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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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and what is figital sport? we’ll also tell you about the prize fund, which will not leave anyone indifferent. nabali to thailand or north korea, where they are building a new tourist area for russians. what are the prospects for pyongyang in the travel business? and when will it be possible to buy a ticket to north korea? the first tourist group from russia, consisting of 100 people, has already visited there. this is russia 24, right now the main facts of this day, in the studio natalia litovka and georgy podgorny. work on the socio-economic action plan for the next 6 years reaches the finish line. today, the president devoted most of his meeting on economic issues with members of the government to this topic. let’s ask anna lazareva which areas they will focus on. she joins the facts live. we welcome her, so what will the authorities concentrate on? hello, colleagues, the president
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said that the absolute priorities should be the income and quality of life of citizens while maintaining macroeconomic stability. based on the results of last year and further plans to strengthen industry, financial sector, foreign trade and the economy as a whole, the president stopped at the meeting. we were talking about prospects until 2030. economic growth last year turned out to be higher than expected, exceeding the world average and the results of the most. developed countries, said vladimir putin. russia's gdp increased, so we still considered 3.5%. according to the latest data - 3.6%. uh, this is higher than the world average, the world average growth rate is 3%. the pace of the economies of developed countries is 1.5%. it is very important that such dynamics occur in the first place.
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it is based on our internal capabilities, that we have achieved such dynamics, as vladimir putin noted, in a number of industries there is even double-digit growth, in the field of computer production, output has increased by a third, in aviation technology and shipbuilding + 25.5%, in the furniture industry plus 20%. thus, the importance of non-resource, manufacturing industries is growing, non-oil and gas revenues in the twenty-third.
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according to the president, special attention should be paid to inflation and curbing consumer prices. in january there has already been a decline to 7.2%. and as vladimir putin emphasized, it is important to maintain a balance between development goals and ensuring price stability. in the coming years, taking into account the challenges facing the russian and the entire global economy, we need a proactive, stimulating policy that... will allow us to reveal
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the industrial, agricultural, transport, high-tech potential of russia at a new level and create and modernize production modern, well-paid jobs in all regions of the federation. the government is now completing work on a six-year socio-economic plan, as the president emphasized, during its implementation it is important to adhere to the principles of macroeconomic stability, and an increase to... it’s easy to imagine the ideal home, so just imagine, and the click house will do the rest, from dream to at home, one house click. al
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the polish ministry of agriculture de facto supported local farmers who are blocking the import of cheap grain from ukraine. as the deputy head of the department said, the ukrainian country imports a lot of low-quality products, so in any case , skip these without checking. cargo is unacceptable. sami farmers say they plan to continue such actions until at least march 10. the topic will be continued by anna voronina. we will not miss ukrainian grain. polish carriers and farmers
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have moved to protect their interests in a tough scenario. highways near the border are no longer simply blocked; tires are brought to the scene of action to prevent the passage of ukrainian trucks. all dissatisfied people, even polish farmers, who are difficult to suspect of sympathizing with moscow, were immediately called pro-russian
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provocateurs, admitting that they themselves were to blame the ukrainian authorities refuse to grant the square. let's call things by their proper names. in this photo, ukrainian grain, which was poured out by polish, actually pro-russian provocateurs, from ukrainian trucks. the pseudo-blockade on the border continues, such actions are base and disgraceful. the ambassador of ukraine to poland, vasily zvarych, demanded that warsaw sort it out. diplomats contacted the police demanding that a case be opened. polish police said they had launched an investigation into the trucks being broken into. according to their data, the grain was poured out of three trucks, but as the ukrainians say truck drivers, law enforcement officers are of little use. the police have arrived, the police have arrived, the police are throwing up their hands, this is just for show, nothing special. the anger of polish farmers and carriers is caused by the european commission’s proposal to extend duty-free import of goods from ukraine for another year.
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to ask you about syrsky, well, dana, that’s all denis, we’re welcome, of course, i’d like to talk to him, plus or minus, okay, let’s use the official data that was shared in our defense department? yes, greetings, well, i’ll also mention the cheese, let’s start with situation on the right bank of the dnieper. the russian group is actively using it there. those same reserves in kiev that everyone is trying to predict depletion, but they don’t run out and don’t run out, and moreover, every time they arrive clearly on target. here in the footage , a mortar crew was destroyed by a direct hit, three more field artillery guns were disabled in a similar way, including an american three-seven and a howitzer. a marine brigade and a brigade of the ukrainian defense forces suffered serious damage. on the krasnoliman front during the day, artillery units inflicted fire on 100 identified targets, of which 60
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points were concentrations of personnel in the ssu, the loss of militants was about 300 people in this area. in the krasno-limansky direction , units of the center group of troops improved the situation along the front line and repelled two attacks by assault groups - the sixtieth and 63rd mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​​​the settlements of yampolovka , donetsk people's republic. and chervonoye dbrovo of the lugansk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to up to 290 military personnel four armored fighting vehicles and nine vehicles. in the donetsk direction, our units again occupied more advantageous positions and repelled 13 attacks. thoughtless attacks, as if to look like a fool. moreover, the kiev command does not present itself in the best light. and today it became known that russian troops hit the targets we use. vsu officers in nikolaev, including the zorya mashproekt oil depot plant, where
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military products were produced. rionovosti reported this, representatives called the nikolaev underground. some workshops were separated from other workshops, roadblocks were set up and it was forbidden to enter them. military products began to be produced in these workshops. it is noteworthy that workers from western ukraine were attracted to work on the production of this apu. ssu refused the services of local workers. we are talking about at least ten arrivals in three waves, high-precision, long-range and strategically necessary. however, this has been worked out. our military tactics, against the backdrop of the advance of troops in bogdanovka and a far from advantageous position militants in chasyar, there was a smell of frying , so it got to kiev, they began to send reserves to this direction in the ssu, mostly mobilized ones, who do not know how to fight, and did not want to do this, they were forced, and under the new commander-in-chief syrsky everything will be even worse,
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the operations themselves, with the possible exception of absolutely operational operations of some battalions there... are certainly not being developed by the ukrainian general staff, at best together with the ukrainian general staff, but they are being developed by the americans, so it is possible this syrsky can be given any tasks from the point of view of this zelensky, but he will carry out and he will act within the framework of strict strict implementation of those developments that have been developed in the pentagon. few people are responding to the promises of the kiev authorities that everything will be under control. in the ivanofrankivsk region, tetsekashniks gathered people to campaign against russian aggression, but the locals themselves were aggressively opposed to the military commissars. obviously, people don’t understand
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why everything is for whom. rushing drones, snipers, as well as in close combat with russian troops. russia's ubiquitous landmines have torn off the legs of thousands of ukrainians, and the bunkers where soldiers slept last winter have been overrun by gruzuns. that is, the prospects are vague, things are also getting worse with technology, minus almost 15.00 tanks and other armor, 8.0 guns,
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field artillery. but ukrainian ordinary people are unlikely to know about this, because kiev paints for them perfectly. a different picture, but the united states and britain are going to establish the post of special envoy for ukraine, this information was shared by the foreign service russian intelligence reports that london and washington are trying to convince the g7 countries of the need for this step, while the current nato secretary general stoltenberg may be appointed to the post of special envoy. because it is known that very soon he will leave his chair due to the expiration of his term of office. well, in kiev itself they are also making changes, creating new positions, as experts note , thus, zelensky’s team creates the appearance of vigorous activity in order to receive help from the west, especially since the second anniversary of the northern military district is coming.
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let us recall that anatoly bargelevich was appointed head of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine instead of sergei shaptala, previously he... commanded the territorial defense forces, a separate branch of the armed forces of ukraine, the forces of unmanned systems, was created last week, headed by colonel vadim sukharevsky. according to ukrainian media , he is considered the first ukrainian officer who gave the order to open fire to kill during the fighting in the donbass in 2014. well, the most high-profile appointment is the new head of the armed forces of ukraine, alexander syrsky, who earned himself, to put it mildly, controversial reputation. this comrade , well, let’s say, is widely known among ukrainian military personnel, including, but as general 200, with whom a large number of casualties in the artyomovsk direction are associated, when we liberated artyomovsk, and of course, this is his frenzied desire
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not to take anything into account, not to take into account the victims, not to take into account the losses, but of course, yes, it can characterize... some new meat grinders there, which perhaps, well, again , will be organized by him. why is he doing this does, well, it’s hard to say, maybe because he’s already oppressed by his russian origin, that is, he was born in russia and studied in russia and received an education, well, that’s how it is, which means that maybe it’s very difficult for him to perceive that he is doing now, but his motives are difficult to understand; they were skeptical about the reshuffle of the armed forces of ukraine in kiev itself. verkhovna rada deputy irina gerashchenko said that all this is more like a purge. she expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the change of leadership of the armed forces of ukraine took place without. explanation, but experts in their own however, this point is explained simply: decisions on appointments were not made by kiev.
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the mortgage suited the united states of america quite well, but it was his behavior that did not suit the british. we now see that zelensky carries out more instructions from the british than from the united states of america, but in the end he was somehow able to convince the americans that... zaluzhny needs to be replaced, but that this will have a qualitative impact on the provision of military support on the part of the united states of america, i deeply doubt it. them the armed forces of ukraine only have a couple of months of resources left, as stated by the head of the faction, servant of the people, david rahamia. he added that he visited the united states last week and noted that within the states there are still unresolved issues related to migrants at the border. in other words. i have enough problems of my own. rahami noted that the leadership of ukraine, due to the difficult situation with external funding, is forced to seek opportunities for a new mobilization
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from sources within the country. ukrainian ambassador to the united states oksana makarova also stated, that ukraine is experiencing an acute shortage of missiles, including for air defense, but at the same time, kiev, in her opinion, still has enough people willing to fight. wrote on social networks that a quarter of ukrainian schoolchildren, about a million people in total, want to go abroad out of fear of just ending up in the ranks of the mvsu. according to the ex-prime minister, the kiev authorities will immediately turn teenagers fit for service into cannon fodder, so schoolchildren have already lost optimism and hope for a better future. how can you not lose it here? well, at the american institute queens expressed the opinion that the resignation of valery zalozhny from the post of the armed forces of ukraine may be related to preparations for the future.
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the un security council will hold a meeting in the coming hours dedicated to the minsk agreements; i hope they are still remembered in the west. russia requested to convene a meeting on... the anniversary of the adoption of the documents, as stated in the russian permanent mission, moscow wants to recall how the kiev regime, together with its sponsors, simply missed a historical chance for a peaceful solution to the ukrainian crisis. let us remind you that the first minsk the agreements were signed in 2014 by representatives of the trilateral contact group, which included russia, ukraine and the osce, as well as representatives of the dpr and lpr. a year later, the second minsk agreements were signed with the participation of representatives of germany and france. subsequently, former french president francois hollande and former german chancellor angela merkel noted that they signed the minsk agreements only to give ukraine time
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to strengthen its military potential. when you pick up a profit debit card, you will immediately open all the possibilities of incredibly profitable conditions.
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observed throughout the capital region, as well as in the tver, novgorod and pskov regions, roads everywhere are covered with ice. today in the pushkinogorsky district of the pskov region , a school... collided with a truck, the trailer of the truck was carried into the oncoming lane. the bus driver tried to avoid the collision and drove into a ditch. as a result , the teacher and nine teenagers were hospitalized, three in serious condition in intensive care. according to eyewitnesses, the roadway was very slippery at the time of the accident. today, at 380 km of the st. petersburg-nevel highway, at around 9:30 there was a tangential collision with a school. bus with a heavy vehicle, children were injured as a result. and literally a few minutes later , another accident occurred in the same area, an
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ambulance, which... was on its way to a call to the scene of an accident with a bus, overturned, two brigade employees were injured, they were taken to the pskov regional hospital. a surge in accidents, noted after the start of freezing rain in the capital region under the building, capsized a dump truck with sand, a police car overturned on novoryazanskoe highway. it was extremely slippery today in the lower reaches of the volga near uryupinsk and a snowplow could not stay on the icy road. throughout the region, skidding trucks create traffic disturbances and additional difficulties on the road. creates dense fog. in the morning, freezing rains were observed in the strip from the smolensk to the volgograd regions. an ice crust 3 mm thick formed in smolensk, kursk, and orel. around noon, freezing rain was already falling in pskovskaya, novgorodskaya, tverskaya, tula, ryazan regions, in the south of the moscow region in moscow. by the end of the day, the zone of freezing rain will cover the entire novgorod region, the entire capital region of the western vladimir region.
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ice rain is formed in conditions when the air near the surface of the earth is colder than at the height of cloud formation, street thermometers show a frost of -5, and rain pours from it, because at a level of one and a half kilometers above the ground, the temperature is positive, in such conditions the contact with a cold surface, raindrops freeze instantly. now it's warming up if on sunday the border between frost and thaw passed through the rostov, volgograd and astrakhan regions, then today... thaws pass through the pskov region along the southern border of the moscow region, crossing the ryazan, tambov, saratov regions. however, tomorrow, under the pressure of arctic air, frosts will return to the central region, and the warmth will only reach the southern urals. for example, in orenburg today it was -15, the weather is sunny, at night the sky will be covered with clouds, rapid warming will begin, but the rain will outpace the thaw will begin at a temperature of -5. towards
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the middle. tomorrow it will warm up to +1, and then it will start to get colder, on wednesday night -7, by the end of the week at night -27. in volgograd the thaw will linger until wednesday, in the evening and at night in the city +1, fog, drizzle, tomorrow afternoon +2, on wednesday +1, on thursday night it will get colder to -7°, in the daytime about 5 below zero, changes, cloudy at night on friday -12, in moscow now -2, weak conditions continue. slight precipitation, colder temperatures will begin at night, freezing to 4°, tomorrow day -6, cloudy with clearings, wednesday night -15, daytime -10, well on thursday night up to 20 below zero. over the weekend, according to preliminary forecasts, the frosts will weaken. this is the information for this hour.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well, there's a girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. look, just without it.


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