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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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in the states, this inspires hope and the fact that, by the way, the president also spoke about, the united states is a complex country, there are different opinions, different groups. but there is a feeling that this new young part of the american elite is approaching, who, in principle, already agree that this, by the way, is not trump, this is not trump yet, because trump, in fact, even though he is, he is like it would seem to me that this is the kind of hammer that breaks the path for this part, because it itself, itself, it still retains within itself - this traditional
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the american model with all its rhetoric, this is another new part that can come to power there within 50 years.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people.
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hello, i’m boris akilov, and i’m oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. voting at home. eh, no time, i ’m sick, i’ll have to miss the elections. why? will you vote at home? how is it? if there is a good reason, you can invite members of the commission home. to do this, you need to submit an application to the precinct commission.
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orally, you can personally, you can through friends or relatives , by phone, on the public services portal, when you need to have time to submit an application from march 7 to 14-17 march, on the public services portal from march 5 to 11, everything will be like at a polling station, let the members come election commission and observers will issue a ballot, and they will also bring a ballot box, well, of course, for home voting they use sealed... ballot boxes, that’s good, and i will vote, from germany, editor-in-chief of the online publication world economy, alexander sosnovsky. hello, it so happened that scholze’s interview was caught by the hand of biden, and they had to give comments together, although the fact of the visit itself is quite strange, as i understand, in germany they watched the interview, and this reaction caused very...
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different, very different political circles yes, good evening, this is really so, well, you can say, they say that a person cannot outrun his shadow, that’s the impression, that... germany's shadow germany has overtaken germany itself and now germany is in such a cloud of its past. yes, there are a variety of comments and all this is said in different ways, but strictly speaking, the conversation , if we talk about interviews, i could read little serious in the german press, and what scholz said is, of course, well, in general, ridiculous , i even. i don’t know what to call scholz anymore and how to talk seriously about the chancellor, who didn’t even really understand what was said in this interview, and didn’t take action, didn’t take action no action to comment on the most important points from
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this, well, i’m not even talking about the minsk agreements, i’m not talking about how it all started, you know, it even seems to me that today it’s not so important how scholz reacted to everything this. but it is very important to understand that germany, which i personally have always talked about, germany has been denazified, germany has gone through the process of denazification and, probably, this past will never happen, in germany it will never come, this shadow of the past, it looms today over germany is so dense, it has already overtaken today's germany so much that it is very difficult to comment on germany and say: about germany, without remembering the past, it is no coincidence that vladimir putin mentioned it, he mentioned several names in his interview, but there is one on which i want to dwell , this is very important to understand for germany, eganbarr is a politician of the social democratic party, the same party that today put
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scholz in the chair. egan bar, unfortunately, he died a long time ago, left the political arena, but this is a man who years ago. in the late sixties, 69-7, together with willie brant, he began his famous eastern policy, the policy of rapprochement with the soviet union. there is such an interesting moment, i want to talk about it, it is very symbolic. in 1970, eganbarr, which putin remembered, it was not by chance that he remembered him, i am sure of this, now you will understand why i think so. eganbarr...
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a man, he, in principle, personified this policy of rapprochement, the impossibility of any war possible by the soviet union, putin that’s why i mentioned him , you know, literally in these same days information suddenly comes out about the father of wilhelm berbock, anna lena berbock’s grandfather, who during the war, as anna lena berbock wrote in her book, which was published in 2021, was with me grandfather, he...
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says, at one time she dared to say that we are at war with russia, which says that russia will be destroyed, when she spoke about the first package of sanctions against russia, she said the following words: this is what anna lena berbu says, and i need these documents unknown, i didn’t know anything at all about my grandfather, well, that is, i knew that he was, but i didn’t know what it was, it’s all a lie, because her grandfather, and by the way, i also want to say something that is not everyone probably knows that egan bar’s grandmother was jewish, that is, he considered himself a jew, but nevertheless, at one time he went to serve in the wehrmach, he really did, in forty , in forty-two he went, in so.. that year he was expelled from the wehrmacht, because this jewish line of his did not allow
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him to be considered a real aryan, his whole life it tormented him, and all his life he talked about the fact that our guilt before russia, before the 27 million dead, before the victims of the holocaust, it is incorrigible, and berbak knows nothing of this, she says: i didn’t know anything about this, her dad, berbak’s dad , whom she knew very well, kept a family journal in which he recorded all his scandals with...
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strack zimmerman. in 1958 in dusseldorf.
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in 1953, i repeat once again, the gauleiter conspiracy was discovered there. six gauleiters, former gauleiters of nazi germany, including werner naummann, who was joseph goebbels's secretary of state, they formed a group that was supposed to transform today's liberal party, the fdp party, the fdp, as he says. in german , which was supposed to form such a nazi basis, such a new national socialist democracy in germany, and mrs. strack zimmermand, this is me about grandfather, i’m not accusing anyone of anything, i’m asking a question, but she has no data at all about who her grandparents were. let me ask a question: ms. fear zimmerman, was any of your relatives, among those very people in düsseldorf who in fifty -three... actually thought through and prepared this gauleiter conspiracy, i’m not saying that
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your relatives were there, but pull out your biography, maybe you also accidentally didn’t see something - that. in general, concluding, volodya , i want to say, you know, it doesn’t matter at all whether they read and will comment on scholz’s interview with carlson and putin, what is important is something completely different, it is important today to understand whether what we thought is not germinating... .already in general uprooted, isn’t it sprouting again to such an extent that we no longer understand and stop distinguishing, before us is a liberal, green politician, sholsky’s pacifist.
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not nazis, after which tredoux had another hysteria and the phrases “we are here”, but he could not answer, this is generally especially true for modern politicians, they are not able to answer a direct question, and besides, well, of course they are ostriches, so every time i remember the famous appeal: do not scare the ostrich; the floor is concrete, that is, they hit the concrete floor with their muzzle over and over again, of course, maybe that’s why they are so flat, excuse me, but donald is here... fredich, of course, doesn’t add any joy either, and stop considering him our friend, we don’t need any illusions, we don’t have friends there, but when he scares nato, this looks pretty funny, i did the same thing with nato, i made them pay , nato was on the verge of bankruptcy until i came, i said everyone will pay, one of the presidents of a major country stood up and asked,
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sir, if we don't pay , russia will attack us, you will protect us, i said, you will not paid, you are late with the payment
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, however, regarding nuclear weapons, he also said, of course, that, having mentioned tactical nuclear weapons, that this is the path to global catastrophe, which i also spoke about repeatedly, my deep conviction that to control the nuclear conflict with the participation of russia and the united states is simply impossible; by definition, escalation is inevitable. now about whether it is possible to defeat russia or not, without the use of nuclear weapons. weapons, you know, 10 years ago, i was, like many, by the way, experts, convinced that the advantage of collective countries nato, with the participation of the united states, is so large above us that we, of course, cannot defeat them without nuclear weapons, well, if
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you start counting the number of aircraft, the number of warships, and individuals. composition, well, by all indicators, of course, if we take the total combat potential of the bloc, it surpasses us by multiples, now, you know, i think that it is impossible to defeat us using only conventional weapons, well , firstly, we have begun to demonstrate their ability to fight and win not in ukraine, it started. in syria, when in the fifteenth year, when we were 2 years old, the leadership of the ministry of defense sent almost all combat aviation personnel through the syrian conflict, including strategic aviation, by the way, that is, our pilots gained combat experience, combat experience in ukraine received almost all types
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of armed forces, types of troops, uh, everyone went through... real combat conditions, and the combat conditions are tough, because well, this is the phrase “we are one people, we really don’t give up there, the russians, we are fighting a mirror, we we are at war with ourselves, they are the same as us in terms of perseverance in terms of plan, the russians do not give up and so on, that is, uh, i think in the west they realized that it’s almost impossible to defeat us on the battlefield, well. ..” there are illusions from here, all these hysterics, but the truth is that now the emphasis is shifting somewhat away from the supply of missiles, although... deliveries are also heard, there is tauras, there is this crazy german deputy there, that all points need to be bombed departments, all ministries, everything in general, how many missiles do you need?
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it’s necessary, don’t worry, we’ll bomb everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, it will still explode, we’ll bomb it and that’s it, that’s it, but now the emphasis is on the fact that we urgently need to restart the military-industrial complex, we urgently need to, so to speak, restart the military industry, moreover, taking into account the fact that the americans began to hesitate, not that they began to hesitate, but problems with money, problems, so to speak, with ammunition, with equipment, uh, stoltenberg declares that nato is ready to take over , so say, a coordinating role, what the americans did in ronstein, to move all this to brussels, to put it in order, so to speak, is immediately stipulated, we will create a special structure, but this is a sacred matter, of course, to create another bureaucratic structure in nato. put this type of department there, put some pole or latvian at the head for the next 10 years, they will be there for 10-15-20 years, they
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don’t lay it down, so to speak, they will supply ukraine or what will be left of it with ammunition equipment and so on, what else is the president here from my point of view said. so significant in terms that you can regarded as a signal, he clearly indicated that there would be no compromises, he said, they drove themselves into this dead end, so let them look for a worthy answer, how to, so to speak, recognize the situation on the battlefield, that there is no question of that we will concede something, these new four subjects, not to mention crimea, that all this, so to speak, is already...
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this is against us, but nevertheless the proposal was made, it was made in july, in october gates wrights came here, that is, the minister of defense, the minister of foreign affairs, and the president accepted them, but there was no talk about creating, there was some kind of joint system, but it was about removing our...
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the polish population will be reminded of the times of the soviet occupation, well, that is, complete, complete nonsense, none of this it didn’t work out, that is, they deceived him once again, yet again
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... again, although bushura, despite all his, so to speak, peasant nature, he, in general, putin, in any case, it seems to me, believed his person who, so to speak, keeps his promises, in this case, no, well, the bushka, of course, was absolutely christian in nature, graduated from the most privileged school for boys in boston, and then received an excellent legal education, but became the governor of the state...
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a simpleton, but at the same time never losing his touch. bushi's place, yes, was in this many times not on this estate, yes, of course, oysters there, but lobste, amazing, but nevertheless, there he kept everything under control and did not keep it, but when on his behalf there we were still there with one treaty on the eternal armed forces in europe, when there they... were fighting there with some provisions of the agreement, when he came for the last time to bocherov stream to the president with rice and began to discuss this agreement - you will say that you are not happy with it, but we just suspended our actions. putin says: george, just imagine, they tell you that you can’t place your tanks in texas, but you can only place them in maine,
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you’re going to say, what the hell? what kind of savagery is this, and this was the american position. bush turns around and says: “condi, is this true, or what? mr. president, this is there, these are the turks, that is, they got into trouble, that is, the american president, even one like bush, is not always in control of the situation. what was going on with us? social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies joined in to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically to bring confusion and confusion into their souls. this is the surest path to victory in the war. the content and the agenda itself
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are formed by hundreds of professional people. states who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally trained in ipso courses, there are chats where we get assignments: today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets. remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be endlessly ashamed because we are russians. this was a real hybrid war. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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here's another episode, here's what was on the last one week, a letter from kuleba appeared there, to his, so to speak,


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