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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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putin’s historic interview is like an injection into the brain of the american elite, an informational injection, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov, good evening, look now, for some reason everyone has the illusion that russia can be defeated on the field.
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and miteran looked at me and asked: the long- gone meteran and kohl now seem to him alive, and what is the day above trump. almost every meter of the dinburg spit was targeted by the enemy. movement along the entire front line. ours is taking on new frontiers. now we will have fun raising the flag in a populated area. what's on the other side? call the group, quickly there are 300 now.
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during the interview, of course, he widely expressed his position in communications with journalists at annual press conferences on direct lines, in press approaches on current events, in television addresses and in-depth newspaper articles, downright historical studies, in discussions at international forums, on different platforms, but so that, as they say, in one piece, personally, for more than two hours until the topic is completely exhausted, to a global audience without cuts, this is what we we don’t even remember somehow. the moment has apparently arrived. the interlocutor for the choice of the russian president was the most popular in the united states, at the same time persecuted at home, once a tv presenter, and after leaving fox news, an independent journalist, tucker carlson. are we on a talk show or are we having a serious conversation? this is wonderful. quote: thank you, we are having
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a serious conversation. the conversation in the kremlin lasted 2 hours and 7 minutes, and in my opinion it was american-centric in the sense that it was aimed primarily at an american audience. this was important because it was america is in charge of all these hostile actions against russia, which we have seen since the times of the ussr, after the ussr, right up to the present day. america is sharpening against. the nato national bloc beat up a coalition of more than fifty states with the goal of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia. it is in america that leading politicians and mainstream media deliberately distort the essence of what is happening to the point of oversimplification. they are bad, we are good. this happens every day on american television talk shows. hence putin’s reference to this genre. tucker carlson.
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having accepted putin’s challenge, he clearly received more, than expected, and even, as we say, with the campaign. the historical certificate from the head of the russian state was as if for the americans. of course, for russians there clearly could not be anything new in it, but the fact that we heard all this as if with american ears, and saw how detailed, precise, and with conviction putin was explaining all this to an overseas guest, sounded freshly inspiring to us. takir carlson listened with a concentrated face and even with some apprehension. obviously realizing that he is failing his american audience to an unprecedented degree depth, and so from the stove, the russian state began to gather as a centralized one, this is considered the year of creation of the russian state in 862,
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when the novgorodians invited prince rurik from scandinavia, from the varangians, to reign, so we got to...
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i came up with something, i i’ll give you these documents, i don’t think you ’re making something up, no, putin obviously understood that his whole story might be too complicated for the american circus, so, telling the story dotted line, he prepared an intellectual gift for tucker carlson, a classic archival cardboard folder with cotton strings with homework, they say, let’s still figure it out by turning to the primary sources:
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here are letters from bogdan khmelnitsky, then the man who controlled the power in this part of the russian lands, which we now call ukraine, he wrote to warsaw with a demand respect for their rights, and after receiving a refusal, he began to write letters to moscow with a request to take them under the strong hand of the moscow tsar, so they gradually moved further, reaching south russian lands recaptured from turkey.
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created by the will of stalin. it is clear that khrushchev made his, in a certain sense, artificial state, his contribution to the territorial expansion of ukraine by illegally taking crimea from russia, and then. the largest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century, important points for understanding, again, for american viewers. 1991 - collapse of the soviet union. and everything that ukraine received as a gift from russia from
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the barsky shoulder, it took with it. this collapse of the soviet union was essentially initiated by the russian leadership. i don't know what then the leadership of russia was guided. that there were several reasons to think that everything would be fine, in fact a common language, 90% of them spoke russian, a common history, finally a common religion, a common stay within the framework. states for centuries, all this underlies the inevitability of our good relations, first, second, very important: the previous russian leadership proceeded from the fact that the soviet union ceased to exist, no more ideological dividing lines exist, russia is voluntarily, voluntarily and proactively even went to the collapse of the soviet union, and proceeds from the fact that...
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such a major political figure of the social democratic party, who said that it was necessary to create a new security system in europe, which would include the united states, canada, russia, other central european countries, he said, if nato spreads, everything will be the same as in the cold war, only closer to the borders of russia, that’s all. grandfather was smart, but no one listened to him. egan bahr's fears came true. our fresh post-soviet tender dreams are not, although we tried very hard and were absolutely
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sincere in this, you deceived us, when i say, you are not you personally, i mean, of course, the united states, they promised that there would be no expansion of nato to the east , but, but this happened five times, five waves of expansion, well , we endured everything, persuaded everything, said no need, we are our own now, as the bourgeoisie say. an injection, i spoke about this publicly, i can repeat it, at a meeting here in the kremlin with
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the beating clinton, who is leaving power, here well, probably in the next room, i told him, asked a question: listen, bill, what do you think, if russia raised the question of joining nato, do you think this is possible, suddenly he said, you know, this is interesting, i think so, yes, and in the evening, when we met with him, already...
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for putin, us relations do not end with a certain bitterness, and this is not a question of emotion at all, we are talking about specific consistent actions over decades, i have repeatedly raised the question of that the states do not... support not separatism, not terrorism in the north caucasus, but
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they continued to do it anyway. once with my colleague, also the president of the united states, i understood this question, he said: well, it can’t be, you have proof, i said, yes, i was ready for this madness and gave him this proof, he looked and you know what said, but i apologize, yes, but that’s how it was, i’ll quote, he says, well, i’ll kick their ass, that means we waited, waited for an answer, there was no answer, i say to the directors of the fsb, well , write to the cir, as a result of some kind, a conversation with the president, i wrote once, but then we received an answer, we have the answer in the archive, the answer came from the cia, we worked with the opposition in russia, we think that this is correct, and we will continue to work with the opposition, it’s funny, oh well, we realized that there will be no conversation, from the treacherous expansion of nato and subversive activities on
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our territory we moved on to missile defense, it must be explained, it was... in 2007, i proposed that the united states, russia and europe create a joint missile defense system, which, as we believe, created unilaterally, threatens our security, despite the fact that the united states officially said that it was being created against missile threats from iran, this also justified the creation of the pro, i... russia, usa, europe, very interesting, they asked me, are you serious, absolutely, after that in america they began to scratch their turnips, in the end they brought one to moscow , yes, which essentially turned out, no, well, how can they do this, putin remembers everything in detail, and what was
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clearly surprising, for the carcinoma he doesn’t confuse anything, his house is the presidential one.
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simply due to the iron facts of american hostility, they got to ukraine, at the 2008 summit in bucharest they announced that the doors for ukraine and georgia were then open to nato, germany and france seemed to be against it, as well as some other european countries, but then, as it turned out later,
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president bush, and he is such a strong guy, a strong politician. that’s what they told me, then he pressed us, and we had to agree, it’s funny, how easy it is in kindergarten, and then they say: well, ukraine won’t be in nato, you know, i say, i don’t know, i i know that you agreed in 2008 , but why not agree in the future, well then they put pressure on us, i say, why don’t i put pressure on you tomorrow, and you will agree again, well , some kind of nonsense, who to talk to, i i just don’t understand, we’re ready to talk. well , with whom, where are the guarantees, no? however, in fact, there were guarantees, guarantees of a steady continuation of hostile actions against russia, already on the territory of ukraine, that for us there is a single people, for the american cash it came to mass bloodshed there,
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they carried out a coup d'etat, although we from the united states was told: you are there to yanukovych. police, and the armed opposition in kiev carried out a coup, how do we understand this? who are you anyway? i wanted to ask the then leadership with... the government is not quite ready, then the coup d'etat began the war with the dissenters, created a threat to the crimea, which we were forced to take under
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our protection, started the war in donbass in the fourteenth year, using, using aviation and artillery against civilians, still against the backdrop of development, military development of this territory, and the opening of doors to nato, well what about us?
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to be honest, there was no chance , everyone knew it, why the coup d'etat, why the victims , whom he had no chance to convince or why it had to be done, everything could have been done, in fact the same thing, only in a legal way, without any victims, without the start of military operations without the loss of crimea, and we would not have lifted a finger if there had not been these bloody events on maidania, i did not come to golubonko, followed by another example of outright deception. in the name of american interests, i think carlson left with a swollen head, and what about the trigger? in recent events, well, firstly,
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the current leadership of ukraine has stated that it will not implement the minsk agreements, which were signed, as you know, after the events of 2014, where a plan for a peaceful settlement in donbass was outlined, and the former leaders of germany and france directly they said they signed it. already in our days there, a year and a half ago , they directly told the whole world honestly that yes, they signed this minsk agreement, but they were never going to implement it, they simply led us for us, they started the war in 2014, our goal is to end this war. do you think that zelensky has the freedom to negotiate a settlement to this conflict, or can he even do it himself?
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be drawn into some kind of global war, and a global war will bring all of humanity to the brink of destruction, this is obvious, and then putin himself returned to ukraine as a kind of summary especially for america with good advice. does the united states need this? for what? thousands of kilometers from national territory? don't have anything to do? you? problems on the border is full, problems with migration, problems with foreign affairs, with a national debt of more than 30 trillion dollars, there is nothing to do,
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we need to fight in ukraine.
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deeply and benevolently and inevitably returned again to relations with the united states, and here there is nothing personal for putin. maybe the current american administration, as you say, as you believe , is against you, but maybe the next administration in the united states, the government after joe biden, will want to establish ties with you, and you will want to establish ties with them, or it won't plays a role? it's not the leader's personality that matters.
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in the mood of the elites, if the idea of ​​domination at any cost, and with the help of forceful actions, prevails in american society, then nothing will change, it will only get worse, but if in the end the realization comes that the world is changing due to objective circumstances and one must be able to cope with them adapt in time, using the advantages that the united states still retains today, then it’s likely that...
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the tools that the united states uses do not work, but we need to think about what to do, now, if this awareness comes to the ruling elites, then yes, then and then the first person of the state will act in anticipation of what voters and people who make decisions at various levels expect from him, then something may change. tucker kalson would not be an american journalist if he had not put in a word about his fellow countryman and colleague, evan gershkovich, who is now in prison in russia for espionage. of course, such a charge is denied in the united states, but putin once again professionally explained the term to tucker. if a person receives a secret information, does it on a secret basis, then this is called espionage.
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we have made so many goodwill gestures that it seems to me that we have exhausted all limits, no one has ever responded to our goodwill gestures with similar gestures, but we are, in principle , ready to say that we do not exclude


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