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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] russia's gdp growth at the end of last year was recalculated, and upward. vladimir putin held a meeting on economic issues. how did you manage to achieve growth rates above the world average, taking into account all the restrictions? and what
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will happen to inflation? which is financed from abroad, washington immediately appeared on the horizon, which did not like such legislative work. the president of kyrgyzstan without any second thoughts besieged secretary of state blinken. there is no need to interfere in the internal affairs of the country. why was washington nervous? to bali, thailand or north korea, a new tourist area for russians is being built there. what are pyongyang's prospects in the travel business? and when will it be possible to buy a ticket? to north korea, the first tourist group, consisting of 100 people , has already visited there. this is russia-24, we continue with the main facts of this day. a meeting dedicated to the minsk agreements will begin in the un security council in the next few minutes. the meeting dedicated to the ninth anniversary of the signing of the document will be held at the initiative of russia. the russian permanent mission
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stated: moscow wants to remind how kyiv the regime and its sponsors missed a historic chance for a peaceful solution to the ukrainian crisis. let me remind you that representatives of the trilateral contact group, which included russia, ukraine and the osce, as well as representatives of the dpr and lpr, signed the first minsk agreement in 2014. a year later, on february 12, the parties agreed on a set of measures to implement the minsk agreements, with russia, germany and france acting as guarantors. ukraine pointedly ignored its obligations. later ex-president of france and former chancellor of germany angela merkel admitted that they needed the minsk agreements only to give kiev time to strengthen the army. with support from kiev , western pharmaceutical companies reportedly conducted medical experiments in mariupol on psychiatric patients and children. the tests, which continued until 2016, became known from documents found in the basement of one of
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the city’s hospitals. they tested the drugs even on newborns, that is, the age column has a zero. these documents proving experiments on babies were found by builders during renovations in in the basement of the psychiatric department of the mariupol hospital. continuous collection of biomaterials, testing of experimental drugs from large western pharmaceutical companies on retired children, everything is secret. ukrainians manage to prove that there is no bottom that they haven’t broken through, that is , think about it, conduct experiments, conduct experiments on children, but this is pure water of hitler’s fascism, well, that is, hitler did that, they drove them to concentration camps just like that children, russian children, first of all, there were certainly jewish children and gypsies, they they drove children there to
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conduct experiments on them, to suck out their blood for... on which a number of medical institutions were marked, presumably from which biomaterial was taken, we see here the ilyech clinic, city hospital 1.54, in kiev, meanwhile the third stage of vaccination with the new drug from fizer has already started, almost fifty children have already died from this clinical experiment in 3 months, the drug is not approved in the usa, but zelensky, by his decree, allowed children under 12 years of age to be vaccinated
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and... we started these trials to help children, they injure or kill them, this is part of the trial documentation, we can see the mortality chart, as i said, the mortality rate is extremely high in the second stage, but the trials do not stop. this is a fragment of a list of child patients, some of them already dead. in addition to documents, in mariupol they also found envelopes with drugs without names, boxes with containers for biomaterials with addresses of foreign laboratories and gratitude from western countries for such cooperation. pentagon specialists for several years in the spring of twenty-two, it is known that dangerous biological products were tested in many hospitals in the square. thus, during a special operation on the territory of ukraine, it was established that in the period from 2019 to 2021, american scientists
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from a laboratory in the city of merifa, kharkov region, tested potentially dangerous biological drugs on patients at the regional clinical psychiatric hospital number 3 in the city of kharkov. persons with mental disorders were selected for experiments taking into account their age. yes, what exactly did he say: industrial russia's potential seemed much more serious than they thought in the usa, the country, which is called a gas station with nuclear weapons, makes missiles and projectiles, and moreover, he
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just said to those who might still doubt that you are a child and do not have no idea what is happening and what is possible, if, as the american authorities believe, crimea can supposedly be returned to ukraine, yes, even from the bright one at the same summit. american politicians have convinced themselves that putin will take over poland, carlson claims: “i don’t i defend putin, i’m not a fan of his, but in poland there is nothing that putin needs, there is no indication of this, well, that is, absolutely nothing. well, all the journalists, while carlson was in moscow, discussed his, so to speak, visit, how he went shopping, visited fast food outlets, so he himself says that moscow makes a more pleasant impression than any city in the usa, much cleaner, safer , aesthetically more beautiful. yes, there is even a quote here, which came as a shock to carlson, that moscow, where i had never been before, is the largest european a city with 13 million people is much nicer than any city in my country, that is, in
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the usa, let me remind you. permanent representatives of the eu member states will begin to agree on the 13th package of sanctions against russia the day after tomorrow, as western media report, permanent representatives of the state will participate in the meeting. they will discuss economic personal limitations. it is noted that the sanctions are planned to be put into effect by february 24. our colleague alka komarova will continue the topic. the british press openly criticizes zelensky for his resignation zaluzhny. the times claims that squabbles in the ukrainian leadership are complicating the already difficult situation with the allocation of funds to ukraine. they demand from kiev another pr legend about unprecedented unity. they are also dissatisfied with the changes in poland, they can already see it clearly there. the specter of imminent defeat , according to the polish general, a change in the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine will result in serious problems for the top of the kiev regime, against the backdrop of donald trump’s statements about the potential withdrawal of the united states from nato, european colleagues began to actively think through plan b if big brother suddenly
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leaves the family, the former president of poland even called for preparations for a geostrategic revolution. today trump, tomorrow maybe someone else, but the americans may after some time reconsider their strong
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presence in nato. europe must. you will remain poor forever. second, the most savings, so if you are poor in ukraine, important, ukraine will have to offer all its state assets for sale to multinational corporations, including all agricultural land, the largest asset in europe. at the same time, washington's tale about the last ukrainian has actually become true. as the new york times reports, in kiev they no longer know where to get soldiers for the front line. military analysts are almost unanimous that even with the new influx
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of u.s. a renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zoevo and another 1,200 renovated and new cultural centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. the petrovs have holidays ahead, valentine's day for renovations. putty day and international wallpaper day . don't limit yourself. loans for personal from the post office bank with a comfortable payment from 1. rubles is enough for the necessary and pleasant things. go get the money, post office bank. enjoy your
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has a name. mark, have lunch. sasha, polya, max, at the table. lunch. so they invite you to try it. shibekinskie. taste has a name, now it is yours. my back gets tired on my feet all day. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? your bank account and you can pay for anything through an nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code. download sbp, pay conveniently. for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the gate in the garage. this is how dad plays. it’s all in dad’s overall balance sheet. add different numbers to the total balance, only one replenishes all the others. will be paid automatically conveniently, opened
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the application, selected the car brand, avita will select everything for that, any business starts with a person , at first i cooked it myself, then the team began to expand, but when there are more clients, you don’t always keep up with demand, with support the development does not stop , we expand further, the national project for small and medium-sized enterprises by the decision of the president, our job is to support yours. vladimir putin held a meeting today on economic issues, the head of state instructed to pay
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special attention. higher than the world average, the world average is just 3%, the growth rate of developed economies countries 1.5%. in areas such as the production of computers, aircraft, ships, furniture, electrical equipment and vehicles , double-digit growth rates were noted. the positive dynamics of the real sector and the confident performance of business, in turn, increase the stability of public finances. last year , the federal budget deficit was 1.9%, while non-oil and gas revenues increased by about a quarter, including in the fourth quarter they were almost half a trillion rubles more than expected in january this year increased by about 85%
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compared to last year’s figure, this once again emphasizes the growing role of non-raw materials. and as the main task , the president outlined increasing the incomes and quality of life of russians, as well as the well-being of russian families. work is currently underway to implement these issues; a new socio-economic development plan is designed for the coming years. on the horizon until 2030. work is now entering its final stage on a plan of socio-economic actions for the next 6 years, including the following:
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key areas such as support. games of the future, my colleague maria slobodyanskaya. support for the agro-industrial complex, infrastructure development of the far east and preparation of the first international multi-sport tournament are on the agenda of the government meeting. to support farmers, the government will allocate 20 billion rubles to the ministry of agriculture. these funds will be used to issue concessional loans, investment or
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short-term loans at a reduced rate. mikhail mishustin instructed to bring resources to agricultural producers promptly, already now. the industry is preparing for the spring campaign. the funds can be used for seasonal field work, which is very important today, when preparations for the spring sowing campaign have already begun in russian regions. such financing will make it possible to implement large investment projects in the industry, not only to increase production volumes, but also , importantly, to increase the processing of agricultural raw materials at our domestic facilities. one more block. the issue at the meeting concerned the development of long-range east, the region should become increasingly attractive both for living and for business and tourism. an important step towards this is the implementation of plans for the social development of centers of economic growth. we are talking about creating modernization of in-demand infrastructure. these are kindergartens, schools, hospitals, housing and communal services facilities and public spaces.
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the far eastern concession helps to develop such projects. under this mechanism, the investor creates infrastructure in the region, and the state guarantees companies a return on investment. and minimizes risks regarding the position of funds. over the years, this form of partnership has proven its effectiveness, and now we will allocate over 40 billion rubles for its implementation. these funds will be used to co-finance expenses during the implementation of conceptual agreements, the duration of which exceeds the period of validity of the limits on budgetary obligations. the far eastern concession mechanism was approved back in 2021. the main direction where government co-financing goes is the development of medicine. tation center, ski resort, art museum and children's camps will appear in the magadan region, primorsky and khabarovsk territories. new facilities will also be built in kamchatka,
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buryat, and chakotka in yakutia. and in the trans-baikal territory and the jewish autonomous region , street lighting systems will be reconstructed. this year, the mechanism will become even more important and will also be used as part of the renovation program for far eastern cities. as part of the program , living conditions will be improved in twenty cities and a new city will be built. the satellite will experience the results of this work for more than 4 million population of the far east, half of the program will be allocated from the federal budget in 24-26 years 165 billion rubles. also, next week a new international innovation tournament will start in kazan. the games of the future are competitions at the intersection of traditional sports and digital information technologies. five directions, over twenty disciplines and more than 270 teams of participants , a special federal law was adopted to organize this event. this open competition format is based on
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principles of equality of justice. russia has always taken the position that sport should be outside of politics. competitions will be held in twenty-three innovative disciplines, these include fijitel, football, hockey, basketball, martial arts, cyber and tactical combat, robot battles, drone racing and much more. opening of the tournament. scheduled for february 21, the games of the future will last 2 weeks, 10 objects will be involved in the competition, eight in kazan, one in vinopolis, one in sirius, formula 4 virtual races will be held there. so on at the moment there is news from the lentu news agency that a citizen of belarus has been detained for setting fire to an electrical substation. yes, we are talking about an electrical substation in tula, it is known that - he completed this on instructions from the ukrainian special services, tas was informed about this at
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the fsb public relations center. well, now there is a live broadcast on our channel. madam chairman, you know, it seems to me that what steve swinney said just now should have been heard from the representatives of the secretariat who gave us a briefing today. instead of. place of empty speeches, filled with hackneyed clichés. madam chairman, we took the initiative to convene today’s meeting in order to remind everyone present of what the deliberate sabotage by the kiev regime and its sponsors
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of the document of a set of measures for implementation, fundamental to the resolution of the internal ukrainian crisis, led to. the following order of execution was agreed upon and was not subject to change. the first is a ceasefire. the second is the withdrawal of weapons. third is osce monitoring. fourth - the beginning dialogue between kyiv and donbass. fifth - amnesty. sixth, exchange of detainees. the seventh is humanitarian access, the eighth is the lifting of the economic blockade,
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the ninth is the transfer of control over the border to kiev, if point eleven is fulfilled, namely constitutional reform with the granting of special status to donbass, the tenth is the withdrawal of foreign mercenary formations, the twelfth is the coordination of the procedure for holding elections, the intensification of contact work . tried to present the case in such a way that the clause on transfer to him must first be fulfilled
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control over the border of the lpr and dpr was impossible. western sponsors, including in this room , repeated, like a mantra, absolutely baseless allegations that the minsk agreements were allegedly not being fulfilled by russia, which did not bear any obligations under the peace complex; all attempts to shift responsibility to russia, to make it out to be a party to the conflict were absolutely untenable . madam chairman,
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kiev’s conscientious and consistent implementation of the minsk agreements. was the only chance return peaceful ukraine. for a settlement , it was first of all necessary to have a direct, inclusive, mutually respectful dialogue between the parties to the conflict, donetsk, lugansk and kiev, as was envisaged in the agreement. i would like to briefly recall what preceded the signing of the minsk document
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and why it was so important. and then exactly 9 years ago the minsk mir complex. however, as we already know for sure today, thanks to the revelation of the leaders of germany and france, merkel, poland and the former president of ukraine poroshenko, neither kiev, nor the guarantors of minsk in the person of france, germany and poland, were not going to do anything. cynically, using the resulting respite to arm the ukrainian army and
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prepare it for war with russia. individual representatives of the osce special monitoring mission played along, who, as evidence obtained after the start of the special military operation shows, instead of monitoring compliance with the ceasefire, in fact spied for kiev and shared intelligence data with it. here are quotes from statements by representatives of the zelensky regime in january february 2022, that is, literally on the eve of the start of a special military operation. on january 31 , secretary of the national security council of ukraine danilov said that implementation of the minsk agreements means the destruction of the country. on february 1 , zelensky himself said that kiev has different views on the procedure for implementing certain points of the minsk agreements. and on february 4 , minadel kuleba said that the minsk agreements


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