ukraine there are none of them they made national heroes,
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they erect monuments to them, and not on flags, they, their names shout, crowds who walk with torches, as in... germany these are the people who destroyed the poles, jews and russians. it is necessary, it is necessary to practice this and stop the theory. er, that means, of course, any nation, it has grown, believes that there is part of the people there, so we say that i say that this is part of the common russian people, they say: no, we are a separate people, okay , it’s good if someone considers itself a separate people, has the right to this, but not on the basis nazism, that’s right, nazi ideology, look, the president is france. neo-nazism and denazification, the president of ukraine came to canada, this is well known, but
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is hushed up in the west, and they presented in the canadian parliament a man who, as the speaker of parliament said, fought. during the second world war against the russians, well, who fought against the russians during the second world war? hitler and his minions? it turned out that this... the man served in the ss troops, he personally killed russians, poles, and jews, ss troops formed of the ukrainian nationalists, they were engaged in this dirty work, the president of ukraine stood up along with the entire canadian parliament and applauded this man, as one can imagine, the president of ukraine himself, by the way, is a jew by nationality.
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of course, it would seem subtle, it is very disgusting this question, you say hitler is gone, for so many years, yes, 80 years, that means, but his work lives on, the people who destroyed jews, russian poles are alive, and the current president the president of today's ukraine applauds him in the canadian parliament.
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okay, and i, of course, am not defending nazism or neo-nazism, but my question is, in practical terms, you don’t control the whole country and it doesn’t seem like you want to control it all, but how can you then uproot ideology, culture, what -feelings, history in a country that you do not control, how to achieve this? as strange as it may seem to you, during the negotiations in istanbul we nevertheless agreed that... what - it’s all there in written form, that
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neo-nazism will not be cultivated in ukraine, including will be prohibited at the legislative level, mr. karsa, we agreed on this, it turns out that this can be done during the negotiation process, and there is nothing humiliating for ukraine as for a modern civilized state, is there? but after we withdrew the troops from kiev, as i already said, the other side, namely in
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ukraine, threw out all these agreements and took into account the instructions of western countries, european, united states, to fight with russia to the bitter end, which means more than that , president of ukraine legislatively forbade negotiations with russia , he signed a decree prohibiting...
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i told him, i told him more than once, by the way, here i think it would be correct, i’ll leave it at that, but what did he say, can you please see him? , please ask him, it’s easy for you, you are a citizen of the united states, go ask, it’s inappropriate for me to comment on our conversations, but since then you haven’t
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talked to him after february of twenty-two , no, we haven’t talked, well... we have certain contacts on, by the way, you remember, i told you about my proposal to work together in the anti-cancer defense system, clearly, yes, you can ask everyone, thank god they are all alive and well, and that means the former president is alive and well, - to me, mr. gates, and today, today...
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and what we are bringing to the us leadership, if you really want to stop hostilities, you need to stop the supply of weapons, everything will end there within a few weeks, that’s all, and then we can negotiate about some conditions before how do you do this and stop, what’s easier, why should i call him, what to talk about or what to beg for, are you
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going to install such and such a weapon.
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the united states, to extract additional money from european taxpayers in the confrontation with russia in the ukrainian theater of military operations. the goal is to weaken russia as much as possible.
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there is a desire to send regular troops, this will, of course, will put humanity on the brink of a very serious global conflict, this is obvious, the united states needs this, why thousands of kilometers from national territory, you have nothing to do, you have a lot of problems at the border, problems with migration, problems with the outside,
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operator. number one in terms of speed coverage. valentina, valemedina, drops for calm with valerian, milkweed, hawthorn and mint. volimedi, calm, only calm. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales of everything. in one week , the sales season begins, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket - just grow with us, alen, let me help, thank you, but you have a whole cashback package here, i’m not sure, banks have so many conditions, yur, alen, with a free vtb debit card.
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10% cashback on everything, help, it’s better for me, there is enough cashback for everyone, vtb, together everything will work out, when you rush along the highway, you will easily fly past this sign, in the new children’s clinic there is something to see, besides it, this sign is modestly hidden behind the resounding victories at the built stadium, certainly...
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the interests of the collective west, otherwise it is difficult to explain the logic of their actions or inaction, because it’s not just about the nord stream 2, which blew up, the nord stream one, which blew up, and the nord stream - 2 damaged, but one pipe is alive and well, it can supply gas to europe, but germany is not opening it, we are ready, please, there is another route through poland,
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europe was supposed to. they say there is also a large flow that can be carried out, poland closed it, but poland takes money from the germans from the pan-european funds, and receives money from the pan-european funds, and the main donor to these pan-european funds is germany, germany feeds poland to a certain extent, they closed the route to germany, why , i don’t understand, ukraine, where the germans are. insert weapons and money give. the second sponsor after the united states in terms of financial assistance to ukraine is germany. two gas routes pass through the territory of ukraine. they took one route and simply closed it. ukrainians, open a second route, please, receive, receive gas from russia. they don't open. why don’t the germans say: listen, guys, we’re giving you money and weapons, please open the valve and let us through.


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