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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? there you go, girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes, look, but without amateur performances.
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stand still, don’t move, for some reason i trust you. anna is a medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. why is it possible for you, but not for us? the president of kyrgyzstan, in response to the ugly statements of the state department, called on the americans not to interfere in matters other countries. it all started with the fact that the united states criticized the kyrgyz law on foreign agents. secretary of state antony blinken even wrote a letter in which, quote, he expressed concern about the new bill and essentially called for it to be repealed. sadyr zhapparov responded to this that tens of thousands of non-governmental organizations operate in kyrgyzstan, with which the authorities have had previous relations. quote: there was neither the will nor the desire to do anything. some of them receive funding from abroad, including the usa and eu countries. and no
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accountability, but the time has come to restore order, japarov recalled that the bill being discussed in the kyrgyz parliament is conceptually close to the american law on the registration of foreign agents, which was adopted already in 1938, it is generally unprecedented that he is beginning to discuss the course of the discussion about this law in kyrgyzstan, express your opinion and impose it.
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foreign agents and disclosed these facts to american authorities; for violation, a fine of up to 250 thousand dollars or a prison term of up to 5 years. amendments to the kyrgyz bill, as at a minimum, with the text of an american document, organizations that are financed from abroad and engage in political activities must be included in the register of foreign representatives. for violation there is also a fine or a prison term of up to 10 years. it is worth noting that the same bill was passed a year ago. was considered in georgia, the parliament even adopted it in the first reading, but after that mass protests began under pressure from the opposition and fueled by the states. as a result, the bill was withdrawn, all western non-governmental organizations continued to work in georgia without foreign agent status. with support from kiev , western pharmaceutical companies reportedly conducted medical experiments in mariupol on psychiatric patients and children. about the tests that went on before... the list includes large corporations from the usa,
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great britain, belgium, switzerland and other countries. including the well-known weiser astrazeneca johnson and johnson , envelopes with drugs without names, boxes with containers for biomaterials with addresses of recipients in foreign laboratories, and we also thank the ukrainian side for such cooperation. polish prime minister donald tusk today met in paris with french president emmanuel macron, and then from the fifth republic went to germany, where negotiations are planned with german chancellor ollav scholz. a meeting of the foreign ministers of france, germany and poland is also planned there. this negotiating format has been known as the weimar triangle since 1991. according to reuters, diplomats will discuss what europe might face in victory donald trump in the next us presidential election. earlier, speaking to
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supporters in south carolina, trump promised that he would not defend european allies who do not pay extra dues to nato. well, alexander stup won. in the finnish presidential elections, gaining almost 52% of the vote. in 2008, stoop took over as chairman of the osce and was already an active supporter of finland's accession to nato. during the election race, stup declared support for an anti-russian course, advocated the rejection of full-fledged relations with moscow until the end of the conflict in ukraine, supported the confiscation of frozen russian assets and their use to help kiev. let me remind you that in finland the president is elected for 6 years. the term of office of the stub will begin on march 1. the head of rosatom inspected the construction of the akuyu nuclear power plant in turkey. alexey lekhachov inspected the turbine room of block number one. there they completed a technically complex operation to install the turbogenerator starter in the pre-design position. this is the heaviest
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component of nuclear power equipment. power plants. and if khachov visited together with the minister of energy of turkey. the head of rosatom also inspected the construction site and conducted... the largest construction site on the planet , the same four reactors are being built by the state corporation rosatom in egypt, but here the first unit is already in its final stage, construction readiness is more than 90%, all the equipment of the nuclear island has been installed, and here in the turbine hall work is in full swing to start up the turbine and electricity generator, from the point of view of reactor equipment we... are now leading commissioning work, well, here we are installing the stator, the base of the generating system, and this is the heaviest equipment, generally speaking, at the site, at the nuclear power plant, a large number of employees are involved, the work is proceeding in strict
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accordance with the schedule. a sports mega-project of a new format with a prize fund of $10 million is not fantasy; the first grandiose international tournament, the games of the future, will start in kazan next week; it will combine competitions in physical disciplines and computer games. so, the opening ceremony of the games is planned for february 21. the first participants will arrive in kazan on february 15, the competition will last 10 days until march 3 inclusive. according to the organizers, more than 270 teams and about 2,000 athletes from around the world will take part in the games. athletes will compete in... of course, interest in this format is growing, many states are planning to develop it at home, well, it is necessary that fans all over the world have
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the opportunity to follow the competitions in tatarstan, it is important that all events were held at the highest level, so that people would have fun, so that fans from different countries could follow the competitions, i want. wish our russian athletes a fair fight and victories. so, what is unique about this international event? the games of the future is a multi-sport tournament in the figital concept. figital is a mix of the words physical, physical and digital. thus, the organizers say, this is a competition at the intersection of sports, science, technology, that is, it is a functional digital sport, within which participants compete and...
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using the example of the latter, we will explain what it will look like. each match consists of two stages. in the first, teams play against each other in football simulators, in the second they compete on a real field in a 5x5 format. the goals of the two stages are summed up. whoever scored the most wins. in the technology challenge,
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participants will fight using technically complex devices and technological developments. there are six disciplines represented in this category. for example, this is drone racing. robot battle and dance a simulator, like that, a dance simulator, one of the most important disciplines of the tournament, of course it will be cyberathletics, our correspondent dani found out what it is. he conveys the saying : cybathletics is a rather new direction , both throughout the world and in our country, in this short time, in a few years, it is already possible to identify the region of the athlete from which at different starts they show themselves brighter than others, this is the kirov region, where we and they arrived, they are called vyad cyborgs, konstantin and alexei with prosthetic forearm hips made it to the games of the future, winning the qualifying starts and... now they will represent russia at the main event in the world of physical sports in the twenty-fourth year,
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they are waiting for the games with anticipation, having absolutely no idea about potential rivals from other countries. it’s interesting to compete with other countries, to see the level of their development in terms of adaptation of people, disabled people, to sports there, and to the use of prostheses in general. konstantin korsakbaev and alexey komolev are only half of the team, with them in the four there are two more part. i was describing balancing circles, this is now in winter, this is the most important thing - not slipping,
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keeping your balance, that’s all, this occurs, all these stages occur in life, this is training, the algorithm is such that one does one thing, passes it on to another, for example, how we had the qualifying rounds, it all starts with konstantin, he also goes along this slide and takes, collects these parts that need to be put in a box, he passes them to me, i already take them with a prosthesis i put them in a box prosthesis. complex mechanics help restore more lost functions, which is a consequence of the development of digital technologies, communication with the nervous system, the result is a combination of the virtual and the real, so cyboathletics is the most figital sport, to one of the highest levels of which participants in the games of the future stubbornly did not go far one year. there are two awards, probably for me in the twenty- first and twenty-second year, i came fourth twice. place, you know, when a little bit was not enough, just a little bit, that’s how i am i’m already thinking, well, this is the third time i went
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, i’m thinking, well, if i take fourth place again now, i just won’t go, because it’s so annoying, you know, to take fourth place two times in a row, but at that championship i already took third place, then the first in 2023. in addition to cybo-athletics, alexey is a candidate for master of sports in archery, and he competes with those who have no prostheses... no, and he does it extremely successful that they see me shoot, they just maybe they are not indignant, how a person with a disability came and beat us healthy ones, maybe they are kind of shocked and disappointed, how so, well, this flatters me, the cybathletics tournament will be held in kazan at the games of the future from february 22 to 23, 10 teams, four athletes each, will compete for the main trophy. danil makhalin, stas petrov, nikolai portnykh, umar tuskaev, karen melikyan, news! esportsmen from the russian team tim spirit became champions of top polish tournaments in the game conter strike 2.
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the prize fund of the entire tournament amounted to one million dollars, of which our athletes received 400 thousand. by the way, the youngest team in this tournament. team spirit were the dark horse in kotowice, and this is one of the most prestigious championships in the counter discipline. so one of the participants, daniil kryshkovets, became the best player; the entire professional scene notes that the russian player is considered a young talent. shows results that no one has ever seen. thanks to everyone who is cheering, this is huge support, i feel it, even though the whole hall is against us, like it would seem, but you can hear the screams of 200-300 people who are rooting for us, it’s very nice, it brightened up our evening, and i love and appreciate you very much. the next tournament for the russian squad will be held in bucharest on february 19. will become a qualifier on the way to the world championship, dear ladies, i
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gifts for ozone psbp is profitable, register on cashback 3% from sbp. well, now information has appeared for those who are planning their next trip to the democratic people's republic of korea; a tourist zone will appear. this was stated by the press service of the primorye government following the trip of the russian journalists to the republic. so, what is already known, 17 hotels, 37 inns, 29 different shops will open a large beach on the territory especially for tourists. the vantsan-kalma tourist zone will occupy almost 3 km, and the zone will be completed in the coming years. the period somewhere from the eighteenth to the nineteenth to the twentieth, about 6.00 people, russians,
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primarily moved there, and 1,500 of them for tourism purposes, there is quite a lot to see and an opportunity to visit. attractions of phingyana, and was also able relax at the masikrem ski resort. in particular, the group visited the mansuda complex, the highest in phinyang, a monument of ideas. kemchensen square, a monument to soviet soldiers and liberators, and other interesting places. during the trip, the delegation from primorye discussed with the korean side the development
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of tourist exchanges between the dprk and russia. it is already known that two more groups of russian tourists will visit the republic in early march. the tourist program for russians became possible after a visit to the dprk the primorye delegation led by governor oleg kozhimyak and the agreements reached there with the north korean authorities. a shocking offer was received from kiev to exchange the remains of pyotr stalypin, that most famous russian statesman and reformer, for their prisoners. he was killed in kiev in 1911. the remains were buried in the kiev pechersk lavra, and now the kiev authorities are ready to cynically put them up for auction. varvara nevskaya with details. symbol of crime in the russian world. "russian nationalist, ukraine-fob. these epithets in modern ukraine are easily substituted for the name of any outstanding russian figure, but this time they are addressed to
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the figure of the former prime minister of the russian empire, pyotr stalypin. his remains have been resting near the refectory church of the kiev pechersk lavra for more than 100 years; its new director proposes to dig it up and include it in the exchange lists. one idea, for example, is to add it to... contribute it to the exchange fund, no matter how it looks or sounds: we have dead heroes, we have living heroes who are in captivity, we have our ukrainian prominent figures who are buried within the russian federation, abandoned and no one knows where they are. if we say that the process of real independence of ukraine has begun, it should begin , among other things, with the return of our symbols of our figures. it was stalypin's will to be buried where he would be killed, in that he would die as a result. the official had no doubt about the assassination attempt; from 1905 to 1911 they tried to kill him 11 times. on september 1, 1911
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, the terrorist dmitry bogrov succeeded in shooting prime minister at the kyiv opera. four days later, stalypin died, to understand what his name meant for the entire russian empire, it is enough to remember one historical fact: the farewell to the body of the great reformer lasted longer. in the fertile land of western siberia, just these million people did not fall into the famine situation of the thirties. i do not unconditionally support this initiative, i consider it simply
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blasphemous, i hope that in ukraine , after all, the majority of the population really knows history and appreciates stalypin as a man who has done a lot. but real, official kiev has long preferred an alternative history. ostapenko, one of the ideologists of the ancient. ukraine, and the grave of the commander general field marshal pyotr rumyantsev of zadunaysky, resting in stalypin, is not the only thing that bothers him in the assumption cathedral of the lavra. as a subject of the eye. he called the remains of the russian exchange objectionable; kiev was also considered by nikolai vatutin, the army general who commanded the forces of the first ukrainian front that liberated kiev from the fascist invaders in 1943. today, the whole of ukraine is like... a zoo, they simply want to destroy everything russian that is still left in ukraine, here is the zelensky regime, it essentially acts
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like animals in this zoo, we will not trade our memory , that’s the thing, they want us to trade our memory, so what happens, this is our history, our culture, we will not agree to this, we will take care of it ourselves together with sensible ukrainians. a multidisciplinary medical center opened in mariupol; it was built in just 10 months and equipped with the most
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modern russian equipment. the team was assembled from the best specialists from different regions of the country. eduard punigov attended the open day. a colossal impression. i didn’t expect that here in mariupol, 30 years of ukraine, that we could have such a constant cent. this is thanks, of course, to russia. thousands of mariupol residents were waiting for this event. the newest multidisciplinary center of the federal medical and biological agency of russia held an open day for the first time . all of them.
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and here they installed an artificial blood circulation, which will allow open heart surgery, that is, the heart stops, surgeons work calmly. and the device performs the function of the heart at this moment. a team of surgeons was assembled throughout novorossiya, and experienced specialists from other regions of russia were also invited. the equipment available in our center allows us to perform almost any surgical intervention, in our department, these are surgical, traumatological, including...
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multi-stage reconstructive plastic operations on bones and joints. on this device, for the convenience of employees, the display is presented on both sides. the center has modern computer and magnetic resonance imaging scanners, endoscopic and laboratory diagnostic devices. when fully loaded, the laboratory can handle up to 1,200 studies per day. there is modern equipment here, which is connected to a unified information system. in russia , emergency specialized care will be provided in the hospital of the medical complex, for example, in the event of accidents or disasters. the hospital has 100 beds, with the possibility of further expansion. the third- level consultative and diagnostic center is represented by a polyclinic, the capacity of which is 400 appointments with a two-shift operating mode. they plan to build another building in the future. there will be 12 additional departments, including a burn center, a rehabilitation department and
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a center... today he held a meeting on economic issues, the head of state instructed to pay special attention to curbing inflation, as of january it was 7.2%. the president also called it important to maintain a balance between economic development and stable prices. economic growth last year was higher than expected.


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