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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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we'll skate cleanly on points , you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, we get together and win, kiss, dad, kiss already, it's beautiful to go out on the ice, this is a skill, come on, shank, all the hope is in you, well, old age is not a joy , yes, it’s beautiful to leave , whole and... art, well, we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk loves you, we are now our colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain to you, don’t look, or what? if i were you, i would punch myself in the face. that's it, that's great, ice
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industrial production in germany has been declining since 2017, and some market participants no longer believe that the economy will be able to recover, bloomberg reports. let's talk about the reasons with maria grigorieva. maria, well, they have been talking about the decline in german industry for a long time, but what , according to experts , was the final blow for enterprises that were forced to close? daria, greetings, there was a refusal of pipeline gas from russia, now i’ll tell you everything. germany's days as an industrial superpower are coming to an end, as bloomberg estimates its foundations have crumbled as domino, among the reasons are political paralysis, increased competition with china and the united states, and decreased interest in german ones. germany faces
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a problem, it is called the sick man of europe. industry, like the entire german economy, is in conditions of multiple crises, the energy crisis, migration crisis, post-pandemic effects have not yet been overcome, and, accordingly , the geopolitical crisis associated with the situation around ukraine, as well as with the instability of the world economy. last year , germany's gdp lost three. volume of industrial production has been declining since 2017 and the decline in this segment is accelerating, bloomberg notes. many businesses are forced to suspend operations or close. thus , in düsseldorf last fall, the history of the pipeline plant, which was opened 124 years ago, ended. most of the 1,600 employees were left without work. tire manufacturers are rebuilding two factories each. french michelin american goodyear. and in chemical industry
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, almost every tenth enterprise is preparing to close, this is a direct result of the refusal inexpensive gas from russia, bloomberg is sure, electricity prices for german businesses are among the highest in europe, if in france they pay 13 cents per kilowatt hour, then in germany 22. the situation could be corrected by restoration, the resumption of supplies of our gas along the northern stream ii. i think that in the near future the only option. it’s normal to go out and the situation that exists in general is, after all, sp-2, yes, to return to this project and generally make friends with russia, this will be a fairly strong step in terms of obtaining cheap resources. even problems in the education sector are having a negative impact on the german economy. according to experts, only due to the decline in the level of mathematical skills by the end of the century, it will lose about 14 trillion euros.
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bureaucratic barriers and an aging workforce also have a negative impact. in a letter to the federal chancellor , the opposition proposed measures to take the country out of the crisis, including reduction. economics, a once-in-500-year event, western dominance ended, we recognized that there are countries in our global trading system that are more powerful than us. the center of gravity of the world economy, the center of money and profit, is shifting from the west back to asia. the core of the world economy is no longer in
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the transatlantic, but in the transpacific region. at the same time, the financing of the kiev regime and the focus on green energy only worsens the economic situation.
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needed because i was in st. petersburg at the fedorov institute, because i had operations there, and when i arrived here they said, that the center will work and open soon, i was so glad that i simply cannot tell you. the medical center was built by specialists from the military construction complex of the russian ministry of defense on the direct instructions of vladimir putin. the four-story medical and diagnostic building with the emergency department is located in a convenient location, in the nevsky district of mariupol. multidisciplinary medical center. the russian city of mariupol is equipped with modern medical equipment, which is very important, 98% - this domestic equipment allows conduct examinations of all human organ systems. the heart of the medical center is, of course, the operating unit.
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complex surgical interventions can be performed here and pathologies of vital organs can be treated. in total, this center has 11 operating rooms, two of them are so-called hybrid. the essence of technology is what is used. a transparent table and special diagnostic equipment, it allows surgeons to scan the patient using any available means, right during the operation, there is no need to take him to another office, as was the case earlier. if necessary, doctors will be able to quickly adjust the course of the operation or, conversely , stop it so that patients spend less time under anesthesia. surgeons will monitor the progress of the operation using a microscope with laser navigation. the surgeon can, let’s say, highlight the area of ​​interest and enlarge it. 22 times, well, this reduces damage and trauma to the tissue around the target area. and here they installed a heart-lung machine, which will allow open heart surgery, that is, the heart stops,
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the surgeons work calmly, and the device performs the function of the heart at this moment. a team of surgeons was assembled throughout novorossiya, and they were also invited. experienced specialists from other regions of russia, the equipment that is available in our center allows us to perform almost any surgical intervention, in our department, this is a surgical traumatology profile, including multi-stage reconstructive plastic surgeries on bones and joints. on this device, for the convenience of employees. display, the worker is presented on both sides. in the center there are modern computer and magnetic resonance imaging scanners, endoscopic and laboratory diagnostic devices. when fully loaded, the laboratory can handle up to 1,200 studies per day. there is modern equipment here, which is connected
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to the unified information system of the fmba of russia. the medical complex's hospital will provide emergency specialized care, for example, in the event of accidents or disasters. the hospital has 100 beds. further expansion of the third level consultative and diagnostic center is presented a clinic with a capacity of 400 appointments in a two-shift operation. in the future they plan to build another building, there will be 12 additional departments, including a burn center, a rehabilitation department and a gamedialysis center. the multidisciplinary center was built in record time, in just 10 months, and here you can receive almost all types of medical care, including high-tech. this means that residents of new regions will not have to travel to large federal clinics; everything they need is here in mariupol. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, donetsk people's republic. bad blood vessels. angi, it
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helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angeanm, keep the blood vessels normal. that's it, we're not going on vacation. yes, i won in tickeria. this is all for plus points. lisa. scanned the code in the application and won a million yandex plus points, believe me, you want a million points and millions of other prizes under the stickers in the application, delicious and full stop, give gifts with a free vtb credit card, 20% cashback on everything and 200 days without percent. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season and these months. passed by my business , this year everything is different, i connected to
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order a free alpha debit card buy for half the price. now let’s return to the topic of freezing rains; let me remind you that their consequences continue to be eliminated in the south of russia. forecasters previously warned of the risk of freezing rain in the capital region. let's talk about this in more detail. with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, hello, is there any information on whether freezing rains have already been observed in moscow? yes, the weather station at vnukovo and sheremetyevo airports recorded light freezing rain at 6:00 am. like this, holding on to the fences, voronezh residents are moving today. the airport's weather station recorded freezing rain late sunday evening and it still hasn't stopped. sidewalks and roads are now all one big skating rink. getting anywhere on foot or by car is incredibly difficult. the layer of ice in voronezh, according to the latest data, reaches 4 mm. everything in the ice
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is just solid ice. the cars ahead are barely crawling, and i am also barely able to follow them. when you press it, it immediately starts to spin you and throw you off the road. and the next frames are paradise the center of kotelnikovo in the volgograd region, here the freezing rain began on friday evening and continued for almost two days. by sunday morning , the thickness of the ice on the surfaces was almost 3 cm. as local residents say, not a single intact tree remained in the area. the streets the day before were littered with fallen tree trunks and pillars. this is what rostovskaya looks like. region, broken wires and hundreds of fallen poles and trees, this photo is from the tsimlyansky district in the region they continue to restore power supply to the de-energized settlements. well, let's look at the processes. what the weather will be like in european russia this week will be affected by processes in the west of the continent and in the east. the atlantic cyclone managed to break through the urals. now its center is already over
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the amur, and the circulation covers all of siberia and part of the far east. russian plain under the influence of anticyclones. high pressure stretches from the arctic circle to central asia, these anticyclones slow down the advance of new cyclones, the vortices pull warm atlantic mediterranean air, but it accumulates on the periphery of the anticyclone. warmth moves slowly, also because a process promoting cold advection is developing in the northeast of the russian plain. on the periphery of a large cyclone over siberia , a new small vortex is emerging. the icy arctic air intensifies its circulation as it moves into the center of the country. the cold spreads along the ground, separating warmer air from the surface, and the rain that falls on a warm front turns into ice near the ground. it’s cloudy in moscow now, the air temperature is -5°, it’s drizzling lightly rain, low clouds, this can be seen on
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all-weather cameras, and in front of you now is a map on which weather stations recording freezing rains are marked. ice conditions are observed. from the smolensk to volgograd regions, in smolensk, kursk and orel, the ice crust is already 3 mm. in moscow, in the middle of the day it will warm up to -1°, light precipitation in the form of snow and freezing rain will continue, in the evening cold advection will intensify, the temperature will drop to -2°, at night to -4, tomorrow afternoon -6, cloudy with clearings, in wednesday night -15 colder temperature will intensify towards the end of the working week night temperatures. in the capital region it will drop to -25°. vascular disorders, blood clots, valicosis. poor blood vessels may be the cause of these health problems. the drug angianor helps improve microcirculation, reduce
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the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angion, hold it. the blood vessels are normal, i opened the application, selected the car brand, avita will select everything for that. big chicken burger with large tender chicken breast fillet, crispy breading and signature sauce. also try a new product: big chicken mushroom burger. antibiotic, osmine and disorder. entermin is a new generation enterosorbent that removes toxins while preserving beneficial substances. a smart solution against poisoning. half the price on the yandex market, discounts up to 50% when paying with an alfabank card, if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. next, we move on to sports news, which will be presented by
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danila makhalin. danil, good morning, brazil national football team, which won the last two olympics. will not participate in the next games in paris, why? kind morning, they lost to argentina 0:1, they will definitely not be able to get into the top two teams from the south american continent. along with argentina, either paraguay or venezuela will qualify for the olympics. alexander ovechkin is even closer to gretzky's warrior record. the washington forward scored in the fifth game in a row. now ovechkin has a total of 835 goals, and to get to the gretsky mark, he needs to do this another 50. nine times. the thirteenth goal of the season was scored in the match against vancouver, which washington won 3:2 in overtime, ovechkin also has 23 goals in 48 past games.
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my colleague stas ridikultsev watched the historic game. this is what a record hockey wave looks like, even the camera lens is not able to capture the full scale. big things are always better seen from a distance. and the ska arena is not just big, gigantic. despite the frost, the fans are for...
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the opponent in sochi, the leopards are also essentially cats , on this historic day for all of our hockey there was a lot of symbolism in general in the arena, a wonderful avenue and this is symbolic the main trophy of the hl is named after the first cosmonaut in history, the soviet cosmonaut yuri, light, music, ambience and a pre-game ice show
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performed by olympic champion in figure skating alina zagitova, everything emphasizes the solemnity of the moment, the fans exhale, well let's go, the iska scores, 40 seconds after at the beginning of the match, sergei tolchinsky wrote himself into history, but it’s a thrill, i just can’t describe it, i don’t know, you can probably only dream about something like this here. the first touch, just an empty goal, you don’t even need to do anything, and 21.500 explodes, damn, i just can’t express it, probably one will be, probably one of the most memorable moments of my life, it ’s definitely a gift to everyone, i think, and to the fans who came today, we really really worried, the first period, probably , it was noticeable that we were nervous, so many people came, we were opening the arena, there was still pressure, we didn’t want to lose, we didn’t want to play in a boring way. a big, no, grandiose housewarming party in st. petersburg. the sky arena amazes with its architecture on the outside, gigantic on the inside, a nice country house with media, cubes and
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majestic, like mountain stands. a handsome stadium, a record holder by birth, it is the largest hockey arena in the world. in the debut match on this ice, the army team from the banks of the neva takes on sochi. and need i say that all the tickets have been sold? which means there is a new world record. army fans were worried about changing horses at the crossing, that is, moving to a new stadium before the playoffs, but their fears were in vain. in just a month, the club made the stadium truly home, and the host a locker room in which you can play hockey, the dimensions allow it to be cozy. it was only thanks to the fans today that there was such an atmosphere, no matter what the technology, everything was people, everything was the people, everything was for the people. now people from all over russia will come to our games. this is very important for us, and we will try to prove with our play, to prove with our deeds, we have the largest arena in the world, the best arena in the world, today we set a record, everything is just beginning for us, together we are strong, together
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everything is possible. sochi leopards, as best they can, they resist the pressure of the stands and the opponent and even win back one goal, but the ska cannot be stopped, the army team scores for every taste, in the majority, in the minority, from a convenient and inconvenient hand, sochi are only guests at this celebration, the hosts are in the spirit, the opponent’s meat is 8:1 . fabulous housewarming. staz redikultsev, ivan lavrikov, alexander shestopalov and umar tuskaev, news. prize-winner of the world short track speed ​​skating championship, ekaterina aldoshina won the 1.0 m distance at the winter sports competition of the strongest in chelyabinsk. silver for alena krilova, bronze for anna vostrikova, for twenty-six-year-old aldozhkina, this gold became the second at the games. previously, she won at a distance of 1500 m. in biathlon, which. as part of the spartakiad, it takes place in zlatoust, the second day again became a benefit performance for the leader of the russian national team, eduard latypov. the champion of the debut race left no chance for his pursuers, who were not even helped
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by the team. tactics, latipov’s mistake in shooting did not hinder him; he still beat kiril bazhin and karim khalili, taking the second gold in a row. voted the best player of the italian atalanta in january, alexey miranchuk continues to be noted for his effective actions. this time, his assist helped the club defeat genoa 4:1. another russian, alexander glavin, who plays for monaco, became the hero of the match against nice. it was his goal that became the winning one. a tense game that ended with a score of 3:2 in favor of monaco. for alexander, this is already the fifth goal of the season in kupa with four goals. thanks to this victory, monaco rose to third place in the standings, only one point behind that woman. leading psg to catch up already almost impossible. the kudivoir national football team beat nigeria in the final with a score of 2:1 and won the home african cup of nations. the main detail of this
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victory. and his aritsa is that they lost the first game of the tournament with a large score of equatorial guinea 0:4. after this , coach jean-louis gosset was fired, the team miraculously made it to the playoffs from third place in the group, mersfaye, who had not previously worked in adult football, became the new external mentor. the author of the winning goal in the final was a football player, borussia player sebastian aller who beat cancer. russian tennis player daria kasatkina reached the final of the tournament. wb in abu dhabi, however, in the main match , muscovite elena rybakina, representing kazakhstan, turned out to be stronger. she won in two sets 6:1-64 in 1 hour and 7 minutes. but andrey rublev showed himself successfully and became a triumphant at the voslo exhibition tournament. in the final , the russian beat australian alex dominor with a score of 3:1 in games. this success was rublev’s second in a row in this tournament in 2 years. he also has 19 victories in
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competitions. zenit from st. petersburg simply destroyed loka kuban at home, scoring more than 100 points for the first time this season. the final score was 1067, the guests had no chance, but perm parma had a chance, which was able to defeat cska moscow for the second time this season. no one had a hit in the score throughout the entire game. parma also won in different quarters. army team, but in the end the hosts, who played the match at the molod arena, turned out to be stronger. 84:80 in favor of the permians, for cska this is the second defeat in a row in the league. on that's all about sports for now. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great. like this. different,
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but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. hunger, fog and freezing rain in the southern regions of russia have fallen on trees , power lines are down, hundreds of thousands of people are without electricity, the capital is preparing for natural disasters, what to expect? as a result of israeli army strikes on the city of rafah, in the south of the gaza strip , up to 100 people were killed. what will be the reaction egypt? previously, cairo admitted the possibility of breaking the peace treaty with israel in the event of an attack on rafah. world
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pharmaceuticals. gants conducted experiments on residents of mariupol, how did it become known about dangerous tests on children and patients in psychological departments , and which western companies were involved? won with a crushing score another tournament in the masters series in counter strike 2 , the russian esports team tim spirit submitted. in rostovsko. are eliminating the consequences of bad weather, warming came to the region the day before and freezing rain fell, hundreds of thousands of people were left without electricity. more than 200 emergency crews are restoring power supply. utility services and energy workers are being assisted by employees of the ministry of emergency situations; they are clearing the roadway of fallen trees. a storm warning is in effect in the region and sleet and heavy sleet are expected today.
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us secretary of defense lloyd austin. back in the hospital.


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