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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. the fight against corruption in kazakhstan is the task of the new government of the republic; the updated cabinet is headed by a general. lieutenant with rich anti-corruption experience, what other priorities are identified? also today on the program are natural disasters, friends of kyrgyzstan, real and false, and how alexander lukashenko charmed uzbekistan. in shymkent , an official was detained right during a city hall meeting. it is curious that at this time the fight against corruption was discussed at the meeting. the mayor of the city, gabit tsedebekov, said that there were dirty hands in the administration. and
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then the employees of antikor and dramaturgy entered the conference room. you need to accompany you to conduct an investigative action within the framework of a military criminal case. has a corresponding after. in general, the fight against corruption is now one of the priorities in kazakhstan. this is also evidenced by personnel changes. in the week after the government resigned from office. takaev approved the new head of the cabinet of ministers, the young general lzhas bektenov. liar biktenov, a native of almaty, received a law degree, after which he worked in the department of justice of his native city, then in various positions in the office of the prime minister and the presidential administration. in 2009, he received a post in one of the committees of the ministry of justice of the republic, then in the financial police, after which he worked in the akimats of astana and akmala region. his main profile all this time remained the fight against economic crimes.
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moreover, the presidential administration called the successes of the anti-corruption agency colossal. one can recall the high-profile case of kairat satybaldy, the nephew of nursultan nazarbayev. but the main task and at the same time the main achievement of bektenov in antikor is the return of assets illegally withdrawn from kazakhstan. the amount that has already been returned to kazakhstan is estimated at approximately 650 billion tenge, which is more than 100 billion rubles. this money is used to build kindergartens . schools, just last year
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, 40 schools were built in kazakhstan with the money of corrupt officials, that is, in the person of biktenov, the new kazakhstan checked the legality of the funds acquired old kazakhstan, after such merits takaev gave biktenov the opportunity to prove himself as a creative manager. a new government has been formed, well , the previous positions have been updated, 21 members of the cabinet have been retained, but there are also new faces. akmaral alnazarova headed the ministry of health, chingiz arinov became minister. for emergency situations, instead of sarym sharibhanov, madid takiyev received the portfolio of minister of finance, nurlan baybazarov was appointed deputy prime minister, minister of national economy. kasym zhumar takayev noted that the updated cabinet faces a clear task and a specific target. the republic's economy should increase to $450 billion by 2920. to do this , the country's gdp must show annual growth of at least 6%. takaev thanked the previous
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government and personally ex-prime minister alekhan smailov, but noted that there are specific problems, in particular, the country does not have enough investment, even to maintain the current level of growth. takaev criticized the tax code reform proposed measures, such as increasing vat to 16% , on the one hand, can cause an increase in inflation and make the country less attractive for investment, on the other hand, due to various tax benefits, the budget does not receive more than 15... takaev ordered the preparation of a decree on liberalizing the economy to concentrate on three aspects, this is the development of market competition, carrying out effective privatization and reform of the quasi public sector, about new tasks and updated performers, we will talk with tolgat kaliev, director of the institute of applied ethnopolitical research from kazakhstan. the tasks outlined by the president are very large-scale and diverse, so that you...
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develop the adoption of a new tax code and a more attentive approach to the issue of increasing vat, since vat will be reflected , firstly, on the prices of all goods and services, and secondly, it will be quite painful for business. in general, the development of a single such payment for small businesses is a measure that will allow the population to feel the changes in the short term, because few... business is very is sensitive to such innovations and the simpler this tax regime is, the faster and easier small businesses operate, and this gives an instant multiplier effect on the standard of living of an ordinary kazakhstani, because
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more jobs immediately appear, the availability of goods and services appears, competition begins, prices decrease and so on. the second question is probably: the issue of healthcare, the development of new approaches to increasing the transparency of the activities of the insurance fund, and as for feasibility, i think that in in principle, everything is doable, how would you assess the current composition of the government in terms of competencies and skills, based on the tasks set by the president of the country? well, first of all, let’s say, the minister of finance and the minister of health came from... parliament, that is, they worked in their areas, on the other hand, in fact, they always criticized, always considered it through a very close prism, and most importantly the fact that
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they had access to any information, including classified information, i think that they did not the need to give time to build up , to get up to speed with things, as for the minister of economy, and i think that his experience will also help to approach, find some new approaches in the economy, with regard to the minister of emergency situations, a former head of the presidential security service, i think that this experience will help with a qualitative restructuring.
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of his cabinet of ministers, he will first of all deal with eliminating these identified problems, and if, uh, all these things are implemented, firstly, they will appear, they will appear money through savings, by reducing the volume of inappropriate use by optimizing business processes, elementary inter-budgetary ones, on the other hand, at the same time this will improve the business climate in the country. and to other news. there is a lot of news about weather disasters, primarily in kazakhstan. the capital of the republic was in the grip of a severe snowstorm. visibility on the staninsky highways has deteriorated sharply. akim ordered drivers to completely refrain from
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traveling. but many did not heed the advice and decided to take a ride, including between cities route, however, soon most of the key highways throughout the country decided to close. that's why. hundreds of cars were stuck in traffic jams, for example, on the way to karaganda due to snow, and those who abandoned their cars risked falling into such snowdrifts, or being caught in gusts of powerful wind. even the trains needed help in their fight against the elements; special equipment broke through four-meter-high snow jams over the railway tracks so that the trains could proceed along them in accordance with the schedule. there were some terrible stories in the karaganda region they miraculously saved a woman and a seven-year-old child who were traveling on foot from their village to another. they got lost in the middle of buran, so... the emergencies ministry employees had to carry out an extremely difficult search operation. and this is
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the oktyubinsk region , a delay was called to one of the local villages, but the carriage was soon unable to travel along such a road. doctors were forced to go to the patient almost waist-deep in snow. and in the city of khramtau, bad weather literally took people prisoner. the entrance doors of the houses were completely blocked. in the meantime, in octab raged. the hurricane partially tore the roof off a residential high-rise building, knocked down pedestrians, and damaged several parked cars. and terrible footage from almaty, two private houses at once in the medleovsky district of the old capital of kazakhstan were on the path of the landslide. thousands of cubic meters of eroded soil demolished both buildings to the very foundation. emergency services hoped until the last that someone had survived under the rubble, but unfortunately, four died, and two of them were teenagers. and also about the renewing kazakhstan, one of the areas requiring immediate
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interference is energy, this is according to president takaev. earlier , energy minister satkaliev said that the energy deficit in kazakhstan by the year 1930 would be 6 gw. serious investments in the industry are needed, and just now such a project in the energy sector is being developed by kazakhstan and russia. russia will build stations in the cities of simei, kakshetao, ustkaminogorsk, total. the cost is about $2.5 billion, the work will take several years, the facilities are critical for the regions. a stronghold in central asia, as described alexander lukashenko of uzbekistan during his official visit to this country. by the way, alexander grigorievich flew to tashkent not alone, but with his beloved pet named umka. named after the hero of the famous soviet cartoon, white. this is not the first time that pits has been in uzbekistan; before that, he appeared on the sidelines of the sco summit in samarkand
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back in the fall of twenty-two. it is not reported whether umka participated in the high-level negotiations. the agenda was very busy, but it all started with informal communication in watching a hockey match. tashkkensky khumo confidently beat astoninsky namath with a score of 5:1, and here, as they say, not only the walls helped the hosts, but also, apparently, the professional instructions of alexander grigorievich. on the second day of the visit , a solemn ceremony of officially welcoming the guest of honor took place at the kuksaroy country residence. after the ceremony , negotiations were held at the same residence, first in the teta format, lasting almost 2 hours, and then in an expanded format with the participation of the remaining members of the delegation of the two countries. according to the results signed. a solid package of bilateral documents in various fields from electronic goods certification systems to energy,
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sports, and the establishment of sister city relations between tashkent and minsk. an important vector that the presidents of uzbekistan and belarus have identified is the further development of trade. a specific goal has been set here - to increase trade turnover to $1 billion. as noted, during the negotiations the parties were aimed at long-term cooperation in the field of joint production, for example, they talked about production. belazov in uzbekistan to us belaz is needed, needed, we need localization here, we need a joint venture, we need it. alexandrovich, i agree, he says, what’s stopping us? russia has allocated 200 million rubles for the development of education in tajikistan. the country's ministry of education said that the funds will be used to purchase textbooks and other educational materials by september 1. will also be developed. training manual with the participation of russian experience and tajik state standards.
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there are currently 244 schools in tajikistan with russian classes, another 60 institutions with programs entirely in russian. joint measures by dushanbe and moscow will make it possible to fully staff educational institutions in the republic by the beginning of next year. and to other news. in the mangestal region of kazakhstan , the cause was finally established. mass death of swans on lake kharakol, as it turned out, one of the local hotels, which uncontrollably discharged wastewater, was responsible, however, the culprits got off with only a couple of administrative fines and received... an order to dismantle the sewage discharge system. the ministry of defense of kazakhstan announced the successful testing of drones of its own production. they are said to be equipped with the most modern aerial reconnaissance equipment, from radar guns to thermal imagers , launched from a catapult. employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations came to the aid of a camel that fell into a well at one of the technical sites
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of the beakon cosmodrome. the animal apparently did not notice the danger under a layer of snow and fell into a real trap. fortunately, gorbatova managed to pull it out using a fire hose. and an art exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the classic of turkmen literature makhtunkuli fragi opened in ashgabat. several dozen authors presented their paintings of different genres, whether they were portraits of the poet himself or illustrations for his poems. in addition, sculptures and works of folk and applied art are exhibited. and in kyrgyzstan they continue to eliminate the consequences. accidents in bishkek. an accident with a fire and explosion at such a large utility facility left without hot water. heating water for thousands of houses. on behalf of mikhail mishustin , russian specialists were immediately sent to kyrgyzstan to establish the causes of assistance in eliminating the consequences. ordinary beshkik residents bring food to the workers who are now restoring tets, in the beshbarmak video, which was brought by residents
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of one of the capital's courtyards. neighbors also came to help. kazakhstan has increased its electricity supplies. uzbekistan and turkmenistan sent liquefied gas, and the country’s state security committee is now considering possibility of sabotage. judge for yourself, as soon as the president of the country, sadyr dzhaparov, announced that he would nominate his candidacy for the next term, how did such a serious emergency happen? you can immediately remember how many attempts to demolish power in kyrgyzstan have been prevented by the security forces in the last year alone. they started the topic with campers in preparation for an attempt to seize power. or deputy madumarov, another people's representative was accused of preparing an assassination attempt on the head of state with the involvement of uzbek criminal authorities, and how now japarov is under pressure because of friendship with russia for the same attempts to strengthen sovereignty with the help of the law on foreign agents, reports that this week the bill once again stalled in parliament, not without outside
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help , international organizations and other countries are literally putting pressure on kyrgyzstan, for example, representative. union in kyrgyzstan stated that the bill, if adopted , could affect the ability of the eu and other international donors to carry out cooperation activities with kyrgyzstan. and us secretary of state anthony blinkin even wrote a letter to zhapparov, in fact with direct threats. this is how they are worried about the possibility of restrictions on ngos. as it stands, this law threatens the access of citizens of the kyrgyz republic to vital services such as health care and education through programs run by ngos with support from the us government and international partners. japarov, by the way, answered very nicely; according to him, kyrgyzstan does not intend to chase someone’s approval in mythical ratings freedoms, to the detriment of national interests. who compiles the world rankings? people who want to sow discord, but hide behind freedom
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of speech, if we fulfill their conditions, adopt a policy of incitement that is inconsistent with the nature of our people, spread it among the people, then we will come out on top in human rights and freedom of speech. we do not need such laurels that lead to the gradual moral decay of society and the loss of the state. by the way, on february 9, uzbekistan celebrates the birthday of the poet and statesman alisher navai. and in continuation of the previous topic, i will give a quote from this outstanding thinker. about central asian civilization, when you want to make friends with someone, think first about who is suitable as a friend. an inexhaustible treasure trove of wisdom. see you next week, as always in central asia, take care. we need to create the future ourselves
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and do it together. we are very happy. we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more on, now personnel from the presidential press service, dear colleagues, good afternoon, today, as agreed, we will discuss the situation that is developing in the domestic economy, we will discuss the results of last year, current trends in key industries and of course we will talk about... the latest plans to strengthen industry, the financial sector, foreign trade and the economy as a whole, and i propose to dwell on the immediate tasks
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for the future in the horizon until 2030. as already noted, economic growth in the past year turned out to be higher than forecast. russia's gdp increased, so far we have calculated 3.5%, according to the latest data 3.6%. this is higher than the world average growth rate, the world average growth rate is 3%, the growth rate of the economies of developed countries is 15%. it is very important that such dynamics are primarily based on our internal capabilities, that we have achieved such dynamics, since the volume of industrial production increased by 3.5% over the year, including manufacturing industries.
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than expected, in january of this year they increased by about 85% compared to last year’s figure, this once again emphasizes the growing role of non-resource manufacturing industries. the january federal budget deficit amounted to 308 billion rubles. anton. as far as i understand, much less than last year, yes, yes, vladimir vladimirovich, indeed, last year in january there were large expenses, and of course, the deficit was much higher, large advances were made, which means for a whole range of expenses, therefore, the deficit was significantly higher, but according to my data, this is 1.3 rubles less for us now than in the past year. such a serious indicator, as for regional budgets, they are also generally balanced, last year a small deficit of 0.1% was recorded, in january
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the total budget revenues of all subjects of the federation exceeded expenses by 14 billion rubles. i also note that according to current data , economic activity in russia at the beginning of this year is at a high level, the situation is developing in accordance with the expectations of the government and expert circles, and strong consumer demand remains, approximately the same as in the fourth quarter last year, it is very important that this has a positive impact on the mood and plans of domestic business, of course, special attention needs to be paid to inflation and its containment, at the end of january it amounted to 7.2% in annual terms, but of course we know that... and at the end of last year , consumer prices increased by 7.4%, well, that is, there has been a decline in inflation, here
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i would note the joint actions of the government and the bank of russia, while against the backdrop of an increase in the key rate of the central bank, of course, this predicted phenomenon slowed down lending, so in january the loan portfolio of legal entities decreased by 0.2%, and for individuals, on the contrary,
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the conference is now a short pause and we will return to the review of the information picture.
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we continue, an additional 40 billion rubles will be allocated for the development of the far eastern concession project, the head of the cabinet of ministers, mikhail mishustin, announced this at an operational meeting with deputy prime ministers. support for the agro-industrial complex, infrastructure development of the far east and preparation of the first international multi-sport tournament are on the agenda government meetings. to support farmers, the government will allocate 20 billion rubles to the ministry of agriculture. these funds will be used to issue preferential loans, investment or
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short-term loans... the funds can be used for seasonal field work, which is very important today, when preparations have already begun in russian regions for the spring sowing campaign. such financing will make it possible to implement large investment projects in the industry, not only to increase production volumes, but also what is important. increase processing of agricultural raw materials at our domestic facilities. another set of questions at the meeting concerned the development of the far east. the region should become increasingly attractive both for living and for business and tourism. an important step towards this is the implementation of plans for the social development of centers of economic growth. we are talking about creating modernization of in-demand infrastructure. these are kindergartens, schools, hospitals, housing and communal services facilities and public spaces.


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