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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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20 billion rubles. these funds will be used to issue concessional loans, investment or short-term loans at a reduced rate. mikhail mishustin instructed to bring resources to agricultural producers promptly. the industry is already preparing for the spring sowing campaign. the funds can be used for seasonal field work, which is very important today, when preparations for the spring sowing campaign have already begun in russian regions. this kind of funding will make it possible. implement large investment projects in the industry, not only increase production volumes, but also, what is important, increase the processing of agricultural raw materials at our domestic facilities. another set of questions at the meeting concerned the development of the far east. the region should become increasingly attractive both for living and for business and tourism. an important step towards this is the implementation of plans for the social development of centers of economic growth. we are talking about creating modernization of in-demand infrastructure. this. kindergartens, schools,
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hospitals, housing and communal services facilities and public space. the far eastern concession helps to develop such projects; within the framework of this mechanism, the investor creates infrastructure in the region, and the state guarantees companies a return on investment and minimizes risks regarding the position of funds. over the years, this form of partnership has proven its effectiveness, and now we will allocate over 40 billion rubles for its implementation. these funds will be used to co-finance expenses. when implementing constitutional agreements, the duration of which exceeds the period of validity of the limits on budgetary obligations. mechanism far eastern concession was approved back in 2021. the main direction where government co-financing goes is the development of medical and sports engineering infrastructure, as well as cultural and educational facilities. in the twenty-second and twenty-third years , 96 billion rubles were allocated for the construction of facilities in nine regions. schools, rehabilitation center, ski resort.
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an art museum and children's camp will appear in the magadan region, primorsky and khabarovsk territories. new facilities will also be built in kamchatka, buryat, in chukotka in yakutia, in the trans-baikal territory and the jewish autonomous region , street lighting systems will be reconstructed. this year, the mechanism will become even more important and will also be used as part of the program for the renovation of far eastern cities. as part of the program , living conditions will be improved in 25 cities and a new city, sputnik, will be built. total results. this work will be felt by more than 4 million people in the far east; half of the allocated allocations from the federal budget in 24-26 are 165 billion rubles for the implementation of the program. also already next week a new international innovation tournament starts in kazan. the games of the future are competitions at the intersection of traditional sports and digital information technologies. five directions, over twenty disciplines and more than 270 teams of participants. for organization. russia has always
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taken the position that sports should be outside of politics, competitions will be held in twenty innovative disciplines, these include fitness, football, hockey, basketball , martial arts, cyber and tactical combat, robot battles, drone racing and much more. opening of the tournament. scheduled for february 21. future games will last 2 weeks. the competition will involve 10 objects, eight in kazan, one in vinopolis , and one in sirius. virtual formula 4 races will be held there. yes, thank you, maria, maria slobodyanskaya spoke about the key topics of mikhail mishustin’s meeting with deputy prime ministers. now there is a short advertisement, and after the broadcast of our channel the program of vladimir solovyov and pavel zarubin will continue. moscow, kremlin, putin. divide in half, prices on
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stand out against the backdrop of great talent in the renovated cultural center; it will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the sign of the national project of russia is easy. let him in, join the megastore, megamarket, just grow with us, the petrovs have holidays ahead, valentine's day for renovations, putty day and international
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wallpapering day, don't limit yourself, cash loans from post bank with comfortable payments starting from a thousand rubles, enough for what you need and what's nice, come in for money, post office bank. usually we try not to reveal the internal kitchen, but only with us, details from a key participant, many might not like it, while everyone in a circle shows what happened, who are you anyway, only ours the program will tell you how it was, not an easy task, i am aware of this. good evening, serious talk, no show, one of the most discussed events of the presidential week was vladimir putin’s interview with american journalist tucker carlson. this two-hour conversation literally blew up the world information space, causing a flurry of emotions, from anger to delight,
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millions of views, the very first hours of publication, and for the russian president, meanwhile, everything went according to plan: working meetings, international calls, large-scale celebration. tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences. the country’s national interests always come first, therefore, as the president said, in that very historic interview, there will never be a strategic defeat for russia. hello, of course, everyone was wondering, how did you agree on this interview, how did you prepare for it? of course, this time it will be especially interesting to listen to dmitry peskov, in the zarubin telegram channel, subscribe, important details appeared earlier, but a'. we will see more right now, can i say, i think, don’t be offended , the political leadership of the states approached a line beyond which we could no longer cross, the armed opposition in kiev carried out a coup, how do we understand this, who are you anyway? it is necessary to achieve
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the strategic defeat of russia, defeat on the battlefield, this is impossible by definition, this will never happen, but wouldn’t it be better to come to an agreement with russia? communicating with an american journalist, putin sends this to... they strongly recommend not to read it, they don’t want the true putin’s worldview has become accessible to ordinary americans, but this time it’s still happening, it can’t be stifled, the world has changed, indeed, we had a lot of requests for interviews with the president before, in fact there were, we had british broadcasters, american broadcasters, and european ones for two years since the beginning of the cbo, they really are quite persistent in asking for interviews, but there is no point in giving interviews.
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and like carlson, the whole world is now listening to the russian president with their eyes wide open eyes. so, a lesson in ancient and modern history, as many have already dubbed part of this interview, a lesson that the western audience clearly needs to remember and understand what russia has experienced. she even voluntarily took the initiative to bring about the collapse of the soviet union. proceeds from the fact that this will be understood by the so-called, already in quotes, civilized
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west, as a proposal for cooperation and alliance, this is what russia expected, is it possible that someday russia will join nato? why not? i do not exclude this possibility. listen, bill, what do you think, if russia raised the question of joining nato, do you think it would be possible? suddenly he said: “you know, this is interesting.” i think that... and in the evening , when we met with him, already for dinner, he said: you know, i talked to my team, no, now this is impossible, since russia is not invited to nato, then of course russia cannot to rejoice at the expansion, no, russia is not expected there, and if russia is not expected there, then we will naturally carefully observe how the process of expansion to the east is taking place, this is a military organization or not, military
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, talking to us, we have only been begging
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for a decade, don’t do this, not because there will be nato bases there, without doing anything, the bases around us are growing like mushrooms, listen, just a statement that what do you know, don’t be afraid, we promise you that nothing will happen, in the modern world this is clearly not enough, this is a kindergarten, we endured everything, persuaded everything, said no need, we are our own now, as we say, bourgeois, no, the authorities of the communist party, let's negotiate, and we we made so many goodwill gestures that it seems to me that we have exhausted all limits, taken and liquidated the bases in cam ranh in vietnam. in cuba they withdrew all their military units from eastern europe, in general almost all large and heavy weapons were withdrawn from the european part, what did they get? the base in romania, where we are, the base in bulgaria, the positional area about the strategic, american, in poland, in the czech republic, this is all movement towards our
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borders of military infrastructure, pressure, pressure, pressure, we must continue to hammer russia. try to ruin it, even in the 2000s, when relations with the west were still decent, open support for terrorists in the north caucasus, putin, about the conversation with bush, i understood this question, he says, but it can’t be, i’m sorry, yes, but so it was, i’ll quote, he said, well, i’ll kick their ass , then we received an answer, we have the answer in the archive, the answer came from the cia, we worked with the opposition in russia, we believe that this is correct, and we will continue to work. shelter on their territory people who are quite obviously terrorists, they shot people in the squares without trial, including women, they beheaded living people, i want to emphasize this, no one wanted to hear that al-qaeda was fighting on the side of the militants and separatists, we were told, well, don’t
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worry about that, we are only thinking about the development of democracy in your country, thank you very much for such concern, concern for international... our proposals are not limited to this, we propose to create an information exchange center in moscow, but that’s not all, a similar center could be created in one of european capitals, in particular in brussels, and moreover, if this is not enough, we
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are ready to include a new station being built in the south of russia into the overall system. to prevent missile launches, we can say that the cards have been dealt, we can start the game, i would really like for us to play the same game, we need to think, they told me, i say, please, go to this office where we are we are talking with you, secretary of defense gates, the former director of the cia, and secretary of state rice have arrived here at this table, and if we really agree on its main provisions, then it can be stated that... the dialogue is developing very productively, they told me: yes, we thought and we agree, i say: thank god, excellent, but with some exceptions. there are issues on which we do not yet have full agreement. ultimately, they sent us submissions, then it was then that i said, listen, well, then we will be forced to engage in retaliatory measures, and we warn you in advance, you will take this step, and we
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will be forced to respond like this. we are at the forefront in creating hypersonic strike systems. today to say this directly and honestly, so that later we don’t digest the responsibility for such a development of events, we don’t want to, not only say it, it’s scary to think that russia, in response to such a deployment, the possible deployment of such position areas, but theoretically
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it cannot be ruled out that this will happen on ukrainian territory, he will aim his forces at ukraine... i know that you agreed in 2008, but why won’t you agree in the future, well then they put pressure on us, i say, why tomorrow on you i don’t click, and you will again agree, well, it’s some kind of nonsense, who is there to talk to
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? nobody paid attention to this, but we looked at carloson’s face at that moment, so i’ll give you these documents, a folder with documents about the history of russia and of the territory that is now called ukraine, here is a copy of these documents, i will leave them with you as a good memory, in fact, the president brought it, and it was prepared on the instructions of the president, he was the initiator, he was the author of this idea, it was obvious that of course. ..will figure highly in agenda of this interview, because the president relies on a very deep knowledge of history and he forms his judgment about history precisely
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on the basis of primary sources, he very often and works a lot with archival, direct documents, so his worldview is historical, it is not emotional in nature, it is based on specific knowledge of primary sources, these are the primary sources that he selected in order to... what he was going to present about ukraine. yes, this is the historical part for sure will be very difficult to perceive in the west, among western viewers and readers, but there are a huge number of specialists on our country, there are a huge number of historians, and historians in eastern europe, who will also be very keenly interested , for sure, so there will be their own audience, their own audience this historical part will have, so i asked you first, we will have a serious conversation for...
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not the armed forces, nor the police, but the armed opposition in kiev carried out a coup. what does it mean? who are you anyway? sometimes
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one gets the impression that there are people sitting behind a large puddle somewhere in america - employees of some kind of laboratory and they are conducting some kind of experiments on rats. they tell us: well, what could we do? how would the situation get out of control? it is called. executor in criminal law, let me say that you should have said, even if you could not stop these radicals, you should have told them, you know, guys, in this way, if you act, you will never be in europe, and we will never let you down we will support, no, no one wanted this , everyone only wanted to resolve the issue with the help of military force, but we could not allow this, criminal carelessness, that’s what it would be, the political leadership of the states came close to the line for...
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a mistake of historical proportions, supporting everything that is happening there in ukraine , push away russia, i told him, we will never agree with just one thing, for someone
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to allow themselves...
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everything will end there within a few weeks, that’s all, what’s simpler, what should i call him, what should i talk about, what should i beg him about, you are you going to supply such and such weapons in ukraine, oh-oh-oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid , i’m afraid, please don’t supply, what can i say, such silence arose several times during the interview, obviously, not only because the journalist needed to listen to the rest of the translation.
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“investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went.


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