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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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the troops repelled five enemy attacks in the kupinsky direction, two in the krasnolimansky direction and another in the kherson direction. the ministry of defense reported this. the most active fighting took place in the donetsk direction, where 11 attacks were repelled. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of troops defeated the personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of novoye, krasnaya, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka of the donetsk people's republic and repelled 11 attacks on the formation. belogorovka, bogdanovka,
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mayorsk, leninskaya, novgorodskaya and novomikhailovka, donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 325 troops killed and wounded, a tank, two armored combat vehicles, six cars and a d-30 howitzer. in ukraine, explosions were heard again last night. authorities report damage to several infrastructure facilities in the nikolaev region by a fire in nikolaev itself. in kherson , the port infrastructure was damaged. there were also reports of explosions in the kiev region, the suburbs of dnepropetrovsk, odessa and the odessa region. air raid sirens at night they sounded in nine regions of ukraine. the rostov region is eliminating the consequences of freezing rain. it turned the streets into skating rinks, cut wires, and due to the fall of dozens
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of trees, it is often impossible for emergency crews to reach emergency sites. more details about the situation, elena butsikova. the harsh southern winter has once again shackled the rostov region in its icy embrace. since friday, the north and northeast of the region have found themselves in the midst of a communal collapse due to persistent wet snow. the thickness of the ice reaches almost 40 mm. under such a load not only causes trees to fall, but also wires to break and even power line supports to fall. power outages occurred in the mines , krasnosulinsky, usdonetsk , konstantinovsky, tsemlyansky districts, in total , almost 200 were left without light, and therefore heat. specialists began emergency work immediately, over the past 24 hours more than 150 power supply facilities were restored, but the elimination of the consequences of the bad weather continues, over 100 teams and 140 units of equipment. the situation is aggravated by the fact that after heavy rains the roads became impassable, making it difficult.
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driving special equipment to places of violations , let alone passenger cars; moreover, even electric trains have difficulty withstanding the elements, and according to the latest data, due to bad weather in the rostov region, about a dozen long-distance trains are delayed, while the current storm warning of the regional ministry of emergency situations has been extended until tomorrow, ice, snowfall and strong winds are forecast in the north, east and west of the rostov region. elena butsikova, lead don. more than 115 million accounts are registered on the public service portal, of which 3.5 million are legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. this was stated by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko at the day of public services as part of the russia forum exhibition. he added that over the past year, over 340 million services were provided, which exceeded the figures for 22 years by more than 100 million. we have achieved significant results that. the whole
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country really sees and our citizens feel if in 2019 only 5% of mass socially significant services were available in electronic format, now it is already 100%. and more than 87% of certificates, social benefits, benefits can be obtained online, but by the end of this year we commit that we will transfer the remaining 13%. our successes were highly appreciated, by the way, abroad . organizations unfriendly to us, the world bank included russia in the top 10 countries in terms of the level of digitalization of the public service sector. for us, there is only one criterion - the convenience of citizens, that is, to make it even more convenient, simpler, faster for citizens, receive any service. well, we can boast that 2/3 of services can simply be received without leaving home, ordering them online, through our public services portal, so, well, we have something to do, we want to do it. even more convenient, we want
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services to be provided instantly, so that you don’t have to wait, anyway, so that filling out is easier. next, there is a short advertisement ahead, and then our broadcast will continue with the documentary film indonesia with mikhail taratuta. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. about school. “soon, i won’t be late now, there are many vacancies on avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place. whoever takes the trophies will rule their worlds, real and digital, games of the future, subscribe, watch
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of prostate adenoma. the first rule of hunting is that it starts any second. the second rule of hunting: the prey goes to the one who pursues it. game again. hunt, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunt, test your instinct, 100 lotto. are your items faded after washing? use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores light. things like new at three times longer, new, no, i wash it with affection. oh, where's your lined swallow? i won a new sticker. the owner of the rvs 729 car bought a big special in a tasty dot, scanned the application code, knocked out a car from senkov, believe it or not, you want a car and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the tasty dot app. good afternoon, my
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name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i didn’t have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected in advance. everything is decided with the national education project. everyone told me that this problem cannot be solved; new opportunities regularly appear in russia to study well. alexey makrushin turned one of the oldest schools in the city of kaluga into one of the most modern. concerned projects
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of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. yuri and i decided on gifts. what about you son?
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can you imagine a country located on 17 islands, well, okay, even if 2/3 of them are not inhabited, but there are another 6,000 islands on which people live one of the largest in asia. states, indonesia, some of these islands are huge; the island of climontan, for example, could accommodate germany, italy, and austria combined . what can i say? the route from russia to indonesia is not close, but in light of the current circumstances for us, it is definitely worth it. this is one of the most underrated countries, not only in russia, in our foreign economic policy. but in the world as a whole, it is the country with the highest economic growth rate of 5% over
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a fifty-five year average period for all these years. although indonesia is not yet listed among the asian tigers, it is clearly striving to become one of the twenty largest economies in the world. in its own region, this country ranks first. and if we add to this that jakarta did not join. to anti-russian sanctions and has many views on the world similar to moscow, this country simply cannot help but represent interests for us, however, it should be taken into account that jakarta has to maneuver between the interests of the united states and china, and the latter do not always coincide with moscow's plans. assessing the potential of indonesia, we will look at things realistically, although things in the country are going uphill, but that’s all. its remarkable indicators fade somewhat if we divide national wealth per capita, and
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there are more than 280 million of these souls in indonesia, the most populated country after china, india and the united states. in other words, the majority of the population does not live richly, and people are looking for ways to make money, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. this is voluntary transport management.
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what do we get in return? in return, we receive mainly palm oil and coconut oil. the goods are necessary, but the possibilities are much wider. for example, indonesia does not have its own car, but indonesia produces a lot of spare parts. indonesia produces a lot of units, which are also of interest to russian companies and they are looking for opportunities here for this import, and the indonesians are ready to sell it in russia. or, for example, textiles in indonesia.
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we in indonesia should be enthusiastic to understand the russian market, understand the history of russia, the evolution of the creation of modern costumes. for centuries , our...
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relations with america are not easy. on the one hand, the united states is a traditional trading partner, including for the purchase of weapons. and besides, the indonesian elite is very connected with the united states, many people, both military and civilian, received education there. on the other hand,
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indonesia's official line is strict neutrality. no one great power should have a preference. usa and uk caused unexpectedly harsh statements addressed to the white house. it looks like indonesia has accumulated. this includes indonesia, which considers itself a great power in the region. and suddenly, it means that such a triple alliance is being created, and this is, if we remember history, then indonesia and other countries.
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independence. independence day in indonesia is one of the biggest national holidays. life in overpopulated, always hot jakarta, with hours of traffic jams. can be considered a feat, as in any big city, and especially in such an ethnically diverse one, it happens it is not easy to discern the national characteristics of its inhabitants, even among those who constitute the majority here, as in the whole country. the majority are yevans, who can be considered a kind of ethnic backbone of indonesia. more than 40% of the population
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lives mainly on the island of yap. well , what kind of people are they, who are the evans? with these questions, we are flying to the very heart of the evan people, the city of jogja kartu, flying together with orientalist mikhail tsyganov, who has been living in indonesia for about 20 years. well this is really unique a place, including, probably, for the whole world, because the special district of juqueharta is a sultanate, ruled, naturally, by a sultan, a monarch. at the same time, this is a province of the republic of indonesia, which is ruled , naturally, by the governor of the province of the republic of indonesia, the sultan and the governor are the same person, a man named khamen-gobawona tens of years, like the sultan, however, he rules only his court, which deals
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primarily with cultural issues customs, it is still a kingdom. a kingdom within a republic, as well as a governor's post here is not quite ordinary, as an exception, he was until exactly hugaman kubavon for life. his descendants will also become governors of jokia karta for life. this is how the country thanked the sultan’s family for their contribution to the fight against the dutch for the independence of indonesia more than 70 years ago. according to your position.
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islam, of course, allah, i must say, is a very tolerant allah, here islam easily gets along, for example, with catholicism. this quaint building is a catholic chapel in the evan style. unlike some others muslim countries, islam came to indonesia with merchants on merchant ships, and not with the army of conquerors that destroyed the previous ones. the new religion overlapped with old beliefs and, above all, hindu buddhism. they have a very inherent feeling that all these differences between the world... religions, they are superficial, but there is something main that is inherent in all of them, this is a local variation on the theme of religious tolerance, which
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also encourages still find a common language and live together, and not get divorced, although it happens in different ways. parasitic religious tolerance made it possible to preserve remarkable monuments before the islamic era. for example, this temple complex, not far from jokya karta, it ’s called prombanan, was built thousands of years ago. the walls of the temple buildings are pictures of the history of indonesia, as well as images of scenes from the famous epic sarayan, which comes to life in the evenings in ballet. islam, hinduism, buddhism, all this throughout.
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thus, the ruler of jokya karta delegated the unsent gift to him from above to negotiate with spiritual entities in order to protect people from misfortune. it is a great honor for me to become
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the keeper of the keys to the mirapi volcano. i offer my prayers to almighty allah and pray to him to give us a peaceful life. but prayers don't always help. the father of the current keeper of the keys, who held the same position before his son, did not heed the admonition of the volcanologists, and in a moment of danger did not leave the territory of the volcano; he believed in the power of prayer. for him it ended tragically. this tiny museum preserves the memory of the last tragedy of the burned trees. mirapi is one of the most active volcanoes. indonesia, its eruption happens almost every year. clouds of hot volcanic ash rush from the crater, burning everything in its path. but after waiting out
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the peak of the threat in the distance, residents of villages on the slopes of volcanoes return to their homes again, because this hot ash is not only a mortal danger, it is also a source of life, it is free fertilizer for their rice fields. many peoples of indonesia go to volcanoes. a special attitude, not fear, but respect and even gratitude. faith in the spiritual essence of things and nature gives birth to apparently, a special tendency towards superstition. here they believe, for example, that you shouldn’t sleep next to a mirror, you might get sick, or it’s a children’s superstition that you shouldn’t whistle at night, because an evil spirit will steal you away. and for... evil spirits, ghosts, they are called hantu here, not an empty phrase, but a frequent topic of conversation, indonesians believe in these hantu
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adults, i must say, all these werewolves, recklessly, for example, what a school teacher told his students , it’s in vain that stupid and ignorant people say that a werewolf can turn into a tiger, it’s a lie, all this is empty chatter. all this is due to lack of education and lack of culture, a person suddenly turns into a tiger , nonsense, into a boar, another thing, i saw this myself, any person, from a taxi driver to a minister , will tell you about his personal meeting with hantu, this is absolutely certain, passing past a grave, tomb, there, and even past a cemetery in general, you need to ask permission to go.
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signs of respect and sympathy for the interlocutor, which is excluded, this is an open conflict. ivanets will always prefer a calm discussion and a search for a compromise. but if politeness and ivans consider delicacy a virtue; in the eyes of other neighbors, these qualities may look completely different. hypocrisy, such duplicity, because they will never tell you to your face what they
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really think. yogya karta is also a city of craftsmen. it is believed that it was here that the art of applying patterns to fabric, the famous batik, the same batik that permeates the life of the evans from birth to death, reached its peak. but this batik is mainly loved by officials when they receive some kind
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of promotion. to show that from them too there is a sense that they are beneficial. this batik is usually used for weddings. well, this one is suitable when an old man gets married, to show that he can still do something. there are batek births, for funerals, and dozens, if not hundreds, of other patterns, each with its own symbolism. meaning, by the way, a batik blouse with long sleeves, here it is an official uniform, like a suit and tie. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. bionic prostheses, this is very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you do everything. not this way,
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