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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] your head, therefore, if anyone doubts, doubts are all gone, stand in our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be only ours until we destroy this nazi hydra, we will not calm down, serve contract. well, next is the final part of vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlson. do you think zelensky has the freedom to negotiate a resolution to this conflict? i don’t know
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the details, of course it’s difficult for me to judge, but... but i think that there is, in any case, there was this, my father already fought against the fascists with the nazis during the second world war, i once talked to him about this, i said, well , volodya, what are you doing, why are you supporting neo-nazis in ukraine today, when your father fought with fascism , he is a front-line soldier, i won’t say what he answered, this is a separate topic, i think it’s incorrect, but, but as for freedom of choice, why not, he came to power - on the expectations of the ukrainian population that he will lead ukraine to peace, he spoke about this, due to this he won the election with a huge advantage, and then, when i came to power, in my opinion, i realized two things: firstly, it’s better not to quarrel with neo-nazi nationalists, because they are aggressive, very active, you can expect anything from them , and secondly, the west, led
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by the united states , will always support them... supporting those who fight russia is profitable and safe, so he took the appropriate position, despite promising his people to end the war in ukraine, he deceived his voters, do you think that now, february is 24 years old, he has the freedom to talk to your government and try somehow. he won the elections, although we believe in russia that everything that happened after 2014, the primary source of power is a coup d’etat, in this sense, even today’s government is flawed, but he considers himself president, and the united states recognizes him in this capacity, all of europe and practically
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the rest of the world, and why not? where is mr johnson now? and the war continues? why did he do this? there was a general attitude, for some reason everyone had it the illusion that russia can be defeated on the battlefield comes from arrogance and a small mind, from a pure heart, but not from a big mind.
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you described the connections between. to his grandmother, princess olga, and then baptized his squad, and then gradually, over the course of several years, baptized all of russia. it was a long process, from the languages, from pagans to christians, it took many years. but, in the end, this orthodoxy, eastern christianity, is deeply rooted in the consciousness of the russian people. when russia expanded, it absorbed other nations. and those who profess islam, buddhism and judaism, russia has always been very loyal to those people who profess other religions, this is its strength, this is absolutely
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unambiguous, and the fact is that in all the world religions that i just said , which are the traditional religions of the russian federation, russia, essentially the main ones... consider it their homeland, so if , for example, people move to you from latin america, yes, or to europe, an even clearer understandable example, people come, but they came from their historical homeland to you,
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or european countries, and people who profess different religions in russia consider russia their homeland, they have no other homeland, we are together, this is one big one. our family and traditional values ​​are very similar, i said, this is one big family, but everyone has their own family, and this is the basis of our society, and if we say that the homeland and specific family are very connected, then it is so , because it is impossible to provide a normal future for our children, for our family, if we do not provide a normal, sustainable future for the whole
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country, for homeland. after all, western society is more pragmatic, a russian person, a russian person, he thinks more about the eternal, he thinks
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more about values, moral, ethical. this will not help, and alone, this has always been the case in the history of mankind, and some peoples and countries rose, multiplied, strengthened, then they left the international arena in the quality in which they were accustomed, i guess , there is no need to give these examples, but starting with the same horde conquerors from chengis khan then the golden horde. ending with the great roman empire, in
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the history of mankind, it seems , there was nothing else like the great roman empire, nevertheless, the potential of the barbarians gradually accumulated, accumulated, and under their blows the roman empire collapsed, because the barbarians became more numerous, which means they began in general, it’s good to develop, well, as we now say economically, they began to strengthen, the regime that was imposed on the world by the great roman...
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artificial intelligence, i’m still all in you dive into more complex questions , in order to answer, you must, of course, be an expert in the field of large numbers, in the field of this artificial intelligence, humanity has many threats, research in the field of genetics, which... can create a superman, a special person, yes a person a warrior, a scientist, an athlete, well, now they say in the usa, elon musk has already implanted a chip in the brain of some person. what do you think about this? well, the mask, i think it’s impossible to stop the mask, which means he doesn’t care will do what he thinks is necessary, but we need to somehow negotiate with him, we need to look for
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some ways to convince him, it seems to me. then, when humanity felt a threat to its existence from nuclear weapons, all the owners of nuclear weapons began to agree among themselves, because they understood that their inaccurate use could lead to complete total destruction, that’s when the understanding comes that unlimited, uncontrolled development artificial intelligence or genetics or some other modern trends, which is impossible to stop, there will still be research... just as it was impossible to hide what
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gunpowder is from humanity and it is impossible to stop research in thuja or another field, these studies will still be there, but when humanity feels a threat to itself , humanity in general, then it seems to me that the period will come to agree at the interstate level on how we will regulate this. thank you very much for the time you devoted to us, i want to ask one more question, and ivan gershkovets, he is 32
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of the year. no one has ever responded to our goodwill gestures with similar gestures, but we are, in principle , ready to say that we do not rule out, we do not exclude the possibility that we can do this with counter-movement from our partners, when i say partner, i mean first of all... representatives of special services, they are in contact with each other, they discuss this topic, we have no taboo about not solving this problem, we are ready to solve it, but there are certain conditions that, which are discussed from to
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partner channels between the intelligence services, it seems to me that this can be agreed upon, but... of course, everything happens over the course of centuries, the country catches a spy, detains him and then exchanges him for someone. of course, this is none of my business, but this situation is different in that this person is definitely not a spy, he’s just a child, and he may of course violated your laws, but he is not a spy and most definitely did not spy, maybe he is still in another category, maybe
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it would be unfair... american intelligence services, some other structures, i don’t think that he worked for monaco, it’s unlikely that monaco is interested in receiving this information, well , the intelligence services must agree among themselves, you see, there are certain developments, there are people there who, in our opinion, are also not connected with the intelligence services, listen , i’ll tell you, he’s sitting in one country, not an ally of the united states, a man who , for patriotic reasons , eliminated a bandit in one of the european capitals during the events in the caucasus, you know what he did, i don’t
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want to say, but nevertheless i'll say he laid out our soldiers in this captivity on the road. and then cars drove over their heads, what kind of person is this and is it a person? well, there was a patriot who liquidated him in one of the european capitals, whether he did it on his own initiative or not, that’s another question, well, yes, but ivan gershkovich did nothing like that. he did something else, he’s just a journalist, yes, he’s not just a journalist, i repeat again, he’s a journalist who received secret information on
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a secret basis, that’s right. are you ready, motivated to call, for example, to the states to say: let's negotiate? so, listen, i already
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said, we didn’t refuse negotiations, we don’t refuse, this is the western side, and ukraine is an unconditional satellite of the united states today, well, it’s obvious, i don’t want it to sound like - some kind of swearing or insulting someone, well, we
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understand, right? well, if the zelensky administration in ukraine refused to negotiate, i proceed from the fact that they did this on instructions from washington, well, now let them if they see washington, that this is a wrong decision , let them abandon it, find some subtle excuse, not offensive to anyone, find this solution, we didn’t make this decision, they made the decision there, let them refuse it, that’s all. well, they made the wrong decision, now we have to look for a way out of this wrong decision,
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bring them down there, correct their mistakes, they made it, let them correct it, we are for it, i want to make sure that i understand you correctly, that is, you want to achieve by negotiations, deciding what's going on now in ukraine, right, right, well... we achieved this, we created a compact large document in istanbul, which was initialed by the head of the ukrainian delegation, his signature is there, well, on excerpts from this agreement, not on everything, on excerpt , he put his signature, and then he said, we were ready to sign and the war would have ended a year and a half ago, but mr. johnson came and talked us out of it. and we missed this chance, but we missed it, we made a mistake, let us return to this, that’s all, but why should we fuss
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there and correct someone's mistakes. i understand, one can say that it was our mistake that we intensified actions with the help of weapons and decided to end this war, as i said, started in 2014 in the donbass, but i will bring you back even deeper, i have already talked about this, you and i we were discussing this now, then let’s go back to 1991, when they promised us not to expand nato, let’s go back to 2008, when the gates to nato were opened. let's go back to the declaration of independence of ukraine, when it declared itself a neutral state, let's go back to the fact that nato bases, american bases, and english ones began to appear on the territory of ukraine, creating these threats to us , let's go back to the fact that a coup d'état was carried out in ukraine in 2014, well, it makes no sense, really, we can roll this ball back and forth endlessly, but they stopped
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the negotiations, it was a mistake... don’t you think that it would be too humiliating for nato to now recognize russia’s control over what was ukrainian territory 2 years ago, but i, i said it, i said it that let them think about how to do it with dignity,
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there are options, but if there is a desire. it may even sound strange in today’s situation, anyway, relations between and between peoples will be restored, it will take a lot of time, but it will be restored, i’ll give you some unusual examples, here is a battle, clashes, a specific example, just a second, a specific
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