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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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when president biden summons the spirits of the great european politicians of the past, helmut kohli and franzo meteran, talks about... recent
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conversations with them, this can also be explained by the fact that he is bored communicating with those who are at the helm in the old world now, because under kolya and miteran europe was completely different, on the rise with its own voice and weight, europe and america forced themselves to be respected. kohl insisted on the unification of germany, and mitaran built a trusting business relationship with the ussr, based on the common struggle against nazism over the years. world war ii, and today the visit of the current german chancellor scholz to the united states was somehow expectedly colorless, and emmanuel macron, well, for biden macron, will either talk about the european army, then go to putin, then threaten to call putin, all without any development, then he is photographed among naked male torsos, where it really looks organic. then, at the height of the farmer
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riots in france, he goes on a visit to the king of sweden, charles of gustavud, bernadotte ( the initials of the kgb king). in sweden they joke about it, but still, isn’t it suspicious, one way or another, the president of republican france, at the height of the farmer protests, decided to pay a state visit to the kingdom of sweden. this was almost a couple of weeks ago, but we are returning to this because then somehow. we've passed, there's something to remember. macron's compatriot, the enlightenment philosopher george louis le clergue de buffon, once mentioned to le stiel selom. style is a person, it turned out to be one hundred percent right. having screwed up politically, that is , stylistically, also with the exchange of sovereignty, macron did not stop there and continued to make further mistakes. here's the official one ceremonial photo of the king. couple: the ladies
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are impeccable, the beautiful dress of the hostess of the evening, queen sylvia, made of tovta , the most fashionable purple shade this season, her outfit is no worse than macrons made of fabric in the shade of pervanche. pervanche - in russian - is a plant of warwinks with light blue flowers and a light gray flora, so as to emphasize the color of the eyes of the first lady of france. the dress is done. according to the classics, the white vest protrudes from below the front of the tailcoat to the finger, as expected.
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coattails from behind to the popliteal fold, that's all the rest is also impeccable, and the french president makes a completely different impression: an unprepared viewer immediately gets the feeling that the frag was taken from a second-hand shop, that it was clearly from someone else. in the case of macron, negligence bordering on sloppiness, however, he had examples of sloppiness before, not only with the wardrobe, the content somehow revealed.
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a clear advantage, about how it was from baku, our special correspondent, andrey grigoriev. the area of ​​72 hectares is more than 100 football fields, and the productivity for such enterprises is not happened. per ship per year. the pokinsky shipyards were built by personal order of president ilham aliyev; now it is the flagship of the azerbaijani industry, which, however, would like to stay in line with the russian one. we are in constant contact with our russian colleagues, cooperate with shipyards, exchange experiences, the vast experience of russian shipyards in the river-sea class, as well as the growing role of the caspian basin as a trade corridor.
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returning the region for ilham aliyev was a top priority all the years that he leads the country, so i came to vote with my whole family at polling station number 14, located right in the capital of nagorno-karabakh. with him is his wife mehriban, she is the vice-president of the country, his son heydar, his wife and daughters arzu and leyla. everyone waiting in line shows their id . ilham aliyev lets women go first, and then votes himself. the current seven-year presidential term of ilham aliyev ended only in the twenty-fifth year, early elections were called after karabakh regained control over nagorno-karabakh karabakh, this is almost 20% of the territory of the state, voters could not help but appreciate,
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practically what was done in azerbaijan was done only under the leadership of one person, the turnout was a record 77%, there were queues for ballots, everyone knows, his father was deceased , a good person, he himself is a good person, i think the people will vote 90%, 95% for him, so they voted for this president because he came out, ilham aliyev has a little more than 92% of the votes, the other six candidates together did not get and eight, celebrate in the streets while the votes were still being counted, portraits of ilham aliyev and flags of azerbaijan appeared throughout the country.
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relations of strategic partnership, strategic relations with the russian federation, continues to count on the active
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participation of his country in the commonwealth of independent states, the basis of the partnership has long been not only oil and gas, azerbaijan became the first country to respond. when there was a shortage of chicken eggs in russia, he sent his agricultural products for export. factories for the production of pharmaceuticals, thermal insulation materials and even wine. obraudso opened its own subsidiary. and these are the results of cooperation in the automotive industry. there are already three such joint ventures in azerbaijan, each producing up to one and a half thousand cars per year. the inscriptions are in russian and the appearance is familiar to every russian, but these cars were made in... 50 km south of baku , they are so popular among the population that many even saw in the abbreviation uaz the place of assembly, as azerbaijan. orthodox cathedral of the holy myrrh-bearing women in the center of baku, built in 1907 according to a standard regimental design
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military temples, established in the russian empire, but with the money of the azerbaijani micenates, in order to understand how we exist and interact with the islamic world in azerbaijan, we need... to take into account the fact that in azerbaijan the russian diaspora, the largest in the entire southern caucasus, is larger here there are only russian schools, institutes, universities in the transcaucasus, and this is on the posters: the repertoire of the azerbaijani theater of russian drama, the stage has been one of the most popular in the country for more than a century, they are now rehearsing a new production by a modern moscow playwright. andrey grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, ivan usanov, tatyana koroleva. news of the week, azerbaijan. on friday, the russian electoral commission center approved the text of the ballot paper for voting in the russian presidential elections that will take place.
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did not create any obstacles for us, but we really, i admit it, made
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formal mistakes. if the chairman of the communists of russia admitted this immediately, then nadezhden, who was walking this time from the civil initiative, spent several days with his assistants rechecking the results of the examination, according to which almost every sixth autograph turned out to be a mistake, but most of the signature sheets at the candidate’s headquarters were simply lost, i reviewed each sheet one by one.
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the politician himself promised to seek changes in the procedure, to challenge the procedure for collecting signatures in court, there are no complaints against the commission, would you, in the place of the members of the central election commission, who are forced to comply with the laws, allow yourself to participate in the elections today? while the ballot was taking its final form, teams of candidates were collecting proposals for programs; there were already tens of thousands of them at vladimir putin’s headquarters; maryana met with ulyanovsk doctors. regional oncology center here they were equipped according to the national health project, which was launched by the current president. basically, all these meetings are about the future, and they are about what is needed for development, they are to a lesser extent about what is bad or worrying. people talk about what concerns them, people give their suggestions. on a trip to the south of the country, artyom zhogo spoke with volunteers about patriotic education and assistance to the participants of the northern military district. the meeting once again emphasizes that our society has united and different ages,
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and now i met a girl 11 she has already been a volunteer for years, we united for one thing, victory, victory, victory of our great russia, on saturday the second intake of the school of young military correspondent named after boris maksudov began its classes. our colleague died in the zaporozhye region at the end of november last year at the moment when he had just finished filming on the front line, from a ukrainian drone, and was targeted. boris was one of the curators of the educational project created on the initiative of the liberal democratic party. experienced front-line journalists pass on their knowledge to young people right in the battle zone. start of the second training shift given by leonid slusky. many of you will be able to join the noble, very strong team , of which we are proud, whose name is military correspondents, those people who tell the truth, those people who are the absolute coordinate system in what... is happening now on the fields of the northern military district, they say what as it really is
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. nikolai kharitonov spent almost 3 days in the second largest region of the country. kharitonov, the party, started with the beauty of masha, the pride of the russian defense industry, they help make here, including the latest sarmat strategic missiles, but behind the development of industry believes the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, nature protection should not be overlooked. there are problems of a different nature about the environment. but this black sky is almost tired of talking about this topic, first aid services, students are talking about scholarships, they are talking about roads, which means they are talking about prices, especially the increase in fuel and lubricants. these issues need to be resolved; our program clearly answers all the questions that have been raised. the candidate met with the students at the end of the week for the first time , trying on vr glasses. there are mountains on the horizon, like in khakassia. at this time, its first headquarters in primorye was opened by vladislav davankov. hooray. he arrived in vladivostok from sakhalin to discuss education and small
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business development. then, in khabarovsk, the main topics became sports and housing and communal services, resettlement of dilapidated houses, candidates from new people. promised to include emergency housing in his program , in my opinion, this is also, if not a national project, then a large part of it, because if the issue is not resolved for 3, 5, 10 years, then we cannot talk about some kind of big modernization , you need to hear people invest in this and devote money and energy to this special attention. according to data from ciom, almost nine out of ten survey participants know exactly the dates of the elections, 3/4 of them are ready to vote...
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the unpretentious and mobile combat vehicle has no analogue in the world. this machine works with thermoboric shells, which are no longer so important to them, dugouts, shelters, that is, this is a shock wave that creates enormous pressure and temperature, they already penetrate directly into the premises themselves in any protected areas, therefore the living force there is affected . ah... next up our military correspondent grigory vdovin from marinka. through fields that seem endless and serene we are driving to the positions of the artillerymen of the fifth motorized rifle brigade of the first army corps. a combat self-propelled gun, donbass post office, is camouflaged in a pile of branches. the inscription, of course, is humorous, but the parcels are delivered to the enemy on time. now we are working on the so-called
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duty targets. the gun is ready for ten or fifteen seconds. reconnaissance detects some movement at a point located between krasnogorovka and marinka, it is this particular weapon that immediately strikes there, the weapon has been well-deserved, it has been through alterations , there are also battle marks, there are stars on the barrel , the crew has been fighting for a long time, experience is felt in everything, everyone defends their home, everything is local, no one left this territory when it began, well, the fourteenth year, when such events happened on the maidan, no one left, no one left theirs.
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a lot has changed, except for the smile of comrade colonel, it is always wide, it was november, which means twenty-first year, so you could imagine that that’s all will unfold literally in a few months
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so globally, no, i couldn’t imagine, naturally i wanted russia to recognize us, naturally i understood that ukraine... it wouldn’t just give it up, so no matter how well i had the illusion that this it won’t, of course, i didn’t think that the fighting would last so long, since well, no one thought that the west would help so much, you see, as soon as the support of the west falls, even just a little, our successes are immediate it is seen, the successes of the fifth brigade are, first of all , marinka, here is the banner of the unit in its westernmost building, the last one from donetsk, and further advance goes on in these frames, the enemy runs away, ours enter the abandoned positions, and this... the conversation on the one hand is difficult, but on the other hand, the interlocutors understand perfectly well what and most importantly why they are doing it, when this point is not this point, when
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the nazis came to power, such as the tyagniboks, all sorts of yatsenyuks, the turchinovs , it was no longer possible to agree on anything with them, therefore, besides the people no longer had a choice to stand up, then you could not imagine what would happen now, yes, now you can imagine what will happen? it’s already a winner, it’s clear that let’s say that there is a clear advantage of the russian federation, and over nato countries, not over ukraine, the main thing for us is to push them away from our lands, to establish peace, order and further, so that everything prospers, but to somewhere move?
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and another important piece of news this week was the publication of a presidential decree on awarding state awards to outstanding russians. the order of merit for the fatherland, second degree, was awarded to the head of the chechen republic ramzan kadyrov for his great contribution to strengthening russian statehood and defense capability, as well as the socio-economic development of the region. artist of the lenkom theater mark zakharova aleksandrev.
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region of ukraine is shelled almost daily by militants of the ukrainian armed forces. this is the news of the week. we'll be back after commercials. on friday , the largest and most high-tech clinic in russia opened in the leningrad region, an island built on private investment, on the scale of an entire medical the city is half an hour’s drive from st. petersburg, and will receive up to 100,000 patients a year.
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the clinic was examined by valentina matvienko, and the new multifunctional medical center, salema zarev. robotic technologies, they are already presented on the intensive care bed, there is a load on the lower limbs, on the upper shoulder girdle. the new russian medical normality, when rehabilitation begins right in the intensive care unit, when doctors have at their fingertips any devices and instruments that modern science has come up with, for example, for a person to the unaware, it seems that the surgeon is making strange hand gestures, in fact he is working with a digital model of the affected organ, this is a development of the st. petersburg polytechnic institute, putting on glasses we see a virtual model
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, an image of the problem area, a linear accelerator that allows for remote radiation therapy, a locomotor therapy device, with with its help people
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learn to walk again, if i understand correctly. your possibilities are essentially unlimited now, that is, you have everything that can be, and that’s it, probably medical happiness? yes, it’s a great happiness when you can tell a patient, and we can too. beloostrov is the largest clinic in russia, built with private money, it is planned that it will receive about 100 thousand patients a year, is included in health insurance programs, both voluntary and compulsory, for treatment, including free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy, here residents of the whole country will be able to, but in... st. petersburg and the leningrad region, we have already signed an agreement according to which residents of the leningrad region region leningraders and little leningraders , children, adults and elderly, will be able to receive here modern high-tech medical care, and not only routine medical care, but, very importantly,
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emergency medical care. the emergency room was also created in accordance with modern ideas about emergency care. the flow of patients is distributed according to the severity of the condition, and not according to the type of disease. this allows us to save those for whom delay is like death. there are three streams: green, red and yellow. red is the most not numerous, up to 10%, but the most relevant and heavy flow, which should immediately fall from the wheels of ambulances into those.
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for one patient an accompanying person, that is , this is a chair-bed, a mother can be here, the children's department does not look like a hospital at all, that was the goal. i would like to bring here all the patients whom i was not able to help before, to this clinic , to tell them boldly: today i can help you. an important difference between this medical complex and the others is that the oncology center here it is integrated into the general structure of the clinic and... people suffering from cancer can receive help in other areas, be it cardiovascular diseases or pulmonary diseases, it doesn’t matter which, help will be provided on an equal basis with oncological diseases, we sequence the treatment according to its threats, health, his illness, and this is also the most important advantage of the center, because there are all specialists here, they are within walking distance. in the future, it will be possible to use such an innovative method as flash therapy is when almost any tumor with
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the largest size is irradiated in one session. efficiency and safety, this is the medicine of tomorrow, projects such as beloostrov bring tomorrow closer. sale mazarev, alexey sasyrin, sergeishchenko, dmitry lukashevich, dmitry mishchersky and oksana serzhantova. news week, northwestern bureau.
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“investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you
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have achieved, do you think?” “that you are on top of the world.


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