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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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it wouldn’t be too humiliating for nato to now recognize russia’s control over what was ukrainian territory 2 years ago, let them think about how to do it with dignity. there are options, but if
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there is a desire, we thought of it, we brought it to the situation in which we are, it’s not us who brought it, our partners, opponents brought it to this, well, well, now he’ll think about how to turn it in the other direction, until now they have been making noise and shouting for a while now, it is necessary to achieve a strategic defeat for russia, defeat on the battlefield, this is impossible by definition, this will never happen, the realization of this has come to those who control power in the west, think about
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why he did this? hell, who the hell knows, for some reason, i don’t understand, there was a general attitude , for some reason everyone had the illusion that russia could be defeated on the battlefield, out of arrogance, out of a pure heart, but not out of great intelligence, and after this is why mr. president of ukraine issued a decree prohibiting negotiations with us, well, let him cancel this decree, that’s all, we hear, russia is ready, ready, but we didn’t refuse, just tell me to today's leadership of ukraine, listen
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, let's sit down, negotiate, cancel your stupid decree, don't sit down , negotiate, we didn't refuse, but with whom to negotiate, with the kiev regime, because what is important for the russian side and for president putin is to achieve those the goals that the special military operation faces are the same goals, they were relevant even before the start of the special military operation, and putin has repeatedly proposed the path of dialogue and resolving all these concerns of ours through political and diplomatic means.
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today neo-nazis in ukraine, despite promising his people to end the war in ukraine, he deceived his voters. and now, together with the entire collective west , they are promising the world some kind of imminent russian attack on nato. to intimidate your population with an imaginary russian threat. you don’t need to be any kind of analyst, it’s contrary to common sense to get drawn into some kind of global war. these are just horror stories for ordinary people. in
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order to extract additional money from us taxpayers, to extract additional money from european taxpayers in confrontation with russia on...
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i didn’t blow up the nord stream, so, during interviews, quite often, yes, it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, in the kremlin , a journalist from the usa felt very, very free, although around this interview
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on even at that moment, quite serious passions were raging in the west, usually we try not to reveal the inner workings, but indeed... he came to us, he offered this interview, we actively looked through his materials, looked at his audience, looked at how balanced he covered those topics. or other questions, and came to the conclusion to really recommend the president to give such an interview, he quickly agreed to it. considering that this very collective west is becoming. more and more unpredictable, and that he really does not disdain absolutely anything, so of course, there is a certain fear that even before the start of the interview there will be some kind of persecution of this poor carlson, they were present, but now, as far as i understand, he is not having a good time, but on the other hand, being
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a fairly smart person, i think that he foresaw that there would be such a heightened passion, but in fairness it must be said earlier that this interview added considerable popularity to him, he called the interview absurd, although the undermining of the northern streams is an economic disaster for his country. this confuses me, why didn't the germans say anything on this issue? this also surprises me, but today’s german leadership is not guided by national interests, you know, sometimes it seems to me that this is what they won’t be told, they are from the ocean, they do everything, if if they are told tomorrow, we have decided everyone hang you, then they... looking down in surprise at their audacity, will ask only one question: can this be done on the basis of national production, but here they have a bummer, excuse me, and here it seems to me that they will fail, because that
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the americans are unlikely to refuse such a large order for their textile industry. one of the leaders arrived, so i met with him, we agreed on what we will do, how we will do this specifically,
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in russian, good russian, they shout, the russians do not give up, everyone died, they are still for now they feel like russians, in this sense, what is happening is... to a certain extent , an element of the civil war, everyone thinks in the west, they think that the fighting has forever separated one part of the russian people from the other, no, reunification will take place , why are the ukrainian authorities taking away the russian orthodox church, because it unites not the territory, but the soul, and no one will be able to divide it, and how many such threads do russia and ukraine have in all spheres? at all times this week is an impressive anniversary noted the russian academy of sciences. 300 years.
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if it were for the failures of russian scientists, and at all times, it is unknown how the history and fate of the russian state would have developed. this is something we all must clearly understand. necessary. to be honest, at some time a common idea arose in society that we don’t need sovereign science, why are they sitting somewhere in laboratories, soldering something, twisting something, burning something, yes, that’s it , the world is open, you can get this and that, but the money needs to be directed to some other purposes, so if we want russia to be russia, to develop, to have a future, to stand firmly on its own two feet, of course, of course, we must support it fundamentally.
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for scientific research for 3 years there is a lot of money and in today’s acute conditions the responsibility for the result is the highest, it increases significantly to be among the leaders, worry, but control yourself, i don’t even doubt it. after all, even when everything is announced, it’s time, noticeably, the legs have literally become weak,
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academicians of the russian academy of sciences, participants in the award ceremony are invited to the stage state awards of the russian federation, putin, putin went to the podium and immediately moved away from it to shake everyone’s hand, even in the middle of it.
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admission to the conservatory will assign mathematics, then this will be a controversial decision, you
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still, before introducing this at st. petersburg university, discuss this request at the scientific council at your university, they discussed it, people agree, i agree, yes, you said that your , your daughter agrees to take mathematics when entering the law faculty, you still won’t talk to her as with a junior partner, but as... with an equal partner, then we will discuss this issue again, very interesting, our dean of the faculty of arts gergiev, i assure you, is an excellent mathematician, you are his...
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center and economy, we need to build this program is easy to make , that’s what maxim yakovich said, he says, but how to get from school, somewhere they need to go, no way, who will pay, who will accompany the child back and forth, how to do it all , these are all practical things, in practice, when people collide, everything stands up, nothing moves, you gave sirius, an example was given here, yes, but
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it’s built there, service, they pay for travel, pay for accommodation, it’s worked out there, but this is one center, yes, they... now we’re doing it, we’re trying to do it there are many such centers around the country, the country is large , you can’t do everything on the sirius platform, it is necessary for the state to deal with this at the level of the ministry of departments, and regions, it is necessary to connect the regions, money must be allocated for this, just a program needs to be created, at the same time day the president held an important conversation on on the phone, with my friend, with our friend, i spoke with the president of the people's republic of china; relations between russia and china also became one of the topics of the most discussed interview in the world. pavel, what’s on the president’s schedule for the next week? there really are a lot of points in the chart. the presidential plan includes several regional trips for the week. in addition, putin will hold another meeting on the economic situation. despite the expectation of the enemy , nothing has collapsed, everything is working.
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new technologies are becoming more and more important for economic development every day. putin will participate in forum about future technologies. prevent development. artificial intelligence is impossible, which means it needs to be led. the president is also expected to meet with representatives of the judicial community. in the current era of news , a huge number comes in every minute, and if you want to watch and read not everything in a row, but an exclusive, then subscribe to the zarubin telegram channel, the most important and interesting is there, before the rest. well, in our next episode on the russia tv channel we will again show more than the rest. divide in half, prices for yandex market, discounts up to 50% when paying with an alfa bank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at
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a change in the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine may affect the number of losses in the ranks of the ukrainian army. earlier on our tv channel he commented on the reshuffle in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine head of the dpr denis pushilin. this comrade, well, let's put it this way. known among ukrainian military personnel, including, but as general 200, with whom a large number of victims are also associated with the artyomovsk direction, when we liberated artyomovsk, and of course, this is his frenzied desire to not take anything into account, not to take the victims into account , not to take into account losses, well, of course, yes, it can characterize some new meat grinders, which... perhaps, well, again they will be organized by him, why is he doing this, well, it’s hard to say, maybe because he is still oppressed by his russian
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origin, that is, he was born in russia and studied, received his education in russia, well, that means it may be very difficult for him to perceive what he is doing now, but also his motives it’s hard to understand, you won’t play in the top five anymore. you are old, very good, but old , i love to play, the ice is three, wars end , for the world to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and to run, and most importantly - to win for it, there is such a job - to be a defender. and when you become a professional, it becomes your life’s work, a military matter. serve according to your heart, join your people. the fourth
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annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , more than one person took part. the forum is a place of ideas and citizen initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. on february 19 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news at ideia.rosress.rf.
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fallen trees, downed power lines, canceled flights are a continuous skating rink on the roads. how to cope with the consequences of freezing rain in the european part of russia. this hour we are waiting for a live broadcast from the voronezh region. global pharmaceutical giants conducted experiments on residents of mariupol. as
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became known. about dangerous tests children and psychiatric patients and which western companies were involved? a russian company under american sanctions wins in international arbitration for the first time since 2022. the amount of the claim is 45 billion rubles. a little over a week until the start of the games of the future in kazan. how are the final preparations going and what disciplines will be presented. and we’ll tell kip athletics about this. an orange level of weather danger has been declared in the capital, freezing rain is approaching moscow, it has already been recorded by weather stations in vnukovo and domodedovo, forecasters warn of wet snow and heavy ice. the international airport in kaluga, meanwhile, resumed operations after the consequences of
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freezing rain and flights had already been eliminated there. flights were suspended for several hours due to icing on the runway. warming and freezing rain arrived in the rostov region the day before, hundreds of thousands of people were left without electricity. more than 200 emergency crews are restoring power supply. utility services and energy workers are assisted by emergency situations ministry employees. they clear the roadway from felled trees. a storm warning is still in effect in the region today; wet snow and severe sleet are expected. region is eliminating the consequences of the freezing rain that covered the region last night, the roads have turned into a dangerous skating rink, now in direct communication with the studio from the region daniela zaitseva, daniela, hello, what is the current situation in voronezh and how are they coping with the ice? hello, yes, indeed, voronezh has literally turned into an ice skating rink today, it seems there is not a person who hasn’t fallen on the way to work today, it’s all the fault and freezing rain that hit the region overnight.


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