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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general here ... how to achieve what you
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have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure? hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia project 20062 headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. friday marked 10 years since the opening of the olympic games in sochi. now february 7th is celebrated. like a winter sports day.
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about how the olympic facilities built then live and work today, pavel melnik. the warmth of olympic sochi, which melted billions of hearts around the world. your hot winter ones. all flags are visiting us. in 2014 , russia became a hospitable home for athletes. of 88 states, truly cosmic proportions, only the perspective from orbit allows you to see everything at once: the coastal cluster is more than 1,300 hectares, in the center of the square the largest olympic flame in history is 7.5 meters, there is a whole city around, the puck ice arena, large iceberg palaces curling skating centers, when it all just began, it was hard to believe, where there used to be swamps, today there is a complex of world-class sports... facilities,
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from here you can truly see an amazing 360° panorama, infrastructure that is accessible all year round, in its center is the pearl of the coast, a futuristic fisht today a point of attraction for youth sports. for the seventh year now, new champions of the krasnodar territory fencing team have been growing here. very comfortable room, close to home by car 5 minutes, the room has all the facilities, three tracks. targets, after the olympics fish grew even more, where the icebreaker mir used to fly, stands and boxes appeared, and a steel dome, which was used to hold the scenery, on the contrary, they dismantled it. the field breathes all year round, the home stadium of the sochi football club is unique in every way. we use roof coverings, which are generally intended for laying the soil and lawn, at the level of the third floor, stretching them on special cables that allow us to cover. our lawn from
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excess sun. our hot, winter conditions gave the big city of sochi a champion boost; the laura complex, where world records were forged, does not slow down the pace of training. the hands are tougher, the positioning of the hands is tougher. 1.450 m, from where a vista opens up onto the bustling olympic quarter. sirius arena is the largest training base in the cluster for more than a thousand young and active people; gymnastics, volleyball, judo, igor shevilev chooses badminton. i always like active sports, it’s fun. go to competitions, everything is here now, the very best in the laboratories of sirius university, scientific and technological sovereignty is born, one of our areas is working on obtaining new medicines, vaccines for rare orphan diseases are being developed here together with leading russian companies, sirius, like the olympics itself, is a look at the future. we are the successors of those standards that were laid down and we apply them not only in sports, but in science. art
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, culture, if we have set goals, then we are going towards them and the implementation will not take long , with a breeze along the most modern sochi autodrome, or... driving a civilian car into the mountains, high-speed interchanges, they were built especially for the olympics in 2013 year gave the resort a second wind, smooth, the smooth, high-speed highway a-149 immediately reduced the travel time from adler to the sochi mountain cluster, despite the fact that most of the route runs directly through rock formations, tourists now come here to the old krasnopolyansk highway, except to take a photo, these are the majestic the peaks are directly overhead. and the stormy winter will leave few people without impressions. immediately 14 tunnels for the route combined with railway lines, instead of the previously only very dangerous serpentine. there are now regular flights to the airport in the mountain cluster comfortable swallows. 64 million visitors
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this decade, many have stayed here in the apartments of the former olympic village, a welcoming home for students in the federal territory of sirius. we are proud to say that now a rhythmic gymnastics academy has been built in sirius, a samba and judo palace has been built there, you and i have now laid the foundation stone for a figure skating and hockey academy, and all this is now probably a post-olympic component of the development of sports, large-scale sporting events transform russian cities. for the universiade in kazan , a smooth mirror of new high-speed roads was laid out, and the lines of regular buses and the railway, now part of a convenient transport hub, were appreciated by the fans of the 2018 fifa world cup, thanks to russia, everything that
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was built throughout the country for the championship fifa world cup 2018, and this is 12 cities at once, today it works at 100, the strelka metro station in nizhny novgorod, it too... arena nizhny novgorod, the center of sports cultural life volga region. in sochi, sirius is a big holiday for almost the entire month of february. this week, the president of the sochi 2014 organizing committee, and today the deputy prime minister of the government, dmitry chernyshenko, presented awards to the winners of the winter student sports competition. happiness is in the eyes of the children who are presented with medals by olympic champions. imagine, they are the first to win.
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thanks to a technologically advanced line of cable cars, everyone can see this breathtaking beauty. pavel milnik, nikita kalchenko, ulga allenkina, anastasia zorina and natalya yaponchina. vesti nedeli, sochi and federal sirius territory. well, that's all for today, all the best and see you next sunday. public control, how many cameras are they filming here? no, cameras are needed so that
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voting can be observed. there are observers at the site, and all important places are under constant video surveillance. tables of members of the election commission, local ones. ballot boxes and ballot counting areas, and completed ballots are sealed in safe bags and stored in separate safes or metal cabinets. i wonder who watches these videos? the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary, the recording can be rewinded and watched again. everything is transparent and under control.
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guessed, but how this interview was agreed upon, how the preparation for it went , of course, this time it will be especially interesting
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to listen to dmitry peskov, in the zarubin telegram channel, subscribe, important details appeared earlier, but we will see more right now, you can i'll tell you what i think, don't be offended, political the leadership of the states approached a line beyond which we could no longer cross, the armed opposition in kiev carried out a coup d'etat, how... understand who you are, in general it is necessary to achieve a strategic defeat of russia, defeat on the battlefield, this is impossible by definition, this is not will never happen, but wouldn’t it be better to come to an agreement with russia? communicating with an american journalist, putin sends such a message to the international audience, not only in the united states in america, in europe, and in all other directions, not everyone wants to hear this, we we see us officials who call this interview unnecessary and strongly recommend not reading it. i don’t want putin’s true worldview to become accessible to ordinary americans, but this time it
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’s happening anyway, it can’t be stifled, the world has changed, indeed, we had a lot of requests for an interview with the president before, in fact there were, us british broadcasters and american broadcasters and european broadcasters for two years since the beginning of the cbo they are really quite persistent ask for an interview, but there is no point in giving an interview because they are not trying to...
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the collective west, an audience where they are not yes, he has a very large audience in are a fan of putin, where they are more inclined to demonize putin, but in the world majority, that is, everything that is not the golden billion, there is a completely different attitude towards our president, he is one of the most authoritative, knowledgeable, experienced heads. state of the world. a knowledgeable, experienced head of state takes his watch off his hand in the very first seconds. and then time flowed here somehow very special, but we timed it with a stopwatch. well, just a little historical background for 30 seconds or one minute, right? where did ukraine come from?
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already at dinner, he says: you know, i talked to my team, no, now
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this is impossible, since russia is not invited to nato, then of course, russia cannot rejoice at the expansion of nato. no, russia is not welcome there, and if russia is not welcome there, then we will naturally watch closely how the process of nato expansion to the east is taking place. is this a military organization or not? military. they don’t want to see us there, they don’t want us, she’s moving towards our people. they even ignored the indignation of president yeltsin, who had previously stated: god bless america, but he also felt threatened by nato expansion. we call on all, so to speak, reasonable forces, and europeans in particular, to be very, very careful now. no one could explain to us, it is unlikely that anyone will explain, even if
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they try, that nato is expanding eastward towards russia. this will clearly not be enough in the modern world, this is a kindergarten, we endured everything, persuaded everything, said no need, we are our own now, as they say, bourgeois, no, the authorities of the communist party, let's come to an agreement, we have made so many gestures of goodwill that it seems to me that we have exhausted all limits, we have taken and
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liquidated bases in cam ranh, in vietnam, in cuba, they brought all their people out. military units from eastern europe generally withdrew almost all large and heavy weapons from the european part, what did they get? a base in romania, where we are located, a base in bulgaria, a positional area about the strategic, american, in poland, in the czech republic, this is all movement towards ours borders of military infrastructure, pressure, pressure, pressure, we must continue to hammer russia, try.
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they are quite obviously terrorists , they shot people in squares without trial, including women, they beheaded living people, i want to emphasize this, no one wanted to hear that al-qaeda was fighting on the side of the militants and separatists, we were told, well, don’t worry about that , we are only thinking about the development of democracy in your country, thank you very much for such concern, concerns about international security, vladimir, there is no need to be afraid about. the us withdrawal from the anti-ballistic missile treaty was also explained. putin offered different options on how to maintain trust in this extremely delicate area. i suggested that the three of you work together: russia, the usa, europe, it’s very interesting, they asked me, are you serious, i say absolutely, just imagine, if we together solve such a global
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strategic task in the field of security, the world will change, we can expand the number of participants . the cards have been dealt and the game can begin. and i really wish we could play the same game game. we need to think about it, i was told. i say, please, secretary of defense gates, former director of the cia, came to this office where we are talking. and secretary of state rice. right here at this table. and if we really manage to agree on
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its main position, then we can state that our dialogue is developing very productively. they told me. what should we do then, then we will be forced to retarget our missiles at objects that we believe threaten our national security, and i believe
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that i must say about this today directly and honestly, so that later we don’t digest the responsibility for such a development of events, we don’t want it, not only to say it, it’s scary to think about it. that russia, in response to such a deployment, the possible deployment of such position areas, and theoretically this cannot be ruled out on ukrainian territory, will aim its strike missile systems at ukraine, well , just imagine for a second, that’s what worries us, putin talks about the dialogue with european leaders regarding their communication with the us president about ukraine and nato, he put pressure on us. they were forced to agree, it’s funny, like in a kindergarten, it’s just, what kind of kindergarten is this, what kind of people are they, who are they, you see them or click on them, they will agree, and
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then they say: well, ukraine won’t be in nato, you know, i say, i don’t know, i know that you agreed in 2008, but why won’t you agree in the future, well then they put pressure on us, i say, why don’t i put pressure on you tomorrow, and you will agree again, well, nonsense someone to talk to, i just i don’t understand, we are ready to talk, well, with whom? with carllon at that moment, i’ll give you these documents, a folder with documents about the history of russia and the territory that is now
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called ukraine, here are copies of these documents, i’ll leave them with you as a good memory, in fact the president brought this, and this was prepared on behalf of the president, he was the initiator, he was the author of this idea, it was obvious that of course ukraine would be high on the agenda of this interview. after all, the president relies on a very deep knowledge of history and his he forms a judgment about history precisely on the basis of primary sources, he very often and works a lot with archival documents directly, therefore his worldview is historical, it is not emotional in nature, it is based on specific knowledge of primary sources, it is these primary sources that he selected in order to argue what he was going to present about ukraine. yes, this historical part will probably be very difficult to perceive in the west, among western viewers and readers, but there are a huge number of specialists there
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in our country, there are a huge number of historians, and historians in eastern europe, who will also be very keenly interested, for sure, therefore there will be an audience, this historical part will have its own audience, so i first asked you, we will have a serious conversation or show , you said it was a serious conversation, so... don't be offended by me, please. the most serious part of the serious conversation began, of course, with the topic of coups d'etat in ukraine. the first, putin is sure, was committed back in 2004. imagine that in the usa someone i didn’t like something, they organized a third tour, which we didn’t foresee at the end of the usa, well, nevertheless, they did it there. re-voting in the second round may also yield nothing, then what does it mean that it will need to be done a third, fourth, twenty-fifth time until one of the parties gets the desired result. jurisprudence , i have not yet heard that there is a third round of elections, okay, viktor yushchenko came to power, who was considered a pro-western politician, good, but we
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established relations with him, after he led the country, the situation worsened, to viktor yanukovych came to power after all. 2014 - bloody riots on the maidan, representatives of three european countries, germany, poland and france, arrived and were guarantors of the signed agreement.
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they are experimenting with rats there for some reason, they tell us, well, what could we do, as if the situation got out of control, this is called an executor in criminal law, let me say, what you should have said, even if you could not stop these radicals, you should have told them, you know what, guys, in this way, if you act, you will never be in europe, and we will never support you, no, no one wanted this, everyone only wanted to resolve the issue with the help of military force, but this is not...
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what happened here on february 24-25 ? social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all the western affiliates joined in to incite regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically to bring confusion and confusion into their souls. this is the surest path to victory. hundreds of professional people from the states who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally trained in ipso courses, there are chats where we get assignments, today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets. remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be endlessly
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ashamed. because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war, we will take on this case, it will be... an honest detective story.
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hands, but in fact, this is the only thing that journalists around the world will see, as you see, the doors are now closing, and further conversation will continue behind closed doors, i also told them, i believe that you are making a huge mistake of historical proportions, support everything that is happening there in ukraine, pushing away russia, i told him, we will never agree with only one thing, that someone would allow himself to use generous gifts. russia to cause damage to the russian federation itself. i hope it will heard. the russians, as they passed the law, are not a titular nation. ukraine, having received all the southeastern territories as a gift from the russian people, suddenly announced that the russians in this territory are not the titular nation. fine. what about people with mixed blood? what should i do? and now, like in nazi germany, they will measure their skulls?


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