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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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we continue the news review, vladimir putin held a meeting on economic issues today, the head of state instructed to pay special attention to curbing inflation. as of the end of january it was 7.2%. the president also called it important to maintain a balance between economic development and stable prices. economic growth last year was higher than expected. russia's gdp increased, so we still considered 3.5%. according to the latest data, 3.6%. this is higher than the global average. the average global rate
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is just 3%, the rate is just the developed economies countries 1.5%. in areas such as the production of computers, aircraft, ships, furniture, electrical equipment and vehicles , double-digit growth rates were noted. the positive dynamics of the real sector and the confident performance of business, in turn, increases the stability of public finances. last year there was a deficit.
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and as the main task, the president outlined increasing the incomes and quality of life of russians, as well as the well-being of russian families. work is currently underway to implement these issues, a new plan socio-economic development is designed for the coming years. work is now entering its final stage on a plan of socio-economic action for the next 6 years, including key areas such as supporting investment and ensuring technological sovereignty.
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voronezh emergency rooms work in intensive mode, also after icy rain, the most frequent injuries are fractures and dislocations. city roads and sidewalks turned into a dangerous catastrophe late the night before, and by morning the situation had worsened. many parents decided today, don’t send your children to school because it’s impossible to walk the streets. due to the ice in the city, taxi prices have skyrocketed. meanwhile, utilities are actively combating the effects of freezing rain. it is reported that over the night more than...
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the consequences of bad weather are being eliminated in the rostov region, the day before warming came to the region and there was also freezing rain. hundreds of thousands of people were left without electricity; power supplies are being restored. employees of the ministry of emergency situations help utility services and energy workers; they clear the roadway of fallen trees. storm warnings in the area are still in effect today. wet snow and heavy sleet are expected. to other topics. a change in the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine could lead to an increase in losses in the ranks of the ukrainian army. the reshuffle in the leadership of the kiev army was commented on our channel by the head of the dpr denis pushilin. we are talking about the appointment of alexander syrsky as commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. this comrade, well, let’s say, is widely known among ukrainian military personnel , including, but as general two hundred, with which is also associated with a large number of victims in the artyomovsk direction, when we liberated artyomovsk, and of course, his
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frenzied desire to not take anything into account, not to take into account the victims, not to take into account the losses, well, of course, yes, it can characterize new ones ... some kind of meat grinders, which perhaps, well, again, will be organized by him, why he does this, well, it’s hard to say, maybe because he is already oppressed by his russian origin, that is, he was born in russia and studied in russia received education, but that means it may be very difficult for him to perceive what he is doing now, but his motives are also difficult to understand, with the support of kiev, as ... it is reported that western pharmaceutical companies conducted medical experiments in mariupol on patients in psychiatric wards and children. the tests that went on until 2016 became known from documents found in the basement of one of the hospitals. the paper was found by builders while restoring the building. the list includes large corporations from the usa,
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great britain, belgium, switzerland and others countries, including fizer, astra-zeneca, johnson & johnson. envelopes with drugs without names, boxes with containers for biomaterials, with recipients' addresses were also found. foreign laboratories, as well as gratitude to the ukrainian side for such cooperation. in germany, hundreds of people demonstrated against the construction of a weapons factory by the defense concern rhein metall, in the federal state of lower saxony. the demonstrators managed to block the access roads to the village of unterlus, where the groundbreaking ceremony was to take place today first stone. chancellor olaf scholz and defense minister boris pistorius are expected to take part in the event. i will add that local media note that rheinmetal. is benefiting greatly from the conflict in ukraine and expects double-digit growth in turnover in the coming years. according to the welt publication, the concern received 18% more orders in the twenty-second year alone than the year before.
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at least 67 people became victims of the new israeli air force attack on the gas station, and dozens more were injured, mostly women and children. the city of rafah in the south of the enclave was under fire. simultaneously with the airstrikes, the idf military carried out an operation in the same area to...
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rafah remains the last major settlement in the enclave where idf ground forces have not yet entered. in addition, this city is the main center through which humanitarian aid enters the sector. the situation around rafah may have much more serious consequences for regional stability as a whole, as the associated press agency, citing its sources, reports that cairo may suspend the campweid agreements due to tel aviv action in rafah. camp david accords. adopted in 1979, thanks to them egypt received back the sinai peninsula, previously occupied by israel , and diplomatic relations were established between the countries, and in many ways it is these agreements that now ensure that egypt does not intervene in the conflict, but in which
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syria may already become a participant. ending the israeli occupation of the syrian, arab, dutch heights is among our sacred goals that the syrian arab strives to achieve people. it's illegal. in his quest to wipe hamas off the map. israel does not recognize any borders, but on the horizon near the idf unit the egyptian border is now visible, official tel aviv will not be able to ignore the opinion of official cairo, the egyptian ministry of foreign affairs has already warned israel that the operation in rafahi will have the most serious consequences. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov and alftina sorokina. news from cairo, egypt. we are inside the gas sector, in the battle zone, where... direct things happen all the time clashes with hamas militants, with
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militants from the zadim el-qassam brigades, so security rules are observed in these places with special care, every meter of land is checked for the possible presence of the enemy. there are no entire buildings left on the outskirts of hanyunas, the threat to the fighters stationed here comes from... hamas operational tunnels, having discovered the las, the military fills it with water, huge armored bulldozers finish the job, the soldiers have not let go of their weapons for 4 months , claiming that the forces of the militants running out, they are on their own territory, it’s clear that they know how to fight, on the other hand they are already, and not even tired at all. they understand that it is useless. the main battles are taking place in hanyunes, the city is practically
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surrounded, but the idf armored forces are converging on rafah, where more than a million refugees have set up tent camps on the border of the gaza strip and egypt. the threat of hostilities in places with huge concentrations of civilians forced egypt and other countries in the region to make a special statement. and the president of the united states.
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very slippery on the roads and sidewalks, how much this complicated the traffic situation, we know from our correspondent stanislav vasilchenko, he has now contacted the studio directly. stanislav, greetings, what area are you in and what is the traffic situation there at this moment? yes, yuri, greetings, we are now in the area of ​​the belorussian station, and the situation here is generally quite calm despite such bad weather, freezing rain has actually arrived. to moscow in the moscow region, so far i’m saying, there are no serious consequences
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there is no weather observed, except that the sidewalks are covered with a slight crust of ice, of course , this can complicate the movement of pedestrians, but public utilities, as we have already seen, are working to eliminate the consequences of bad weather, trying to break up this black ice, now in moscow it is -3, it is raining a little , which of course is more reminiscent of frost , but nevertheless... this can also lead to some consequences - especially if the temperature drops seriously, that is, if this happens, of course the rain will freeze, will stick to the trees, will stick to the wires , just as a crust will appear on the roads and sidewalks, by the way, according to forecasters, there is an assumption that it can be up to 6 mm thick, this , of course, can really lead to serious... consequences, well, perhaps even to an accident, as happens with similar
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manifestations of bad weather. still, despite the fact that such bad weather is now persisting, weather forecasters give a rather positive forecast for the second half of the day, this is what the leading specialist of the fobas center evgeniy tishkavets told us. ice formation process the balloons filled with water are about to burst. accompanied by charges of snow, due to which it will freeze to -3 - -5, accordingly , icy conditions will form on the roads, and during the day , barometer readings will begin to increase, due to which the snow clouds will be finally squeezed out of the moscow region, well, in the capital by noon, precipitation will stop, from -the sun will appear behind the clouds, and the north-east winds will turn on the cold advection mode and the temperature will drop to -4 -6, tomorrow
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evening to -8-10°. well, let's hope that the forecast is confirmed and the consequences moscow's bad weather will not become as destructive and large-scale as, for example, in the voronezh, lipetsk or rostov regions, where because of this icy rain , hundreds of trees fell, they fell on power lines, and as a result, almost 2,000 people were left without electricity. here's some information about it.
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the first games of the future in history, and you know, according to the decision of the president, a new international innovative tournament will be held in kazan in tatarstan, the opening ceremony will take place on february 21, it is necessary that the fans have the whole world had the opportunity to follow the competition in tatarstan, i would like you to tell us how the preparations for this big event are going, 277 teams have already confirmed their participation in the tournament, this open competition format is based on the principles of... equality of justice, russia has always adhered to the position that sport should be outside of politics. competitions will be held in twenty -three innovative disciplines, these are ifital, football, hockey, basketball, martial arts, cyber and tactical combat, robot battles, racing drones and much more. and now we have begun the final stage of preparation,
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all organizational events are going according to schedule, 10 facilities are involved in the competition, and eight are in kazan. one in innopolis, one in sirius, where formula 4 and virtual races will take place. alexander stoop won the finnish presidential election with almost 52% of the vote. in 2008, stoop took over as chairman of the osce, and even then he was an active supporter of finland’s accession to nato. during the election race, stup declared support for the anti-russian course, advocated abandoning full relations with moscow until the end of the conflict in ukraine. supported the confiscation of frozen russian ones.
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the new head of state will be in favor of the development of our bilateral relations, unfortunately, we cannot use this part of the standard phrase in this case, because the position has been predetermined to exclude any dialogue, even more so the development of our bilateral relations. we had very developed partnerships, and we believe that that period was better than the one that has developed in our bilateral relations is not our fault. and at the initiative of the finnish authorities, we still retain hope that the new head of state, having the opportunity to receive all the information, will still have a more balanced attitude towards the topic of russian-finnish relations. not to interfere in the affairs of kyrgyzstan, such a call is contained in the message of the country's president sadyr japarov to us secretary of state
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antony blinken. he earlier in the letter commented on the law on foreign agents who now they are discussing it in bishkka. why documents? we regret to note that the content of your letter has signs of interference in the internal affairs of our state. the kyrgyz state, as befits its
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status, intends to control where money comes from for these non-governmental, non-profit organizations, by whom, and for what purposes it is spent. the notorious law on non-governmental organizations only requires these same organizations to disclose the sources of their funding, in particular. foreign sources of financing the actual spending on the territory of the republic, while the bill is now still at the stage of discussion in parliament, this discussion, for various reasons, is also not very easy, but now, as they say , the reaction, even the very fact of such a discussion has already begun, in recent months, to say the least , over a period of time, the most powerful pressure is being exerted on the administration of the president of kyrgyzstan, in particular from europe. officials, the eu representative in kyrgyzstan, even to the point of threats, notes that if the law is adopted, then brussels will have nothing left to do but curtail all its programs
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that it finances in kyrgyzstan, be it medicine, humanitarian aid, in general, everyone with the same brush, if only kyrgyzstan dares to adopt the same law, the same position, it confirmed in its letter and anthony blinkin, to which sadyr japarov notes that... they don’t deal with anything other than grant eaters, who , at best, simply absorb the money allocated by the west, but periodically appear in various dark affairs, from espionage to
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lobbying the interests of foreign business, before participation in coup attempts, in general , a complete palette, hence the concern about the actions of these same ngos, and in fact, sadyr japarov noted in his letter that the bill, which is now being considered in the parliament of the republic, has strong overlaps with the bill on foreign agents, which was adopted in the united states itself back in the year thirty-eight, in connection with this , sadyr japarov in his letter, i will quote, asks the question: why is it possible for you, but not for us, this is the question that of course probably worries everyone who, in one way or another, is faced with attempts in the united states to influence what is happening in other countries. robert france, forman biduletov, tatyana safarova, the head of rosatom inspected the construction of the akuyu nuclear power plant in turkey. alexey likhachev examined the turbine room of block number one. there they completed a technically complex operation to
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install the turbogenerator stator in the pre-design position. this is the heaviest component of nuclear power plant equipment. likhachov visited as together with the minister of energy turkey. the head of rusatomov also inspected the construction site and held a meeting with the project managers. turkish project. the largest construction site on the planet , the same four reactors are being built by the state corporation rosatom in egypt, but here the first unit is already in its final stage, construction readiness is more than 90%, all the equipment of the nuclear island has been installed, and here in the turbine hall work is in full swing to start up the turbine and electricity generator, from the point of view of reactor equipment, we are now carrying out commissioning work, but here it is installation. the stator, the base, the generating system, and this is the heaviest equipment, generally speaking, at the facility, at the nuclear power plant, a large
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number of employees are involved, the work is carried out in strict accordance with the schedule. an additional 40 billion rubles will be allocated for the development of the far eastern concession project, the head of the kapmin mikhail mishustin announced this at an operational meeting with deputy prime ministers. he will talk about priority areas of investment and support for farmers in the games of the future. infrastructure support for the agro-industrial complex the development of the far east and the preparation of the first international multi-sport tournament are on the agenda of the government meeting. to support farmers, the government will allocate 20 billion rubles to the ministry of agriculture. these funds will be used to issue concessional loans, investment or short-term loans at a reduced rate. mikhail mishustin instructed to bring resources to agricultural producers promptly. the industry is already preparing for the spring sowing campaign. facilities. can be used for seasonal field work, which is very important today, when in russian regions, preparations have already begun for the spring sowing campaign, such
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financing will... make it possible to implement large investment projects in the industry, not only to increase production volumes, but also , what is important, to increase the processing of agricultural raw materials at our domestic facilities. another set of questions at the meeting concerned the development of the far east. the region should become more and more attractive both for living and for business and tourism. an important step towards this is the implementation of social development plans centers of economic growth. we are talking about creating modernization of in-demand infrastructure. these are for children. gardens, schools, hospitals, housing and communal services facilities and public spaces. the far eastern concession helps to develop such projects. as part of this mechanism, the investor creates infrastructure in the region, and the state guarantees companies a return on investment and minimizes risks regarding the position of funds. over the years, this form of partnership has proven its effectiveness; now we will allocate over 40 billion rubles for its implementation. these funds will be used to co-finance the costs of
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4 million population of the far east, half of the program is allocated from the federal budget in 24-26 years 165 billion rubles. also, next week a new international innovation tournament will start in kazan. the games of the future are competitions at the intersection of traditional sports and digital information technologies. five directions , over 20 disciplines and more than 270 teams of participants. there was a special federation prince to organize this event. this one is open the format of the competition is based on the principles of equality and fairness; russia has always taken the position that sport should be outside of politics. competitions will be held in twenty -three innovative disciplines, including physical fitness, football and hockey, basketball, martial arts, cyber and tactical combat, robot battles, drone racing and much more. the opening of the tournament is scheduled for february 21,
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future games will last 2 weeks. 10 objects will be involved in the competition, eight in kazan, one in inopolis , and one in sirius. formula 4 races will take place there virtual racing. what do we have?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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