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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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does she really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well , there, the girl is worth making money, maybe this is my dream somehow. look first in the application or on the website.
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well, let's jump right off the bat, vladimir vladimirovich, you know, i want to note that regarding what was said in the first part about the interview and the reaction to it, all sorts of figures were mentioned here, i draw attention to the reaction of borisk johnson , yes, who in his statement took it into his head compare carlson on the pages of the daily mail, catch karloln with american journalists who.
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to launch against the russians, the russian threat, now boris johnson is doing the same thing on the pages of the same newspaper and all these johnsons of all kinds in different parts of the world, when putin spoke about the denazification of ukraine, and mentioned, in particular, this is the very case that we have talked about more than once they said, an ovation in the canadian parliament for the veteran of the ukrainian division in vaf, the german division in vaf, galicia, races, yes, because trudeau is now
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they asked about putin’s words, trudeau answered simply gorgeous, he pretended that he had not heard this nazi at all, he said, no, no, well, this is all propaganda, and the canadians will not fall for it, what is propaganda, that you organized avalanches for the ukrainian to this very undead nazi, yes, that you personally signed the invitation to him, and now you pretend that you do not notice russia’s request for extradition, for the extradition of this very... nazi criminal, who openly, directly admitted in his memoirs that he participated in war crimes, yes, that including against the polish, jewish population - in those lands that were then eastern poland, now western ukraine, uh , and note that he already did this by publishing these books in ukraine, these memoirs, memoirs, that is, in ukraine this is considered in in the order of things, now they tell us, no, no, this is all a lie that he told us. putin
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means that ukraine needs denazification. zelensky is a jew. here, here is the logic, i’m serious, just like that, right now, the whole reaction of the western press, it consists of two theses: firstly, don’t watch putin, don’t listen, you’ve heard these calls more than once, starting from others from kirby. the second point, now instead of it, since you didn’t look, we’ll instead tell you what he said, you know, and further. it sounds like putin said he threatened to invade the baltics , yes, although he seemed to say just the opposite , that means putin said that the nazification of ukraine is necessary, and so on, although zelensky is a jew, in general, this is where they come from, in fact, they are very important there the messages were contained in first of all to the ukrainian people , about the fact that we still consider this as... an element of civil war, and our soul
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cannot be divided anyway, and sooner or later reunification will still happen, no matter how hard the western states try, in i draw the attention of the ukrainians themselves to this connection. to the reaction that follows this interview. today a simply wonderful article appeared, well, wonderful in quotes, wonderful in the sense that it stands out from the general chorus, an article that is quite popular in britain, by such a participant all kinds of talk shows, he is their coach there, business coaching website, his last name, and i looked at his biography, education, right? that is, he made his entire career by playing table tennis, was a member of the england table tennis team, and after that he went to make all kinds of motivational videos, you know, in the modern western world, but in fact , we also have enough of this to you were already considered one of the infotsigans, or something, well, one of these
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is absolutely correct, well , politics, business participates in all talk shows, comments with with a wise look, so today he wrote a column in the times newspaper, in which he says: don’t listen to this interview, that ’s what history, ideology is all nonsense, in fact , the struggle is being waged for the resources of ukraine, which means even on the territory that putin now controls, on the territory of ukraine, as he says, which putin controls, well, first of all, he meant donbass , there are mineral resources there, like three gdps, great britain is located together, and most importantly, for which the war is unfolding coming
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for... why come to your senses, better give up, now there is news from avdeevka, well, i started the program with this, well, really, well, i feel sorry for these women, this is a disaster, that is, but they began to die, but one by one there is information about that , that another ukrainian woman
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who found herself at the front was dying, so they rode happily with songs, not understanding where they were going, that is, this bastard zelensky with his syrsky and other russians.
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well, without passing through consciousness, he rules the united states of america, so in the morning i read again, the american press carried out the study already names the figure, not 2/3 but 3/4 of americans doubt it.
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well, let’s do it this way, to hold positions at the expense of people, that’s why they send women there fraudulently, and it’s no coincidence that the purchase of these bulletproof vests of 50 thousand from ukraine already wants to run away, so i’ll give a few figures, it’s not that deputies are fleeing there, it’s it’s already so clear, they don’t understand how this will end, they already want to run away from there and take the children out, our conscription age in terms of registration for the first time is yes... it’s 16 years old in the year when you should turn 17, in in russia, from the age of 17, when a child is studying, everyone
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understands that only at the age of 17 will he become, at 18 it will be a problem for him to leave, that is, now parents are thinking, this is about a million people, how to get these children out to save, they run away and money, that’s for the first month, january, yes , citizens withdrew 70 billion hryvnia from individuals, out of 700 billion
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and the un, because if it were a western politician who would change democratically, he would have forgotten about it a long time ago and would not even remember . well, in this formula, in my opinion, the whole the essence in general is the west’s relationship to history, to history lessons, to anything. if we move on to our military topic, then in this case i will of course mention that today a complete list of all replacements in the ukrainian army was published; in this case, i would under no circumstances underestimate all of these. replacements, first of all , you need to understand that all the people who were replaced and came are people who have 2 years of combat experience, these are people who fought very actively at various levels, these are people who have now received from the point of view military, no matter how we feel about it, well, even in the wehrmacht in 1945 there were people who gladly wore new stars for themselves and proudly accepted
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knight's crosses there on may 7, that is, people for whom this is a chance to make a career, and accordingly these people will go out of their way to justify these appointments, so they are quite young people, that is, this means that in terms of initiative, energy, whatever you want, there will be enough there, so we need to be in this case, of course very extremely serious, but there are advantages, those who know the soviet school, of course, of course, which is a big minus for them, there are of course advantages, because this is what has now blown up the entire ukrainian internal space, this is the muscovite theme, which is two broad... real ukrainian the head of the matches was removed, but people came, well, then it’s true that naev was also removed from you today, that there were people left or people who rose up, who are one way or another in the solder, which means they are connected by the past with the muscovites, they finished the war in the moscow wolf, this in fact, it’s a plus for us, because of course
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, for us, a cheese is a scumbag who, like any scumbag, a traitor, will go out of his way to be, as it were, a saint.
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killed several tens of thousands of people there , it was his, that is - in this case , you can treat this as you like, but you must understand that these people really coldly and cruelly fight with what they have at hand, that is, they do not have many things that the russian army has, but they have the task of doing what they are ordered to do, they have a resource, these are people, human souls, human souls, even their souls are not interested in human bodies, so the body lives there for 2 weeks on the front line, it maintains its trench, while this...
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here is the armed forces of ukraine, which are inferior to us in many things, but they managed to start in 2 years, i don’t appreciate what they will be like, but they started this topic, they have it, i’m waiting for it to finally reach ours, and i want to believe that it will eventually come, at the front, yes, we ’ve passed just on the last program they said, since then this week, but the situation in this case only became more interesting for me and what is more important is that we really, having received this... having put together a tool called assaults, that is, the ability to storm, we are now solving a huge number of problems that , for example, even six months ago were difficult for us to solve, today we are solving them, because this instrument has developed.
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our president said that western funds, they bought up all the media, they completely control the western information space, they actually created such an impenetrable
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bubble, if for us the president said what we had already heard somewhere in one or another form from him, then for them it was new, and to break through this bubble, to make it so that one information platform can break these old patterns, there is also no need to be in illusion here, the same mask, this is not yet up to end there at... an ally, this is starlink, in general this is a former one, yes, it doesn’t work for us in russia, it’s clear that for him this is a business process, he bought it for 40 billion, conditionally, this is an application that is so there was a lot of excitement for the interview, now in terms of the number of downloads, it’s over a billion, but this hype that they made, they really raised it to a new level, more than a billion subscribers, more than a billion subscribers, yes, well, by the way, regarding views, here you also need to understand, the figure that is only... on carlson’s page is doesn’t mean that i watched so much, in our country the vast majority watched from television channels, from your telegram channel, with translation, everything else,
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it’s impossible to calculate, just like the entire world elite who are interested, watched it translated into their native language from one platform or another. yes, the presentation was complex, yes, the presentation was at such a fairly high intellectual level, this suggests that it is possible. “here are our values
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​​that we promote, here are our goals, and here the president outlined both the values ​​and goals of our country, within the framework of this big geopolitical pie that changes structures, he outlined why we did this, he outlined, and what we will do next, he outlined, well..." the western elite has illusions that it is possible defeat russia on the battlefield, you look at it a little differently, he said very clearly that if nato troops appear in ukraine, this will lead to world war iii. the most important thing at the end, he indicated that the west believes that the russian slavic world has already been completely split, we will never make peace with ukraine, it is not true that russia is a multinational large family with values. conservatives who unite us, in this situation, of course, biden’s speech, which he immediately made regarding the accusations against him, for voters it was
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it’s just something indicative, there a person speaks very clearly for 2 hours, specifically with numbers, but here he is not able to connect two words, especially when the prosecutor general spoke and said: you know, we will not bring charges against the president regarding secret documents, this is useless, because the jurors who will be there, they just... knows him, well, smiling like such an old man with a bad memory, well, that is , we translate into simple language incompetent, here in general in america the question arises, if a criminal case is not brought against him, so maybe be there the twenty-fifth amendment about the incapacity of the president, but this interview revealed another very important point, tucker sent a message to zelensky, i interviewed the russian president, mr. zelensky, i am ready to come to you and also impartially without... only to complementary ones interview , talk, this is zelensky, who is used to journalists very clearly checking what to talk about, and in general the events taking place and
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what... is happening in ukraine, what zelensky is doing, you know, is beginning to resemble the last days of hitler's germany, when hitler made a number of decisions, this was a general mobilization of the population, including women and youth, and what is happening now, we see it, and i am sure that even young people will not reach the age of 17 and will be sent to fronts , they were already there, they are being registered, this is an attempt to directly control the troops, when he no longer trusts the generals and it is necessary to place a general above the general staff, relatively speaking, above the command, who will carry out his line, i receive information from above, i know how to command, but for this we need a general, who will not be important to us, not even the fact that he is a 300 general, or rather a 200 general, who a huge number of people died because of him, we need a general, what if you please, you know like chingiz naitmatov in his story buranna stop, you introduced such a term, mankurt, that is, a slave who was so
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reformatted. that he looks into the eyes of his master and dreams of becoming the same, when even his mother, if he comes across him, he is ready to kill her, because that’s it, he won’t come back to his fatherland, here is sirsky , who was appointed, this is probably a classic example of this, for the sake of saving himself, his family that he created there, he will do anything, but the situation is really difficult, we said today that the same avdiivka , which has already been practically cut in half, his main task will now be to prove that he can throw something. reserves in avdeevka itself for a second there are three brigades and a number of brigades that provide cover for the flanks, and i think he now they will transfer reserves there, well , this means exposing other sectors of the front, where we will also begin to work, we will skate cleanly , we will go through the points, you remember everything, you know everything,
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calm down. we all get together and win, tadyukha, tadyukh, kiss, dad, kiss, kiss already, well, it’s beautiful to go out on the ice, this is a skill, come on, sank, all the hope is in you, that old age is not a joy, yes, it’s a whole art to leave gracefully , well , we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk loves you, you have no taste, you’ve become a coach, we’re now together...
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for ukraine, the situation on the battlefield now is quite serious. and - arakhamia , who spoke in an azerbaijani, that is, such an online publication, a report from azerbaijan, you know, and we believe that in the next two 2 months, the re-tubing in america will end, we will be given this help, for just 2 months there is enough reserve , this is the key question, that is, they really understand that 2 months is the time that they must stick to, the question remains, what next if they don’t allocate, because financial times said that they will allocate, will highlight, yes, that...


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