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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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that i simply cannot convey to you. the medical center was built by specialists from the military construction complex of the russian ministry of defense on the direct instructions of vladimir putin. the four-story medical and diagnostic building with an emergency department is located in a convenient location, in the nevsky district of mariupol. the multidisciplinary medical center of the federal medical and biological agency of russia in the city of mariupol is equipped with modern medical equipment, which is very important, 98% of this domestic equipment allows for examinations of all organ systems. person. the heart of the medical center is, of course, the operating room. complex surgical interventions can be performed here and pathologies of vital organs can be treated. in total, this medical center has 11 operating rooms, two of them are so-called hybrid. the essence of the technology is that an x-ray transparent table and special diagnostic equipment are used. it allows surgeons to scan the patient using any available means directly during surgery. there is no need to take him to another office, as was the case before. if
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necessary, doctors will be able to quickly adjust progress of the operation or, conversely, stop it so that patients spend less time under anesthesia. the surgeons will monitor the progress of the operation using a microscope with laser navigation. the surgeon can, let’s say, highlight the area of ​​interest to him, enlarge it 22 times. well, this reduces damage and trauma to tissue around the target area. and they installed it here. a heart-lung machine, which will allow open heart surgery, that is, the heart stops, surgeons work calmly, and the machine performs the function of the heart at this moment. a team of surgeons was assembled throughout novorossiya; they also invited experienced specialists from other regions of russia; the equipment available in our center allows us to perform almost any surgical intervention.
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in our department these are surgical, traumatological, including multi-stage reconstructive plastic surgeries on bones and joints. on this device, for the convenience of employees, the display is presented on both sides. the center has modern computer and magnetic resonance imaging scanners, endoscopic and laboratory diagnostic devices. when fully loaded, the laboratory can.
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departments, including a burn center, another building, 12 additional rehabilitation departments and a hemodialysis center will appear. the multidisciplinary center was built in record time, in just 10 months, here you can receive almost all types of medical care, including high-tech, this means that residents of new regions will not have to travel to large federal clinics, everything they need is here in mariupol. edward punigov, alexander botkin, donetsk people's republic. stoop won the finnish presidential election with 52% of the vote. in 2008, stoop took over as chairman of the osce and was already an active supporter of finland's accession to nato. during the election race , stup declared support for an anti-russian course and advocated abandoning full relations with moscow until the end of the conflict in ukraine. he also supported the confiscation of frozen russian assets and their use to help kiev. let me remind you that finland has a president. parses into 6
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years, stub's term of office will begin on march 1. and this is how the kremlin commented on alexander stub’s victory in the finnish presidential elections. traditionally, of course, we say that this is the choice of the people in finland, this is a sovereign right and a sovereign matter, so we can only respect the choice of the finns. every time we usually express the hope that the new head of state will be supporters of the development of our bilateral relations. unfortunately, we cannot use this part of the standard phrase in this case, because the position on exception. any dialogue even, and especially the development of our bilateral relations. we had very developed partnership relations, and we believe that that period was better than the one that developed in our bilateral relations, not through our fault, but through the initiative of the finnish authorities, we still
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retain hope that the new head of state will still , having the opportunity to already receive complete information, will still have a more balanced approach to the topic of russian-finnish relations. power machines company won a lawsuit against the company from vietnam, rbc reported, this became the first victory in international arbitration since 2022 for a russian company that is under american sanctions. the case was heard in singapore. in 2013, the power machines joint venture of the vietnamese corporation petro vietnam received a contract to build a thermal power plant in vietnam. the cost was estimated at 1,200 million. and after power machines came under american sanctions in 2018, the project was suspended due to blocking mutual settlements. the russian company suspended participation in it, citing force majeure. the vietnamese country refused to recognize this basis. as a result, the court recovered more than
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$500 million in favor of the power machines. these are the actual costs of construction of the project, including unpaid invoices, the cost of equipment and work that was ordered and completed by the date of termination. kyrgyz president sadyr japarov called on us secretary of state antony blinken not to interfere in the internal affairs of the republic. this follows from the letter, text which was published by the press secretary of the kyrgyz leader. this was a response to blinken’s message, in which he expressed outrage at the law on foreign agents, which is currently being considered by the kyrgyz parliament. japarov especially noted that the bill under discussion does not contradict international standards. and its concept is close to that of the foreign agents registration act, which has been in effect in the united states since 1938. us secretary of defense lloyd austin is back in the hospital. the american army is currently commanded by his deputy, kathleen hicks. this was reported in press service of the military department. the
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released statement notes that the pentagon chief was taken to the national medical center and was placed in the intensive care unit. the press service emphasized that they will provide additional information. the boss's condition as it appears. this time , the chairmen of the us joint chiefs of staff, as well as the white house and congress, were notified of the pentagon chief’s hospitalization. let me remind you that lloyd austin's previous hospitalization in the administration biden was recognized only on the fourth day. the bank of russia has released three commemorative silver coins dedicated to the electronic warfare troops. they are produced in an edition of 5,000 pieces each. on the reverse side of one. one of the coins depicts the emblem of the electronic warfare department of the general staff, a printed circuit board is placed in the background, and on another coin there is a beautiful electronic warfare complex against the background of a forest and fragments of a locator screen. on the third coin there is another complex called infauna, it is placed against the backdrop of the starry sky and fir trees, the denomination of the coins
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the levels increase every 2 minutes. upon completion of testing, we receive a large number of protocols, but as a rule, well , we work with our main protocol, which presents all the indicators at once. the technical arsenal also includes devices that can determine a child’s predisposition to sports and the level of endurance. technical innovations help establish the level of concentration of cognitive abilities and the threshold of permissible psycho-emotional stress in case of stress and exhaustion. insomnia or lack of positive emotions are charged with impulse in the literal sense of the word. and
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this device, according to scientists, promotes faster recovery of the body due to the effect of electric current on the brain. tell us about the principle and how it actually happens. the method of influence is called transcronial electrical stimulation: we perform stimulation with pulsed current, and its physiological effect is that brain structures are stimulated that... produce endogenous apioid peptides, that is, betaendorphin are hormones of joy. as a result of the release of these hormones , all functions of the human body improve. we conducted special research. athletes recover faster after exercise, after maximum exercise, they also recover faster, even the time of synsomotor reactions improves , the first session we usually do not turn on high current up to one milliampere, since 2017 the center has been engaged in research in the field of medicine, biology, bioclimatology,
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restorative medicine and rehabilitation , there are our own technical developments, seemingly very different directions, even they... belong to different branches of science, that is, there are medical sciences, biological sciences, climate - this is generally geography, yes, that is, there are pedagogical sciences, everything that unites them is, so to speak, human health. over the years , medical rehabilitation programs have been developed and proven to be effective. unique devices and physiotherapy procedures, combined with unparalleled pain factors of the resort region, help quickly restore the spine, muscle tone, coordination and motor functions. is the same. imitation - only artificially simulated strength depends on the condition of the patient’s spine and musculoskeletal system. the robotic complex detects and senses the need based on body tension; even an mri is not required. its effectiveness has been proven even in complex stages of scoliosis; in just a couple of weeks, the angle of vertebral deviation can be returned to 6-8°. the development of russian fmba scientists is widely
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it is used both for the rehabilitation of the country's sports teams after injuries and overloads, and has been patented since the twenty-first year. on post-flight medical rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system. margarita reko, pavel kobolenko, lead the stavropol region. hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. crimes. soon it will be 2 weeks since the british police can find this man with a reward of £2,000 for information on his whereabouts. thirty-five-year-old afghan man
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abdul isidi is suspected of attacking a young woman with children in a brutal attack in britain. the attacker splashed an alkaline solution on his victim's face and then tried to crush her. two children, women, girls aged three and 8 years old, were injured. the younger criminal was thrown out of the car and hit the asphalt several times. all these terrible events took place here, in this harmless residential area in south london. despite all my cruelty, this crime would hardly have received such a big response if it had not turned out that the attacker was not just a migrant, but an illegal migrant who had received asylum in britain. we filmed these images near the french city of calais in 2015. hundreds of migrants then ambushed trucks driving towards the port and the eurotunnel. they tried to find a place for themselves in the chickens in order to get to the english coast. i want
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to go to england. everyone here wants to go to england because everyone here has problems. no documents, no work, nowhere. this video was taken there before izidi left for london. police suspect that the reason for his attack on the woman was a break in their relationship. the afghan was preparing for a crime. during a search in his apartment, containers of toxic chemicals were found. as a result of his actions, 12 people received burns, including police officers and those who were the first to rush
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to help the woman and her children. i was just trying to help. i did everything i could, and i don’t even know how, but something came over me. in the hospital, i saw that my leg had turned black, it was some kind of sticky acid, i don’t know what it is. what i saw is impossible to describe. this is terrible, i have never encountered anything like this. he attacked small children and should be tried for attempted murder. the poisonous liquid splashed onto the face of the attacker himself. this is clearly visible on cctv footage. an hour after the crime was committed, he was seen nearby. the police have almost completely restored the route of the criminal’s movements around the city; he was last noticed at 11:00 pm the same day on the south bank of the thames. after which abdul ezidi seemed to disappear. his mobile phone was left in the car, which he abandoned at the crime scene. according to one version, he could have committed suicide.
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the victim has remained in the hospital in critical condition for 7 days now; as we know, she has very serious injuries. she remains under anesthesia and is so ill that we have not yet been able to talk to her. in a city where camera lenses monitor almost every meter, the complete disappearance of a person seems unexpected. people are amazed why does it take that long to track down a suspect? you have to understand that it is very easy to disappear in the city , people walk with their heads down, people don’t want to interfere in other people’s affairs, deal with the police, but most importantly, these tragic events highlighted vulnerabilities in the british migration system, it turned out that abdul isidi applied here three times an application for asylum, during which time he managed to complete it in england. crimes of a sexual nature and received a suspended sentence for them. despite all this, he was given documents. the decisive argument was that ezidi converted to christianity. this trick
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is now popular among migrants trying to stay in britain at any cost. vicars are accused of persuading refugees to play along with the immigration system and helping hundreds of muslims renounce islam and pray to stay in the uk. it turned out that he was a smuggler. used social media to persuade migrants to convert to christianity to gain british citizenship. one of these publications in arabic depicts jesus and says that finding god will help achieve success in obtaining asylum in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost. 40 inhabitants of the bibi stockholm barge moored in portsmouth, england, converted to christianity. the british government rented this ship to hold illegal immigrants there in a semi-prison situation. a native of iraq, amat el swilmin, was also baptized in england in 2017 and received british documents. 4 years later he blew himself up outside
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a women's hospital in liverpool. the improvised explosive device went off as he approached the hospital in a taxi. where are they looking? all those who are supposed to decide questions about visas, passports or other documents? they must know for sure whether those to whom they are issuing papers have committed crimes or not; maybe they have already been arrested? if so, then such people must be dealt with harshly; they cannot be here. a british journalist , communicating with those who knew the attacker of the woman , abdullah isidi, found out that the adoption of christianity for him was a fiction, a way to legalize himself in this country. abdul shakur ezedi told the clerk at his favorite middle eastern delicatessen where he bought halal meat and plans to return to afghanistan one day to find a wife. every 2 weeks he came here to buy half a ram. he never bought alcohol, he was a good muslim. the british government was unable to answer these questions without delay. how is it
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possible that a person who was denied refugee status twice, who was accused of sexual harassment and even more than once, ultimately receives refugee status through a court. how is this even possible? this question many people ask, my understanding, and i clarified the details with the ministry.
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tens of thousands of people continue to cross, few of them wondered and fully understood whether anyone needed them and what awaited them on the other side, in 2022.
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he is only 8 years old, that’s why i came here, my brother and another nephew are there, they say it’s a living hell, there’s nothing to sleep on, there’s no toilet, there’s nothing at all, illegal migrants have been waiting for years for permission from the british authorities. so that they can legally stay in england. i have already year in britain, and how do you like the conditions here, do you have water, food, everything you need, is it good here or bad? the food, yes, in my country it is much better, like many other things. we’re not thinking about food here, we’re like in a prison here, we’re like prisoners now. for their part, migrants do their best by calculating
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this system. we are talking about money, the amounts are serious , there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, that’s how it is to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, stood up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, in any structure, evolution occurs. large-scale
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projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future, touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens. other events, everything that russia admires, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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in the rostov region, hundreds of thousands of people were left without electricity, in voronezh there were queues at emergency stations, and in several regions the consequences of freezing rain were being eliminated. what is the situation at this time and what are the forecasts? a change in the commander-in-chief could lead to an increase in losses in the ranks of the ukrainian army, a reshuffle in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine was commented on our channel by the head of the dpr denis pushilya. what are the assessments like? received almost 52%
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of the votes. alexander stup won the presidential election. and finland, how it can change heltsinki's policy and what is the position regarding russia? in a diplomatic rebuke, kyrgyz president sadyr japarov called on us secretary of state antony blinken not to interfere in the internal affairs of the republic, which sparked a debate. voronezh emergency rooms are working at increased speed after the freezing rain. the most common injuries are fractures and dislocations. city ​​roads and sidewalks turned into a dangerous catastrophe late in the evening, by the morning the situation worsened, many parents decided not to send their children to school today, since it is impossible to walk the streets; due to ice in the city, taxi prices have soared; meanwhile , public utilities are actively fighting the consequences of freezing rain. it is reported that more than a thousand tons of sand mixture were used overnight. the consequences of bad weather are being eliminated in the rostov region. the day before , warming came to the region and passed.


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