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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:29pm MSK

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honor the nazis are preparing for the residents of the rebellious villages. renewed oath. most of the generals of the armed forces of ukraine swore allegiance to the soviet union, some even managed to serve in the russian army. it turns out that the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine owes a lot to russia. another line of defense for donbass. the russian army built a great railway wall under the wave. the 30 km long train is visible even from space. where did you find so many carriages? masks of hypocrisy dropped? germans have no hesitation in talking about ancestors who fought under nazi banners? have germany really forgotten the lessons of history and want to make light of hitler’s dark past? whiskers, paws and tail are the secret weapons in the ssu. foreign publications write that ukrainian militants are using cats against russia. there is no hope for people anymore.
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the prospect for ukrainian towns and villages, which will sabotage the total mobilization of the ukrainian armed forces, could be cleared as enemy territory; this is precisely the threat voiced by the former commander of the aidar terrorist battalion, evgeniy diky. on air on ukrainian tv, he directly stated that the most severe punishment should be imposed for the resistance of the civilian population to the capture of suicide bombers. interesting. that the reason for such harsh and frank proposals was the situation that developed in just one locality, namely in the village of kosmach, ivano-frankivsk region. local residents have been at the top of ukrainian news lately, since it was there that the general rebellion against mobilization probably first began. now neo-nazis from among the so-called ato veterans are calling for the entire village to be imprisoned to be tried in jail for treason. but as is already clear, the kiev regime is preparing public opinion for more radical measures, it will be confirmed. but
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in fact, there was a purely heartfelt admission that purges are a common practice. alexey, hello, it’s also very important how it sounded. the nazi, barely able to fit into the screen, with some kind of bestial ecstasy, spoke about how he would send punitive forces against his own fellow citizens. galicians are rebelling against general mobilization. westerners were outraged that the military commissars, or as they are now called nezalezhnaya tskashniks began to catch them, the most correct of the ukrainians, they invaded, the holy of holies, the golyachin. the cradle of assorted nazis in embroidered shirts who fought in hitler’s country and whose descendants cultivated xenophobia in the country for decades, now the rebellious village of kosmach, the largest in the carpathian region, has become a real center of protest, which infects its neighbors and the entire ivanovo-frankivsk region with its sentiments. they tried to calm the villagers down at a general meeting, where a representative of the recruitment center, a military commissar, spoke, however, he was bombarded to put it mildly, not the most convenient questions: why was war not declared, and most importantly, to whom was it not declared?
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such visitors from kiev in the village are treated coldly, to put it mildly, they are greeted by a crowd in order to beat off the men they want to mobilize in the crowd, the ukrainian nazis did not like this willfulness of the locals , the ex-commander of the terrorist...
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for them this territory was also supposedly not enemy , but now the enemies are the most devoutly devoted to the ideas of ukrainians, who for some reason long believed that they you won’t have to fight for...independence, the language and ukraine, for this there are russian-speaking sub-citizens who still need to prove their devotion to the nation, or better yet, die for it. they called mainly for residents of eastern, central, southern ukraine, who are all russian-speaking, but little by little it came to western ukraine, there are not enough people, the losses are colossal. and then suddenly it turns out.
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the paradise they want to make in ukraine. now a real witch hunt is taking place in space, crowds are stopping people at the entrance to the village, they check their phones, they beat them if there is any suspicion of connection with the military commissars from the shopping center. this happened to this woman, she was driving with a child in a car, her daughter was hit on the head with a bat in a fight, in another settlement, less than 20 km from kosmach, the police got it, they tried to detain two men, but it didn’t work. and the example of disobedience is truly contagious, this is footage from the odessa
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region, where thugs in boloklavs fought with military commissars, wall to wall, against this background information is received that part of the forces the national guard is starting to be delayed to suppress the protests, maybe... with nazi statements on the air of the telethon, kiev is testing how tough it can act? used by media specialists in kiev used as such a litmus test, let him say so, we will now throw in this message and see how society reacts to it, react well, which means it will be possible to promote this direction further, if it reacts poorly, well then we’ll come up with something another thing, the flywheel of unrest is launched under them... will very likely require kiev to divert forces from the front; it cannot be ruled out that then they will start working against the golets forks with bursts of nato machine guns. evgeniya nipaty, cleansing of ukraine. within 24 hours , the russian military managed to improve the situation
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along the front line in the krasno-limansky sector of the northern military district, and also stopped the enemy’s attempts to launch an attack on the settlements of empolovka and chervona-debrova. as a result, two enemy mechanized brigades were killed at once. there is an enemy motorized brigade, they they are regrouping, we interfere with them, destroy them so that the enemy does not have time to redeploy and bring up new forces, a tank is a mobile weapon that shoots like a sniper rifle,
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high-explosive fragmentation shells for a greater damaging effect, we push to the end, we clamp, that’s what the projectile is turned on mark with you, stop, on the right flank a tank platoon of the center group of troops immediately deploys, massive fire on the enemy from the t-80. the support of the ukrainian armed forces in the kremensky forest is defeated. in this area, the enemy lost about a company of militants. one of the most effective ways to combat the enemy. targets - this is the work of tankers from closed firing positions. our combat vehicle is reliably camouflaged, enemy birds practically cannot see it from above, but it is very convenient to hit
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vso targets. combat work begins at dawn. we have developed a unique shooting skill. we shoot from several vehicles at the same time at one point, that is , several shells fly directly to one point at the same time, causing great damage to the enemy. the tanks replace each other in positions, the crews work from there. disinformation, which is now trying with all its might to at least somehow improve the image
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of the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the independent to attribute all the negativity about alexander syrsky to an allegedly russian company to discredit him, they say the colonel general really has some weak points in his biography, but besides this, according to the explanations of the ukrainian media , they should be treated exclusively as fakes and provocations of the notorious russian propaganda. it is noteworthy that the list of these same fakes includes ordinary information, well, for example, birth. in ukraine , they have learned to rewrite the history of their country in a filigree manner; now some
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ukrainian characters are ready to rewrite the history of their lives for the sake of career growth. particularly stubborn nationalists in ukraine have been angry at vysu moskal for days now. where has this been seen? in kiev they are hastily starting to invent a new biography of general syrsky. although, what is there to invent? syrsky was born in the village of novinki in the vladimirov region and studied. at the moscow higher combined arms command school, that is, he coming out of our military school, there’s nothing to be done, nothing can be done? i think it’s a great stupidity for the ukrainians, so to speak, to revise history, including their military personnel, moreover, the highest military education in the soviet union of the russian federation still remains the best, and find fault with the fact that... the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrsky, there, the chief of staff of the armed forces of ukraine,
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the former head of the ministry of defense under poroshenko, they graduated from higher military institutions in russia and the soviet union, well, this is stupid. it’s stupid, not stupid, but the fact remains that ukraine is getting rid of everything russian, including military education. former soviet officers who chose the trident, after the collapse of the union, became hasty. retrain to the so-called nato standards. let us note that the current generals of the armed forces of ukraine, the same zaluzhny budanov, were trained, some in europe, some in the usa, they were taught there not only battle tactics, but specifically in the war with russia. according to experts, 70% of the current ukrainian generals are people who, in one way or another, otherwise connected with russia, they studied at soviet military schools and academies, and only 30% of generals are a product of ukrainian education. must understand, these generals will need to be under double, if not
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triple, optics, this, of course, seriously reduces their managerial military potential, very seriously, budanov’s counterintelligence, so to speak, is watching every general, when a military decision needs to be made, he there will be 28 times first before this military decision still think about, as you can guess, all the mistakes today's team of former soviet officers, and now managers of the armed forces of ukraine. naturally, they will come under fire first and foremost. and of course, these guys today, well, to put it mildly, are not to be envied. let's figure out which ukrainian general, which ukrainian generals were fed by the soviet army. for example, the deputy commander-in-chief of the ssu , lieutenant general mikhail zabrodsky. by the way, at one time he even replaced general zaluzhny. he graduated from the military school in leningrad. and here is the berry on the cake. 5 years after graduating from college, zabrodsky served. under contract in the army of the russian federation. let's move on. minister of defense of ukraine
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stepan poltorak graduated from the higher command school of the ussr ministry of internal affairs in vladikavkaz. another character, viktor muzhenko. another graduation from the leningrad higher combined arms command school. managed to serve transcaucasia with the western group of troops in germany. and this list can be continued . ukraine itself is diligently trying to get rid of the soviet general's past. taking into account the madness that ukrainians have nationalists in their heads , another alarming bell appeared, and the bell was such that all ukrainian publics were torn apart, starting...
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and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the independent at the celebration of russia day in 2013 , which was organized by our embassy. at this celebration, syrsky posed with his russian colleagues and, as eyewitnesses say, swore eternal friendship with the fraternal russian people. true, after six months of his celebration, and after the celebration, his units fired at the russian-speaking to the population of mariupol, went to donetsk airport, and even later got to izvarinsky. the cauldron, according to experts , you really cannot envy the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the position is a firing squad, and it seems that if hopes on the field of military theater are not met, syrsky will definitely be remembered for his origins in studies, at a minimum, at a maximum, he will be accused of all sins and announced to russian spies. stanislav berdual and
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problems with his biography. soldiers of the russian group of troops vostok repelled three more attacks by ssu attack aircraft on... in donetsk direction of the special operation, more than 160 enemy personnel were killed; on the donetsk front, where our southern group is carrying out the tasks, up to 240 ukrainian militants were eliminated. this is the current information from the ministry of defense. in addition, the department reported effective strikes against the formation of the kiev regime in the kherson region, all this thanks to high-quality reconnaissance, including aerial intelligence, the capabilities of which were appreciated by alexander belibov. a man should always protect. roughly speaking , family, and family is his homeland, so he explained to himself and his loved ones the departure from his native stavropol to the northern military district zone, where he has been serving in the crew of unmanned aircraft for a year and a half. to launch a drone correctly, a lot of nuances are taken into account, including hardness, soil, and wind direction. yes, yes, yes, because you feel it, even
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with the tips of your earlobes you can feel this wind, before i didn’t have such skills. you can’t hesitate at the launch point, they’re working. in open areas they themselves risk being noticed, but they worry not about themselves, but about those who need data right now aerial reconnaissance. we need support, visual support for our guys who are fighting directly there on the first line. the crews of our uavs are like a bone in the enemy’s throat; they have long been declared a priority target. orland 10 is ready to go to the line of combat contact from a height of up to 5 km; it will quietly and quietly see everything that is happening on enemy territory and transmit information. at a speed of up to 170 km/h , the bird of prey goes hunting, special plumage pierces the eagle through the defense of rep, from the front line they report that in this in the area, a mortar was working somewhere on our positions, so the task was to open it
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while the eagle was in the sky at a secret gaze control point. and recklessness was punished by a missile strike, the enemy makes such mistakes less and less often, he has become more cunning and secretive, but our operators see more, we mainly pay attention to the little things , that is, a protruding gun barrel, something camouflaged, traces of the arrival and departure of equipment, some fortified areas,
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antennas on high-rise buildings, the real goal is made up of little things, i couldn’t from a keen eye hide carefully camouflaged. destroyed by a lancet, this mine gave itself away with a fiery flash, and was suppressed by a retaliatory artillery strike. during the svo, this orlan crew collected a rich collection of identified destroyed targets. now this is a training manual used to train new uav operators. ruslan bikbulatov, andrey potapov, oksana serzhantova, conduct the kherson region. thousands of carriages lined up along the front line in the east, quotes from a newsweek article with reference to the american. him for several months before the raid last year, so that he became a giant barrier to the notorious counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces. but even now, when the kiev regime is no longer thinking about offensive actions, the train
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allegedly remained on the tracks. and he managed to acquire a beautiful nickname. the tsar train, although what the enemy is most interested in is its supposed design. according to one version, all the cars can be coupled to a single locomotive, in the manner of a science fiction film through the snow. according to another, there are still several tractors. what other questions arise and what are the rules? 30 km of steel guarded donbass, squarely in a logical dead end, it turns out that the failed counter-offensive was being prepared to be met not only by russian troops, artillery and aviation, but also literally.
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non-tank vehicles will make passages, but they will be immediately visible, so this structure is like an engineering find, similar barriers are located in other places, they are not so long, but in themselves they perform the same function, there is no filming of the object, only satellite photographs , it follows from them that... it has several breaks for the passage of transport, and
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, according to experts, consists of old ukrainian railway cars, abandoned by the ukrainians during the retreat without diesel locomotives, breaking through such fortification is really not a trivial task, it seems to me that they simply took unused ukrainian railway cars, which were trapped there, in mostly coal... in fact, if ukrainian nationalists at least sometimes looked into history books, they would not be so surprised now. the tactics used by the russian army were very ancient invented before trains even existed. it is called a walk city and involves the creation of mobile protective structures.
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it is believed that russian troops began using them in the mid-15th century. these were either fortified carts or full-fledged wooden walls on wheels that could be fastened together to form fortification chains. according to historians, if it weren’t for the city’s walks. modern russia might not even exist. the donbass great railway wall, essentially their analogue, only protects not from arrow windows, but from more serious weapons. in the form in which we see this whole chain of cars, they can also serve as an anti-tank barrier. the composition is a good barrier engineer; you can fire at the enemy from behind it, and you can position it behind it. light artillery, uavs are now actively used, operators can hide behind the cars behind the railway embankment, by the way, it also serves as a probable beam. of course, the super train is
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a temporary fortification; it was assembled at a time when ukraine was still capable of some kind of attacking actions, now a breakthrough can only be a dream , while it’s not easy to take off somewhere in 2.0 cars, for example, this is what the world’s longest train looks like, which runs around australia, but at maximum even it pulled no more 700 cars, while having eight diesel locomotives along the entire length of the train, so in theory the great donbass wall can be dragged somewhere in parts, but experts suggest that the cars will simply be used for the needs of peaceful donbass. if, as they say, the need from there will be no need for such a train, and so will the carriages. can be used from this place purposefully in the interests of the national economy, but in general
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one gets the impression that by launching such articles, the western owners of square are making opaque hints to kiev, saying that you should go ahead, adopt the experience of the russians, we won’t be surprised if zelensky and the company will soon begin to beg from the allies not only tanks and aircraft, but also old freight cars. evgeniyashkovets and the railway wall. patients of mariupol clinics were under the experiences of western pharmaceutical companies have been experimenting on people for years. were carried out with the support of kyiv. this is evidenced by documents found in the basement of one of the city hospitals. this is how it became known that children were also involved in the trials of foreign drugs. with details margarita semenyuk. we found a list of participants in this program; they did not hesitate to test drugs even on newborns, that is, there is a zero in the age column. these documents proving experiments on babies were found by builders during renovations in the basement.
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psychiatric department of mariupol. continuous collection of biomaterials, testing of experimental drugs of large western pharmaceutical companies on pensioner children, everything is secret, the ukrainians manage to prove that there is no bottom that they would not break through, that is, you think about conducting experiments, conducting experiments on children, but these are pure waters of hitler’s fascism, well, that is, hitler did that, that’s exactly how they herded children into concentration camps, russian children, first of all, they were there. certainly jewish children, and gypsies, they drove children there to experiment on them, to suck their blood for the german hitlerite army, today, as i understand it, probably for what, for the ukrainian one, from 2008 to 2016 , dozens of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world tested drugs on the residents of mariupol, for example , astrazeneca uk, fizer usa, salttrain, south korea, sanafi, france, ukrainian authorities have granted
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permission to western specialists. or kill them. this is part of the test documentation. we can see the mortality chart. as i already said, the level the mortality rate is extremely high in the second stage, but testing does not stop. this is a fragment of a list of child patients, some of them are already dead. in mariupol, in addition to documents, they also found envelopes with drugs without names, boxes with containers for biomaterials, with addresses of foreign laboratories and gratitude from western countries for such cooperation. back in the spring of twenty-
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two, it was known that specialists. for several years, the pentagon tested dangerous biological products in many hospitals on square. so, during a special operation on the territory of ukraine it was established that in the period from 2019 to 2021 , american scientists from a laboratory in the city of merifa, kharkov region , tested potentially dangerous biological drugs on regional clinical patients.


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